Trip to Glastonbury
I began the task of assembling all of my babies' mothers together. Viola had her B&B
business in Glastonbury and declined my offer to come to the States, but asked that when
we came to England and to our religious observances in Glastonbury that we plan on
staying at her place. Lynn wanted to divide up her time equally between us in Washington
State and her home in Lakenheath Village. Katrina did not want to come to the States,
but said that if we came to England that she would meet us and stay with us with our baby
for as long as we were in England. Gigi said that she would also stay in England but that
if she was in fact pregnant, that she would live with us wherever we decided to live.
Of course Maryanne and Danny were living with Gina and I. Somehow we were out
screwing around somewheres each time the Lieutenant got home from one of his
temporary duties, so he never did come home to find his wife with a big belly. Gina took
to wandering about in a very short mini-skirt, and white T-shirt, wearing a bedroom-style
loafer on her feet, at home if any clothing was needed in case company came or we had to
go out, otherwise she wandered around naked, big belly and all. I found this highly
attractive and she looked like a doll with her enlarged breasts and big belly. It was about
all I could do to keep from fucking her ALL the time. When we did fuck, I did it doggie
style so as to not lay on that big belly and hurt our baby. Several of her neighbors almost
ignored her, except she was at a point in her life that she simply did not give a fuck. I took
her to a nice maternity store in West Seattle and bought the latest in maternity fashions
for her to wear on the job, and on more than one occasion she was royally fucked on the
Conference table in my office, that is until the company paid me off. Then we hardly ever
got dressed at home, but instead run about the house and well-enclosed backyard in the
nude, with Maryanne and little Danny. Fucking naked on the freshly mowed lawn was a
treat all by itself, except that grass stains on naked skin are hard to wash off.
We were barely home 2 months but what the phone rang. It was Gigi and she had missed
her period. As soon as we hung up, I was wiring her fare to Oxford. The next day a
somewhat pregnant Amerasian was descending the ramp at Sea-Tac and into everyone's
arms. Gigi fitted right in to our nudity in the back yard and home.
I called Liz to see if she wanted to join us, from Hockwold. She said that she would,
except that she was now pregnant with a 4th baby that would probably be half-nigger as
well as her other 2 that were, even though one of her 5 kids was obviously mine. She did
not know what to do, but said that if I wanted, that she would come to join us, also. I told
her to come, that yes, I wanted her in our family, and I had British Airways take out 6
tickets for her and her kids for London-Seattle. Three days later, because she had to make
last minute Passports, a very beautiful and pregnant middle-aged Mommy with 2 Black
children, and 2 White children also came down that same ramp as Gigi had done at
Seattle. We were now a family of 11 people. Except for Liz' two black kids, all were
related to me, in some way, shape or form. Liz' two black kids were boys....something
that might prove useful for the progeny in the future that when used with little Danny and
my son from her, Ralphie, could very well keep some what had to be born or were already
with us, pregnant and having yet more babies to keep our family going.
We would have probably continued on in our lives at McChord AFB, but we had gotten
rather careless. But it would take almost a Presidential decree to get us out of there.
Chapter 13
Gina's water broke one night about 3 a.m. I rushed her over to Fort Lewis' maternity ward
and about 2 hours later I was standing on the visitor side of the nursery looking down on
our little girl. The military doctors do what they can do to make the new mommy get up
afterwards and walk around. As I stood there looking, I felt Gina's arm slip into my arm
as we gazed down on our new daughter. I felt intense love for her, and could not restrain
myself....I foolishly slipped my arm about her and turned her to me and kissed her full on
the mouth. She responded in kind and dropped her hand to my crotch and whispered that
we had a bit of work to do because little Christine needed a brother. We did not know it,
but we were observed...
Two days later Gina and Christine were home with the rest of us. Gina and I could not
fuck, but that did not stop us from cavorting nakedly around the house and back yard.
Gina had elected to nurse Christine and in so doing I had to empty her breasts of any milk
left over that Christine could not consume. Often Gina would be left "hanging"
sucking of her breasts would excite her but we could not fuck until her pussy had healed
from giving birth to Christine, and the fact of my nakedness being right next to her as I
suckled her did not do any good either as my cock was always hard when I suckled her.
With little Christine's arrival, I thought it best to legalize our unions. To marry everyone
in Washington State jurisdiction, I would be subjecting myself to bigamy right away.
Little realized is multiple jurisdiction marriages, although if seriously investigated, might
also subject one to the charge of Bigamy. But in most cases unless someone was to bring
specific court action, there probably would not be any referral of it. So I married Gina
under Washington state law, Maryanne under Idaho law, Gigi under Canadian law, Lynn
under English law, Liz under Montana law. Viola and Katrina had legal problems that
prevented them from remarrying without losing large chunks of property or settlement(s).
We got an unexpected visitor. The Lieutenant had been promoted to Captain and he
returned in the middle of the night from Kuwait. We did not know he was coming, and
when he opened the front door to his home, he was confronted with a naked Gina that
was nursing her baby, a naked Maryanne that obviously about ready to "pop", a naked
Gigi that was about 5 months pregnant, a naked Liz who likewise was about 7 months
pregnant, and me, naked of course. He wanted to know who I was, and Gina just about
did him in by informing him that I was little Christine's natural daddy.
That newly promoted Captain was thoroughly pissed. He started to give the look that he
could become extremely violent. I jumped his ass, and knocked him to the floor, while I
hurriedly got Gina and Maryanne to quickly give me some rope. I tied him up, and
gagged him so he could not wake up the neighborhood. Then I set about to explain a few
things to him, along with Gina's help.
Gina explained that he was never home and that she had wanted a family. She did not
know how she could ever have a family with him if he was gone all the time. So instead
of getting bored, she got a job, with me. One thing led to another, and soon we were
fucking all the time. She did not intend, originally to have my baby, but that things just
sorta worked to that. She said that since he was hardly ever home that she had invited me
to move in with her so we could fuck every night, as she enjoyed fucking. She also said
there was an added benefit....working together, we could use the carpool lanes on the
freeway to get to and from work, so we could spend yet more time together, making love.
I could see the Captain's eyes bore hatefully into Gina and then to me. I reached down
and pulled his pants off, along with his underwear. I compared my big cock to his puny
one and asked him how the Hell he expected Gina to be able to enjoy that one (his). I
could hear his murmuring as it was obvious he was trying to cuss me out. I chuckled at
that. Maryanne, in her nakedness and bellowed-out tummy said she had to piss, so she
walked over and straddled him and gave him a yellow shower, right over his cock and
balls. The warmth of her pee excited him and we could see his cock grow. Gina lit into
him again, chastising him for getting excited for getting peed on. She got her Polaroid
camera out and took a picture of him laying there half naked, his cock pointed high
toward the ceiling with the fresh wetness of piss shining from it in the light.
Gigi asked Gina to aim her camera closer to the Captain's mouth, and then Gina was
straddling his face. She then peed onto his mouth. Maryanne grabbed his wet cock and
balls and started sqeezing, telling him to open his mouth and drink Gigi's piss. At first he
would not do it, but then just before Gigi ran out of pee, Maryanne squeezed his nuts so
hard that his mouth came open and then she peed directly into his mouth, as Gina too 3
flash pictures of his drinking Gigi's piss.
I told him that his wife was pregnant with my baby. I told him that she did not feel right
by having a baby-killer's baby, that she had fucked me because it was obvious that our
baby would not know a daddy that had killed other babies as one of his job requirements.
I also told him that he would give Gina a separate maintenance agreement based on the
grounds that he had deserted her and that he would sign an agreement with her that he
would provide for ALL her children (little Christine, and any others she might have with
me, and that he would provide for her in the same manner as if they were still living
together as husband and wife, including having over $10 million of Life Insurance,
because that was the norm for pilots in general that flew the big birds in both commercial
and military aviation. I said that failure to do any of this would "land" the pictures we just
took, on not only his Wing Commander's, but Numbered Air Force Commander's, and
Major Air Commander's desks, if not the Secretary of the Air Force' and Defense
Secretary's desks, and when we got finished with him that his ass would be totally
worthless to anyone!
I then pulled out my Bowie Hunting Knife. I told him I was going to untie him and that he
might seriously consider to just lay there for a moment while I prepared the tape recorder
to record his declarations of what I had just now explained to him, and to sign off on
written agreement to be witnessed by the women here that he had in fact agreed to all this
without any threat of coercion. I told him that all it would take would be one swipe of that
knife, and he definitely would not have to worry about beging a Daddy again, if in fact he
lived through all the blood loss of having had his cock cut off.
He readily agreed, and after we had recorded his promises and signed the agreements, we
allowed him to arise, opened the front door, and kicked his bare ass out into that January
cold in the middle of the night. The women had gathered up all his uniforms and clothing
while he was signing his life away and testifying as such, and through his possessions out
the door after him. As he quickly found some pants to put on to keep from freezing his
ass and wet cock and balls, I suggested to him that he might leave the premises
immediately as I was calling the cops on my cell phone to let them know we had a
vagrant on our hands at this address who had tried to buglarize us. I figured that by the
time they got him down to the Security Police station, and figured out who he was (I had
taken all of his ID from his clothing and his person, including his Dog Tags), we would
all be long gone, because upon the time the women had been all assembling here I had
also taken emergency measures to support this action,so at the last minute we were all
"headed" back to England on the next flight out.
Almost immediately the Base Law Enforcement team arrived, and then they were
handcuffing a near naked Captain that they did not know was a captain, and putting him
in the back of their squad car and taking him off to their station. As soon as they were out
of sight we hurriedly got dressed and headed for Sea-Tac, and later that morning we were
high over Canada, headed once more for Heathrow.
Chapter 14
As soon as we got to Heathrow I hired a small van with driver, and I gave directions to
get to Glastonbury. I then phoned to Katrina and Lynn and told them we were in-country
and asked that they meet us at Glastonbury at Viola's B&B on High Street, and called
Viola to let her know we were headed for her place.
As soon as we got to Viola's, she enthusiastically welcomed us. Her belly was getting had been about 8 months since I had fucked her. I could not resist....I put all
the women and our delivered babies together in a setting and took their picture. Liz made
a comment that all these little girls were going to have something to look forward
to....slipping those adolescent cocks into their hot wetness when they reached puberty.
We now had two Filipina beauties that were going to have my baby. Viola wondered if an
African Black and a Filipino Black would be able to come out right, or if it made any
I began looking for a place to settle all this family as a unit. We had stayed before in that
cavern at St. Agnes, some of us anyway, and had liked it. We had enjoyed being "with
nature" in that warm atmosphere, where we could eat shellfish, fuck to our hearts content,
and be naked all the time. Here we could enjoy human nature as God intended and have
as many babies as we wanted. But somehow it did not seem "just right". I suppose we had
gotten rather spoilt from having so many luxuries, plus our medical attention could be a
problem area in case of emergencies. Ancient cave man and cave woman did not know
that with proper delivery procedures that death was avoidable, they did not know that
sprains, broken bones, etc., could be medically attended to. They did not know that the
sex of a baby could be forecast months before the actual birth. They did not know the
entertainment media that was our television, or even radio!
We discussed this at length. Viola knew of St. Agnes that that cavern, and envied us in
being able to go there and live. She also knew of a distant cousin of her ex-husband's that
had some property that consisted of a large hotel-like structure about a mile away from
that cavern, and she seemed to remember that not too long ago, that cousin was trying to
find a hippie-like group of people that would take care of it and hopefully live in it for
him for the in turn privilege of living in it for free. We thought and discussed this--what
a golden opportunity!
The next day I rented a small van and we all took off for St. Agnes with Viola's directions
on how to find this place. She had called this cousin but he was not in, but she had left
word on his voice mail that she had a group of people coming his way to look over his
property. By the time we arrived, the cousin had returned and he quickly took one look at
us, and decidedly suggested that if he could join in with us and live with us, that this
place was "ours".
The building just seemed to be made for our use. It was 4 sided, in an "O"-like structure,
with the center of it having a swimming pool, lots of lawn and gardens. It consisted of 12
bedrooms....3 on each side, with a bathroom for each side. It had been a "Lord's Manor"
but the "Lord" it was built for had died about 50 years previously and Viola's ex-
husband's cousin, Drake, and his family had inherited it through family, and they had
been barely able to keep it up. They wanted to continue to own it, but to let some large
family live in it in turn for taking care of it. Drake was not married, and he was not all
that pleasant looking, but looks are only skin deep. Once we all got in the place with him
and clothes started coming off, he got naked too, and what he had attached to his crotch
would surely make Liz green with envy, even after she had been fucked and knocked up
by those nigger cocks she had grown used to. And Drake was as white as a sheet! I could
quickly envision those half-black kids of hers having several siblings from this giant
It would be a month or so later, after Lynn, Katrina and Gigi all began waddling around,
that I was down at the cavern with Gina and Maryanne, and our children, that an obvious
American tourist was there. We never dressed anymore even to go down there as it was
such a short hike down the cliffs from the other side from the roads. Our nudity must
have made him think for a moment, and he wanted to know if we had ever heard of a
group of people that had been here before, from America. This raised my interest and he
told us about what he seems that at some military base near Seattle there had
been a military couple that the wife had taken up with a bunch of hippies and had
developed a relationship with them. He went on to say that he had heard that the Air
Force Captain that had been that wife's husband had been killed on a mission to some
place in Africa when his plane was shot down, and that the Air Force could not locate his
widow and child...
We waited until this stranger had left, and then Gina and I looked at each other. We came
together almost jumping with joy and then Maryanne joined us in all our naked glory.
The kids did not know what this was about and we explained to them that we would
explain it to them when they got older. Gina and I had not only collected several
hundreds of thousands of dollars along with a lifestyle we both wanted, but now she and
our babies would be provided for because of what had happened to her ex-husband! We
returned to our mansion and explained all this to the rest of our family.
Epilogue: It is now two years later and we are two white men with 12 naked, beautiful
wives that are pregnant most of the time. Between we 14 adults we have 25 children and
this continues. We seldom wear any clothing unless it is cold outside like in the winter.
The younger girls are starting to show an interest in my and Drake's hard stiffies as we
fuck their mothers. We will not be fucking them anytime soon because it has been our
experience that while they may be fuckable, they are not mentally ready to be a mommy,
as they cannot very well care for a baby like that baby should be cared for. Each time that
one of the women is about due to give birth we send her to Glastonbury to stay at Viola's
so proper medical attention can be offered to both her and the baby if it is needed.
Doctors usually highly recommend no sex for two weeks after the birth canal is used, but
try to tell that to a new mommy that wants to begin fucking again, and even get
impregnated with yet another baby. Viola, herself has had two more of my babies.
To honor the late Joseph of Arimathea, we have commissioned a work on a sculpture that
will be a 15-foot high statue of the late saint, in the nude. Without his influence we might
never have accomplished what we have today. The Roman Catholics are furious with us
because what we depict with this is that their stories are so full of lies that it is pathetic.
Just recently the World-wise Alliance Church in Missions has come forth with a $10,000
donation to assist with this work. We are truly blessed.
Part one of a lustful lesbian story... |
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