Trip to Glastonbury

(Part 10 from 12)

When we got to a hotel she knew about and we got registered and in our room, she once
again said she knew I wanted her. A hotel room with its privacy was definitely the wrong
place for me at this time, but I figured that if I got her naked and she saw me naked that
maybe that would be all she would want? She began slip the sweater off her body. She
was not wearing a bra.
I wanted to touch her breasts so bad, but I knew it was wrong. She was just a kid. I mean
she was a woman now, but I had committed myself to Gina and Maryanne. They were 
hopefully carrying my babies in their tummies at this very moment and here I am in a
strange hotel about to fuck an old co-worker? She grabbed my hand and put it on her
lovely bosom. My cock started jumping in my pants. She asked me to tell her I wanted
her. I couldn't--it was wrong, but I really did want her so bad. I was so mixed up...with
confusing thoughts! 

She then reached over and started rubbing her hand along the length of my cock. She said
that she had often wondered how big I was in the cock department, but she knew that
John and I were extremely close friends and co-workers and she was afraid we might start
bickering or fighting over her. She told me she never had one this large before and would
really enjoy riding it all I had to do was tell her how bad I wanted her. I felt such a desire I
have never felt in my life. Why was she doing this to me? I knew she probably had plenty
of guys that wanted to give it to her all the time. Why did she have to tempt ME, little old
ME? I have never been unfaithful to Gina and Maryanne and could not bring myself to do
so. I never thought I would ever be weak enough to allow myself in a situation like this.

She began to unzip my pants. Part of me knew I had to stop her but the other part
wouldn't let me. She pulled out my now throbbing dick. She started to stroke it. I couldn't
believe this. She told me all I had to say was that I wanted her and I could have her. She
had such an evil grin on her face. She began stroking harder and faster. I closed my eyes
and threw my head back. Next thing I knew she had put her head in my lap. She took my
whole cock into her mouth and down her throat. She was groaning making soft vibrations
that drove me wild. Her blond head was bobbing up and down on my cock with such
passion. It felt as though she was trying to suck my balls dry. I reached up under her skirt
and started fondling her ass. My pants and underwear were soon on the floor.

She looked up at me and told me to say it. I closed my eyes and told her how much I
wanted her. I wanted to ram my cock into her young sweet pussy. With that she straddled
me. Her big firm tits right in my face. I couldn't control myself anymore I reached up and
grabbed them. I started playing with her nipples and pulled one to my mouth. I started
sucking on while massaging the other with my fingers. 

She lunged herself onto me. I slipped right into her wet pussy. I felt her young snatch
surround my rock hard shaft. I felt my head hit her cervix and she let out a loud moan.
She was riding my dick like I have never been ridden before. She was bouncing up and
down with all of her might making sure I hit the bottom with every thrust. All I could see
were those nice tits swinging in my face. I started to devour them sucking and pinching,
leaving passion marks all over them. This was my wildest fantasy coming true. Her body
started thrashing uncontrollable, I knew she was ready to come. This made my balls
tighten and I could feel my own orgasm start. She started screaming telling me to fuck her
harder. That did it and I lost my load. I shot my sperm deep into her. When she came I
could feel the suctioning of her pussy against my cock. Her whole body was shaking. Her
pussy was sucking every sperm out of my body. 

When she finished she gave me a deep passionate kiss. She told me how much she had
wanted me all of this time and I was better than her fantasy of me had been. With that she
slipped on her sweater, fixed her skirt and and sat there with her cunt exposed, the
hemline on her skirt around her waist, waiting for me to dress. My dick was still exposed,
sticky from the mixture of her pussy juices and my cum. I noticed all of the cum seeping
from her pussy lips. We were then headed out the door to return to the base, so she could
grab her things and go home to Lakenheath Village. That was fine ass and for a brief
moment it was mine. I was very disgusted with John Haynes and I envied the SOB who
had busted Lynn Massey's cherry, as if it wasn't for Haynes it could have been me.

Chapter 10

I dropped my latest conquest off at her father's pub and journeyed on back to Brandon. It
was a good thing that Genelle had taken the women shopping....quite frankly they had
"shopped 'till they dropped". They were not in any shape to get naked and fuck. The stint
I had enjoyed with Lynn had thoroughly depleted my balls of any sperm.

As we visited, Genelle and her brothers and their wives, and myself, Gina and Maryanne,
I discovered that my "wives" had enjoyed tremendous comradry with my adopted sister
today and that this was beginning to "roll over" into an indepth relationship with
Genelle's sisters-in-law, too. I could barely contain my enthusiasm when Kathy and
Barbara suggested that they take Dina and Maryanne, with Genelle of course, shopping to
Cambridge the next day. Of course I made it look like I objected, but I have found that the
more you object to something usually those people that are being affected by the
objection only want to do the action all the more. So now I had another day of freedom
while the women shopped.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lynn Massey. That night I dreamt of her. I was afraid a
little that I might begin talking in my sleep about her. My cock stayed hard all night that
night thinking about her little shaved pussy that I had so wondrously fucked so hard that
My dick got so rock hard I was in serious need of some release. The next morniing after
the women left for Cambridge, I could hardly wait to get to the base. I had called from
our hotel phone and talked to Lynn on the phone and advised we could fuck all day today
if she could get off work and we could find a place. We had a place....her bedroom at the
Pub. Her parents were going to London today on business and we had the upstairs living
quarters to ourselves. She had complained to her boss that she was starting her "monthly"
and was experiencing severe cramping. He had always let her off work because of the
pain she suffered.

By the time I got to the base my dick was rock hard and in need of some release. She was
waiting in the parking lot and as soon as she saw me coming she rapidly opened the door
and jumped into my car. It only took about 15 minutes and we were in her bedroom
undressing, throwing our clothes every which way. I was slid my big stiff cock into her
nice sweet pussy made just for me. I enjoyed watching my dick slide in and out of her. I
reached around and grabbed her breasts. This British cunt definitely was made for
fucking. We fucked all day that day and she left trails of my cum juices that seeped from
her womb, all over her bed. I could not imagine what was really going on...until I was
about to leave and go back to Brandon. Instead of her being on the rag as she had claimed
to her supervisor in order to get off work, she had begun ovulating that morning, and she
had been fucking me all day long so she could get pregnant with my baby. She wanted
me to take her to the States. I told her that that was a little impossible until at least I had
told Gina and Maryanne about our last two days of activity,and she said that that was
okay....she could wait.

That night as I lay half naked in my bathrobe that was not belted shut after taking a
shower in my room, there was a knocking on my door. The Bridge Hotel has those little
peeking holes like a front door so I opened mine to see who it was. It as Katrina, Kathy's
daughter. I asked her to wait while I got "decent" and chuckled a bit and said that it was
okay that she had seen a naked man before. With that I opened the door and this cheeky
little fox came right in past me, causing my robe to bellow out showing my nakedness.
She reached down and slipped her hand over my hardening cock, milking it. I could
barely contain myself and I soon had her in my arms, stripping her naked and then I lay
her in my arms and onto the bed and was soon slipping my hardness into her hot belly. I
only lasted about 20 seconds and I came hard into her with her crying out at me to give
her all I had, deep into her belly. She then told me that she had come over to let me know
that her mother, aunts and my wives had all decided to stay the night in Cambridge and
go to the opera there. And she teasingly told me that she was interested in her and I
having our own "opera" that night in my bed. We fucked all night with me cuming in her
half a dozen times. 

Later, about 3 months after we got back to the States, I got a nice letter from Katrina. We
had made little Jamie that night in my hotel room. She was not interested in coming to
the States, as her boyfriend had thought he had impregnated her and was marrying her.
But she said that if I ever got back to Brandon she would definitely like to visit me in my
hotel room to try to make a sister for Jamie.

The next day the women all returned to Brandon. I didn't know how I was going to haul
all this stuff around that they had bought, "just shopping". We still had a few days to go,
and one of those days was being special guests of the owner of Harrad's in London.
Frantically I began searching....I found an American bloke who was a crew chief on a C-
141 at Mildenhall, and he was agreeable to putting all we wanted onto his plane as he and
his crew returned to McChord AFB. He knew of Gina and her husband and said that he
would give all this stuff to Gina's husband when he got home. I largely suspected that
Gina's husband was the pilot of that airplane, but I did not pursue it, and I surely did not
tell Gina my suspicions, but only that "this guy from McChord I found over at RAF
MIldenhall was taking her stuff home for us."

We then left Brandon. I could see tears form in Katrina's eyes and one time when the rest
of them looked away at an ambulance going up the street, I briefly kissed Katrina
goodbye as she reached down and gently cupped my cock and balls through my shorts.

Then we were on the road again, this time on the A11 back down to Newmarket and on
over to Cambridge and toward Northampton. We had Althorp as our destination, the
scene of many weekend excursions for when I was in the Air Force at RAF Lakenheath.
We got in to the R&R hotel where I had made our reservations. After I "drained" mysel
in Gina's nest once more, we went downstairs to the bar and had a few drinks. When we
met there, I met an old friend...Ivan, and we began discussing the late Princess of Wales,
whom we both had known well as a little girl. We were joint friends with her daddy.

I told Ivan that I was looking forward to the next day of visiting Althorp House and
seeing how they had fixed it all up after that awful accident. He replied that he thought I
was going to be disappointed, that the news media had ruine her life--even after she had
been killed. He emphasized that her urn holding her ashes were not on that island, nor
was her body, as he told me about him meeting the train in Northampton and the young
princes and Prince Charles, and Charley Spencer at the train station to escort them to the
Little Bringham church just outsid Althorp grounds and put the vial of Diana's ashes in
her father's crypt. I had asked him why they wanted to misinform the public like this and
he said "Two reasons!.....One was that the thousands that each year from all over the
world, to see Diana's urn obviously allowed the little village church to not be worn to a
frazzle as they trespassed about and seemed to be constantly "collecting" souvenirs and
whatever from someplace "important" (there was even a bit of concern expressed that
they might eventually get past those bars securing that crypt and steal parts of the crypt, or
even the Urn itself, not to mention a piece of her ashes); and the second being that at 5
British Pounds per entry ticket, that those tickets made a lot of money to help keep all this
beauty very much alive and cared for. Later conversation with Charley Spencer, currently
the Earl Spencer would not reveal for sure where Diana's ashes were specifically at, but
he sorta admitted to this factual reality by saying, "You know, you are very much right!!",
as publicly he advised that the setting of that large "Urn" we see setting on that island in
that pond was "the depiction of what Diana in death, is".

I took the next day to show the women around Althorp as I had once knew it (I refer the
reader to another story I wrote and is posted on Stories Online, under the heading of
"Diana Spencer") for all my experience in the past of Diana and of course the Spencers.
Both Gina and Maryanne were equally impressed of my knowledge of Althorp House and
my relationship to them. Maryanne and I had been working together at the Los Angeles
office of Y.S. Line when the late Princess had married Prince Philip and I made that
startling discovery in 1980 by seeing her daddy on television escort her down the aisle at
Westminster Abbey. She recalled my excitement I showed at work the next day. I felt
proud as she explained my behavior of that day to Gina. That night as I made love to
Gina, she whispered sweetly in my ear that she did not want to feel selfish, but that she
fully understood how if it had not been for Diana's awful and tragic death that she, Gina,
might have never known me, because I was headed straight into Diana's arms, in the route
she and I had been pursuing. I told her how wrong she was, and she argued back that
Dohdi el Fayed had just been an excuse....that a woman knows....that she thought that
deep down inside of Diana's mind that she had an ulterior motive to be my American
wife. Not being a woman, I could not address that.

Our trip to Glastonbury was drawing to a close, but we had yet another couple of places
to visit. One took us back toward Norwich. Little Walsingham is not on many maps, yet
it is the site of a very important development in Christianity. It was here that a lady had a
dream one night in 1061 A.D., who had never been outside of Norfolk in her life. In that
dream she dreamt that she had been ordained by God to build an exact replica of the site
in Bethlehem where the Christ child had been born of the Virgin Mary. ("God sent the
angel Gabriel to a city of Galilee called Nazareth, where a Virgin dwelt, betrothed to a
man of David's lineage; his name was Joseph, and the Virgin's name was Mary. Into her
presence the angel came, and said, 'Hail, thou who art full of grace; the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women." [Luke 1:26-28]. It was 1,000 years later that a woman
called Richeldis de Faverches, widow and Lady of the Manor, was said to have
encountered a vision. The Virgin Mary appeared to her on three occasions, seen in the
setting of the house in Nazareth. Richeldis was dictated the exact dimensions of the house
and instructed to build it in the village. She immediately set her builders and carpenters
to work on the special task. However, their despondent return -on that day- told of a
disappointing start to the project. That night, unable to sleep, Richeldis heard singing that
seemed to emanate from the unfinished structure. As she rushed towards the site she was
amazed to see angels departing from the completed structure. Her further surprise was
that it had been moved some 200 or more feet! The following morning the workmen
agreed that the house had been completed in a manner far beyond their capabilities,
standing 'solid as a rock' on its new foundations.

Later Richeldis de Faverches would visit the actual Bethlehem under sponsorship of the
Aramathean Church at Glastonbury and find for herself the exact duplication of the site at
that location of what the angels had built at Walsingham. Today, some nearly 1000 years
later pilgrims still hold a special reverence service at this location.

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Hi! I am Suhail. Before shifting to America I have been working in an office which has equal number of females as males. Most girls are from middle-class backgrounds, with a lot of "moralistic" shit ingrained into them. But, one girl, Sara stands apart. She is pretty, slim (perhaps extra slim, except at places that matter), 5'3" tall without heels, and has bazookas that defy gravity...