Trip to Glastonbury
This infuriated Maryanne, and I could hear her chastising Daniel over it. It got worse and
worse. I felt badly for Daniel, because I knew that Beverly was a slut and that she had
probably provoked it. But the damage was done, and I heard her tell Daniel "You can
have that pig, I'm going home." Apparently they had been that route before because he
just sat there and watched her leave. About that time Beverly came out of the Women's
and seeing Maryanne no longer sitting there, pulled up a chair and sat down with Daniel.
I went outside to see if I could find this estranged wife. She was out under the entrance
canopy, sobbing, obviously very disgusted. We did not know each other, so I introduced
myself as the date that that woman had that night that had caught the attention of her
husband. As soon as I said that she looked at me and she could see that I was likewise a
bit sad, and before I knew it we were in each others arms, cuddling and feeling sorry for
As we held each other tenderly, I could feel this young blond wife's body through the
light dress she was wearing. Her tits were almost boring their roundness into my chest. I
surrounded her back with my arms as she lay her face into the nape of my neck, sobbing.
I began stroking her back and she seemed to open herself to my comforting of her. I could
feel my cock begin to thicken and I did not want to scare her off by letting her feel it
against her tummy, so I backed off a bit. I cupped her chin and raised her face to look at
me and then suggested to her that she allow me to take her home.
She could sense a caring attitude about me, and gladly thanked me, saying that she did not
feel like going back in there to confront her husband again, but that she did not have a
way home. She said that when she had come outside she was thinking of trying to catch a
taxi, but was dismayed that none were around. I then took her hand and led her to my car,
opened the door for her and let her get in, before slipping around to the driver's side,
getting in and easing our way out of the parking lot.
Her house was a good 20 minute drive away. We introduced ourselves and after we had
left the parking lot and were on a major boulevard, she seemed to relax a bit and slipped
in the seat over closer to me. We began discussing what had happened back there at the
restaurant, and it was very obvious, this husband of hers had definitely slipped off his
rocker and made a bad judgement. I told her about Beverly, and how she was little more
than a whore who if treated decently would gladly lay down and take on all comers that
had treated her right. She, Maryanne, chuckled and said that there seemed to be "all kinds
in this world". She said that while sex was sometimes great that it was nothing to be
bantered about for a good meal, or a good drunk, or both. She said that she loved sex,
too, but that there was a time and place for everything. She said that in her case that
tonight had been something special because she and her husband had agreed earlier that
tonight after they returned home that they had decided to start their family. Now she did
not know what she was going to do....she had waited 3 long years of marriage to get both
of them into decent jobs earning the right kind of money so they could just about give
their kids EVERYTHING, and then "he had to go and ruin it with that little whore!"
I was a little mystified and told her so. She looked at me a bit and then decided perhaps a
bit of honesty was in order. She said that just that morning she had started ovulating and
that tonight was an excellent time for them to start their family. She apologized for being
so blunt to me because as she said, she barely knew me. But she said that my kindness to
her had already told her a lot about me and said that she hoped that I would not be too
embarrassed by what she had just now told me.
She began giving me directions to get to her street and to her house. I pulled into the
driveway and she removed the automatic garage door opener and opened the garage door,
advising me that she wanted me to put my car in the garage quickly so the neighbors did
not see it so they wouldn't have anything to gossip about. I thought to myself.....this gal
was planning for me to be at her house for some time, and I did not argue the point.
As soon as the garage door was shut, she was getting out of the car and asked for me to
come in and have a cup of coffee. I followed her in to her kitchen, and she began making
the coffee. Then she excused herself to "run upstairs" and asked that I sit at the kitchen
table while she was gone. In about 10 minutes time she returned, this time dressed in a
long bathrobe, and she began fixing a cup of coffee for me.
She needed my assistance to reach to the top shelf to get the Coffeemate. I reached up and
pulled open the cabinet door and got the Coffeemate and as I came back down she was
standing right next to me and my arms slid against her robed breast. I could tell that there
was little underneath that bathrobe other than pure woman. I turned to her and she
murmured that my soft slipping against her breast had "felt good". Then she was in my
arms, in heated panting as I slipped my arms beneath her bathrobe to cup her naked body,
as she reached down to undo my belt on my pants, unbutton my shirt and practically tear
my clothes from my body. My cock was hard and stiff and wanted one place to go to We
slipped to the floor and we were then naked, and she opened her legs wide as I crawled up
to plant my mouth against hers in heated lust. I could feel my hard cock slip deep into her
pussy and then we began a pistoning action that if a wheel had been attached we probably
would have registered at least 5000 wpm!
Then I felt my gonads begin to work and I was afraid it was just going to be matter of
time, so I began to try to pull my cock from her depths. She could feel it, too, and began
a bucking motion beneath me and cried at me to cum in her. I was a bit fearful, I did not
want to exactly impregnate another man's wife but she seemed to want otherwise. And
then it happened...I was shooting volleys of sperm-loaded cum into her depths. She
would not let me leave her home all night that night. The next morning I did leave, and it
was good thing, too. Daniel had fucked Beverly all night at her apartment but had gotten
up to come home to his wife afterwards. He had come home to start his family by fucking
his wife. He apologized to her and she did let him fuck her, but both she and I had that
old familiar feeling.....she had gotten caught, on my fertile fluids.
It would be 3 months later that Maryanne called me....she had missed her period and was
sure that I had given her my baby that night long ago. She said that it could have been
Daniel's but that she was almost sure it was mine. She said that she would never tell
Daniel otherwise because it had served him right to allow that slut to "turn his head"
when they had agreed to start their family that night. She started her family alright, but I
was the one who had obviously impregnated her.
Daniel was no one the wiser. He had remembered fucking her that morning after he had
returned from fucking Beverly, so he thought he was the one that had knocked her up.
We never did tell him differently and in watching him with little Danny, I was very proud
that he was raising my son. But little Danny had my nose, my hair, my
webbed toe that all men in my family have. To be on the safe side and without Maryanne
knowing it, I took a hair from little Danny's head and had it analyzed in a comparison to
mine for DNA. His DNA could not have been identifed with Daniel's, it matched mine
perfectly. I have never told Maryanne this, but I'm sure her womanly instinct told her just
about the same thing.
I had an adopted sister, with her two brothers and their mother in Brandon. Genelle had
been born in the United States to an American father near to where I am from, and British
mother earlier, and the British mother got to the point that she did not enjoy living in the
USA in that rural remote area of Washington State, so she returned to England with her
children. Soon the father would follow. I had gotten to know them all quite well when I
was stationed at RAF Lakenheath, and they treated me just like they had another son.
Now that I was back in Brandon, with the two women that were becoming Mommies to
my babies, I very much wanted to share my new partners with at least Genelle. I had
written a post card to them upon our arrival at Heathrow to let them know that while I did
not know for sure when we would arrive in Brandon, that we were in country and that
perhaps in a couple of weeks we would see them. I added that I had a couple of surprises
for them.....they had always tried in the past to match-make me with an English lass. They
had almost succeeded a couple of times, but the "casual adultery" thing had stymied that,
that I previously described here.
I took both Gina and Maryanne to my "adopted" home. Thankfully they had both brought
along some long granny-style dresses because sans panties they hardly would have been
very presentable in my adopted family at first sight. I cautioned them that until this
family got used to them and knew them better that I expected them to be quite ladylike,
because these people were important to me.
Both Maryanne and Gina were warmly accepted. In fact Genelle got along with both of
them so well that she was proposing to do a "sisterly" thing and take them to Bury St.
Edmunds to shop tomorrow. She suggested that I might like to go to RAF Lakenheath
and look up old friends whilst they were gone shopping. I could just about imagine what
kind of shopping they would do in Bury St. Edmunds, I recalled that Marks and Spencer
Department Stores had a very good store there that half a day could be spent there. Also
at Bury St. Edmunds was the Bury Abbey, a very popular one that the Magna Carta had
been signed off on that gave the English-speaking world our civil rights. Genelle wanted
to know if they might be interested in seeing it and they both replied to the affirmative
because that was the main reason we had come to England this time in the first place....we
did not get into all the fucking that just the 3 of us knew about.
Maryanne and I had fucked earlier that day, so we all retired early to bed after visiting
Genelle and her family. The next morning I delivered the women to Genelle's and was
soon on my way to RAF Lakenheath to see whom all I might be able to find.
I visited my old office at Base Housing. Lynn Massey was still there. Lynn and I had
spent a lot of time together as co-workers but she was always being "hit on" by one of our
other co-workers, so I never did try to interfere, although I don't think that John Haynes
was ever successful in breaking her cherry. Now the coast was clear, that co-worker was
no longer there but had been reassigned to the United States.
Lynn was just as foxy looking as she had ever been, just a couple of years older. She
still was not married. She was very surprised to see me, dropping her work and coming
straight at me in front of everyone, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug! She had
visited my flat a couple of times with John when I had held a private party there that was
left over from our Airman's Club partying late at night. She liked to drink, but she knew
when to say "No", and as far as I could tell she was maybe saving herself for the guy she
would marry, maybe even until her wedding night. She had flowing long blond hair that
reached to her waist and creamy white skin. Her teeth were almost an obstacle in their
buck-teeth setting but her mouth and face lent to many imaginative fantasies about how
she might be able to make our cocks whistle!
Lynn had left school at the age of 15, which is allowed in England. She had learned
administation well and had applied for and been accepted for a job with the Ministry of
Defence at RAF Lakenheath, where they had assigned her to the Base Housing Office.
That is where we had met. We hit it off right away in our efforts to find and secure
family housing for U.S. military and civilian personnel newly assigned to the bases both
at RAF Lakenheath and the nearby one at RAF Mildenhall. She was now 18 years old. I
enjoyed the looks of this little vixen in my arms. She had on a loosely pleated mini-skirt
and an open V-necked sweater. She still had a beautiful body. She was a slender girl with
big full breasts, and a nice ass that connects to legs so long it seemed like they go all the
way to her neck. She had the perfect hour glass figure that all women dream of. I am
happy that she knew what she had, with no John Haynes around she seemed to want to
make sure I knew that she knew how to use it.
I released her from our warm embrace and stood back, suggesting that she should maybe
get back to work to the people standing in line to be served. She replied "Okay, but don't
you even try to get away. You sit right there and stay there, we have so much to talk
about!" She had a subtle way of flirting with me. Now that I am in my thirties it feels
good to have these young girls flirt with me from time to time it lets me know I still got it.
Obviously she had thought she'd never see me again, and now she has seen me again and
she ain't going to let me go away anytime soon.
Her short pleated skirt came down to about mid-thigh on those still white beauties. Her
ample breasts seemed to fill out her sweater quite abundantly. I never did know the sizes
of them because I never did get to fuck her before. Now it looked good....I may get into
her panties on this trip, judging by the way she was acting since I had just observed since
I walked into the door to the Housing office this time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her
remarkable cleavage as it showed under her V-necked sweater. I wanted to rub my dick
between that cleavage and come on her face.
Lynn made me stay until her Lunch time. She asked for the afternoon off, because of my
visit and it was granted to her. She started to gather her belongings. I noticed when she
bent over to put on her shoes she didn't have any underwear on and I got an instant
erection. I was trying hard to hide this by turning from anyone that might have observed
it. When I turned back I realized that Lynn hadn't missed it because she was staring at my
crotch with a little grin on her face.
Reluctantly I escorted her out to my car and we left the base. I figured that if we went
somewheres I could sit down with her and talk to her and explain to her that I was
currently involved with a couple of American wives who were going to have my babies.
She wasn't "having it". She explained that John Haynes had done her dirty by not
marrying her and then shipping off to a place that was not very safe. She said that she
had never heard from him again. She remembered me and she remembered that I had
often given her those looks like I really wanted to fuck her and she had been too blind to
see this. We drove to Newmarket in complete silence. As we entered the town she wanted
to know where we were going and I told her...."Lynn, Honey, I have always wanted you,
and I think you want me, too, but I cannot fuck you right now. I only want to hold you
and we console each other of what could have once been." At that she just grinned and
her eyes sparkled. She turned to me in the seat and her lips formed "I want to fuck you." I
could not wait to find a hotel room. This time she not only caught me but saw just how
excited I was.
My wife turns into a black cocks cum bucket... |
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