Trip to Glastonbury
Since we both were travelling separately, we were forced to get in that stop-and-go traffic
and it took two hours for us to get from Seattle to McChord AFB with our separate cars.
When we got everything done, we parked her car in her carport and started to bring my
car back to Seattle. But it was now nearly noon and we could not see why we should
return to the office when we could be so much more doing more interesting things by
enjoying the stickiness that our crotches offered toward one another. So we returned to
her house and as soon as we got inside and got the door closed, we were naked and
fucking to our hearts' content. I don't think we let up that night until well into the hours
of Wednesday morning. We had fucked at least 20 times in those 3 days. She said that
her pussy felt raw, but she also said she welcomed that rawness--that it was a welcomed
relief over what she had to live with before.
anal sex was not a thing for me that I wanted to try. Some people like it because the
rectum is often tighter than the pussy, with its fatty folds that allow a baby to come
through it in birth. So instead of continuing to fuck Gina, and I did not want to fuck her
in her asshole, I decided to wander over to the Officer's Club for a beer. Gina thought
that a good idea and that if we encountered anyone that knew her, her husband, she could
explain that I was a visiting cousin.
That little cute vixen was definitely sore in her legs. She even walked like she was trying
to pull her pussy up, into her lower belly. It came to my mind that perhaps I needed to lay
off a bit so I did not fuck up her reproduction "equipment". Over her objections I made
her go to bed, I was not going to let her go to Officer's Club with me. After much arguing
I said "to Hell" with the Officer's Club, and remained home with her. She lay beneath the
cool sheets and I began attending to her soreness by rubbing cold cream and baby oil on
her pussy lips, taking extra care to not allow any to get inside her honey pot.
As I progressed I felt her begin to doze off. I was getting tired, too...all fucking had taken
its toll on me. I raised myself up off the kneeling position i had on the floor and slipped
under the sheets with her. We were both nude, but we did not feel an urgency to lust. all
we wanted to do was to sleep. I cuddled her into my arms and legs and we slept the entire
night away and woke up the next morning feeling much better. Gina was still sore in her
pussy so I got up and fixed Breakfast, and served it to her in bed. She was very thankful
of this, saying that no one, even her mother and father had served her Breakfast in bed
before. I even upped that one a bit by laying down the Breakfast tray on her tummy over
the covers, and hand fed her her hard-fried eggs, toast with honey, and tater tots. Her
looks definitely portrayed her deep developing love for me.
I decided to make her stay at home that day and rest up. We had nearly killed ourselves
in our wanton fucking the previous day and I definitely wanted Gina to stay on with me as
my secretary. It was over her very vocal objections that I left her house and drove to
Seattle, once again emersed in that damned traffic in rush hour. I got to the office at 10,
and called her right away. She had calmed down a bit and was glad to hear my voice. I
told her about the rush hour traffic and she advised that it had served me right by not
taking her with me.
I had a few minor things to do. Now that I had Gina aboard, I could devote a little more
time into my affiliation with the Glastonbury project. I called over to Bath, England and
talked to the Archbishop there. We had been trying to develop an accompanied tour to
that great area of mystery, where some said that Jesus had built the first above ground
Christian church by building a home for the Mother Mary there, which would later
become the wattlewood church that Joseph of Arimathea christened in about A.D. 65.
There is deep tradition there, as much as there is in Palestine, where the ancient Catholics
under the leadership of the late Roman Emperors forced the belief of several pagan gods
onto the general public under the threat of beheading, and called it a new
religion...."Christianity". With the modern discovery and use of the Internet and World
Wide Web, we could do research now instantaneously that formerly took 100-200 years
to do. I had visited Glastonbury before, and had met with the Church of England
officials and I seemed to have impressed them with my skillful explanations of my beliefs
as I understood them to be. Now the Archbishop had just recently contacted me and
advised that he as working with British Airways to assemble a modern day pilgrimage to
Glastonbury. I thought how ironic.....Glastonbury became quite popular in the early 10th
century with pilgrims coming from all over the ancient world of France, Spain, Italy,
Scotland, Iceland, Portugal to worship our Jesus at the first above ground Christian
church in the world, and now, 1100 years later we were putting together yet another
pilgrimage along the same lines as the original one, but this time people from the
Americas, Asia, and Near East were assembling via airlines to London's Heathrow
Airport where large 60-passenger tour buses would load them for the 3-4 hour trip to
Glastonbury. Some of us were even planning to camp out on the old Abbey grounds
where we would be fed from meals prepared in the old Abbey Kitchen!
Bishop Crandall answered the phone and he was very happy to hear my voice. He
advised that the buses had been set up to meet everyone at Gatwick or Heathrow, and that
large 50-person tents with cots, bedding and even kerosene heaters were being readied for
this pilgrimage. The pilgrimage was still 3 months away as it was in July and now was
only early April, but of course it took time to arrange all this. Pilgrims coming to the
pilgrimage were being charged $1000 apiece, regardless of where they were coming from,
and that included all their expenses of accomodation, meals, bus transportation and
airline tickets, which we felt was a very reasonable price, yet still offered a small profit
for the Church to realize for all the work that had been put into it.
I no more got off the phone and it rang. This phone call was the one from Copenhagen
that I had been expecting. It seemed as though the Danish were trying to imitiate a Toyota
car and had already built one and its duplicates and were trying to get us to haul them in
to the USA for them. The Danish government was willing to underwrite an entire expense
for a vessel designed to haul their cars from Copenhagen to New York as a preliminary
study to see if it would be feasible to attack Toyota on its best economic bed. I think I
may have pissed off some Dane when I told him that I felt that if Toyota found out about
him that he would be buried in his pile of duplicated Toyotas, and that I did not want to
take a chance on pissing off one of our largest customers by accomodating his desires. I
then hung up the phone. I did not hear from him, again.
Although she had only been with me for less than a week, I was beginning to miss my
little Gina doll. My cock was hard and that added to the misery. About that time
Maryanne, the blond who had had the baby and we did not know for sure who the daddy
was, poked her head in the door and asked where Gina was. I told her the truth, at which
she stepped inside, shut the door and locked it, and said that she was a bit horny. It seems
that her ovulating period had started that morning and she was extra horny and wet. I did
not have a rubber handy and told her so. She said that that didn't matter, she already had
had one baby of mine and she was willing to try for a second one, dropping her panties
from beneath her short denim skirt and pulling the hemline high, exposing her freshly
shaved cunt. I quickly stripped off my pants and underwear and slipped my cock into her
babymaker. I had barely touched the inside of her sheath at the wall of her womb and I
exploded, shooting torrents of my sperm deep into her belly. There was no doubt this
time, she had gotten pregnant by me. Thankfully she was still married to the guy that was
being an excellent father to my other baby. I had forgotten just how turned on Maryanne
could get after being fucked so hard and uninhibited. As she pulled her panties up to slip
her blue jeans back up around her waist, I could see my leaking cum soaking those
panties. Her face was clearly flushed as if she had been doing a 6 minute mile in a sprint.
I almost pulled her back into the office for a second fucking but thought better....Gina
needed my cock tonight to love and hold her in our naked lust. I made a mental note to
myself that I had to start an increase to my contribution to that college fund for little
Danny, as there was a good possibility that little Danielle might need it, too, in 18 years, 9
Chapter 3
I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of import customers who were expecting their
freight due in on the next arrival of the Kashu Maru. As an added bonus to my customers
I had taken the liberty of using my truck driver CDL license during my off-duty time to
go out and rent a truck tractor and go to the wharf and pull my customers' containers off
the dock on weekends, putting them in holding yards for other truckers to be able to come
by and deliver them to my import customers. Sometimes this allowed them to get their
merchandise up to 3 days earlier, especially of the vessel arrived on a Friday nite and that
weekend happened to have a holiday Monday following. This was met by much
furiousness by competing carrier salespeople that did not have a CDL to be able to drive a
truck-tractor/trailer combo unit. The Longshoremen and Teamsters Union people hated
my guts because I "stole" a lot of their business, technically I was the ship's owner and the
cargo belonged to the ship, so even though it was setting in port and the cargo had been
discharged from the ship physically, it had not been cleared of dockside control, so
therefore it was still in the control of the ship. I as management of the ship could do with
that cargo whatever I wanted to as long as it was under my control. I had a few friends in
the U.S. Customs Service that did not mind helping me on this and when it came time to
"customs clear" the cargo did not mind coming over to an off-dock warehouse and having
a few beers served by half-naked port whores and prostitutes, to process some Customs
paperwork on cargo that had been moved "off-dock". What those Customs inspectors did
was their seemed like hardly a week did not go by but what some Customs
person had "the drip" or was being treated for some oddball "rash". It was a matter of
urgency for these importers to be able to get their freight as soon as possible because most
of this merchandise was financed through the international Letter of Credit system. Ten
million dollars of merchandise setting on a dock that cannot be delivered to an import
customers when there is a 3-day weekend involved, at 5-6% Interest, rapidly develops
into a lot of money in needless overhead expenses. This little added benefit that I offered
to my customers kept our ships running to capacity on these Eastbound voyages, and once
the word got out, those Importers were some of my best salespeople for soliciting and
securing Westbound freight shipments as well because common sense dictated to them
that as long as my company was making money that those import shipments would
continue to benefit from my concentrated efforts to them.
I returned to Gina's house about 6 p.m. that night. She must have seen me coming. She
had the whole house darkened with thick shades over the windows, and had set up
everything for a truly romantic evening, with white linens on the table, one complete
place setting, a bottle of wine in an ice bucket. She had prepared both raw and fried
Pacific Oysters, that was exquisitely laid out on a large serving platter in the middle of the
table, with lots of Lemon to season it with. She had baked whole potatoes with a dish
each of sour cream and warm melted butter, and a bowl of freshly chopped green salad.
But what got my attention the most was what awaited me just inside that door as I entered
her home....a very naked beauty complete with her long hair combed out and drapped
seductively over her shoulders and extending down to nearly cover her ass on one side of
her and split across her naked shoulders to partially cover her pointed firm breasts as it
lay to extend down to about where her tummy button was. My cock was almost at an
immediate hardness at the sight if this "Goddess of Eden".
She was playing "hard to get" again. She let me look, but not touch, saying that we had to
eat before we could expend any energy. She did allow me to have her on my lap where
we took turns hand feeding each other, and in light of what we were about to do, she
helped me to undress fully so my business suit would not get soiled. Needless to say that
that meal ran over from a regular meal to one of erotic behavior with the buttery and
wetness from the Lemon and Sour Cream taking their toll on us remaining very neat. She
had butter and oysters and lemon and sour cream all over her chest and tummy. When we
had had our fill of food, there remained the need to clean it all off and between the two of
us, we spent the next two hours "eating" and licking spilled food from our naked bodies.
In the process we had both gotten very horny and when we had gotten each other
reasonably cleaned off we were bathing each other with our bodily lust. Warm melted
butter, sour cream and sweet pussy juice.....commercial bakers are missing out on a very
good tasting icing for their cakes. Gina probably got more cum from me that night than
she had gotten before as I seemed like I was constantly shooting it on and in her.
Since I had nearly fucked her silly previously, tonight's lovemaking was more of a gentle,
loving kind where I kissed and licked her to her several climaxes without my cock
actually penetrating her heated depths. She returned the passion by sucking on me,
making me shoot off in her mouth and drinking my cum. Toward the end we just
collapsed in exhaustion, and it was 6 a.m. the next morning when I pulled myself from
our intertwined arms and legs to get up and go pee. As I finished, shaking the dribble
from my cock into the toilet, she joined me, squatting on the toilet to pee, herself. We
agreed at that time that we would no longer fuck in the morning because we had so much
to do during the daytime in the office and we needed all the strength we could muster for
that, so we could fuck each other at night and drift off to sleep in our own Eden.
A shy little latin girl gets a great present from a mysterious black man on her 18th birthday... |
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