Crimson Kiss.
They had both showered and dressed within the hour. Desmond wore a pair of
blue skinny jeans with a band t-shirt of The Used and a pair of skate shoes.
Even dressed as simply as this, he looked spectacular. The shirt hugged him so
that his muscles could be seen and the way his belt hung suggestively off of his
hips instead of through the belt loops was very tongue-in-cheek. He had washed
his hair and it flowed, glowing and healthy, down to his shoulders and his eyes
were slightly less bloodshot. He had accessorized with a black studded
David had threw on a green v neck shirt that embraced his chest and accentuated
his muscles, long denim shorts, and neon green high top Converses. He looked
beautiful. His black and green studded belt was through the loops and he wore a
black open vest.
By then Angel and Krystian had already showered, dressed, and ate while Li Mei
was still no where to be found. Ultimately, no one noticed.
He was currently straightening his hair while Desmond checked himself out in the
“I look so fucking good.” Desmond murmured and David laughed, shaking his head.
“Don’t let your head get too swollen.” he teased and Desmond rolled his eyes.
“You know you want this.” he said, whispering softly and waggling his eyebrows
at him.
“Besides it’s true.” he said, blew himself a kiss in the mirror and left the
room. David emerged from the bathroom a moment later, fixing his hair how he
wanted it. Desmond was standing the doorway, staring down the staircase.
“What is it?” David asked.
“A car just pulled up. I think it‘s the new roommate.” Desmond murmured.
A minute later he was starting down the stairs and David wasn’t too far
behind. They walked into the living room where Angel was waiting seeing as
Krystian had went to go answer the now ringing door.
“You guys want to welcome the new tenant?” she asked, surprised as they came
bounding into the room. She was dressed in a professional looking red dress and
black heels.
“Sure why not?” David said.
“We’re not doing anything better.” Desmond said and Angel shrugged a shoulder.
“Whatever. Just behave David. Desmond you already know the deal.” He made a face
but nodded. They heard the voices down the hall and a moment later, when they
saw Casey Pittman, Desmond felt himself go a little gay but it wasn’t until they
saw the second guy that he briefly thought about cutting off girls all together
for these two men.
Krystian followed close behind and entered the room as the two men sat on the
couch opposite Desmond and David. The black haired one smiled and pointed at
Desmond’s shirt.
“I love those guys. Just saw them a few weeks ago.” he said and the slightest
hint of a New Zealand accent could be heard. Desmond smiled back.
“Oh really?” he asked.
“Yeah. I dipped into this concert hall a few weeks ago because the cops were
looking for me and they were on stage. Guess I got lucky.” he said.
“You guys are joining us?” Krystian asked to Desmond and David. The two best
friends nodded and Krystian narrowed his eyes but said nothing. His look clearly
said, “Behave.” The two nodded again and Krystian frowned. He didn’t believe
them but he went on.
“Casey, Ryder this is only part of our coven. The rest are...out of the house
right now. That’s Desmond, David and she’s Angel.” He said and everyone nodded
in turn.
“This is Casey Pittman. Casey, I think you’ll fit right in with Desmond, David
and David’s brother Daniel.” Krystian said, making a face at the end of the
Casey was striking. He had jet black hair that brushed his shoulders and over his left eye, hazel eyes that reminded one of a sunset, and a nicely toned body that almost screamed to be touched. His yellow v neck hugged his chest and well built arms. He wore black skinny jeans that disappeared into black and yellow high tops. Hanging off of his waist was a black and yellow studded belt and around his wrist was a black and yellow checkered wristband. Atop his dark haired head sat a bright yellow cap that he wore to the back. He was magnificent. He had snakebites, his tongue, and he also had his septum pierced. Through his left nostril sat a small black stud, too. He also had a few tattoos but a few was an understatement. He had a sleeve on his right arm that stretched down the back of his hand and several tattoos on his left arm. He had “Casey ♥’s Music.” on the side of his neck and “We’ll Sleep When We’re Dead.” across his neckline. Desmond wanted him. Bad.
“Why do you say that?” Casey asked, smirking at Desmond and David before
looking back up at Krystian.
“I’ll just say that you guys have a lot in common. Especially you and Desmond.”
Krystian said, vaguely and then moved to sit down.
“We’ll just have to find out what he means, now won’t we?” Casey laughed,
speaking to Desmond who nodded, smiling.
“This is Ryder Lewis. Another addition to Desmond’s gang.” Krystian said,
bitterly. This whole time he’d been avoiding Angel’s controlled surprise. He
knew why she was surprised. The Elders had told him to take Casey and he’d
agreed but when Casey arrived, Ryder was with him. Ryder gave him a letter from
the Elders saying that he was to move into the coven as well and that he’d been
delivered to the Elders a few hours after Casey did in the same state: barely
surviving. The Elders had decided that since Krystian was taking Casey he might
as well take Ryder and that was the end of that. There was no telling the Elders
no. Ryder was along for the ride.
He had the same black hair as Casey except his was teased up in the back and
it had fire engine red accents. It fell over his sea green eyes and he now
pushed it out of his face. His hair looked like it took a lot of time to do. He
had a lean body that suggested he did some kind of sport. His All Time Low shirt
squeezed his torso, accentuating his chest and his jean Capri’s hugged his legs.
He wore low top black Converses with the laces tucked into his shoes instead of
being tied. He sported a bar through his left eyebrow and his septum. He also
had double spider bites and his tongue had stud in the middle of it. He was
gorgeous. He had two sleeves from what Desmond could see and he smiled. Ryder
was sexy but Casey was beyond words.
Ryder grinned and Casey gripped his shoulder. Ryder looked at him.
“We were best friends in the Elder’s boarding home so I don’t mind hanging
out with you. If I’m forced to, I mean.” he joked and Casey stuck his tongue out
at him. He’s American, Desmond noted.
“Now we’re going to get down to business.” Krystian said and the smiles wiped
off of Casey’s and Ryder’s faces.
“I noticed you stubbed out a cigarette as you walked up the driveway, Casey, so
I’m assuming you smoke.” Krystian said and Casey nodded in reply. “Do you have
any cigarettes on you right now?”
Casey produced a new pack of cigarettes from his pocket and raised them next to
his head. He looked worried.
“You gonna take them from me?” he asked, sounding a little upset.
Krystian shook his head.
“You can keep them. I was wondering because I used to smoke and it’ll be hard
not to smoke with a smoker now living in the house so if you don’t mind, please
don’t smoke in the house.” he said and Casey was noticeably relieved.
“I could do that.” he said and put his cigarettes away. Krystian nodded. He was
glad he agreed so easily.
“Anyway, the house rules are really simple. Just contribute to the house,
respect me as your coven leader, respect the Elders, conserve our supply of
blood because there are 8 other people who live here, respect everyone else and
leave the partying for when you’re out of the house.” Krys went on, shooting
Desmond a look on the last part. Casey saw and beamed.
“There’s obviously a story behind that.” he laughed, looking at Desmond and
waggling his eyebrows. Desmond bit his lip and smiled.
“I’ll tell you later.” he said and Casey nodded.
“It’s not something to be proud of, Desmond.” Krystian murmured. Desmond stared
at him, bewildered.
“Why not?” he asked, laughing.
“Do you really want someone’s first impression of you to be how you acted last
night?” Krys asked. Desmond shrugged.
“Why not? It’s how I am everyday. Instead of finding out what I’m like as they
get to know me, why not just know from the beginning?” he shot back.
Krystian frowned.
“You’re proud of how you are everyday?” he asked in disbelief.
Desmond nodded, smugly. “Of course. If I wasn’t, I would try to change.” he
said, definitely. Krystian just shook his head and continued.
“So Casey, Ryder we’re still doing renovations in the other bedrooms around the
mansion so for now, Casey you’ll be rooming with Desmond and Ryder you’ll be
rooming with me.” he said and both men nodded. Desmond was ecstatic on the
inside but he merely smiled on the outside as did Casey. David frowned.
“Ryder, you’re more than welcome to sleep in my bed. Me and Daniel will share a
bed. Rooming with Krystian is a torture I’ve had to endure at one point in time.
He’s psychotic.” he said and Krystian frowned.
“Was it so much trouble for you to keep the room clean?” he asked.
“Yeah, if you’re also telling me to use hand sanitizer every time I touch the
doorknob.” David shot back.
“I don’t like being sick.” Krystian murmured.
“That’s not a good enough excuse.” David muttered.
“So Ryder you’ll be with David and Daniel. This will work out perfectly.” Angel
said, happily and Ryder smirked at her.
“Do you have a roommate?” he asked and she shook her head.
“Want one?” he flirted and she smiled. Krystian didn’t.
“Men and women have separate rooms in this coven, for obvious reasons.” he
interjected and Ryder’s smile fell a little.
“That’s a shame. We could’ve shared a bed if we had to.” he said and Angel
Krystian didn’t want to hear anymore.
“Why don’t you two go get settled in? Desmond, David show them to the rooms.” he
said and the four men rose from their seats and filed out of the living room.
They all walked down the hallway and as they passed by the door, Casey looked at
it as if contemplating something. Desmond noticed.
“Want to go outside?” he asked.
“I need a cigarette.” Casey muttered in reply but continued up the stairs with
the rest of them.
Desmond and Casey got to their room as David and Ryder continued further down
the hall to their room. When Desmond opened the door he noticed that his bed had
been pushed against the wall so that the second bed could be placed against the
opposite wall. On the second bed were several suitcases and 3 guitar cases with
an amp on the floor next to the bed. There was even a second dresser and vanity
in the room. Desmond was bewildered.
“When did they do this?” he asked as Casey walked in, heading towards his bed.
“Who knows how the Elders work? For all we know, my clothes could already be put
in the dressers and shoes in the closet.” Casey laughed as he moved one suitcase
off of another and unzipped the front pouch. He reached in and pulled out a
green lighter, smiling triumphantly. Reaching up to his ear, he pushed his hair
back and there sat a small white cigarette perched on his ear, much like how a
pencil would be as he walked towards the window and pulled back the curtains. He
opened it and poked his head out, looking around. When he was satisfied he
leaned back and shoved one leg through it. Desmond was worried.
“What’re you doing, mate?” he asked, starting towards Casey. Casey just
looked at him as if he should know.
“I can’t smoke in the house.” he said, popping the cigarette between his lips.
“So you’re going to jump out the window?” Desmond asked.
Confusion and then realization washed over Casey’s face.
“Oh, no. There’s a roof underneath this window and instead of going to stand in
the front, I’m going out here.” he explained and, sure enough, Desmond saw a
small roof under his window that stretched all the way down to the other side of
the house. He nodded and laughed a little.
“Oh.” he said and Casey grinned at him.
“Worried about me?” he asked and Desmond watched as the cigarette bobbed up and
down between his lips. His beautiful, full lips. Desmond wondered briefly if
they were as soft as they looked.
“More like worried whether or not you were going to commit suicide.” He laughed
and Casey smiled at him.
“If I was going to kill myself, I would’ve done it a long time ago.” he said
but he didn’t stick around for any further conversation. He ducked out the
window and stood on the roof. He flicked the lighter a few times, holding it up
to the cigarette and shielding it with a cupped hand so that the warm gentle
breeze didn’t blow the flame out. Desmond watched peace consume his face as he
inhaled the smoke and blew out happily. He sat down and continued to puff on his
cigarette as he gazed out into the vast backyard behind the mansion. It
definitely was a sight to behold.
The backyard had a circular rose garden that took up most of it that was almost
a maze and when you reached the center there was a tall fountain surrounded by
benches and framed by rocks. It looked like the epicenter of nirvana. There were
long cobblestone pathways that led into the woods where Desmond knew there was a
large clearing with a large waterfall and lake that he, David and Daniel often
used for playing catch with a football or to go swimming in. On the other side
of the backyard were tennis courts, basketball courts, a baseball diamond and a
track for racing. The three best friends always found themselves outdoors more
and more often during the warmer days.
Desmond headed back in the room when Casey’s voice stopped him.
“You’re not going to come out here with me?” he called and Desmond turned back
to the window. Casey was staring at him, expectantly. Desmond shrugged and
climbed out of the window. He positioned himself next to Casey and sat down,
bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his arms across his legs.
“I figure since we’re going to be rooming together and all, I should tell you
I’m bisexual and that I strongly prefer guys.” Casey said as he took another
drag from his cigarette. He looked over at Desmond waiting for a reaction. There
wasn’t one. Casey sighed.
“I’m not going to try to grope you in your sleep but I can’t help it if I
develop a crush on you. Besides I just got out of a relationship with this guy
and it was messy and I’m not really looking for any kind of relationship so you
shouldn’t have anything to worry about. You seem pretty cool and it’d be a shame
if we couldn’t be friends because of this.” he said as if he’d said this his
entire life. Desmond didn’t know what to do.
Should he tell Casey that he was bi too but he didn’t really like guys or
should he just tell him that he was straight? After all, he’d never slept with a
guy before. He’d only kissed a few guys throughout his entire life and one of
those guys was Dom, which didn’t really count because he didn’t like Dom like
that. He decided to go with the first choice and see where that got him. He told
Casey who then smiled.
“So you’re a halfway virgin?” he asked and Desmond thought for a moment.
“I guess you could say that.” he said, finally and he thought he saw Casey bite
his lip. He did however see Casey rolling his eyes over his body and he turned a
little pink.
“So never with a guy?” Casey asked again with a smirk on his face.
Desmond shook his head. He was aware of Casey’s change in attitude and how he
moved a little closer to him. He didn’t mind.
“I’ve always thought about it though.” he admitted.
“The only thing you’ve ever done with a guy is make out with him?” Casey
continued to question. Desmond shook his head.
“Not even that. More like just a peck on the lips.” he said and Casey grinned
from ear to ear.
“What?” Desmond asked and Casey shook his head, innocently.
“Nothing. Just a little shocking is all.” he laughed as he drew on his cigarette
again and looked back out over the backyard. Desmond was a little offended.
“Why?” he asked.
“Have you seen yourself?” Casey asked, bewildered.
Desmond nodded as if speaking to a child.
“Everyday in the mirror.” he said.
“So you know that you’re fucking sexy?” Casey said and Desmond just stared at
him, stupidly.
“I’m well aware of that, yes but what does that have to do with anything?” he
demanded. He didn’t need Casey to tell him he was hot. He could’ve told him that
Casey just shook his head. “Nothing, apparently.” he laughed. “Besides the fact
that it’s hard to believe you can’t find a guy to be with when you look the way
you do.”
Desmond frowned. “It’s not that I can’t find one, it’s just that I’m not
looking. I prefer girls.” he defended.
Casey rolled his eyes and nodded sarcastically. “Right. I think that you’re
scared to be with a guy.” he said, laughing a little.
It was starting to piss Desmond off at how Casey thought that this was funny. He
was being serious.
“I’m not scared.” Desmond defended himself.
“Then what’s your excuse for only kissing guys like you would kiss your own
mother?” Casey challenged.
“I prefer girls.”
“I’m aware of that but that’s not what I asked.”
Desmond frowned. “Then I don’t understand the question.” he said.
“Why haven’t you at least made out with a guy?” Casey said, re-wording his
Desmond shrugged and Casey sighed.
“Have you ever wanted to make out with a guy?” he asked.
Desmond nodded, quickly. “Of course.”
“Then why haven’t you?” Casey asked.
Desmond shrugged his shoulder.
“I don’t know. The only other guys I know who like guys are David, Daniel and
my friend Dom but they’re my best friends.” he said. “It’d be kind of awkward to
do that with them.” he finished.
“I’m not your best friend. Would it be awkward with me?” Casey said, sexily.
Desmond looked at him to see if he was serious and his words caught in his
throat. Casey’s beautiful tawny eyes were overflowing with lust as they met
Desmond’s green ones. He didn’t answer right away and Casey took that chance to
start leaning in. He was a few inches away from Desmond’s lips when he found his
“No.” he mumbled and Casey kissed him. It was a swift, firm kiss but Desmond was
left breathless nonetheless. Casey smiled and returned to his sitting position.
“God, it’s like being with a virgin.” he laughed as he took another drag from
his cigarette.
Desmond didn’t say anything. He only stared at the man sitting next to him.
Casey looked back at him.
“You going to say something or just stare at me?” he asked, smirking.
“What was that for?” Desmond asked, breathily. Casey shrugged.
“I told you that I thought you were hot. Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?” he
Desmond nodded.
“So did you like it?” Casey asked and Desmond nodded, absently.
“Would you make out with me if I asked you to?” Casey continued. Desmond nodded
again. Casey smiled.
“Good.” he said and stubbed his cigarette, or what was left of it, out onto the
tiles of the roof. He stood up and started back towards the window to the room.
“You coming?” he called and Desmond got up to follow. Ultimately he was shell
shocked. He was used to kissing strangers, hell he was used to doing a hell of a
lot more than kissing strangers but Casey not like any stranger. Other strangers
beat around the bush about wanting to have sex with him. Casey didn’t hide it.
He put it out there and then some. He wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted and
what he wanted was Desmond.
They climbed back into the room and Casey went back over to his suitcases and
opened the one he’d produced the lighter from. In it were two skateboards over
the top of folded up clothes. He took both skateboards and shoved them
underneath his bed before opening one of the drawers and shoving his clothes
into it. Desmond just sat on his bed.
“You told me you were going to tell me what happened last night. What
happened?” Casey said, opening a different suitcase as he threw the one he’d
just emptied onto the floor. Desmond launched into the story as Casey continued
to put his clothes away, laughing every so often. By the end of the story he was
grinning and shaking his head.
“You seem like a party guy.” Casey laughed, moving his suitcase and tossing it
to the floor. He sat on his bed and stared at Desmond, who was grinning.
“Always have been.” Desmond said, proudly. “Are you?”
Casey raised his eyebrows. “Is that a serious question?” he laughed and Desmond
“I guess Krystian was right about you hanging out with us then. Since I told you
what happened last night you have to tell me why the cops chased you into a The
Used concert.” Desmond said and Casey hung his head, defeated.
“I guess that’s only fair.” he laughed. He looked back up at Desmond with a
mischievous smirk on his face and Desmond felt his heart skip a beat. Damn he
was sexy.
“Promise not to tell?” Casey asked. Desmond raised his hand up.
“Scout’s honor.” he said and Casey sighed.
“Breaking and entering, theft, sexual harassment and I’m being accused of
vandalism.” he said, laughing a small sarcastic laugh. Desmond raised his
eyebrows and whistled.
“How did all of that start?” he asked. Casey shook his head, somberly.
“Over stupid petty shit that I should’ve been more mature about but wasn’t.” he
muttered. “I don’t really like to talk about it. It’s beneath me.” he said and
Desmond nodded, understandingly.
He had a feeling that he would eventually find out though.
After Tom went to the kitchen to mix the drinks, Lincoln and Elena sat down on the couch, and much to Elena's surprise a consternation, Lincoln gently leaned over and kissed her full on the lips while cupping her large breasts through her flimsy dress!!!... |
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