True Friendship 4
Karyn greeted Jenna with a fake, but warm smile at her front door. She led Jenna in and showed her the guest room,
“Thanks so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Jenna smiled at Karyn innocently,
“Oh it’s nothing…it’s all for Laura.”
Karyn replied with gritted teeth, trying to fight the urge to slug Jenna in the face to wipe that innocent smile off her beautiful face. Jenna started unpacking and Karyn went downstairs to start dinner.
“Do your parents know that I’m moving in?”
Jenna asked as she bumped into Karyn in the living room, cleaning up the mess from her English project she had made earlier.
“Yeah. Otherwise I wouldn’t let you move in.”
“You wouldn’t let me move in if Laura didn’t ask…”
Jenna mumbled under her breath but obviously she didn’t know that Karyn’s hearing was great.
“That’s true.”
Karyn said as she tossed an empty glue bottle into a nearby trashcan,
“Oh please, don’t give me that attitude.”
Jenna snapped,
“Attitude? If anyone has an attitude in this room it’d be you. I would watch my mouth if I were you, I’m the one who invited you, I’ll be the one to kick you out if I have to…whether Laura cares or not.”
Jenna shut up immediately, not wanting to disappoint Laura, at least not so soon.
“I’m gonna go sleep.”
Jenna said quietly and made her way up the stairs again,
“It’s twelve o’ clock…in the afternoon!”
“So who sleeps at this time?”
“I need my beauty sleep.”
“Whatever. Sleep well.”
Karyn said sarcastically.
“I will.”
Jenna snapped and stomped up the stairs,
“Stop stomping or I’ll kick you out!”
Karyn kicked the sofa and plopped herself down heavily onto the couch,
“Damn it Laura.”
I wonder how Karyn and Jenna are. I’m definitely grounded for a month, I have to come right home after work and do nothing that has to do with other human beings. I decided on sneaking out while my parents were out on another business trip for three days but they set up video cameras and had my stupid, tattle-tale nerd for a neighbor check on me every freakin’ hour. Then I thought about throwing a sleeping pill in his pop that I offered him today but he refused to drink it. He even offered to let me go out for ten minutes if I made out with him! What a loser! But what didn’t occur to me was that he was terribly homophobic and…I guess I’ll have to wait the next hour so I can tell him that I’m a lesbian. This should be fun.
one hour later…
“Hey Laura. I see you’re still in the house, good girl.”
I nodded and pretend to be watching tv,
“So…did you reconsider my offer?”
I said and changed the channel to an educational channel,
“What’s your decision? And why are you watching the discovery channel?”
“Not gonna do it. And…the discovery channel is a great source for learning.”
“Darn. Learning? Of all the years I’ve known you, you don’t learn from tv.”
“Oh well maybe you can learn something about me if you don’t wanna watch tv with me.”
“Oh…you wanna play twenty questions?”
I said grinning widely, I patted the seat beside me and Jarod sat down beside me with his nerdy/dorky smile.
“I’ll go first.”
He said and nodded, and rubbed his hands in a frantic way, I rolled my eyes as I turned away.
“Okay…how old are you?”
I said trying not to smack him silly,
“Your turn.”
He said and bounced slightly up and down on the couch, I felt like punching him in the gut now. I couldn’t stand sitting here another moment with him and feel his eyes being glued onto my chest.
“Do you think there is a very logical reason why I don’t want to make out with you?
Jarod looked at me in confusion, I growled and stood too quickly, the blood rushing to my head. I felt lightheaded but I managed to smack Jarod upside the head.
“I’m a lesbian. Now run!”
I yelled and Jarod went racing out the door. I ruined it, I’m not leaving because Jarod it most likely going to check on me again, and I don’t want another month of being grounded by my parents because they found out that I left the house for friends. Jarod is such a dork.
Karyn lept to her feet and stomped down the hall and pounded on Jenna’s door. Jenna opened the door and waved to Karyn with a fake smile.
“Can you turn it down?”
Karyn said in a demanding tone, her teeth gritted and fists clenched.
“Uh huh.”
Jenna said and turned the radio down one notch,
Karyn said, her fists clenching tighter,
“Nuh uh.”
Jenna said with an evil grin on her face, Karyn just about smacked her.
Karyn mumbled and left, Jenna shrugged and shut her door. Karyn made her way back to her own room and grabbed her cell phone and dialed,
I said as I put my phone to my ear,
“Hey Karyn!”
I think I was happy that Karyn called,
“You’ve got to help me before I shoot Jenna.”
“Oh no…is something wrong?”
I said as I typed away on my e-mail to Jenna.
“She’s not being cooperative…”
“I’ll um…swing by in a few minutes okay?”
I heard Karyn mumble under her breath then hang up. Jenna is going to get herself kicked out and onto the streets.
I rode my bike over to Karyn’s house since I decided that I needed some exercise and obviously I didn’t care about what Jarod was going to report to my parents. This was too important to ignore, I don’t want Jenna out on the streets and Karyn angrily stomping around her house all day. I made it to Karyn’s house, only to find something that came flying out of the open front door towards me. I ducked and a duffel bag flew over my head. I dropped my bike and headed for the door. Jenna and Karyn were screaming at each other in the living room.
“Stop yelling!”
I yelled and broke the two up from their hair pulling. I sat them down and seated myself in between them. They glared at me,
“Laura…you’re going to have to make this decision.”
Jenna said, fixing her hair,
“What decision?”
Karyn spoke,
“Either you find another place for Jenna, or I’ll kick her out and leave her on the streets.”
My jaw dropped open,
“But you guys were getting along just fine…”
I said silently, somehow I knew this wouldn’t work out.
I still had two more days before my parents would come home from their business trip so I told Jenna to come back over to spend these two days while we looked for a place for her. Jarod hadn’t said anything nor had he come back to check on me again, I guess he’s too scared to. Jenna walked home with me, I walked my bike home, and I told her not to unpack. We knew very well that she wouldn’t make it in time to pack everything before my parents came back.
“So…what are we going to do?”
Jenna said, we were sitting in the kitchen table.
“I don’t know. Apartment?”
“I don’t have the money to pay for it. I can’t go back to my brother either, I hate him for what he was involved in.”
When Jenna mentioned about…what her brother was involved in, I couldn’t stop thinking about my decision. This all wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t made this decision to be with Jenna. What would have happened if I believed in Karyn and stayed with her? Afterall…she was my first girl, my first kiss, and my first lover. She was my first for everything…and I threw that all away…and all for some girl who I thought I was in love with. I don’t think I’m truly in love with Jenna…my decision was probably a rebound for me. Jenna was just a back up…I have no feelings for her in that way. I realized then that I knew hardlly anything about her and now I won’t even get to spend as much time with her as I can with Karyn.
“Jenna…I knew this is a bad time to um…talk about this but I’ll have to say it sometime.”
Jenna looked at me with confusion,
“I don’t know where you’ll go or whatever…and I don’t want you to think I’m just going to dump you out on the streets and leave you to the hobos, but I don’t think I was ever in love with you.”
Jenna was completely confused now,
“But…but we were really…”
“I know. But I just realized that I barely know anything about you. I decided to have a new girlfriend and only a couple days after I met you. We hardly talk, all we did was make love, make out, and do whatever. We actually never went out on a real date…and I don’t even know how old you are or when your birthday is.”
“Wow…that never occurred to me…”
Jenna said, recovering quickly,
“You don’t care do you?”
“Of course I care…”
“No you don’t. All you wanted from me was sex. Yeah. Now that I think about it…you’d be gladly to cheat on me wouldn’t you?”
“What? Don’t accuse me of these things! I loved you.”
“Well I thought I loved you but obviously I was wrong.”
“No. Wait, Laura. I’m so sorry. I really do love you.”
“Well you seemed to have recovered rather quickly after I told you I didn’t love you.”
“That doesn’t mean anything…”
“So you admit it.”
“I…okay well…”
Jenna was not loyal, she wasn’t a person who truly loved me like Karyn was, and she didn’t want anything but sex, sex, and sex from me.
“I’m breaking up with you. And as for a home…I don’t care. You used me…you used me for sex, you used me to get away from your sex derived brother and cousin, you used me for god knows what else! I want you out of my house and away from me and Karyn.”
Jenna carelessly grabbed her bag and left, walking down the street without saying anything. She truly didn’t care at all. I fell onto my couch and cried away, crying and soaking up the cushions with my tears.
My parents came home to finally discuss with me about my “problem” as they would state it. I don’t see it as a problem nor a sin…but they do.
“Laura…you’re our second daughter…we want more than three grandchildren from your older sister.”
My mother gently stated,
“Have you tried…not being a lesbian?”
I nearly choked from trying to muffle my laughter…tried not being a lesbian? Okay whatever.
“Dad…you can change from being heterosexual to homosexual…but it doesn’t work the opposite way.”
“Are you saying that Jenna turned you into a lesbian?”
My mother gasped,
“Mother! No. Please don’t ever mention that name ever again.”
My father glared at me,
“Well we can’t have this.”
“Have what?”
I replied with anger,
“Have a lesbian for a daughter. You’ll go see a psychiatrist in the next city three hours from here so you can be fixed.”
My father was completely stubborn and clueless. You can’t fix these things.
“You can’t fix these things dad.”
“Don’t call me dad until you’ve been recovered. Start packing, we’ll send a driver to drive you over in the morning. And don’t come back until you’ve been fixed.”
“Don’t use the term fixed…because it’s wrong!”
I screamed as I stomped up the stairs, my mother followed me.
“Honey, we just want the best for you! A normal life!”
“You guys are stupid and clueless!”
I screamed,
“Don’t say that! This is for your own good. Laura…maybe you should bring a friend. I don’t want you to be lonely while you’re away from us.”
I grinned, I hope they don’t know that Karyn is just as “sinful” as me.
An 18-year-old learns how much fun being on her own can be... |
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