Trip to Glastonbury
Adjacent to those rock outcroppings was a very good example of a more recent-day
castle, in the form of St. Michael's Mount. Of course the women "just had to" see that
castle. Never mind the 1200 steps it took continuous to get to the base of the castle, but
of course my "wives" were not aware of the steep climb until we were about half-way up.
It was a good thing that we had stocked my backpack with cold beer, it was needed badly
by all of us as we stopped to rest.
What can you say about St. Michael's Mount that would do justice to this romantic island
location? There was a Benedictine Priory here, built in the 12th century as a daughter
house of Mont St. Michel in Normandy. St. Michael's Mount is an odd mix of house,
religious retreat, and fortified castle. It was a pilgrimage centre in the Middle Ages,
converted first to a fortress, then to a house after the Civil War by the St. Aubin family.
Within the castle are comfortable family rooms, with paintings by Gainsborough, among
others. The former refectory of the priory is now the Cherry Chase Room, with a 17th
century frieze depicting hunting scenes painted on the walls. Other features of the house
include a weapons collection, Chippendale furniture, and 18th century clothes worn by
the St. Aubin family. Reached by a boat (in summer) or via a causeway that is covered by
water at high tide. The causeway is open for 2-5 hours daily.
We spent the better part of the rest of the day taking a tour of the castle. Being that we
were all very sexually active, we were getting extremely horny with each other. The
women had worn their cut-off denim shorts with button-down blouses that they had tied
the shirttails of across their tummys and just the sight of them made my dick hard.
Maryanne was the first to see it, and she whispered that "Don is having a problem." To
which Gina glanced at my crotch and smirked that perhaps we need to find a bed. With
that, we decided to leave and go and find a Bed and Breakfast location.
This time we needed a hotel badly. We had enjoyed complete open lovemaking at the
cavern at St. Agnes, as we could run around naked, fucking at will on the beach, in the
cavern and on our rock ledge to our hearts' contents. My cock and Gina's love nest were
obviously made for each other and we could not fuck each other enough. The hot wet
confines of her vulva lips simply embraced the side of my cock so that the mere hot
wetness of them as I slid into her heated depths would just about set me off.....her firm
young titties felt like warm pillows against my chest as I lay on her. She knew just how
to squirm and pant in heat like a dog as I would cup her naked buttocks with my hands as
I exploded deep into her womb and shot my fishies into her baby-making nest. At that
cavern where it was warm and yet wet from the water from the waves creeping into our
heaven of lust, as we lay fucking she totally abandoned all inhibitions in her lust for my
cock, and had gotten so excited as she climaxed, in my plundering to shot that oily syrup
into her that she had peed herself in that lust, and I felt that hot bathing against my balls
and cock. Normallly piss stinks, but Gina's was almost like honey in smell. I truly loved
this gal and would have gladly shrunk my entire body to the size needed to poke my
entire being deep into her tummy and stay there. Her mouth was a continous enactment of
her lust as she would open it, stick her tongue against my lips and force my mouth open
to intertwine my tongue with hers and draw it out and into hers so she could suck on my
tongue in her heat as if my tongue was another cock ready to shoot its load, too. Our
lovemaking would culminate with so much slobber, piss, cum, pussy juice that it is a
wonder that we ever got completely dry. I couldn't help but wonder what her Air Force
Lieutenant was going to do with her if she returned from England with my baby in her
belly and he had not been home overnight for 6 months. Baby in her belly? More like
maybe 4-6 of them with all the sperm I had shot into her!
Maryanne fully recognized our love for each other. She would not get so sexcited when I
fucked her, but she did seem to enjoy receiving my cum. She had gone through one
pregnancy with me as the daddy, and so she knew what kind of lover I was. Now she
wanted to continue to bear my babies as well, but her fucking was more designed to
produce those babies, as opposed to having out-and-out sex couplings like Gina and I
experienced. I hoped that Gina would always want to fuck me like she had been doing....I
would be dying an extremely happy man!
As soon as we got to the base of the Mount and crossed the 500-yard causeway that the
tide normally covers when it is in, we found the Hotel Chymorwah. This fine old large
hotel was just what we were seeking and I quickly registered us and we proceeded to our
room. We quickly opened the door, went in, and closed it, locking it. The women were
suddenly attacking me and my cock nearly got broken off. I must have fucked at least a
half dozen times that night! I remember taking a break just once and going downstairs
dressed to have our Dinner meal, but once we had completed that, we were back in our
room fucking like there was no tomorrow.
Chapter 8
The next day, we collected ourselves and were on the road down the A394 toward
Plymouth and eventually Southampton. The women had decided to wear their micro-
miniskirted denims. Their tank tops that barely covered their creamy breasts made me
thankful that they had nearly fucked me to death the night before. We managed to slip
into a car parking lot very close by to the dock that the Pilgrims had sailed from so that
we were not followed by any of the local lads that would have been trying to catch a
glimpse of one of "my" white thighs to see if it came to a "V" that did or not have
panties....Plymouth is mostly couples with kids, with fathers that are closely watched by
mommies for that sort of thing. This Daddy did not feel like sharing his Mommies.
A short time later we were again on the road, on the A38. At Exeter we would briefly
join the M5 and then veer off to the east on the A30 to Honiton and then follow the A35
to Poole and Bournemouth, and then the A348 and A349 up to the A31 to catch the M27
into Southhampton. As is the case on most of our travels, I had made arrangements at
most places well ahead of time before we left the does not travel in England
very much without having reservations well ahead of time unless they want to sleep
alongside the road with a bunch of truckers or gypsies. As it turned out we made better
time than what I had expected, and got into Southampton one day early. Thankfully I had
been at the hotel where we had reservations, previously and they knew me and they did
indeed have an open room for us. It was just as well because we decided to stay for a bit
in Southampton and see the sights and do some shopping. Those bare pussies and asses
had been taking their toll on me all day and once again I was ready for some good
fucking. As soon as we got checked in and into our room, those cunts got plundered
I was rapidly becoming drained. I noticed that now when I shot a load of cum into either
of the women, that my balls seemed to want to simply suck themselves into my lower
belly in exhaustion. I mentioned this to Maryanne and she said that Daniel had
complained about this, as well when they had fucked too much. She said that Tom, before
Daniel and who had "done her dirty" also had that problem when they had been out and
about in the swinger parties they attended together. She always had attributed this in Tom
to having a rubber on as she would not let him fuck her without one when he was with
other women as she said that he was not at all careful about STD/VD and that she was not
going to possibly endanger her chances of having a baby or fuck herself up, otherwise
with something like AIDS.
We lay there, spent and I hated to have to make the decision like this, I knew I had to. I
lovingly told each of the women that they would have to share me on an every-other-nite
basis, so that if I fucked Maryanne tonight it would be Gina's turn tomorrow night,
Maryanne's the next, and Gina's the next, etc., etc. I told them that I would fuck each of
them on their night as long as I could "last" or they wanted "me' in their baby nests. As it
turned out they were about ready to suggest this, too, as they both advised that sometimes
their pussy lips were sore from so much fucking.
For that night we did not fuck at all, after we had originally climaxed. The next day after
we had eaten our Breakfasts we decided to go shopping. The women wore the same
outfits they had worn the day before. It was probably good that I was with them and that
my stature was over 6 feet 4 inches high and that I was considered to be a solid piece of
muscle by most people, otherwise they would have been surely raped by some of these
longshoremen that were gawking at us just about every place we went.
Southampton is to England what San Pedro, California, is to the western U.S.A. All of
England's cruise ships depart and arrive there and sailors and dockworkers abound there.
Southampton is the sailing and arrival point for England's QEII and was the departure
point for the ill-fated Titanic's maiden and only voyage that put her on the bottom of the
Atlantic Ocean in 1912. Southampton is the arrival point for hundreds of thousands of
GIs from the United States of America that came to Europe to defeat the Nazis.
I took the women down to the dock where the Titanic had sailed. It has a marble plaque
sunk into the ground commemorating those lost souls with each of their names. Gina's
grandmother had had a sister from Naples, Italy, that was on that ill-fated ship and she
found her great-aunt's name, which brought tears to her eyes. I gently held my beauty to
my chest and cuddled her and kissed away her tears. She said that she remembered her
Grandmother well talking about this lost sister from the time she (Gina was a little girl)
until her grandmother had passed away. Some of the bodies had been found, and pulled
out of their watery grave to be buried in Newfoundland, but as far as her lost one was
concerned she did not think they ever found her body.
That night was Gina's turn for sex. As she and I lay in bed murmuring sweet nothings to
each other she lovingly asked that I made sure she was impregnated on this trip because
she wanted to, if the baby was a girl, to name the baby after her lost Great-Aunt. I thought
this was awfully sweet of her and told her so. All night that night she seemed like she
could not get enough of my hard cock or my syrupy sperm-filled cum. This woman was
not just a fuck, she was THE example of what mommy-hood and wife-hood was all
about! I was falling in love with another man's wife and I had decided that when we got
back to the States, he was going to shape up as a husband or else he could take that big
ole bird up in the sky and fuck it to his heart's content because I was going to see to it that
he and the entire U.S. Air Force if that was what it took, would no longer look at Gina as
being an Air Force dependent, except as how a divorce court would rule on an ongoing
desertion petition to separate a marriage.
Chapter 9
The next morning we dressed and ate Breakfast and then left the hotel, driving about
Southampton for a bit, before heading out on the A36 to Salisbury, where Stonehenge is
located. We spent the nite in Salisbury at a B&B, and got up early the next morning to go
out to the Salisbury plains to Stonehenge before the authorities and tourist buses arrived
there at this ancient site. Someone had told me once that if you could somehow sneak into
the circle of those rings and fuck, it would be the most erotic fuck you ever had, what
with the Ley Line magnetic fields affecting you. I was not disappointed. We got there
just before the sun came up and sneaked in across the fields. We were not alone....4 other
couples had the same idea and the 8 of them, with the 3 of us were all cavorting naked in
amongst the stones. I managed to get Maryanne up on top of one of them and just as the
sun came up that morning I was shooting her cervix full of my baby juice. She later said
that she had never experienced such a climax in her was like the ancients had
come back in their spiritual form and had raped her!
We left Stonehenge just as the first of the park rangers began showing up. They stopped
us and wanted to know if they could help us.....we were thankful that they had not been
there earlier or there might have been 3 American assholes sitting in the Tower of London
for awhile until our American Ambassador could come and get us.
We had a long drive ahead of us. We were going to try to make it to the Bridge Hotel in
Brandon, Suffolk, by nightfall. At one time when I was in the Air Force at RAF
Lakenheath, this would have been nearly impossible to do, what with little or no
"freeway" type roads in England, except for the main ones of the M1, M4, M5, etc. Now
there were many more wider and multi-laned A-series ones and one did not have to slow
down every 5-10 miles on them to pass through some village that used to accomodate
horses and buggies quite well. We made it to Brandon about 4 p.m. and checked into the
Bridge Hotel. This B&B is very accomodating, setting on the River Little Ouse, with a
nice picnic area type park. The one king-size bed afforded the 3 of us plenty of room, as if
we needed it....that night was Maryanne's turn to be fucked. Gina made all this simple by
staying downstairs to watch the telly while I "fed" Maryanne her share of my cum. She
wasn't needing very much of it...she said that she felt like that baby was already beginning
its growth and development in her womb. I could well recall how her first pregnancy
went and this time my cock was feeling very familiar.
In Maryanne's first pregnancy with me, the one that her husband Daniel did not seem to
know that little Danny was not his child, it had been a mysterious impregnation.
Maryanne and I both felt that I was in fact the daddy, but Daniel had fucked her as well
that night. She had begun her ovulating earlier that morning and Maryanne and Daniel
had planned to go out that evening for a wining and dining "date" as a married couple.
She said that their plans were to have a nice evening, and then come back home and fuck,
hoping to start their young family that night.
I had been at that restaurant, eating a meal with a hot date I had that night. Beverly was a
slut of sorts, but good for a good fuck most of the time, if one wined and dined her and
made her feel important. I was making her feel important, and about midway through our
meal, she had to go to the powder room. She had to walk right by Daniel and Maryanne,
and Daniel could not take his eyes off her scantily clad figure. Something was drastically
wrong with this asshole, I thought, as Maryanne was about 4 times better looking than
Beverly, and appeared to be much more decent in behavior and dress, as well. Beverly's
boobs were barely covered, and it would not have taken much to find out that she did not
have any underwear on, inasmuch as her garters were showing as well as the tops of her
stockings which appear to be almost at her cunt lips.
I get fucked... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting