Trip to Glastonbury

(Part 5 from 12)

Then she discovered that Africans had larger cocks so she just had to "try one". She had a
baby girl that was half Black. That did it for Sammy who was Irish/Welsh, and he left
town. The last I saw of her she had been fucking yet another nigger who had also
knocked her up. She collected child support from Sammy who was her husband when I
and the other GIs got her pregnant, and probably got the Dole from the British
government on the half-Black bastards she got from fucking those niggers because they
had rotated back to the States and no DNA could be collected to prove paternity.

After we had finished our Breakfasts, I took the women over to the Abbey. Actually the
Abbey grounds bordered the back yard of our Bed and Breakfast flat, but we had to go out
onto the street and walk about a block and half to get to the front entrance of the Abbey. 
There we met the Archbishop. I introduced him to my "wives". Then we went into the
small sanctuary, St. Patrick's Chapel, that was used for remembrance type services and he
introduced me to the people from Bristol who were going to provide our bus service.
There were several minor discrepancies to work out, but they were mostly due to
misunderstandings. We quickly resolved them and then we were free to do what we
wanted to do. I took the women around the ancient Abbey, explaining to them the
significance of various locations....the ancient cemetary, the lower levels that consisted of
the original wattlewood church that Jesus built and the artesian well that was used for
drinking water and baptisms. The Glastonbury Thorn tree that was developed from the
original "shoot" that had grown out of Joseph of Arimathea's staff as he poked it into the
ground on Wearyall Hill which at that time was the shoreline of the ancient England. I
showed them the gravesite where King Arthur's body had been found, and explained the
location of the 12 Stations of the Cross that we used for our Pilgrimage services each
year. I then took them inside the Glastonbury Abbey Museum where there is a display
and model of the original Glastonbury Abbey as it appeared before the fire destroying it
about 1200 A.D. Adjacent to the Museum was a curio shop and bookstore where items
could be bought. In its heyday, Glastonbury Abbey was considered to be the largest and
most wealthiest cathedral in all of Europe. It was THE center of Christianity....considered
at that time to what we thought of the Vatican today, but much, much larger. To modern
Christians the Vatican is considered to be little more than a paganistic temple. The
alleged St. Peter, St. Paul were poor examples of what Jesus THE Christ had left behind
to teach Christianity, and there was ongoing developing truth attached to them that they
could very well have been social misfits that pretty much robbed the Christian thought
from Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus' brother James. There is ample evidence to show that
"Paul" was little more than a magician.
In the museum there was documentary evidence that the Saxon King of what would
become England, Arviragus, had deeded 12-160 acres (hides) of land, or about 1920
acres, to Joseph of Arimathea when he returned from Palestine with the Disciples after
the Crucifixion. This land has never been taxed to this day by any British government
authority. Most of the land that surrounds Somerset and Cornwall to an extent, today is
owned by Prince Charles of the British royalty, with occupier leases for the people that
use it. Charles retains the mineral rights and other natural resources developments. It is
somewhat ironic that Prince William will eventually inherit this wealth, as we wll see
later in another chapter, through the proven bloodlines that Prince William has to inherit
it because of his bloodline extending through his maternal grandfather the Earl Spencer to
Jesus and King David. For reasons obvious, this is not a popular thought amongst Roman
Catholics, and they do not like to be reminded that Joseph of Arimathea had little or
nothing to do with the ancient Roman Empire and its paganistic practices, because he was
a very practiced Jew. Even the King of England at the time was a Druid and had no real
belief in the Roman Catholicism that we find today was highly relative to Greek and
Roman paganism.

I took the women on up to the Chalice Well. This is yet another mysterious location and it
readily will make a believer out of you. It is said that Joseph of Arimathea secretly
brought back the Cup of the Last Supper from Palestine, and dropped it into this Chalice
Well. From that time onwards, this well pours forth a reddish tinted spring water on one
side that has great medicinal purities in it, as well as clear spring water from yet another
side, both sides having the same source of supply. Prince Charles once fell from his
horse playing Polo and broke his arm. Buckingham Palace sent him here and he lay in a
large pool of this red tinted water for about 30 minutes and his arm was rapidly healed.
People that visit here are often seen drinking this water.....every time I come here I end up
bringing at least a gallon of it home with me in plastic bottles, for medicinal purposes.
For many years I smoked, and could not seem to kick that habit. I sipped some of that
Chalice Well water on my first visit here and lost all desire to smoke a cigarette

The area surrounding the Chalice Well seems concentrated with a spiritual blessing. The
women could feel this as we entered it. Gina made a comment to the effect that she could
almost feel the need to get pregnant as soon as she stepped into the presence of that well. 
Maryanne said that her nipples on her breasts were creating special flashes of horniness as
soon as we came to that well. There is an adjacent seating area that is rather private for
those that wish to partake of it and so I took the women there. As soon as we were inside
and seated, those women attacked me. Gina said afterwards that she definitely had been
told by some spirit that it was time for her to conceive with me.

We continued on up to the Glastonbury Tor. The Tor was considered by most people
visiting here to be the central point of the Mother Earth for rites of fertility. Just about on
any given day or night it was rare that at least one pussy wasn't getting fertilized by some
cock, in most cases there would be 5-10, some of which were even getting pregnant.
There seemed to be no measure of discrimination of selections. Many people got into
various stages of dress or undress and simply fucked the nearest pussy or cock, regardless
of whom it belonged to. This was probably the most erotic place on all the earth and was
definitely the end to celebrate God's plan to populate the Earth, in an idealistic sense. Far
from being the ideal, though, was the very real scenario that a lot of this fucking produced
drug-related birth defects, a lot of venereal disease, pregnancies with no viable
identification of who the natural daddy(s) were, etc. Humankind had taken a beautiful
thing called the human body and sex and had just about destroyed it.

The women both advised that they once again felt the need to reproduce as soon as we
reached the top of the Tor. We stripped naked and lay out on the grass. Some young
pothead hippie that apparently thought the women were ripe for fucking, came over, his
dick swinging. He confronted Maryanne and she told him "No!", on no uncertain terms. 
He persisted and when Maryanne finished with him he was lucky to have been able to
swing his dick...she hauled off and kicked him with her bare foot as hard as she could. He
doubled over in pain in his stoned condition, got the message and could not retreat fast
enough. Other hippies saw this and they all quickly backed away from us, leaving us to
our own little partying mood. I then fucked Maryanne and shot my volleys into her
fertility. My cock surprised me as once it deflated from fucking Maryanne it began to
harden again, and I slipped into Gina as well. The fertility God assisted by the Ley Lines
connecting the Tor to Stonehenge and other ancient Druid sites had obviously helped me
to regain my vitality so that I could possibly impregnate both of my "wives". By the time
I finished both women were seeping my sperm from their vulva lips. I had an idea that
today both of them were surely pregnant if they hadn't "caught" already. They seemed
overjoyed as we descended that hill. That same fertility god had once again visited upon
me and my cock renewed itself in hardness, but we had to go....we had many things to do
yet, today.

I then took them to Wearyall Hill, the ancient Ynys Writin, and showed them the site
where Joseph of Arimathea landed in ancient Somerset with Jesus' wives Mary
Magdelene and Martha and their children, and the Mother Mary, and Lazarus, whom He
had raised from the dead. This was marked by the Glastonbury Thorn Tree that grew from
Joseph's staff that he stuck into the ground as he stepped from the ship that was carrying
him. This tree has been found to be the only one of its kind to survive from an origin in
Palestine of this species. There have been attempts to take shoots from that kind of tree in
Palestine to various places throughout the world, and none will grow. But when shoots
from this tree are planted elsewhere they do grow...the one in the grounds of the
Washington (DC) Cathedral, the one on the ancient Glastonbury Abbey grounds, and one
at Buckingham Palace. It is almost as if God has chosen Glastonbury to be the place for
Joseph's staff to take root and then to spread from there the growing of this tree.

Very few people take into consideration the growth of this tree. It is located on a small
hill that does not offer any significance as one enters Glastonbury from the West. It looks
more like a bit of a cow pasture and often has cattle grazing on it. In the year 2002 it was
quarantined from the outbreak of Hoof and Mouth disease from livestock and no one was
allowed on it.

In God's Trustee Plan we find that He works in the long term. He often takes centuries to
set up certain events or circumstances. A neat little study is listing God's Trustees or
Protectorates throughout the last four thousand years. First came Joseph, the eleventh son
of Jacob. God sent him to Egypt twenty-one years before Jacob came with his family
from famine ravaged Canaan. Twenty-one years! 
Jeremiah was given Trusteeship of the Throne and the bloodline of David. He brought
King Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi to Ireland in order to join the two lines of Judah, the
Pharez line in Tea and the Zarah line in Eochaidh, high king of Ireland. This happened in
583 BC and was part of God's preparation of the land to which the House of Israel would
migrate. The Davidic bloodline would be woven through all the kings and queens of
northwest Europe as a result of the marriage of those two. But five hundred years earlier,
God had already placed Brutus in England. He founded New Troy (London) about 1100
BC. Talk about planning ahead!
We could also talk of Tobit, and especailly Queen Esther, whom God placed in Persia to
protect the captive Jews. We might even mention English kings Arviragus and Caradoc.
Arviragus would become God's "Protectorate" for the Cradle of Christianity, Glastonbury.
It was Arviragus who gifted Joseph and his companions twelve 160 acre parcels of land,
tax free forever. Caradoc, Pendragon of England, would become God's "Protectorate" of
the fledgling Roman Christian Church; the church Paul wrote to. Caradoc spent seven
years "house arrest" before returning to Britain. It was his children who were the core of
the Roman church.

There are volumes be said about the pioneering of the Tribe of Dan, as they (the
Phoenicians) established trade routes from China to south America, and reconoitered the
migration route of the Lost Tribes west across Europe. Look at all the "Dn" names on the
rivers. There's the Danube, the Dneiper, the Don, and on. Why there are three Don rivers
in the British Isles! Those Danite\Phoenicians tacked up their name everywhere they
went. Just like they did in the Bible when they conquered a town and changed the name to
Mahanedan (Judges 18:12)
Lastly, let me point to Daniel. God set up Daniel to run the Babylonian government
during the time of the Exile. God sticks to a winning plan. He set up a Trustee for
Christianity as well. And please notice that these Trustees are highly educated, highly
situated, and most of them were pretty good looking, too. Joseph of Arimathea has been
called one of the richest men in the world. He inherited that tin trade from his fellow
Israelites; the Phoenicians. They had been bringing ore from England for centuries.
Joseph was well educated, a member of the ruling political body of the whole country. He
was well placed as "Noblis Decurio", a miniter of mines for the Roman empire, with
direct access to Pilate himself. Joseph of Arimathea was no slouch. How better to protect
Jesus, after Joseph the carpenter died, and insure the seeding and growth of the Gospel in
England; the place to which the scattered House of Israel would continue to migrate for
the next eleven centuries? The prophecies of this migration are in just about all the
prophetic books of the Old Testament. But read the book of Hosea if you want to see the
history of the Celts and Scythians/House of Israel/Lost Tribes. Joseph of Arimathea, in
his Jewish roots of Cornwall, had simply taken his family's possessions of tin, marble and
zinc in their natural states, and done something with them, and had gotten quite wealthy. 
He had developed a small one- or two-boat fleet into a large 200+ sailing vessels fleet to
haul that ore from its origins in Cornwall, most of it hand dug on the seashore or out of
seaside cliffs such as is found at St. Agnes, to the northern shores of France, transported
overland to the South of France and then on to Palestine, the Suez where some of it was
transported once again overland to the Gulf of Suez and then carried yet again to the
distant ports of Shanghai, Bombay, Busan, Yokohama and Kaoshiung for the brass-
making that made those locales rich. The "crude by today's standards" loading docks in
the bay at Penzance (sometimes spelled Pennzance) between St. Michael's Mount and the
English village of Marazion composed of large rocks rising from the sandy beach when
the tide is out were very useful. When the tide was out, this ore was hauled in to the
bases of these rocks and placed into floating barge-like containing docks with wheels and
as the tide came in they were wheeled onto those large rocks that had been hewn out into
loading platforms. Then when the tide reached its maximum in depth, the sailing vessels
would be hurriedly brought up against those rocks and the ore would be transferred onto
them in a pulley/rope apparatus worked by human labor. Documents discovered at the
modern sea museum at Newlyn show that sometimes it took over a month to load all the
ore from St. Agnes and Mindip that was hauled in to this bay by donkey and oxen-pulled
carts onto as many as 20 or 30 of Joseph of Arimathea's sailing vessels. Oftentimes the
young adolescent Jesus accompanied his uncle in this operation, and worked on the
wattlewood home he was building for the Mother Mary while that ore was being
transported from St. Agnes to Penzance. In their zealous activity to degrade the truth
about the real Christianity as it had been portrayed in Rome, the Roman Catholic Church
had hidden all this from the Western world. It is interesting to note that when God's truth
is tainted by paganistic authority, often God shows revenge in some way. Reference the
pedophile behavior of the Roman Catholic Church that is getting a lot of attention today
in our news media, some of it so bad that it is causing whole parishes to have to shut
down because of lawsuits.
It is also interesting to note that "Point Zero" of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb in WWII
was none other than the Jewish Temple in Japan where Jesus had visited with his Uncle
Joseph of Arimathea on one of these cargo-carrying expeditions. The Roman Catholic
ideological persuasions could no longer afford as mass communications emerged to have
any existing evidence of this, so that when the determination to bomb Japan to end WWII
was made, what better place to drop that bomb. No one can convince me that Stalin,
Roosevelt, Churchill and the Vatican were not in cahoots with each other. The poorly
developed media at the time simply did not have the expertise to investigate all this and
report on it like what might be done today. And there was no asshole Texan by the name
of George W. Bush Jr., to pass a "patriot act" to stifle criticism against assholes in the

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Around the room penises were being pulled out and overtly masturbated while the owners watched in fascination as Bobbi continued sucking on the puffy lipped little bitch, while the woman were reaching up under their dresses and searching out their own clits to diddle as that lucky cunt Bobbi nursed on the most beautiful pussy any of them had ever seen!!!...