Trip to Glastonbury
Chapter 6
In all this recent exposure these two young wives, one of which was already a mommy,
began developing indications that they were thinking along the lines of being more, much
more, than a willing bed partner to me. While they remained very erotic acting and would
not hesitate to lay on some grassy knoll in nature and open their legs wide to receive what
I had to give them, they were doing things that made me becoming convinced that they
surely wanted more than just my sperm planted in their hot little bellies..they were
becoming concerned that that sperm coupled with their eggs would produce a baby that
would be conceived in the same place as the early Christians had been conceived. They
seemed to get just that much more erotic and wanton in their desires of my cock.
As we ventured onto Ynys Witrin both Maryanne and Gina kept scanning the surrounding
area for other people. Finding none, when we reached the original Thorn tree, it was
evident....if they had been naked I would have seen their vulva lips engorged with blood
from being "in heat". I was practically raped under that tree by both of them. Afterwards
we lay there in our naked bliss, letting our sex juices permeat our nakedness to dry into a
crust on my cock and balls and their freshly fucked pussies. It was a good thing that they
had not worn panties, as their panties would have been soaked on the way back down
from that Wearyall Hill from all my cum seeping from their baby nests. That crusting of
dryness on my cock and balls from those cum and pussy spendings was making my crotch
itch in the worst way!
They went on ahead to the museum's store where they wanted to buy some items of
memory from this trip. I kissed them both and asked them to make sure that they knew
how to get back to the Bed and Breakfast where we were staying. They assured me they
did, as they turned and began walking towards the museum, talking and giggling like a
couple of teenaged girls.
I got back to the Bed and Breakfast and decided to shower, clean up. As I came back
down the stairs and started to go into the bathroom, Viola's door opened and there she
stood in all her lovely Filipina nakedness. She advised that her husband had come home
and taken their son and had headed over to the Rugby field where there was a game going
on between Street and one of the other nearby towns. My bathrobe dropped to the floor
and soon she was in my naked arms once more. We dropped to the floor and once again
that day I was ensuring her that her womb was going to begin growing our baby girl from
the seeds I was planting in her.
That night when the women returned, Viola fixed us all an excellent meal of Fish n
Chips. In England, Fish n Chips are totally unlike what we find in the States with a few
paltry pieces of fish with heavy batter and a small fist-sized bag of french fries. In
England if you order Fish n Chips, plan on being extremely hungry. Your fish will
consist of deep-fried fish in heavy batter but your fish will be at least 2 inches thick and
will cover your entire dinner plate by itself. It is virtually impossible to finish off both the
Fish and the French Fries, in one setting. The English do not use lemon to spread on their
fish, instead they use a form of vinegar oil, which makes the fish taste much better.
Needless to say after all our fucking for the day, when we finished eating we were good
for one thing....the bed and a good night's sleep, as tomorrow morning we would leave
Glastonbury where I would take the women further down the coast of Cornwall and show
them the ancient tin mines that both Joseph of Arimathea and the young Jesus worked in
to support Joseph's tin trade with the ancient commerce his vessels carried from England
to France and then overland across France and from France to Egypt, overland across the
Suez, and then from the Suez to India, Burma, China, Korea and Japan where the tin ore
was smelted with iron ore to give us the brass we so value today in artwork. I also
planned to take them to the Jesus Well just northeast of Padstow where Joseph's ships
were replenished with fresh water for their long journeys, and then on down to Pennzance
and St. Michael's Mount where they could see a very real castle that sets high on a natural
barrier that was totallly inaccessible until the airplane was invented. And of course we
had to yet see Stonehenge and Southampton, the latter where most of our English
forefathers left to come to the USA, and the last port (and only one) sailing of the Titanic
before it sunk off Newfoundland on that awful ship disaster.
As we left Glastonbury early that next morning, I tried to educate these young beautiful
creatures more about what God had taught us about Him and His son, Jesus. The average
person is so well inoculated with the belief that Christianity was first established by the
Roman Catholic Chruch at Rome, and that Britain first received the faith through St.
Augustine, AD 597, that they take it for granted. Wasn't the Roman Catholic Church
established in the fourth century, well after the death of Constantine? Between Christ's
death and the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church lay centuries. Was
Christianity waiting around for Constatine to Christianize the Roman Empire and then
die? Surely the missionary work begun by the Apostles continued. But where? The
history of the Roman Catholic Church itself testifies that England preceded itself in the
establishment of Christianity.
The average person is so well inoculated with the belief that Christianity was first
established by the Roman Catholic Chruch at Rome, and that Britain first received the
faith through St. Augustine, AD 597, that they take it for granted. Wasn't the Roman
Catholic Church established in the fourth century, well after the death of Constantine?
Between Christ's death and the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church lay
centuries. Was Christianity waiting around for Constatine to Christianize the Roman
Empire and then die? Surely the missionary work begun by the Apostles continued. But
where? The history of the Roman Catholic Church itself testifies that England preceded
itself in the establishment of Christianity.
The basic story of Joseph's trip to England varies in some details from account to account.
But the bare facts are that Joseph, with many disciples travelled from the holy land by
boat and landed at Marseilles, in the Vienoise province of the Gauls (France). From there
he went on to England established seminaries, sent out missionaries, and helped in the
conversion of the Royal family. In his "Ecclesiastical Annals", Cardinal Baronius, Curator
of the Vatican library, gives this account. "In that year the party mentioned was exposed
to the sea in a vessel without sails or oars. The vessel drifted finally to Marseilles and
they were saved. From Marseilles Joseph and his company passed into Britain and after
preaching the Gospel there, died." The reason for the boat having been set adrift, was that
the Jews wanted to get rid of these Christians, but couldn't get away with murder.
How many of the disciples were with Joseph of Arimathea during his short stay in Gaul,
before going on to England, is hard to say. Various existing records agree in part with the
Cardinal Baronius record, naming among the occupants of the castaway boat Mary
Magdlene, Martha, the hand-maiden Marcella, Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead,
and Maximin the man whose sight Jesus restored. Other records state that Philip and
James accompanied Joseph. Others report that Mary, the wife of Cleopas, and Mary, the
mother of Jesus; were also in the boat. Here's Baronius' complete list of passsengers:
Mary, wife of Cleopas; a very pregnant Martha-second wife of Jesus; Lazarus,
Eutropius, Salome the handmaiden, Cleon, Saturninus, Mary Magdalene, first wife of
Jesus and mother of with Jesus' first son Josephus; Marcella, the Bethany sisters' maid;
second son of Jesus and Mary Magdelene Maximin, Martial, first son of Jesus and
Martha; Trophimus, Sidonius (Restitutus), and Joseph of Arimathea.
And true to God's way, Philip was waiting for the travellers in France. There is a wealth
of uncontroversial testimonies asserting his commission in Gaul, all of which alike state
that he received and consecrated Joseph, preparatory to his embarkation and appointment
as the Apostle to Britain. In future chapters to this story we will find that the present
Princes William and Harry of England are descendants of Josephus, above, through their
mother, the late Dianna, Princess of Wales, and the Spencer family, which would make
them descendants of the King David of old.
Although there are some who would agrue for France being first, most records agree that
Britain, at Glastonbury was the Root of the Christian movement. One would expect that
history would show that the missionary activities would flow out of the well-spring of
Christianity. And well does history record this. The Gaulic records state that for centuries
the Archbishops of Treves and Rheims were all Britons supplied by the mother church at
Glastonbury-Avalon. St. Cadval, a famed British missionary, going out from Glastonbury,
founded the church of Tarentum, Italy, A.D. 170. Did you notice that this was four
hundred years before St. Augustine? And as we'll see later, even this date was at least
18 years after King Lucius Christainized all of Britain in A.D. 156! ! ! Nobody
really wants to play "Who was First" with the British.
Converts literally flooded into Glastonbury for conversion, baptism, instruction and
missionary assigment. Philip sent, from Gaul alone, one hundred sitxy disciples to assist
Joseph and his team with the crowds. And it is surely known that helpers were sent from
other places beside France.
One of the first to go out from Glastonbury was Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus. He
headed straight back to Marseilles where he held the Bishopric for seven years. But that
was only natural. France was a Family Thing for the Bethany household. Mary and
Martha both lived out their lives, preaching and teaching in the south of France. "The
Coming of The Saints," by Taylor is a good book on the subject.
Many famous names are recorded as having been associated with Glastonbury-Avalon.
Sidonis, Saturninus, and Cleon taught and supported other missionaries in Gaul, then
returned to Britain.
Martial's parents, Marcellus and Elizabeth were there along with St Zacchaeus. Many
faithful Judeans moved to Britain.
Parmena, disciple of Joseph, was appointed the first Bishop of Avignon.
Drennalus, helped Joseph found the church at Morlaix. He was then appointed to
Treguier as it's first Bishop.
Beatus founded the church in Helvetia, after receiving his baptism and education at
Beatus was baptised by St. Barnabas, the brother of Aristobulus, sent in advance by St.
Paul to Britain. He is referred to in scripture as Joses, the Levite.
Mansuetus was consecrated the first Bishop of the Lotharingians A.D. 49, with his See at
Toul. He also founded the church at Lorraine.
Historical note:
Mansuetus was a constant visitor at the Palace of the British at Rome after Claudia had
married Pudens. He was a friend of Linus, the first Biship of Rome, and brother of
Claudia. After the death of St. Clement, Mansuetus became the third official Bishop of
the British Church at Rome. Thus we have three disciples of Avalon, instructed by St.
Joseph, to become, in succession, Bishops of Rome.
Iltigius, in "De Patribus Apostolicis", quotes St. Peter as saying; "Concerning the Bishops
who have been ordained in our lifetime, we make known to you that they are these. Of
Antioch, Eudoius, ordained by me, Peter. Of the Church of Rome, Linus, son of Claudia,
was first ordained by Paul, and after Linus's death, Clemens the second, ordained by me,
There were surely some very erotic times in those early days. Any kind of research will
reveal a lot of mate swapping and carrying on that would make Linda Lovelace of the
movie "Deep Throat", blush. Those early tribal men and women often satisfied
themselves at mealtimes, drank their fill of red wine and beer, and laid back to feast once
more on hard dicks and wet pussies, without concern about who "belonged" to whom. A
cunt was made for fucking and a dick was made to plunder that cunt. If the cunt got filled
and it just happened to be the right time of the month, a baby was formed, otherwise the
inter-connecting party(s) would simply rest up and maybe fuck another person the next
day or night. We only got to know strict marital responsibilities with Victorian England,
led by the queen that bore that name, in the late 15th century...a full 1500 years after all
this debachery.
Exploring sex and perversion with my first girlfriend... |
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