Trip to Glastonbury

(Part 7 from 12)

There are some very good superficial reasons why all this took place in England. Because
of Joseph's merchant business it was a known location, where Royal friends could help,
and far from persecution. The deeper levels of meaning require broader levels of
Without going into detail again, I'll mention that the Lost Tribes were headquartered in
Britain. Ephraim and Judah, were already running the country. These folks, and their
cousins that would come in later, are the very ones who God drafted to take His message
to the world. We're looking at a plan that God set up to run almost four thousand years
He called Abraham to father the nation that would supply the stock and the wealth for the
Zarah line to precede the Israelites into europe, from whence they would take the
Message of Christ to the rest of the world. Please remember when reading the following
Bible references that the House of Israel is distinct from the House of Judah. All are
Israelites (descendents of Israel/Jacob), but only the Tribe of Judah are the Jews.
Althoug many of the Jews were scattered, Jeremiah, in 50:17 is talking about the House
of Israel. We know from the context, in which he clearly separates "the children Israel",
from the "children of Judah." (v.4,20)
Hosea echoes the scattering in chapter 1 verse 4. 
First Peter is addressed to the "scattered expatriates." The places he names are just the
locations of Israelite groups of the northeast Mediterranean.
An astounding prophecy is made by the High Priest Caiaphas in John 11:51-52. Jesus
would die for the Jewish nation AND the ones scattered abroad 
Jesus says he has other sheep "not of this (geographical Israel) fold." John 10:16
Jesus says that he is sent, and he sends his apostles to the "lost sheep of the House of
Israel." Why not just say Israel? Jesus was specifying a particular group of Israelites.
Looking up the word gentiles in Strong's reveals the definition, "a tribe; specifically a
foreign(non-Jewish) one." The Jews of Jesus' time called the Celts and Scythians
Gentiles, along with all the other folks that didn't worship God. Yet a few understood.
Like Peter and Paul. 
Paul writes to the Roman Church. The church that was headed up by the Royal British
family, a few of which were related to him by law. He says in, Romans 15:8-12, that
Jesus, as well as minister to "the circumcision", but also came that the Gentiles might
Glorify God.

Can there be any doubt that Christianity flowed out of Britain in the first century after the
crucifixion? But remember, Joseph of Arimathea was tied into the Royal British family.
It's just an impossible piece of history. The Roman Emporer who decrees death to all
Christians, becomes the wing under which the Church at Rome flourishes. He gives his
daughter in marriage to the former British King, then adopts the daughter of his fiercest
enemy, the British king Caradoc. And all this in the midst of the bloody war with Britain.

Chapter 7

We left Glastonbury at about 8 a.m. and travelled back out the A39, to connect to the M5
south. We travelled down through Taunton, to the A361, and out west to Barnstaple
where we began going south again on the A30 to Bude, and on down to Newquay, where
there is a larger naturist club that has easy access to naturist (nudist) beaches. I had called
ahead and reserved their trailer they held for foreign tourists that were not aclimatized to
British raining and the Roselan Sun Club was very accomodating to us. We had stopped
and purchased our Lunch and now were set up at this nudist resort. Our trip had been a
very enjoyable one, today, but we were all horny as usual and soon we were naked and
fucking once more. The Chefs allowed us plenty of time for our lovemaking and then
cooked up a Fish n Chips meal second to none. There were several other couples there
that were British, German and Italian, but we were the only Americans. After the meal,
everyone took off for the beach for a brief swim, and then sat around open campfires
visiting. The management of the Club had fixed up a small bar and we sat on beach
chairs sipping lager n limes, until we got so wasted that we made ourselves to our
accomodations before we did something stupid. The German couples were displaying a
lot of seduction techniques on the rest of us. Gina made it clear that she was not going to
share either Maryanne or me with anyone!

The next morning we retreated back up the A30 north to the little town of Padstow and
we managed to obtain a room with two beds at the Bed & Breakfast flat I had stayed on
my first visit to Padstow and the landlady had assisted me to find the old pastor that knew
about the Jesus Well. She was very happy to see me back and commented that my wife
(who I introduced Gina as to her, with a big smile on Gina's lips of course), and our
fellow researcher Maryanne were here to study the Jesus Well further. It was here that the
Jesus Well is located and unless you can study ancient England completely it is very hard
to realize the importance of this little spring. It sets, in today's world, a good 100 feet in
elevation higher than the ocean, but was the fresh water supply point for Joseph of
Arimathea's fleet of sailing vessels. It's actual location is about 500 feet outside of a little
village called Rock, which consists mainly of a Queen's Post, and a golf course. The Jesus
Well itself is on the edge of the golf course and its significance is hardly noticed because
until recently it was almost ignored. Than I came along, all the way from the United
States of America, and looked it up and started chastizing the British in general at their
almost disrespect by American standards of their ancient sites. I must have made someone
very very embarrassed, because now I am finding websites on the Internet that are
dedicated to these sites. There were 10 of these ancient locations where fresh water was
obtained by Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea in their travels to and from Cornwall.

The women were amazed that I knew so much about this site. It is not only a well of
spring-like water supply, its immediate locale was developed to a scene of permanence. 
Someone, probably Jesus Himself, may have dug it out and then built a small flintstone
hut around it that includes a flintstone/plastered roof. Serious examination of it shows
that nothing of wooden or plant construction went into this is all flintstone. 
Surrounding it to keep the wild animals and grazing sheep and cattle out of it is yet
another flintstone wall that is about 3.5 feet high and about 2 feet thick, with a small gate-
like entrance that one must enter in a zigzag fashion and is so narrow that no cow or
sheep could ever pass through it. In the Well itself is a Lily and I would suspect that that
Lily could well be at least as old as the Well itself. No one was around there in the year
2001, so I managed to stoop low and reach into the water and break off a leaf from that
lily. I have it at home with a picture of the Well, over my fireplace encased in plastic.

Gina "just had" to bathe her naked beauty in this Well. As soon as she got naked,
Maryanne followed and they were soon cavorting and skinnydipping in this cool spring
water. I did not want to get in the water, myself, but when they emerged, I was naked and
waiting for them. The 3 of us definitely were looked upon in favor that evening by
whatever Spirits were there. Maryanne said later that she could feel the presence of a holy
image as we lay on that grass fucking and squirming about in what was then "holy
intercourse" as I shot my seed deep into their cervixes.

We returned to our Bed and Breakfast flat in Padstow. The landlady had contacted the
old pastor once more and now he awaited our return from the Jesus Well. He was very
thankful that I had so decidedly refused to simply pass the Well by, because he could so
easily know its historical value, and he felt that if an American was interested enough to
search it out then surely British should properly identify it and put it under some kind of
protection. He said that he had advised this to the Cornwall Diocese of the Church of
England and had been somewhat amazed....they had gone off to the Archbishop of
Canterbury and funds had been released by HRH Queen Elizabeth to work on a more
permanent fitting and recognition to these ancient sites. He had failed to get my name on
my last visit but he was correcting this because the Archbishop had asked for it, and he
was phoning this information in to Canterbury that very next day. Of course the women
had no idea that I had been so esteemed and after the pastor left and we got to bed, there
was all sorts of activity for me to deposit my now "enriched" sperm into their willing

The next day we left Padstow for the tin ore mines near St. Agnes. When I had visited
here before, I had had no idea of what I would find in ancient mining diggings. At first
when I arrived I found a shale-like rock all over the surface of the ground where the tin
ore had been dug from. I thought that perhaps this was the area where Jesus and Joseph of
Arimathea had worked, but the mines themselves did not lend too much credence to this. 
All of this area was situated on a high shelf overlooking a fine looking, sandy beach
perhaps 300 feet below that shelf. Beaches always fascinate me so I took a "breather" and
walked down to the beach. Some bloke recognized me as a Yank and wanted to know
what I was doing there. I explained to him about Joseph of Arimathea's tin trade and he
chuckled and said that I had found the place for it but it was about a kilometer north on
the beach, and that I would recognize it when I saw it.

In my search for this site I found completely natural marble outcroppings poking their
beauty out of the beach sand. I was amazed at all this marble, obviously going to waste. 
Then just beyond this marble I saw it....a large cavern-like opening in the sea cliffs that
obviously had been chiselled by hand for its tin ore. You could still see the results of man
labor as these ancients, including Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus hand dug that tin ore,
2000 years ago.

The women were excitingly anxious. Both were nature girls by nature. Now as we got
down on that beach and got past the marble outcroppings, we arrived at this large cavern
once more. The tides at this location seldom got high at all, and investigation revealed
several ledges that were high and wide enough that no tide would ever menace us to the
point of danger, on some of the higher ledges. The cavern had been carved out as if
following a specific vein of tin ore, complete with nicks and crannies similar to a
stateside gold mine, except that in most gold mines timbers had to be used to create safety
against cave-ins. This tin ore mine was laced across its top by solid marble, like what we
had seen on the sand as we came in to this cavern's location. The meandering of the
cavern led us away from the sometimes cold ocean breezes of the Cornwall coast to the
point that any amount of keplunking had us into a nice warm, breezeless air in hardly any
time at all. 

The women wanted to sleep in this cavern tonight, and play at being cave women one
evening. We had enjoyed thus far a nudist camp, and B&B accomodations, now they felt
it was time to be cave people. I hesitated a bit at that, but was soon coerced into returning
to the car and getting a couple of blankets that I had had the car rental company provide
to use in case we had car trouble someplace in the middle of the night and had to sleep in
the car on our touring. When I returned to the cavern the women were already nude and
walking about. I lay out the blankets on a higher ledge that was quite wide, and tore off
my clothes and we were soon all naked and jostling about. When I had returned to the car,
I had also brought back with the blankets Gina's small radio and a couple of bottles of
Sherry wine. In he course of exploring about the cavern, Gina had found a large
collection of Mussels, and Maryanne had put her Campfire Girls lessons to work and had
built a small fire at the entrance to the cavern. Now that I had returned, the three naked
Americans roasted Mussels and drank wine until we were full and a little punch drunk.
We put out our campfire and crawled up to our ledge with the blankets. I teasingly told
Gina that perhaps I needed a big wooden club to captivate my woman, caveman style. At
that both of them grabbed my hard cock and suggested that they had already captivated all
that need captivating and once again we were fucking as if we were the first people on
Earth and had to hurry and populate it.

The nice thing about our caveman/cavewoman experience that night was that when we
got all sticky from cumming so much, the gentle waves of the ocean were nearby for us to
rinse ourselves off in. Ocean salt water is very smooth feeling on one's nakedness and it
was with great pleasure that I felt the soothing effects of that natural cleansing agent.

The next morning we arose and collected some more Mussels which we ate both raw and
cooked and washed them down with what was left over from the wine. Then we bathed
once more and got dressed. We hated to leave this place....we all three felt that it would
not take much for us to simply revert back to the beginnings of the human race and live
the rest of our lives right here on this beach. In a matter of about 20 years or so we could
have quite a small town if I kept these "wives" of mine pregnant all the time, and perhaps
if the 3 of us got tired of fucking, by that time our sons and daughters could take up the
job, or maybe some other people would come along to introduce new blood. We decided
to keep this place in mind for when we returned to the never knew what might
lie in the future for us.... 

We were soon on the road, this time to Marazion, near Penzance. Located in this bay
were those large rock outcroppings that had been hewn out by the ancients to assist in the
loading of Tin ore onto Joseph of Arimathea's sailing vessels. The tide in Penzance bay
uses its full 6 feet (and then some) in washing back and forth across the bay. Research
has it that Joseph of Arimathea's men would dig the Tin ore from the cavern we had
stayed in last night, and then haul it via mostly oxcart, but some by pack mule, to
Penzance Bay, delivering it to large stationary barges adjacent to those large rock
outcroppings where it would be placed loosely on the barge in a pile, sorta like a pile of
sand. Then when the tide came in it would float the barge up and the Tin ore would be
shovelled onto the hewn-out rock outcropping by yet more of Joseph's workers. Then as
the ox carts and mules returned for still more Tin ore from the mines, those old sailing
vessels would be brought in on the next high tide and the ore would be loaded onto them.
Indications seemed to point to the fact that it may have taken as long as a month to load
6-8 vessels with enough Tin ore to make the sailing profitable. These large hewn-out rock
outcroppings still today, 2000 years later, show the cutting marks of the ancient tools to
hew them out from their granite compositions. As I explained all this to the women, they
were decidedly impressed that I had studied all this so in depth and knew about it so well.

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She removed the long ivory attachment and replaced it with the small ball and said, "Now that we've taken care of your vagina we can concentrate on your clitoris, I really feel that is where most of your trouble lies, your clitoris seems to be over engorged with blood, and the only way to relieve the pressure is by manipulation!!!"...