Trip to Glastonbury
When we got to the office I showed her what all I had been doing with the Glastonbury
Pilgrimage team. She was somewhat surprised that I even knew anything about
Glastonbury...she too had been studying it, on the Internet. She advised that it made a lot
more sense than traditional Christianity showed, with a lot of things that had been laid
down on us through the years by questionable resources seemingly missing. We
discussed the Jesus Well, the Cup of the Last Supper and the Chalice Well, Pennzance
and the tidal currents and flows and tide levels around St. Michael's Mount, the
wattlewood villages of early Cornwall, the flooding of the Somerset plain, Little
Walsingham, Ley Lines, Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury Fairies of Fertility rituals, the tin
ore industry of Cornwall and how it affected the brass industry of the Far East (we will go
into each of these in later chapters to this story). Gina could not understand how the
Mother Mary, Mary Magdelene and Martha were all three at that tomb on that first Easter
morning when Jewish law required that only the next of kin could attend to a deceased
person, and Mary Magdelene and Martha were not blood relatives of Jesus. I suggested
that they may have been Jesus' wives, and she thought that that made a lot more sense.
She knew about the Da Vinci Code, and the major role that Joseph of Arimathea had had
in the young Jesus' life after the death of His earthly father, Joseph; as her father was a
clergy, and she had read about it in some of the things he had studied but had not
Pretty much the rest of the day was spent on soliciting ocean freight on the Westbound
voyages. Maryanne dropped by about 11:30 and invited both of us to Lunch. I took the
two of them to the Playboy Club and they chatted away in girl talk on the way over there.
I wished that I could have moved both of them in with me, but with Maryanne already
married and her husband accepting my son as his own natural one (in his density, he did
not ever figure out that Danny was not his), it would be rather hard to do. It would be a
welcome relief....I did not want to overfuck Gina and make her pussy sore all the time. If
I had Maryanne to fuck as well, I could maybe alternate the fucking sessions between the
two of them.
After we had finished Lunch, both girls were appearing to be feeling rather frisky.
Maryanne casually held onto the front of my slacks as we made our way back down the
elevator and to my car. Gina was murmuring something about that she did not want to
get sore pussy lips like the last time we had gone to the Playboy Club for Lunch. Both
girls got in the back seat, leaving me to sit in the front by myself. As we pulled out of the
garage and into open daylight, I glanced over my shoulder and both were half naked, in a
classic 69 position. They obviously were using fingers and tongues on each other.
I made a detour of sorts into Northtown and asked the girls to stop what they were doing
and to get "decent". I had heard at least 6 climaxes take place and I did not know and
didn't really care who had gotten their nut off. I stopped in front of a Fredericks of
Hollywood sign and gave each of them a $100 bill and told them to go in there and get
the things they needed to keep me interested, because we were soon going to take a trip
overseas as I had some on-site research to do. Gina's reaction was quite apparent as to
what she seemed to think what that overseas trip might be. Maryanne's reaction was that
she did not seem to have a clue. She further advised that she was mysterious as to how
she could go overseas and leave little Danny at home with his "father". I advised her that
where there is a will, there is always a way.
With that these two gorgeous wives got out of the car and went into the store. I just sat
there, watching them shop. Every once in awhile I would see one of them glance my way.
Finally Maryanne seemed to get a big reaction as if Gina had told her something. It is not
clear what Gina could have said, neither of them knew for sure where the trip was going
to be to, but in light of what Gina and I had discussed that a.m., in the office, she
probably figured we were headed to England and it would only be a "natural" for her to
tell Maryanne this.
When they had finished shopping Maryanne could not get out to the car fast enough. Her
first words were "How cum you didn't tell me we were going to England? What am I
going to do with Danny?"
I suggested to her that perhaps she could find a babysitter to stay with Daniel and watch
Danny? Or she could fly her mother from West Virginia out to Seattle to watch Danny
while she was in England? Or she could ask Daniel's mother to come and babysit little
Then she wanted to know how she was going to explain a trip to England to
she had never been required to even go out of town on business overnight before. I
quickly dispelled that by telling her that she had just been promoted to Assistant
Executive Sales Secretary (a name I had just made up, that did not really increase her
salary any), and that she could go home and announce that to Daniel later on that evening.
She had informed Gina while they were shopping in the store her close previous
relationship with me and the often guessed paternity of little Danny. Gina seemed to take
it all in stride....while she and I had been fucking she had figured that I had done a lot of
fucking someone before she came along. Now that Maryanne had told her all about
Maryanne and I, she understood us quite well. She got into the car and asked that we not
go anywheres until we had a good long talk. She did not appear saddened, in fact she
seemed more joyful. She said that on the way back from the Playboy Club today that she
had gotten to know Maryanne quite well and felt that they both had a lot in common and
could be greatly beneficial to each other. She also said that my actions over the past few
days were very positive toward my maintaining a loving husband-like relationship with
her and that she had a complete trust in me to do right by her. As she said this, Maryanne
casually caressed Gina and it was pretty obvious....these beauties were falling into a
Lesbian relationship with each other to be included in a Bi-sexual one with me, as well. I
quickly determined that we should perhaps consumate this and there was yet one place
close by that we could do my old house's lease had not yet expired and my bed was
still there, intact. We gave up on the idea of returning to the office and Maryanne phoned
in to her boss and said that she thought she had gotten food poisoning at Lunch and was
headed for the doctor's office and would not be in until at least tomorrow.
As soon as we got through the front door of my "old" residence, I locked the door and the
girls were busily stripping off their clothes. Then they started in on mine and we were
soon all 4 of us naked as the day were were born. Maryanne's tits were not as firm
looking as Gina's as she had had my baby and it had suckled on her. Maryanne made
casual mention to Gina that her tummy would soon be round as we had already fucked
one time and that was yesterday, and I had delivered a cockload of sperm into her womb,
and she had started ovulating just yesterday morning. Gina told her "don't feel
pregnant.....I am hoping that I may "catch" soon as well, as I want to have his baby, too."
Gina went on to tell Maryanne about her marriage to that Air Force pilot who did not
seem to know that he had a wife at home that wanted to start a family. I told them both to
take things as they come that if God wanted them to have babies that He would do what
was necessary for it; and that for now "Let's just enjoy each other and love one another as
He seemed to want us to do." They both smiled at that and we were soon squirming and
wrestling around on the bed naked. I thought to myself.....I've got to slow this down or I'm
going to have a heart attack!
We fucked all afternoon. I got to the point that my cock was hard but I could not shoot
any cum as none was left. We didn't have anything to eat, as I had not shopped in favor
of living at Gina's house, so we got dressed about 6 p.m., and went out and got in my car
and headed for McChord AFB and Gina's house. Maryanne had never been on an Air
Force base before so this was a new experience for her. She could not get over the
similarity of all the houses up and down the block and said that now she knew what
"uniformity" met. Just before we got to Gina's house I remembered.....Maryanne was
going to have to go to work tomorrow in the same outfit she had on today and that was no
good. The mother(s) of my babies certainly deserved more. So since department stores
were mostly all closed this time of the evening (it was now 9 p.m.) I took them over to a
Wal-Mart Supercenter, and gave each of them another $100 apiece and told them to "go
shopping" for new outfits. Gina cautioned Maryanne..."Don does not like underwear, so
don't buy any." To which Maryanne just smiled and chuckled....she and I had been down
this "route" before.
On the way home we stopped by the Oyster House in Olympia. The Oyster House is an
on-wharf seafood restaurant that has an unlimted supply of seafood. We were interested
in building up our stamina because we had been fucking most of the afternoon and we
could well be fucking half the night away yet. Gina taught Maryanne that to eat a raw
oyster was akin to drinking down a load of cum and if she could swallow a raw oyster
that she surely could swallow a load of my cum similarly. It was a good thing she did,
because later on Maryanne could not seem to get enough of my hot fertile cum down her
We returned to Base Housing and once again closed all the doors and locked them and
were naked and fucking. We fucked most of the night away before we succumbed to
sleep. We awoke the next morning at about 10 a.m. and Maryanne called the office and
lied, telling them she was still sick and would hopefully be in the next day. We got up,
washed, and dressed, and I took them out to Breakfast. Afterwards we "snuck" into my
office where the girls did their lesbian thing while I took care of my normal business. As I
finished, it was about 4:30 p.m. and the phone rang. It was the Archbishop from Bath and
he had some trouble that only I could take care of, and "would it be possible for you to
come over here right away and take care of it?"
This put me in a quandry of sorts. I knew that Gina had a passport, but I did not know if
Maryanne had one or not. As it turned out, Tom, her boyfriend who had ditched her
unexpectedly and we always had thought that he wanted to do her dirty and ditch her at
some God-forsaken place but somehow failed (he had ditched her once, later, and that
was in the USA, but that is another story), had made her get a passport in anticipation of
them going to Paris one time, and she still had this. She had kept it in her Safe Deposit
Box at the bank.
I answered to Bath that we would make arrangements for taking the airplane leaving
Seattle two days from now because we had to make arrangements for car rental, B&B and
airline tickets as I was bringing my secretaries with me as they had never been out of the
USA before and one was very much interested in the whole Glastonbury story.
Chapter 4
Maryanne was having problems of what she could do with Danny whilst she was gone to
England. She decided she should return home to Daniel that night, with the explanation
that she had gotten some kind of food poisoning at Lunch the day before and did not want
to scare him, so she had simply checked herself into a local hospital overnight. She
explained to me that she had often done this when she went out with the girls and drank
too much, so he would not suspect any different. Now she figured she had to do
something more that made some sense, but she did not know what she was going to
figure up to tell him. She needn't have worried....Daniel's bosses had chartered a fishing
boat for fathers and their sons and Daniel had opted in Maryanne's absence to take little
Danny fishing with him for a week. Later that night when Daniel had Danny out to Wal-
Mart and they were acquiring all the appropriate fishing gear for their "trip", Maryanne
called me at Gina's house and told us the news! She could barely contain herself over the
phone, she was so happy! They were supposed to leave for their fishing trip the very next
Gina was elated with excitement. Not only was she going to get fucked every night, she
was going to maybe even get fucked where the ancients in Christianity had fucked. She
had gotten very excited at making love with Maryanne in their Lesbian couplings and she
seemed to thoroughly enjoy the slipping of my hardness into her pussy doggie style as she
sucked on Maryanne'[s clit. She had learned on the modern Internet all the malarky about
"Roman Catholic tales of paganistic beliefs surrounding Jesus" she could see for
herself the actual sites that made those lies so ridiculous. She even called her father,
telling him of her recent fortune, and I could hear her telling him all about me as her
employer and wanting her to learn more about the truth about Jesus.
In my studies in both my formal education in college working on my Master's degree in
Theology, as well as recent further research on the Internet, I had learned that there are
some very good superficial reasons why all this took place in England. Because of
Joseph's merchant business it was a known location, where Royal friends could help, and
far from persecution. The deeper levels of meaning require broader levels of perspective.
Without going into detail again, I'll mention that the Lost Tribes were headquartered in
Britain. Ephraim and Judah, were already running the country. These folks, and their
cousins that would come in later, are the very ones who God drafted to take His message
to the world. We're looking at a plan that God set up to run almost four thousand years
He called Abraham to father the nation that would supply the stock and the wealth for the
Zarah line to precede the Israelites into europe, from whence they would take the
Message of Christ to the rest of the world. Please remember when reading the following
Bible references that the House of Israel is distinct from the House of Judah. All are
Israelites (descendents of Israel/Jacob), but only the Tribe of Judah are the Jews.
Althoug many of the Jews were scattered, Jeremiah, in 50:17 is talking about the House
of Israel. We know from the context, in which he clearly separates "the children Israel",
from the "children of Judah." (v.4,20)
Hosea echoes the scattering in chapter 1 verse 4.
First Peter is addressed to the "scattered expatriates." The places he names are just the
locations of Israelite groups of the northeast Mediterranean.
An astounding prophecy is made by the High Priest Caiaphas in John 11:51-52. Jesus
would die for the Jewish nation AND the ones scattered abroad
Jesus says he has other sheep "not of this (geographical Israel) fold." John 10:16
Jesus says that he is sent, and he sends his apostles to the "lost sheep of the House of
Israel." Why not just say Israel? Jesus was specifying a particular group of Israelites.
Looking up the word gentiles in Strong's reveals the definition, "a tribe; specifically a
foreign(non-Jewish) one." The Jews of Jesus' time called the Celts and Scythians
Gentiles, along with all the other folks that didn't worship God. Yet a few understood.
Like Peter and Paul.
Paul writes to the Roman Church. The church that was headed up by the Royal British
family, a few of which were related to him by law. He says in, Romans 15:8-12, that
Jesus, as well as minister to "the circumcision", but also came that the Gentiles might
Glorify God.
Can there be any doubt that Christianity flowed out of Britain in the first century after the
crucifixion? But remember, Joseph of Arimathea was tied into the Royal British family,
and the ties went straight into the Royal Roman family as well.
It's just an impossible piece of history. The Roman Emporer who decrees death to all
Christians, becomes the wing under which the Church at Rome flourishes. He gives his
daughter in marriage to the former British King, then adopts the daughter of his fiercest
enemy, the British king Caradoc. And all this in the midst of the bloody war with Britain.
That night Gina stripped me naked and then stripped herself. She was bound and
determined that she and I would consumate our love even more fully with one another. I
fucked her just once that night, but when I shot those little fishies into her it was with a
strong desire that they turn into at least one baby, if not more. Like Jesus, I held a strong
desire to have a baby from each of my wives. I hoped that at least one of them would
have children, who would further have children, and on down the bloodlines to create yet
another lineage resembling our Prince William of England as the late Princess Diana had
apparently tried but had met a terrible and untimely death over.
The next day at work (Thursday) I got on the Internet and reserved airline reservations for
myself and my two "wives". We were extremely fortunate in that we got seats all the way
back on that British Airways Boeing 747, Flight 48, leaving from Seattle at :10 p.m.
Friday night. Those seats were a definite plus....they were immediately adjacent to the
lavatories on the plane and had more leg room than the normal tourist cabin seat had
(when I fly somewheres, while I could afford an upgrade to Business class, I do not,
because for those extra couple of hundred dollars for roughly 9 hours of travel time it is
hardly worth it, and I'd rather be able to afford more when I get to my destination). The
lavatories would be handy....I "could not see" myself or either of these hot young wives
being able to ride that old airplane for 9.5 hours between Seattle-London without getting
at least one load of cum in their belly that they might have to douche themselves over.
Maryanne had been pregnant once, and now she wanted to see if perhaps cum shot into
her at 450 mph at 40,000 feet would feel differently? I thought....."Women....."! That
would put us in to Heathrow at Noon on Saturday. I then contacted my normal car rental
company that I use in England and made reservations for a new Jaguar estate wagon that
we could pick up at Heathrow upon arrival. I called my normal B&B landlady in
Glastonbury who had a couple of Bed and Breakfast rooms adjacent to each other, one
with a single bed and the other with a double bed and found that her accomodations were
available for the 3 of us starting Saturday night. I called the church people at Bath back
and told them of all my arrangements and since we would be arriving at the Abbey on
Saturday after picking up our car, and the next day was Sunday, that they would meet us
there on that Sunday. The Abbey had a meeting place where we could meet and discuss
and "iron out" any problem areas. The Archbiship agreed to have the Sales people from
the bus lines there to better offer and discuss the services they were to provide to us.
A secretary finds a way to get back at her boss and forever change his life... |
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