Data handling and Cookie uses policy


Warning! The Website is available only to individuals who are at least 18 years old!


1. Our website using cookies only for authors login system (members area where author can submit own story). We not using cookines to track you, no google analytics, etc.
2. We displaying banners of advertisers. These banners not have any cookies, it just image with link displayed by our rotation script.
3. Local cookies used on our website is absolutely necessary. To prevent using them, please NOT use our authors system (place where people can submit their stories). It mean what if you not submitting stories and not have author profile - you not will get cookies from us.

Data Handling

1. We storing comments submitted by users (if they allow us to process their personal data since 2018, with their nicknames/emails).
We allow stories authors to register at this website and storing their personal data (email/nicknames).
We storing submitted erotic stories by users (if they allow us to process their personal data since 2018, with user login/nickname/name/email/country/url).
2. We storing encrypted passwords only.
3. We not tracking users on this website, except for anonymized global stats (no ips/no individual user tracking) - just to get overall number of visitors/traffic sources for our site). All user activity (webserver log files) is automaticaly purged every month. We never sell our any user data.
4. We not sell you anything on this website, except for displaying ads/links.
5. We keeping personal/nonpersonal information of authors, who created their accounts on our website, for account keeping purposes (submit story/contact author/sorting by country/language/etc). Since 2018, all new authors must allow us to save their personal data at our website using special checkbox in forms.

Data storage

1. Your data never leave our server. We not moving data via different servers, except for encrypted backups. Our data stored in United States.
2. Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd log files purged pereodically every month. These data not used to track you, except if hacker attack is suspected or we have legal order to do it.
3. Your data protected with us, using encryption.

Log files

1. We not using log files to track you. Only overall anonymized stats used to count number of visitors on our website/most popular pages/traffic sources. Log files automatically purged in 30-60 days period.


1. We never sending our unsoliced mail. You will get email from us only if you are created account here, submitted story, asked us to restore password. Also if you send us a question, or we accepted or rejected your story.

Right to be forgotten

1. EU users can contact us asking to remove their personal content (stories/author profiles/or posted comments)
2. If you are european union resident and want to remove
A. Your Author account
B. Your Submitted stories
C. Your comments

You need to send us a email with subject "EU Removal Request" and include 3 things with your email:
1. Your EU id card or some documentation confirming what you are current EU resident (work permit/permit to live/visa/etc). Your name must be same as on your author account (or you must prove what you are author of this content).
2. Your author id/registered email or account url (if you want to remove your author account and all of your submitted stories) OR
url to your comment (since you can use any email/nickname to post comment).
3. You must specify in your email what you are allow us to process your personal data.

Please send such requests to webmaster [at] asexstories [dot] com with subject "GDPR EU Removal request - Right to be forgotten".
Alternatively, you can send us Right to access my own personal information EU request (if you are in EU). Additionally, you can specify data format for required information (csv/etc). But documents confirming your EU residency are required in your email.

At current time we can delete content only by hand, via email request. But we working on automated solution for this purpose.

Check also Terms of use and Privacy Policy.


Hop to:

I couldn't hold back any longer as I fucked my mother till she couldn't take any more...