Crimson Kiss.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t to be honest, Dave.” he said, squeezing his eyes
shut, wishing David away. It wasn’t granted. David got louder and his head
throbbed with each word.
“She beat us. She was a heroin addict. She was a hooker. She neglected us. She
let one of her ex-boyfriends rape Dan. For god sakes, Des, she tried to sell
“Everyone has a shitty life. They don’t hold grudges.”
Desmond had no idea why he was being so mean. Maybe because he wanted to be left
alone or because he wanted David gone as soon as possible but he knew he would
apologize and make it up to him later. This was a sensitive subject for David
and the way Desmond was treating it was downright cruel.
David literally pulled at his hair, grunting in pain. Desmond couldn’t help but
laugh a little.
“You look like a monkey. You’re all red and simian-like.”
David dropped his arms, suddenly calm. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly
through his nose, opening his eyes after a few minutes.
“Krystian’s right. You can’t take anything seriously if it doesn’t involve you.”
Desmond frowned. “When did he say that?” he asked but David had already
started walking towards the door.
“Doesn’t matter.” he called back as he pulled the door closed behind him.
Desmond sighed and laid his head on his pillow. “I need a drink.” he muttered
and with that said, he rose off of his bed and made his way to his closet.
He flung the doors open and came face to face with himself. He stared into the
mirror at his face that had already started to heal somewhat. The swelling was
gone and the redness had faded back to his usual rosy cheeks. Even with all of
this improvement, he still sported a semi black eye and a cut lip. If he tried
to go to a bar like this, they wouldn’t let him in, assuming he’d already been
kicked out of a bar.
A pint or two of blood should fix that up nicely, he thought as he slipped his
bloodied sweater off and tossed it to the floor. Just then his cell phone
vibrated in his pants pocket and he pulled it out to find a text from his
childhood friend from before he Turned, Dominic Planter. It said, “Call me.
Football tonight?”
Desmond could just imagine Dom’s plans for the night: hit up a few bars,
running up tabs and through ladies all around the city then sneaking onto a
field for a drunken, late night soccer game. He grinned and hit the green call
button and put it on speaker, setting it on the closet shelf so that he could
decide what to wear. Dom answered on the second ring.
“Hey faggot.” he answered. Desmond laughed.
“I love you too, baby.” he replied.
Dom had grew up in Manchester with Desmond and was Turned a whole two years
after Desmond was by his coven leader.
“We on for football?” Dom asked and Desmond grinned at his friend.
Even though Dom had lived in the states for over a century now he still clung on
to British terminology.
“Definitely. Though I do need a fix.” Desmond said, pulling a tight white v
neck off of the hanger and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Of the bloody sort?” Dom asked.
“Yeah. We’re bone dry over here.” Des said pulling two pairs of long denim
shorts down, one light blue and the other dark blue.
“I’ll handle it baby. Just get all sexy because that might take all night. I
mean, it takes you two hours to get what you call decent but what’s actually is
shitty.” Dom teased, ending with a laugh.
“Fuck you.” Desmond laughed.
“You bringing anyone?” Dom questioned.
Desmond paused and thought. “Maybe Dan and Dave but they’re pissed at me right
now.” he said, finally.
“Poppin’ off at the mouth again?” Dom guessed.
“Of course.” Desmond said, bitterly.
“Ah well. Maybe they’ll forgive you...again.” Dom suggested. Desmond shrugged.
“Who knows?” he said.
David’s words came rushing back to his mind.
Krystian’s right. You can’t take anything seriously if it doesn’t involve you.
He shook it out of his mind but he made a mental note to apologize for how he
“You should. It’s the right thing to do, yeah?” Dom said, not trying to conceal
the fact that he was reading Desmond’s thoughts.
“Guess so. The pains I go through for being a good friend.” he muttered.
“I’m bringing a few guys I met. They’re pretty chill. We’ll be there in a bit.”
Dom said, preparing to hang up.
“Alright.” Desmond said, slinging a pair of shorts over his arm to free his hand
to grab his phone. He now held it to his mouth.
“Oh and Des?” Dom quickly added before Desmond hung up.
“Yeah?” he answered, his finger hovering over the end button.
“Light blue denim shows grass stains more than dark blue.” Dom said and Desmond
“You know me too well.”
Dom laughed too. “Later.” he said and the best friends hung up.
Desmond hung the light blue denim shorts back up and snagged an orange hat.
Whenever Dom and Desmond played soccer they were always on the same team and
there were always two teams, orange and white. The teams always wore
corresponding colors for their team so there would be no need to change but Dom
and Desmond always wore the same outfit: white shirt, denim shorts, knee high
white socks with two orange stripes, orange hoody, orange hat with a white
embroidered D on the front and orange Converses. The white team wore the exact
inverse of that.
Desmond grabbed the appropriate clothes and his cleats and stripped naked,
grabbing a towel from a drawer and wrapping it around his waist. He grabbed his
washcloth and shot his clothes onto his bed as he walked towards his bedroom
door to head to the shower down the hall. He had a bathroom connected to his
room but he figured he better tell the twins.
He passed the Fassano twins in the hallway while he was walking and nodded
politely as they ogled him like a piece of meat. He came to a halt outside the
twins room and knocked twice.
“Is that you, Des?” Daniel’s voice asked, muffled by the door.
“Yeah. Open the door.” he answered.
“Screw off.” David shot through the door.
Desmond glanced over at the twins who had started to walk towards him with lust
filled eyes and Desmond gripped his towel and kind of panicked.
“Uhhmm...I’m about to be approached by some sluts and I have nothing on but a
towel.” he called, nervously and to his delight, a moment later, the door knob
turned and he quickly ran into the room, slamming the door behind him just as
the twins reached it. He sighed.
“That was close.” he said, relieved.
“Whatever.” David said, sitting on his bed. He had apparently opened the door
but was still bitter.
“What do you want?” he demanded.
Des sighed.
“I’m sorry, okay? I’m an asshole and shouldn’t have ignored you guy’s feeling
like that. You guys are my best mates and I treated you badly but I can make it
up.” he said.
David’s stony face had softened and now curiosity washed over him.
“How?” he demanded but with noticeably less venom.
“Soccer, bars, girls and law breaking fun.” Desmond laughed as a devilish grin
washed over his sexy face. That same grin quickly dominated the twins handsome
“Is this Dom’s doing?” Daniel asked.
“Who else would suggest boobs, booze and soccer for a daily outing?” Desmond
The twins joined it. He had a point.
“He’ll be here soon.” Desmond said, turning to leave.
“Does Krys know we’re leaving?” Daniel asked and Desmond could hear the soft
creak of a bed moving and a soft thump and Daniel cry out. He glanced behind him
and saw that David had shot a pillow at him.
“Who cares? Technically he has no dominion over me anymore. You two can ask to
go though.” he snorted and left the room, not waiting for a reply.
David got up and moved to the closet that they shared and pulled out clothes
for both of them related to the orange team and tossed them on the bed. They
obviously weren’t going to ask.
“You never did tell what happened between you and Angel when you let her feed
off of you, Dave.” Daniel said, pulling his clothes out of the pile his brother
was creating.
“Nothing. She fed off of me and that was that.” David said, quickly and Daniel
scoffed, now upset.
“Since when did you start lying to me?” he demanded.
They had only each other their entire lives and knew everything about each
other. They never kept secrets from each other and telling when they were being
lied to came as easy to them as speaking English, especially having been lied to
for as long back as they could remember. After David had reappeared from letting
Angel feed off of him, Daniel knew right away something was wrong.
David sighed and turned to his brother. His look was solemn.
“What happened?” Daniel demanded.
“Swear not to tell?” David asked and Daniel nodded.
“When have I ever told anything?” he assured him.
“Cross your heart?” David pressed.
This was something the twins only said when it was really important. They’d only
said it a few times in their entire lives. This was serious.
Daniel nodded, now serious too.
“Well when she was feeding off of me, like any Vamp, I was horny out of this
world and I know I wasn’t supposed to but I kind of bit her and drank a pint or
two from her.” David said and Daniel frowned.
“That’s it? Krys’ll be pissed if he finds out but ultimately that’s nothing.” he
David shook his head.
“I’m not finished. When I bit her she cried out Desmond’s name.” he finished.
Daniel’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He shook his head, trying to clear
his mind that had flooded with questions.
“What were her exact words, Dave?” he asked, anxiously.
“ ‘Take me now, Desmond.’. I remember them as clear as day. I mean the woman
moaned it several times into my ear.” David said, now anxious himself.
“What’d you do next?” Daniel demanded. He was hanging onto his brothers every
word and he resented himself for behaving like a gossip but he didn’t care right
now. This was juicy.
“I stopped biting her and I guess it sunk in what she had said and she looked at
me horrified and I told her I wouldn’t tell as long as she promised not to tell
Krystian I drank from her. She agreed and ran out of the room like a bat out of
hell.” David continued and Daniel shook his head in awe.
“Goody two shoes Angeline has the hots for super slut Desmond. Would’ve never
guessed it.” he murmured.
“You can’t say anything though. Keep that thought guarded at all costs. I can’t
risk Krys finding out. That’d be just another reason for kicking Des out and a
reason to kick me out. We all know he loves her.” David said.
“If you go, I go.” Daniel said and David didn’t doubt him for a second.
Daniel shook his head, still trying to process this.
“She doesn’t love him though.” Daniel commented, half shocked.
“Let’s quit talking about it. Someone might hear.” Dave murmured, closing the
closet door and pulling off his shirt. Daniel nodded.
“Okay but one question.” he added.
“Shoot.” David said, rifling through the pile of clothes for his shirt.
“How’s she going to explain the two bite marks on her neck?” Daniel asked and
David froze.
“Good question.” he murmured.
“A spider bite?” Li Mei repeated, skeptically.
She had ran upstairs to shower after the scene in the kitchen with Desmond and
was standing in the bathroom, blow drying her hair while Angel took her shower.
She had seen the marks as soon as Angel put her hair into a ponytail.
“Yeah. I laid down for a minute after David walked me back to my room and bam.
Right out of nowhere it bit me.” Angel lied, raising her voice so she could be
heard over both the shower and blow dryer.
She was glad Li Mei couldn’t see her face. She was terrible at lying.
“If it was a spider, why are your thoughts closed off?” Li Mei demanded.
Angel frowned as she realized Li Mei was trying to read her mind. Luckily
David’s blood gave her just enough strength to keep her thoughts guarded.
“So nosy people can’t read them.” she snapped, slightly irritated.
“Or so people can’t find out the truth.” Li Mei countered and Angel fell silent.
“I’ll find out eventually so you might as well tell me.” Li Mei continued.
“There’s nothing to find out.” Angel insisted.
She needed to get away from Li Mei before she cracked and with that she turned
off the water, grabbing her towel from over the top of the shower curtain and
wrapped it around herself.
She stepped out of the shower and Li Mei glanced at her in the mirror.
“Guilty conscience?” She asked, smugly and Angel shot her a look before
leaving the bathroom and heading towards her room. It was only then that she let
her mental block down and she sighed in relief.
“That was a horrible lie.” she chastised herself. “I could’ve did way better.”
She walked over to her bed where her clothes were neatly folded and took her
towel off. She quickly dried herself off and dressed in the silk nightgown and
her underwear before drying her hair and climbing into bed. She wasn’t tired but
she had nothing better to do.
She reached in her bedside table and pulled out her makeup compact and flipped
it open to look in the mirror. She examined the bite marks on her neck and
clicked her tongue.
“Maybe I could cover it up...” she murmured and quickly dabbed some make up over
it and they disappeared. She smiled to herself.
“Now I just have to remember to do this tomorrow morning.” she said, bitterly
and frowned because she had a horrible memory.
Suddenly there was a knock at her door.
“Come in.” she called and Krystian walked in, holding two steaming mugs gingerly
in his hands. Angel could smell that it was tea of some sort. He had already
changed into his pajama pants and t shirt and his hair was pulled up into a
ponytail. He had a solemn look on his face.
“You feeling better?” he asked, sounding on the verge of tears.
Angel smiled. “Yeah.”
Krystian literally sighed in relief as if he was holding his breath and she
could see his body physically relax. He took a few breaths and Angel laughed a
“Are you okay?” she teased and he smiled back at her.
“I am now that I know you are.” he said, truthfully. He came in and closed the
door behind him.
“You can never know with those Jamison’s.” he muttered and Angel laughed again.
“They’re not that bad.” she grinned.
This was a daily routine. Krystian would come sit in her room with her and
they would talk until she fell asleep and then he would take their empty mugs
back to the kitchen and head off to bed himself. After the first week of this
Angel asked why he did this and he simply said, “I like you being the last
thought on my mind before I go to sleep.”.
He came over to the bed and Angel moved over, pulling back the covers so that he
could join her. He handed her the mugs before getting in the bed and took his
back as soon as he’d settled in.
“I found a stray Vamp last week.” Krystian said as Angel sipped her tea.
“Is he stable?” she asked.
“Somewhat. He’s coherent. I sent him down to the Elders for evaluation. If he’s
good, They want him in our coven.” Krys continued.
“That’s great.” Angel smiled but when Krystian didn’t return the smile she
“Right?” she asked.
“He’s already been approved and They’re moving him here tomorrow.” he said.
“I’m sorry, Krys, but I still don’t see the problem.” Angel said.
“This place is so crowded as it is. The last thing we need is another Vamp
housed here. Besides I don’t know what this guy is like and what if he’s another
Desmond? I’ve already got too much on my plate.” Krys sighed.
“But then he could turn out to be sane. I mean everyone living here is crazy. Li
Mei the nosy bitch, Karina and Katana who fuck everything they see, Desmond who
does whatever he wants and Daniel and David who do whatever Desmond wants them
to do.” Angel said, frowning and thinking back to the scene in the bathroom with
Li Mei.
Krystian looked at her shocked and laughed, heartily.
“How do I fit in the craziness?” he asked.
“You’re the constantly stressed out coven leader who seriously needs to take a
vacation.” she answered, laughing.
“And you?” Krystian pressed.
Angel sighed and thought for a moment.
“I’m the goody two shoes, naive handful who helps keep the constantly stressed
out coven leader somewhat in his right mind.” she said and they both shared a
“Anyway, what’s this new guys name?” Angel asked after their laughter subsided.
“Casey Pittman.” Krys answered, still smiling.
“What does he look like?”
“Long black hair, hazel eyes, dresses like a skater, a few piercings, his
whole right arm is covered in tattoos and his left has a few as well and then he
has one across his chest. He’s kind of tall, maybe Desmond’s height, and really
skinny. When I found him he had a cigarette hanging out the corner of his
mouth.” Krystian finished, with a disgusted look on his face. He hated smoking
ever since he quit 30 years ago.
“Does he seem like a nice kid?” Angel asked, smiling slightly at Krystian’s
“He’s respectful enough but I can still sense a bit of a rebel in him. If
Desmond catches wind of that, it’ll be all downhill from there. He’ll feed it
until the boy is just like him.” Krystian said.
“He won’t have that much time to even get to know him though. Thank God.” Angel
“Yeah.” Krys said but Angel heard the catch in his voice.
“You are going to move him, right?” she asked.
“I was kind of harsh on him tonight. Then to top it off, he sliced his hand open
and Li Mei being...Li Mei had me flustered as it is and then I didn’t handle
that situation the way I should’ve. Now that I’ve had time to actually sit and
think about tonight, I realized I overreacted. I’ll give him another chance.”
Krystian said, his words pouring out of his mouth by the time he finished.
Angel nodded, slowly. “Why the sudden change of heart?” she asked.
Krystian simply shrugged his shoulder and sipped from his mug.
“He’s improved since he’s gotten here so it’s not like he’s as bad he was
Angel sipped her mug, silently. She could sense there was more to what he was
“He’s going to have two weeks to shape up though.” Krystian said, indefinitely
but Angel could hear a slight hint of skepticism.
There was a soft knock at the door and the two looked at it. Angel frowned. That
was unusual.
“Expecting other guests?” Krystian asked and Angel shook her head.
“Who is it?” she called.
“Li Mei.”
Angel sneered but quickly fixed her face, not wanting to bring about any
questions from Krystian. “Come in.” she said, hesitantly.
Li Mei simply swung the door open and stood in the doorway. A series of emotions
passed over her face as she took in the scene of Krystian and Angel together in
bed. First confusion, then understanding, then smugness and finally feigned
indifference. Both Krystian and Angel knew she would comment on it later.
“I just thought I should let you know that David, Daniel and, guess who,
Desmond are about to walk out of the door.” she said, haughty.
Krystian set the mug in his hands down quickly on the bed side table, sloshing
some of the tea out of it. He grimaced as the hot liquid trickled down his hand.
“Where are they going?” he demanded, throwing back the covers and getting out of
the bed.
“They’re not gone yet. They’re in the kitchen eating. Dom’s here with some
guy I heard him call Coriander. He just looks like someone that Dom and Desmond
would hang out with. Sketchy.” Li Mei said, making a face.
Everyone’s sketchy to you. Angel thought and was happy that Li Mei couldn’t hear
her thoughts.
“How do you know all of this?” she said, aloud.
“I was downstairs in the living room when I heard Desmond let those drunkards
in. They’ve been here for 10 minutes now and they won’t shut up. So I went into
the kitchen to see what they were doing.” Li Mei answered.
Angel scowled. “Don’t you think that’s nosy?” she asked.
“Not at all. I’m just doing my part as a tenant in this mansion and informing
our coven leader of wrongdoing. He’s so busy after all.” Li Mei shot back and
Krystian nodded.
“Thank you, Li Mei.” he said, starting for the door.
“Even though we’re fresh out of blood and the search for Desmond’s new coven
hasn’t started yet, he still finds the time to relax and sip tea with his
favorite person in the world. He’s amazing, isn’t he Angel?” Li Mei continued,
dripping with sarcasm and accusation.
They ignored her comments.
“Where are Karina and Katana?” Krystian asked.
“In the kitchen. You thought they were bad around the twins. They’re practically
in Dom’s pants.” Li Mei scoffed.
That was one thing Li Mei and Angel agreed on. They both thought the Fassano twins were gorgeous but the way they carried themselves made them ugly in their eyes.
Krystian shook his head and shouldered, rudely, past Li Mei and started down
the hall. It wasn’t until he reached the stairs did he realize Li Mei and Angel
were right behind him. In the hallway leading to the kitchen they had heard the
loud music which Krystian recognized as Desmond’s favorite band, Blood On The
Dance Floor. Dahvie was singing something about S-ing his D . They burst into
the kitchen, led by Krystian, and stopped short, in shock, when they witnessed
the scene.
“I hope you didn’t plan for the two weeks to start today.” Angel muttered.
David and Daniel were dancing around the room, shirtless, like they were at a
rave, screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs and passing a bottle of
Jack Daniels between the two of them. Desmond and some man Krystian didn’t
recognize but assumed to be this Coriander guy Li Mei was talking about had shot
glasses filled with different colored liquids lining the edge of the kitchen
counter. Desmond was apparently at the beginning and Coriander had a stopwatch
in his hand. He shouted “GO!” and started the watch while Desmond started
working his way down the line of shots, downing each one and moving onto the
next. When they saw Dom, Karina and Katana, Krystian almost went ballistic.
Dom was lying, shirtless on the island in the middle of the kitchen while Karina
was doing body shots off of him and Katana stood, bent over (much like how
Spiderman kissed Mary Jane) and was making out, passionately, with him.
The trio was appalled.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Krystian bellowed, crimson with rage. He looked
hysterical yet no one paid him any attention. Well, anyone he cared to speak to
anyway. Dom opened his eyes slightly and saw them standing in the doorway.
He pushed Katana’s head away and sat up. He felt some liquid slide down his
stomach and soak into his shorts. Karina frowned.
“I wanted that.” she said.
“Just another place for you lick me, sweetheart.” Dom said, sexily and Karina
bit her lip.
He half smiled at Krystian.
“Hey Krys. Long time, no see.” he slurred. Krystian almost didn’t understand
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