Crimson Kiss.
Krystian had always chalked it up to her just being a woman or sometimes her PMS-ing but after meeting Angel he was sure it was just Li-Mei being Li-Mei. He sat up, rolling his eyes and faced Li-Mei. Her smoky gray eyes shimmered slightly as she smiled triumphantly.
“So what do you want to know?” Krystian asked, defeated for the second time that night.
Li-Mei seemed to be picking through her questions, deciding which should come first. She finally settled on one.
“What happened at the-” she started.
“You know you wouldn’t have so many questions if you actually came out and joined the rest of us when we go out.” Krystian interrupted and Li-Mei fumed. She quickly composed herself but annoyance was evident in her voice.
“What happened at the church?” she asked.
Krystian, prepared for the question since this seemed to be the question of the night, shrugged a shoulder half heartedly.
“Desmond couldn’t keep his mouth shut so I helped him.”
Li-Mei nodded as if satisfied with the answer and her face became solemn. Krystian sensed her getting ready to start again.. He beat her to the punch, cutting her off mid-breath.
“Look. I’m not in the mood and I don’t want to talk about it. So drop it.” he said, suddenly angry. Li-Mei didn’t listen and started anyways.
“All I’m saying, Krys, is that ever since Desmond joined our coven we’ve been in constant risk of someone finding us because of his mouth.”
“Li-Mei.” Krystian said, softly.
“He causes trouble and just all around raises hell. We don’t need that. He
disobeys you, doesn’t respect the Elders, and runs through our supply like it's
“He causes trouble and just all around raises hell. We don’t need that. He
disobeys you, doesn’t respect the Elders, and runs through our supply like it's
“Li-Mei.” Krystian said, louder and angrier. She continued to talk, her words
pouring out of her mouth.
“He’s been that way ever since you brought him here. You said he would change
and I told you he wouldn’t. It was dumb of you for keeping him. You should’ve
got rid of him when I told you to. This is-”
“Enough!” Krystian bellowed, jumping to his feet, red with anger. Li-Mei
recoiled, her mouth a tight line, and her eyes wide with fear. Krystian breathed
in deeply through his nose, closing his eyes, almost as if he were meditating.
“Look.” Krystian started after a moment of calming down, “I can handle Desmond.”
“You’ve been handling him for 6 months. Nothing has changed.” Li-Mei said,
carefully this time, watching for his reaction.
“I doing what I can. It’s hard enough as it is. I don’t need you nagging me
every 2 days about him.”
“Well how hard can it be to control him?”
“Very. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having the problems we do or feuding with the
people we are or running from the people were are. Don’t you think I understand
what a pain it is to have to look over his shoulder like he’s a little kid just
because he couldn’t resist that one human or because he just had to fight that
one guy at a bar? Added to the fact that I have to watch him is you constantly
telling me that we should throw him back out on the streets where we found him.
Need I remind you he was dying at that time? Look at him now. So, yeah, Li-Mei,
nothing’s changed with his behavior but his attitudes changed because the
Desmond we rescued was suicidal. I don’t know about you but the Desmond we have
now, in comparison with the other, I’d much rather have the hell raising Desmond
that everyone’s grown to love except for you because for some reason you hate
everything.” Krystian finished, breathing heavily and Li-Mei just gazed at him,
stony faced. When she spoke her voice was low and monotonous.
“I never knew how much of a burden he was on you, Krystian.”
Krystian leveled his breathing, lowering himself back into his seat. Li-Mei
rose and walked to the door next to him, placing a hand on the knob. Her next
words struck Krystian like a bullet.
“If he’s so hard to take care of why not give him to a different coven? He’s a
changed Vampire, remember? He‘ll be fine.” With that said, Li-Mei strolled out
of the room, making sure to softly close the door behind her. Krystian sat in
silence for a while, her words ringing in his head.
Why not give him to a different coven?
“No. I couldn’t do that.” he said aloud to no one in particular.
He’s a changed Vampire, remember?
“He’s not a people person. There’s no telling how he would adjust to being
around new people.”
He’ll be fine.
Those last three words stuck the most. Krystian would’ve sat alone longer had
he not heard a glass shatter and someone yell “Shit.”. He moved quickly and was
out of the room, down the hall, and to the source of the noise in a matter of
moments. Desmond stood with his left hand clutched to his chest bleeding
profusely and a vase shattered at his feet. Daniel, David, and Li-Mei stood
staring, almost helplessly as Krystian took Desmond and sat him down, examining
his cut. It was deep and went from the end of his pinky to the tip of his wrist.
He felt Li-Mei’s eyes on him the whole time but paid her no mind. Desmond’s
movements were reluctant, forcing Krystian to strain to see.
“Look. Stop resisting me. I need to see your hand.” he finally said,
Desmond laughed sarcastically.
“A bit ironic don’t you think? You mercilessly beat me to a pulp outside a
church and now you’re helping me. Trying to make amends, brother?”
Krystian looked up at Desmond’s face for the first time since they left the
church. He nose, along with his lip and left ear, were swollen and red and the
outsides of his right eye were already starting to turn a blackish blue color.
Desmond made a face.
“Examining your work?” he said and spat onto the floor, disgusted.
Krystian just looked at him and spoke.....
“Li-Mei, could you please get the first-aid kit? Daniel and David could you get
the mess?”
“Sure.” David and Daniel said in unison and Li-Mei just walked out.
When they were alone Krystian stood and leaned against the wall, sighing.
Desmond just glared at him, once again clutching his hand as if that would stop
the blood flow.
“Look. I’m sorry for what happened at the church, okay?”
Desmond snorted obnoxiously.
“Save it. I’m not daft.” he said, smartly.
“If you’re so sodding apologetic you wouldn’t have done it, yeah.” he continued
when Krystian opened his mouth to speak. Krystian closed his mouth and just
looked at him.
“You just going to stare at my pretty face or you got something to say?” Desmond
Krystian shuffled his feet. Desmond did have a point. You don’t fuck someone
up they way he did and then apologize and expect to be friends again in the same
night. Especially as often as Krystian had to do this to Desmond it was a wonder
how they still remained on speaking terms.
“You’re right, Des, but I had to punish you somehow for what you said. That’s
drawing unwanted attention to ourselves and we don’t need the cops on us.”
“You made that very clear when you were beating me and screaming in my face.”
Desmond muttered, bitterly.
Krystian sighed.
“I said I’m sorry.”
“And I said save it because I don’t want to hear it.”
Li-Mei walked back into the room holding the First Aid kit and Krystian took
it, without looking at her. Desmond noticed the immediate tension that filled
the room when she walked in and how they were avoiding one another’s eyes. He
“Trouble in paradise? Did Krystian have a go at you too, Li-Mei? You look shaken
up a bit.”
Li-Mei scowled at him.
“We’re not dating.” Krystian murmured, kneeling beside Desmond and opened the
first-aid kit.
“Oh. Sorry if I mistake constantly spending all of your time alone with her and
whispering to one another in the hallway as not dating. I’m daft, remember? Well
according to Li-Mei I am.. I also deserve to be thrown back out onto the
streets, hmm, Li-Mei?” Desmond finished, glaring at Li-Mei who was now in
Krystian stopped disinfecting Desmond’s hand and looked up at him, shocked.
“Where did you hear that?” he asked.
Desmond smiled, bitterly.
“I just so happened to be walking past the living room door when Li-Mei
started to talking about me. Lovely words by the way, love. Really appreciate
all you’ve had to say.”
Li-Mei, now stony faced, frowned.
“At least you know where you belong. It’s certainly not here.” she said and
Desmond rose quickly from his seat, knocking over the bottle in Krystian’s hand.
“Excuse me?”
Li-Mei held her ground.
“You heard me. You’re nothing but trouble and you contribute nothing. I think
you’d be better off moving to a different coven.”
Desmond started towards her and Krystian grabbed his wrist.
“Desmond, chill.”
“Dumb bitch.” Desmond said and promptly spit on Li-Mei’s shirt.
“Desmond!” Krystian said, rising to his feet and pulling him back.
Li-Mei spun on her heels and stormed out of the kitchen
Krystian turned Desmond around, angrily, and leered at him. Desmond met his
glare, jerking his hand out of Krystian’s grasp.
“You thinking of hitting me again?” Desmond said, sourly.
“So what if I am?”
“If you hit me, Krystian, so help me God, I will put you in the hospital.”
Krystian narrowed his eyes.
“Are you threatening me?”
“Take it however you please but just keep that in mind the next time you think
of putting your hands on me.”
Desmond turned to walk away and saw the twins coming. He waved, smiling
slightly, and started towards them.
“Maybe Li-Mei was right. Maybe I should put you in a different coven.”
Desmond froze, back straight, with his fists clenched. He turned towards
Krystian and cocked his head.
“Son of a bitch.”
He could hear the twins running footsteps approaching him so he acted quickly.
Desmond rushed to Krystian just as the twins approached them and he punched him,
sending Krystian into the wall. Daniel and David each grabbed an arm and pulled
a struggling Desmond away. Krystian steadied himself, licking his bloody lip,
and glared at Desmond, who spat on his face. He wiped the spit off and said,
“I’ll start looking tomorrow.”
Desmond just shrugged a shoulder and let Daniel and David lead him upstairs.
When they were a safe distance away Daniel spoke up.
“What’s he going to be looking for?”
“A new coven for yours truly.”
They entered Desmond’s room and sat on his bed. Desmond’s room was spotless
and his deep green walls matched his eyes. He had a black silk bed spread and a
walk in closet that housed a T.V and a few couches along with his vast clothing
and shoe collection.
Desmond put his head in his hands and breathed deeply. David sat at the end of
the bed and Daniel remained standing.
“Maybe you could apologize to him.” Daniel said after a moment of silence.
David shot a look at him.
“He has nothing to apologize for. Krystian was the one who beat him, not the
other way around.” he said, angrily.
Daniel looked away and shrugged a shoulder.
“He won’t see it our way because he’s fucking Krystian.” Desmond said, looking
up at David.
David rolled his eyes.
“Like it matters who’s fucking who. It’s simple fucking logic. Krystian’s
“Krystian did try to apologize, right?” Daniel said, changing the subject from
who’s he’s been sleeping with.
“Yeah but he can shove it. I don’t believe his bullshit. I want that cunt fucker
to mean it.” Desmond said, and David gave him a hi-five.
“Well what did you do to make him beat you?” Daniel asked, tentatively.
Both David and Desmond looked up at him like he was crazy.
“Should it sodding matter?” David asked.
“He beat me senseless and then left me laying on the fucking ground. I don’t
care if I killed the fucking Pope. He had no right to put his hands on me.”
“Who’s side on you on here, Dan?” David asked, standing.
Daniel shook his head.
“I’m on no one’s side. I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
Something you should be doing, David, instead of taking sides in a battle that’s
ultimately none of our business.”
“I’m not listening to that shit. You’re only neutral because you don’t want your
little fuck buddy to stop liking you.” Desmond said.
Daniel sighed greatly.
“Why does everything I do have to be for Krystian? Can I not make a decision
on my own for once?”
“I don’t know. Can you?” Desmond asked, raising his eyebrows.
Daniel just sighed.
“I’m not going to stay in here if all you two are going to do is pick at me.”
“Then leave.” Desmond said, coolly.
“No one’s making you stay, baby brother.”
Daniel, especially angry at David, spun on his heel and stormed out of the room.
Desmond breathed deeply.
“You shouldn’t do that, David. You’re his brother. It’s different when I poke
fun because I’m his best mate. You’re family. His only family, need I remind
“You don’t need to remind me. I know that. I also know damn well what that bitch
and her boyfriend did.”
Desmond rubbed his temples, feeling the same argument that happened every time
David sided with Desmond on an issue rather than Daniel getting ready to start
up again. Tonight was just not Desmond’s night. He just wanted to roll over and
bury himself beneath his blankets and forget this night ever happened.
“You can’t possibly still hold that grudge. That was 90 years ago.” Desmond
That was the wrong thing to say. David rounded on him and he was livid.
“I’m sorry if I’m upset my mother just abandoned me and Dan when we were just 10
and threw us to live with Gran. Who was dying so she was no guardian.”
“She’s your mum. At least she didn’t throw you to the streets. She left you with
someone. Shows she cared.”
David laughed, but not of humor. He sounded hysterical. Desmond wanted him gone.
“Are you on drugs, Des? Painkillers got you high? I know I didn’t just hear you
say she cared. Do I have to remind you of the things she did to us in that hell
hole she called home?”
Desmond felt a pounding headache starting up.
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