Crimson Kiss.
They piled into the car and began the long drive home. They arrived and
pulled into the long winding driveway that led to the giant white mansion with
gold trim. They got out of the car, Desmond making it a point to slam the car
door as hard as he could provoking a long string of curses that Li-Mei muttered
underneath her breath. Desmond slammed his shoulder into Krystian when he walked
by and Krystian let it go, focusing on keeping the shuddering Angel on her feet.
"Desmond was that called for?" Li-Mei asked irritated.
"Bite me.." was his reply before slamming open the front door and storming up
the stairs no doubt headed to his room.
Li- Mei stopped and turned to Krystian when they reached the doorstep.
"Whatever he did, was it worth a beating that bad?"
Krystian nodded, tight lipped, and started towards the kitchen holding Angel
close and practically dragging her. As he opened the door he heard two voices
behind him who's owners he was not in the mood to deal with..
"Well Desmond's not going to speak to you for a while, mate."
"What on Earth did he do today to deserve that torture and what's wrong with
love there?"
Daniel and David Jamison joined them in the kitchen, each resting on a wall by
the refrigerator. David and Daniel were identical British twins. They were the
first twins to join Krystian's coven. The only way to tell them apart was hair
length... David's fell just below his shoulders and Daniel's to his shoulder
blades.. They had ocean blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and they were hell raisers
just like Desmond and just as devilishly handsome.
Krystian sat Angel carefully in a chair and walked to the fridge.
"Not now. Angel's thirsty." he said flinging it open to find it nearly empty.
Confusion flooded his face.
"Fresh out." David said, almost smug.
"Would've told you sooner but you turned your celly off on account of you
attending the funeral of Angel's old mate. Sorry, I guess." Daniel chimed in.
Krystian’s confusion was increasing.
"We just got a fresh supply not but a week ago. Where did it all go?" he said,
noting the twins exchange in looks.
"When you sit at home for a while you tend to get bored." Daniel said, non
"Your point?" Krystian pressed and Angel began to dry heave. David, who was
closer to her, took several steps away.
"Boredom brings about bad eating habits, yeah." he said, eyeing the convulsing
Angel warily. Krystian turned tomato red and pursed his lips, glaring at the
"You drank it all?"
Both men realized the trouble they could possibly be in and their smugness
dissipated and was replaced by defense.
"To be fair several other people house here as well." David said, choosing to
move closer to the heaving Angel than to the angry Krystian.. Daniel followed
suit, chiming in, "I'm sure we weren't the only residents to help ourselves to
our little supply."
Krystian didn’t seem to want to believe it. He ran his fingers all through his
hair seemingly calming down but when he slammed his fist down onto the table,
denting it, everyone in the room tensed up except for Angel, who still sat
convulsing in her chair. Breathing deeply, almost yoga-like, Krystian looked up
at the twins, still red with anger, but his voice was calm.
“So what are we going to do?” he asked, exhausted. A small smile spread across
Daniels face and David glanced sideways at Angel.
“There’s always the possibility that she could feed off of one of us.” Daniel
said, giving Angel a long once over lingering on her breasts longer.
“We are her favorite blood preference after all.” David said, licking his lips..
Angel’s stomach convulsions advanced to a deep wet coughing and she began
clenching her stomach, doubling over with each hack. Krystian resented the idea
of coven members feeding off of one another but as he studied the state Angel
was in he almost welcomed it with open arms. He furrowed his brow, deep in
thought. The twins always tried to find a way to feed off of Angel and Krystian
always denied. He looked over her most because she was the youngest. The younger
you were the more you had to drink and the worse you got if you didn’t and the
twins were always waiting with open veins.
David tapped his foot impatiently and Daniel started whistling.
“Just remember the more you contemplate this, the more Angeline suffers.” David
pointed out and Krystian shook his head in frustration. Daniel stopped whistling
and shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh well baby brother. We gave him a chance to help her and he denied us. I
guess we’ll be on our way.” David said and the two started towards the door.
“Wait!” Krystian called as they opened the door. Daniel turned around, smiling
“Yes?” he asked, sweetly.
Krystian almost told them to go, changing his mind, but when Angel coughed
and the coppery smell of blood filled everyone’s noses he had no choice.
“Fine. Just take her somewhere else. I don’t want to be there.” he said,
Daniel and David smiled and walked back into the kitchen.. Daniel helped Angel
slowly to her feet, deeply inhaling the scent of her blood, and getting a little
hard. He held her to him when she stood up and her breathing raced. Softly
moaning into her ear he said, “You smell so good…” Krystian nearly lost it..
“Daniel let go of her.” Krystian demanded, pounding the table for emphasis.
Daniel touched his nose to hers, loving her closeness, and drank in the smell of
blood on her breath.
“Goddamn….” he murmured before pressing his lips firmly to hers, tasting her
sweet life force. Angel resisted and tried pushing him away but he pulled her
closer, the mere taste of her blood driving him wild. He forced her lips apart
and shoved his tongue inside, running it all around her mouth tasting the blood
she coughed up. Suddenly him and Angel were torn apart and he was thrown to the
“You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass!” Krystian yelled but Daniel might as
well have been drunk. He was on a total high. Struggling to his feet, Daniel
couldn’t process his thoughts until he felt his brothers hand on his shoulder,
steadying him.
“You okay baby brother?” David asked, concerned. Still unable to speak all
Daniel could manage was a small nod and he began gaping, astonished, at Angel.
She seemed perfectly fine, breathing wise anyway, other than that she was backed
away with Krystian’s arms forming a barrier around her shaking body, fear in her
eyes. Daniel could feel himself sporting a hard erection which explained his
brothers distance and Krystian’s disgusted look.
“I don’t think her feeding off of you is such a good idea..” Krystian said,
eyeing Daniel angrily.
“Maybe not off Dan but I can control myself. Honest.” David said and Daniel felt
a little betrayed and mentally noted to point that out to David later. Krystian
reluctantly let go of Angel and stood straight up.
“Angel do you want to go with David?” he asked, trying to sound calm but his
voice was tense. Angel responded by grabbing hold of David’s waiting hand and
the two left the kitchen. Krystian waited until he couldn’t hear their footsteps
anymore before breathing and Daniel chuckled.
“Nervous, mate?” he teased.
Krystian just breathed deeply through his nose and seated himself in a chair,
trying to forget he just sent the woman who was like a daughter to him away with
a man with whom he barely trusted.. He heard footsteps and felt Daniel’s
presence behind him.
“You look like you need a massage. May I?” he asked, politely.
“I’d rather you didn’t.” Krystian answered but when Daniel’s hands were on his
shoulders he had no choice but to accept it. He had to admit that he gave a good
massage. They sat in silence while Daniel worked until he broke the silence.
“Why are you so protective of Angel?” Daniel asked, suddenly.
Krystian, thrown off by the question, hesitated before answering.
“She’s like a daughter to me. Always has been since I found her on the street
dying. I’ve always felt responsible for her since I saved her. I just can’t help
“I see.”
They sat in silence for a minute longer..
“So you feel strongly towards her?” Daniel asked..
“In a way, yeah...” Krystian replied, becoming suspicious.
“How do you feel towards me and David? Me in particular.”
Krystian almost didn’t answer, unsure of where he was going with this.
Daniels hands stopped working and Krystian turned to ask him why he’d stopped.
Daniel’s lips pressed to his and Krystian, taken aback, pulled away. Daniel, a
little surprised, smirked.
“You have soft lips. David owes me $5.”
Krystian was confused. “Excuse me?”
Now Daniel was confused. “What? Are you not into guys or something? I mean the
men that leave your room always have a sort of funny walk so I assumed…”
“Well yeah I am but what are you doing?”
“Kissing you. Is that illegal, love?”
“Well no but why are you kissing me?”
“You’re hot. I’m still horny. I like guys and you like guys. It’s really simple
math. Me plus a hard dick plus a hot guy equals butt sex.. Understand?” Daniel
said this as if it was obvious.
“I don’t want to have sex with you Daniel.” Krystian said, getting up. Daniel
moved around the chair and pressed Krystian to the counter with his body. He
slid his hands around his waist, pressing his aching dick against Krystian so
hard he cringed.
“You don’t have a choice, mate.” Daniel said, softly rubbing the tip of his nose
against Krystian’s. Krystian pulled his face back and tried to push Daniel away
but trying to push a horny Jamison twin off of you was impossible. You’d have
better luck trying to push the great wall of China over.
“I don’t think you understand who’s the leader of this coven.” Krystian stated,
“I don’t think you understand that I need sex and that you’re going to provide
it for me, consented or not.” Daniel said, almost laughing.
Krystian opened his mouth to protest and Daniel shoved his index finger in
his mouth, silencing him.. Krystian made a face and slapped his hand away and
Daniel slowly slid his finger into his mouth, softly moaning.
“Damn.” he muttered and took Krystian’s head in his hands and kissed him, hard.
At first Krystian resisted but soon he accepted and wrapped his arms around
Daniel’s shoulders, pulling him closer. Daniel began to dry hump Krystian,
slowly and hard, and the friction it created got him more excited and made
Krystian moan. Krystian grabbed Daniel’s ass and squeezed causing Daniel to
laugh a little into his mouth.. The sound of footsteps nearing the kitchen door
caused Daniel to jump away from Krystian and lean on the counter on the opposite
side of the kitchen.. Krystian was breathing a little hard and Daniel couldn’t
help but laugh.
“For someone who didn’t want to fuck me you sure don’t act like it.” he said,
Krystian rolled his eyes and said, “Cover your dick.”
Krystian and Daniel played this little game of cat and mouse on a daily basis.
Whenever Daniel could get Krystian alone he would try to seduce him and
sometimes he would succeed. Lately Krystian was trying to put a stop to it but
Daniel wasn’t having it. Krystian’s rejection only doubled Daniel’s efforts.
Daniel slid behind a counter, shielding his dick from the world, and two
women walked into the room. They were the other set of twins that stayed in the
mansion. The Fassano twins. Katana and Katrina Fassano were Italian beauties who
prided themselves way too much on their looks. They were born bleach blonde with
green eyes but Katana dyed her hair light brown to make it easier to tell them
apart. The Fassano twins always had a thing for the Jamison boys and pounced on
them whenever they had the chance.. Unfortunately for them David and Daniel
wanted nothing to do with them often calling them sluts before rejection and
then sending them on their way.
Katana’s eyes lit up when she saw Daniel seated at the counter and she made an
immediate beeline towards him.. Karina followed suit and Daniel almost groaned
in frustration out loud. Katana slid her arm around Daniel’s shoulder and purred
in his ear.
“Hey gorgeous. What’s up?”
Daniel could feel his dick drop like a rock.
“Nothing now.” he said, bitterly and Krystian badly covered up a laugh with a
“How’s about we change that for you? How’s that sound baby?” Karina said,
running her finger along Daniel’s hand.
“I’d rather you didn’t change anything about me. I like me.” Daniel said, moving
his hand and wiping it on his pant leg, like it was diseased and knowing the
Fassano twins it probably was.
Karina giggled and Katana murmured, “We like you too sweetie.”
“Ladies please remove your hands from my cock. It’s rather uncomfortable.”
Daniel said, shifting and moving the girls hands that had disappeared underneath
the counter.
Both girls leaned in and whispered something in his ear that caused Daniel to
spring from his seat knocking it over and falling into the counter behind him.
Both girls giggled and walked back out of the kitchen, Daniel burning holes in
the back of their heads.
“dirty sluts.” he spat towards the door when he was sure they were out of
earshot. Daniel turned his attention back to Krystian who was badly hiding a
grin beneath his hand. Daniel sauntered back over to him, slipping his arms back
around his waist and murmured, “Now where were we?”
Krystian slipped out of his arms and said, “The part where your dick goes soft
and I lose interest.”
Daniel couldn’t believe it. “Are you serious right now?”
Krystian shrugged a shoulder and gave him a pity look. “Sorry honey.”
“Don’t punish me because of those sluts. They made it go away. I swear I can get
it back up. Just give me a minute.” Daniel said, almost begging. Krystian kissed
him on the cheek and whispered, “When you do, you know where to find me.”
The hate Daniel had for the Fassano twins increased sevenfold as soon as
Krystian walked out that kitchen door.
Krystian, after calming himself down in the hallway, strolled into the living room to find Li-Mei curled up on the couch as if she was waiting for him. He knew what was coming and almost spun full circle and left but decided it was better to just get it over with now because if he didn’t he’d deal with it later. Li-Mei sensed his despair and she smirked a little. “Are you going to tell me what happened at the church or am I going to have to pump someone else for information?” she said, almost amused. Krystian slid into the seat closest to the door, in case he felt the need to leave, and for the first time that night, relaxed. He slid out of his jacket, loosened his tie, and unbuttoned his shirt, crossing his legs and leaning back, sighing. “Why can’t you go on like everyone else? Why do you feel the need to know everything that happens?” he asked, rubbing his temples. “I live in this house and I feel I should be informed. Especially when someone comes home bleeding to high heavens. I’m sorry I’m not as dense as you’d like me to be.” Li-Mei said, making each word angrier than the next. Krystian groaned. He never seemed to say the right thing around Li-Mei. Everything he’d say she twist and turn his words into something insulting and then she wouldn’t speak to him for weeks on end.
I couldnt take the everyday teasing.. i knew i had to teach her a lesson... |
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