Crimson Kiss.
Dom was absolutely gorgeous. He had the top part of his hair his natural
light brown color and the bottom part dyed jet black that fell well below his
shoulders and bangs that swept across his forehead and hung so low that he
constantly had to push them out of his hazel eyes. He had a nicely toned, smooth
body and a smile to die for. He sported a silver hoop through his right nostril,
and snakebites with a Monroe. He had two sleeves of tattoos and one just above
his panty line that said “Living Life Never Made You Alive”.
“Yeah, it’s been a while.” Krys murmured, still fuming.
Everyone looked towards Coriander as he yelled, “That was so sick, dude! 40
shots in 30 seconds! You’re beast!” and gave Desmond a hi five, who was grinning
like an idiot.
“Cori, bring your ass.” Dom called and Coriander flipped him off but came over
“Coriander, meet Krystian and the gang. The red head is Angel and the other
woman is Li Mei.” he said, wrapping his arm around Corianders shoulders. “Li
Mei’s a bitch.” Dom whispered, loudly into Corianders ear and Li Mei glared at
“Krys and the gang, this is my buddy Coriander. You’ll never guess where I met
this psycho.” Dom continued, stumbling over his words.
“Where?” Krys chanced.
“A bar!” Dom exclaimed and laughed, drunkenly.
Krystian was a good 5 feet away and he could smell the alcohol on Dom’s breath.
“You’re wasted.” Li Mei said, disgusted.
Dom frowned. “Fuck you.” he said and jumped off the island countertop.
He stumbled, crying out “Oh shit.”, and crashed into the table, knocking over
a few empty beer bottles and falling to the floor. The room erupted into drunken
laughter as Dom struggled to his feet. Coriander was still grinning like an
idiot but he helped Dom stand up.
“Thanks gorgeous.” he murmured and kissed Cori on the cheek. He was right.
Coriander was beautiful.
He had straight, honey brown hair that covered his left eye and fell down to his
shoulders with sparkling eyes that reminded one of moonlight that had a glint
about them that just overflowed with trouble. He wore a white shirt that tightly
hugged his muscular chest and a sleeve of tattoos on one arm. On the forearm of
his other arm he had one that said, “And We Will Be Delivered”. He also had his
right eyebrow pierced along with his left nostril, labret with a hoop and a
snakebite on the right side of his lip.
Coriander turned Dom’s head so that he looked him face on and kissed him
promptly on the mouth. Dom responded by grabbing him by the back of the head and
taking his mouth with his and forcing his pierced tongue into Cori’s mouth.
Karina and Katana just stared in awe and Desmond hooted.
“Getting sexy, sexy are we?” David and Daniel cried out, gleefully.
Cori broke the kiss and laughed but Dom looked as if he wanted more than just a
“Is Coriander your boyfriend, Dom?” Li Mei asked, asking the question on hers,
Krystians, and Angels minds. Dom shook his head.
“No but he is gay. I don’t date though but if I did, I’d be all over that.” he
said, sexily and kissing Cori one more time on the cheek before dropping his arm
from his shoulders.
He smacked Coriander’s ass and motioned at Krystian.
“Say hi, dumbass. He’s the leader of this fucked up coven.” he slurred and
Coriander laughed.
“How’s it going?” he greeted Krystian and he ran his eyes slowly over him. He
turned back to Dom.
“He gay too?” he asked, pointing at Krystian. Dom shrugged and looked at Desmond
who was raiding the liquor cabinet. He produced a bottle of scotch and cheered,
triumphantly. The rest of the drunken people cheered along with him. The song
that was playing went off and Technologic by Daft Punk came on and Desmond
started to sing into the bottle like a microphone while David and Daniel began
to walk around pretending to be robots.
“Des!” Dom called and Desmond stopped his karaoke to look up.
“Is Krystian gay?” he asked.
Desmond shrugged as he hopped up onto the island where Dom was previously
laid out and continued to do his karaoke, now pretending he was singing to a
“I’m not gay.” Krystian called out loudly as Karina went and turned the song up.
Coriander smirked and sauntered closer to Krystian.
“There’s a first time for everything.” he laughed and Krystian narrowed his
eyes. He was livid.
He stormed over the stereo that Dom’s iPod was plugged into and unplugged it.
David and Daniel groaned in disappointment but Desmond stared angrily at
Krystian as did Dom. Krystian mad was nothing compared to the wrath of Dom and
Desmond combined.
“Why’d you do that?” Katana asked, upset too.
“EVERYBODY OUT!” Krystian bellowed.
The room fell silent and Dom breathed deeply.
“Just relax, dude. We’re just having fun.” he said, calmly as he walked
towards Krystian.
“Don’t take another step towards me, Dom. I don’t want to hurt you.” Krys said
and Dom’s calm expression turned to one of fury in an instant. His calm approach
turned into one that of a rampaging bull. Coriander caught his arm and Dom
allowed himself to be held back.
“Are you threatening me?” Dom demanded and Krystian pursed his lips.
“No, it’s a promise. If you don’t relax and keep your distance from me, I’ll be
forced to hurt you.” he said, with controlled anger.
Dom tried to fight Coriander off but failed. He relaxed.
“Let go. I’m not going to do anything.” he said, assuring Cori that he was fine.
Coriander looked up to Desmond for approval who nodded and he released him. Dom
was on Krys in an instant.
He had Krystian jacked up by the collar of his shirt and pressed against the
wall and, in the process, knocked down his stereo. Karina and Katana moved
quickly to pick it up.
“I’ll fucking cut you. Don’t ever threaten me in your life, bitch.” he said,
viciously and Krystian looked deep into his eyes. When you managed to get past
the bloodshot part, deep down he could see the eyes of a man who stayed true to
his word.
Krystian didn’t say anything and Dom let him go, still staring him down. The
rage left his face only to be replaced with a grin.
“So smile.” he laughed and looked towards Katana who was about to plug the
stereo back in but into a different outlet.
“Don’t bother, dove. We’re out of here. It’s a little uptight in here.” he said,
glancing back at Krystian before grabbing his shirt off of the floor and
slinging it over his shoulder.
Desmond shook his head, smiling.
“You’re psycho, mate.” he laughed, hopping down from the counter.
Dom grinned and grabbed Coriander’s hand.
“I know.” he smirked and started to leave the room, followed by Daniel, David
and Desmond.
“You coming, ladies?” he called when he noticed that they didn’t move.
The girls glanced to Krystian and then back at Dom. It was clear with whom
they wanted to go with and it wasn’t Krystian.
Krys sighed and nodded his head and they squealed in delight.
Desmond held his hand up and frowned.
“Hell no.” he said and the girls stopped.
“They’re dirty sluts.” he answered to Dom’s confused look.
Dom just smiled.
“The dirtier, the better.” he laughed and Desmond shook his head.
“I’ve never understood why you like whores like them but whatever gets your dick
hard.” he muttered.
“Coriander does.” Dom said and pressed his chest to Corianders before smirking
and leading him out of the room. He led him to the hallway and pressed him to
the wall, continuing their interrupted make out session by gripping Cori’s waist
and Cori responded by wrapping his arms around Dom’s shoulders and grasping the
back of his head. Dom broke the kiss and laughed a little.
“Why haven’t we fucked yet?” he murmured before softly placing another kiss on
Coriander’s lips.
“We met two days ago.” Coriander said, biting his lip, impatient for Dom to kiss
him again.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Dom laughed. Coriander joined in his laugh
before Dom took his mouth again, this time more forcefully and this time he let
one of his hands stray from Coriander’s waist. He slid his hand down to
Corianders crotch and grabbed him, hard. Cori gave a little gasp and deepened
the kiss. Dom smiled on his lips as he slowly began to rub him causing him to
moan softly.
Desmond walked into the hallway, having to push past the Fassano twins who were
standing in the doorway staring lustfully at the scene, and rolled his eyes.
“Cut it out, perverts. Let’s go.” he said, chugging from the bottle of scotch he
had just opened that was previously his microphone.
Dom broke the kiss and bit his lip, staring at Cori’s lips.
“Goddamn.” he groaned but pulled away nonetheless.
He smiled at his best friend.
“Jealous, baby girl?” he teased and Desmond flipped him off.
“Aww, don’t be like that.” Dom laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him into
his arms, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Desmond ignored him and took another drink from his bottle.
“Give us a kiss now.” Dom murmured, tilting his chin upwards expectantly and
Desmond looked at him.
“I think you like those sluts because you are a slut. You can sympathize with
them.” he said and Dom laughed, resting his forehead on Desmond’s shoulder. He
swayed him from side to side and looked back up at him.
“Just fucking kiss me.” he laughed.
Desmond smirked and rolled his eyes, sighing as if contemplating on whether
or not to. He obviously decided to because he leaned down and pressed his lips
firmly to Dom’s lips and Dom groaned when he pulled back.
“That’s it?” he asked and Desmond nodded.
“Yup.” he said and pulled out of his arms. “If you want more, Coriander is
waiting for you right over there.”
“Prude.” Dom teased before grabbing Corianders hand again.
“Can we just be on our way?” Desmond said, irritated and started towards the
door, grabbing his keys off of the hooks by the door.
“I don’t know what time we’ll be back, Krys. Doesn’t really matter though. I got
my keys. Later.” he called and the group started to file out of the door. Dom
was the last one to leave and he smirked at Krystian.
“Nice seeing you again, Krys. Looking forward towards the next visit, yeah?” he
said and Krys just shook his head as Dom closed the door behind them.
“So what now, oh great coven leader?” Li Mei retorted sarcastically.
“Bed.” Krystian said and headed off upstairs.
“Original, that’s what he is.” Li Mei commented and Angel rounded on her.
“Shut up. You never say anything helpful. If you’re just going to bitch and
whine about everything, do everyone a favor and keep your fucking mouth shut.”
she growled.
Li Mei just stared at her, seeming to decide whether to say something or not.
She decided to.
“Well here’s something that’s not bitching and whining: I know what happened
between you and David.” she said and Angel hesitated, taken aback.
“Nothing happened.” she said.
Li Mei rolled her eyes.
“Cut the bullshit. A drunken persons mind is the easiest thing to read. You’re
telling me that you didn’t moan Desmond’s name when David bit you?” she asked,
not really expecting an answer. Angel froze and Li Mei smiled smugly.
Angel sighed. “What do you want?”
Li Mei was confused. “What do you mean?”
“For you to not tell Krystian. What do you want from me?” Angel clarified.
Li Mei grinned and thought for a moment.
“At one point in time, I’m going to need you to do me a favor and I’m going to
ask you to do it and you’re going to do it, no questions asked. Got it?” she
said and Angel frowned.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“What will the favor be?”
“Don’t worry about it but you’ll know when the time comes.” Li Mei said, slyly
and walked up the stairs. Angel had just made a deal with the Devil herself.
She was left to think about that on her journey back upstairs an into the
room where she found Krystian lying down in her bed.
“You still want to talk?” she asked, closing her door and climbing into bed with
He shook his head silently.
“I just want to hold you while I go to sleep. Is that okay with you?” he asked
and Angel nodded.
He reached over and turned the bedside light off. She got underneath the
blankets with him and he grabbed her, pulling her close. He rested her head
against his chest so that she could hear his heart beating and sighed.
“Thank you.” he murmured, dreamily and she nodded.
Angel awoke the next morning and Krystian was gone. She rose drowsily from her
bed and left her room, heading downstairs to the living room where he would most
likely be with his newspaper. She was right.
He sat in his favorite chair, sipping his coffee and already well into reading
the newspaper. He looked up when she walked in.
“Morning.” he said, smiling at her.
Angel grinned back at him as she slid onto the couch and curled up by the arm
of the chair. “Morning.” she echoed, drowsily.
“I would’ve woken you up but you looked so peaceful that I just left you there.”
Krystian said and Angel smiled.
“Thanks. I was really tired.” she murmured. “Is everyone back?”
Krystian shook his head. “Not yet. Desmond came stumbling into the house with
David around 5, vomited into the kitchen garbage can a few times and had David
escort him to the bathroom. If you go up there, I think he’s still passed out on
the floor.”
Angel shook her head slightly. Typical of him.
“Was David as drunk as him?” she asked.
“No. He was somewhat sober. Desmond apparently had never stopped drinking and
didn’t sleep.” Krystian said, thoroughly disgusted.
“Did they say where Daniel and the twins were?” Angel asked.
“Desmond slurred something about them and Dom before puking into the garbage
can. David had fell asleep leaning on the kitchen counter so I couldn’t ask
Angel sighed. “Is he still there?” she asked.
“He slid onto the floor and yes, he’s still there.”
Angel was dismayed. “Are you going to move them?” she asked.
“They’re grown men. They can move themselves when they wake up.” Krystian said
and that was that.
They heard fumbling around on the stairs and then a loud groan.
“Desmond’s awake, I presume.” Krystian murmured. He ultimately didn’t care how
the two men were feeling .Especially not Desmond.
Desmond came stumbling into the room moments later, sporting the same clothes
from the night before, and stopped short in the doorway. Confusion washed over
his face and he stood, taking in his surroundings, as he swayed slightly. He
stood there for a few minutes while Angel stared up at him. Krystian had
continued to sip his coffee and returned to his newspaper.
“Where am I?” Desmond murmured. His words were still slightly slurred.
“Home.” Angel said and he looked at her. He grinned.
“You moaned my name.” he laughed, drunkenly. Angel froze and Krystian glanced
over the top of his newspaper.
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“When David let you drink from him. You said my name.” Desmond said.
“Are you still drunk Desmond?” Krystian demanded. Desmond looked towards him and
“No. I have a fierce hangover but I remember David telling me.” he said.
“Was David drunk?” Krystian asked.
Desmond’s face screwed up in thought. He was trying to remember through all
the black areas.
“I don’t think so. This was when we first got into the car, when you kicked us
out.” he muttered. “No. He wasn’t.” he repeated with more confidence.
“Why would Angel moan your name, Desmond? Of all people?” Krystian demanded.
Desmond frowned, angrily.
“Should she be moaning yours?” he shot back. Krystian said nothing. Desmond
nodded, smugly.
“I’m going to eat breakfast. Any plans for the day?” he asked, placing a hand on
the doorknob to leave.
“A new tenant is moving in today.” Krystian said and Desmond stopped.
“My replacement?” he asked with controlled anger. The more he spoke the more his
anger became uncontrollable. “I knew you wanted me gone but couldn’t you at
least give me a few days to-”
“Shut up.” Krystian said.
For some reason Desmond shut his mouth and said nothing further. He did,
however, maintain a dirty glare on Krys.
“I have a proposal for you but I want you to be in your right mind when I tell
you. Grab a cup of coffee and come back in here so we can talk it out.” Krystian
continued and Desmond stood at the door, contemplating for a moment. He nodded
after a moment.
“Okay.” he murmured and left the room.
Angel turned to Krystian.
“You’re going to keep up the deal?” she asked. Krystian was glaring at her.
There wasn’t much anger in his eyes though as much as there was hurt.
“Is what he said true?” he demanded.
Angel didn’t think before the word came out of her mouth. She knew that Krystian
would believe whatever she told him. He never even read her thoughts because he
trusted her to tell what’s on her mind.
“No.” she said and Krystian nodded.
“Good.” he said and that was the beginning of a long string of lies.
Desmond returned a moment later with a mug of coffee and collapsed onto the
other end of the couch Angel was seated on.
“Let’s hear it.” he said, more coherently and more alive.
Krystian folded up his newspaper and rested it on his lap. He looked Desmond
in the face.
“You like staying here?” he asked and Desmond nodded, half heartedly.
“It’s okay, I guess.” he answered, truthfully.
“Do you want to stay?” Krystian asked. He was currently raking through Desmonds
thoughts, looking for the slightest hint of a lie. So far he was being honest.
“Yeah.” Desmond muttered. He didn’t like telling people how he felt and he felt
as if Krystian was probing.
“Shape up in two weeks and you can stay.” Krystian said and waited patiently for
Desmond’s next thought. It came and he said it aloud.
“Shape up how?” he asked, confused.
“Do your part around the house, mature a little, don’t pull things like what was
pulled last night in the kitchen, less jokes, show a little respect. I’m not
saying become a perfect angel but become somewhat tolerable.” Krystian said,
practically begging.
Desmond thought for a moment, juggling the thought around in his head.
“If I do all of that, I get to stay?” he asked, almost for confirmation it
sounded like.
Krystian nodded and then Desmond nodded.
“Fine but in my defense what was going on in the kitchen last night was not
my fault. We were just eating and then Dom found the scotch and then from there
it escalated into that.” he said, after a few minutes of hard thinking. He
“Just be happy that you caught me with a hangover. I’m generally more accepting
in a hangover but I might forget this later so if this little deal doesn’t get
upheld, there’s nothing I can do about it.” he said, placing a hand on the
“If the deal doesn’t get upheld, then you’re out of here.” Krystian said.
Desmond shrugged. “Then so be it.” he said and left the room.
He strolled down the hallway and back into the kitchen. David was passed out
underneath the table. He jerked the table, jabbing his drunken friend in the
side with one of the legs, and stood watching as David slowly came to. He looked
around confused before looking up and seeing Desmond who raised his eyebrows and
smiled a little.
“Morning sunshine.” he laughed as David crawled out from underneath the table.
He handed him the coffee and sat down at the table. David joined him.
“What happened?” David asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Desmond grinned and David laughed, hoarsely.
“You were totally gone last night.” he reminisced and Desmond shook his head.
“All I can remember is what happened before we went into the bar and then after
that darkness. Then I remember waking up with my head next to the toilet and not
knowing where I was.” he laughed a little. David grinned.
“Krystian talked to me just now.” Desmond said a moment later.
“About what?”
“Me staying here.”
“What’d he say?” David asked, now interested. The coffee had already started to
perk him up.
“If I shape up within the next two weeks, I can stay.”
“What’d you say?” David questioned.
“I agreed.” Desmond murmured and finger combed his hair in front of his eyes.
David nodded and after a moment said, “So are you actually going to do it?”
Desmond shrugged and nodded at the same time.
“Maybe. Depends on how I feel when I fully sober up. I can’t think straight.
Krystian did find a new roommate for us though. They’re moving in today.” he
said and David looked up.
“Dude or chick?” he asked and Desmond replied with a shrug.
“When today?” David pressed, kind of anxious now.
Desmond shrugged again. He wasn’t understanding his friends nerves and gave him
a confused look. David shook his head.
“You must’ve been really fucked up to not get it by now. We look like shit and
what if whoever it is, is hot?” David said and then it clicked in Desmonds head.
He shot up from his chair and stumbled a little from the sudden head rush.
“You’re right. I’m going to go shower.” he said, hurrying out of the room,
already planning his outfit for the day in his head.
“Right behind you.” David said and he was.
She had masterbated and got herself off in school, but she had never had her pussy eatten and even worst never had a cock. Now she wa soing to get the cock I love, a 12 inch one which would make her crazy for sex. Most of this story is true, the names have been changed to protect us. I asked my man to write it so it would be good... |
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