Sharing black--Lies and Deception (The whole begining again)
We lay down in a heated embrace on top of my bed. My body trembled at his touch, but his strong arms comforted me. His hands were soothing to my aching body, and his lips sent fire through it. I willingly lay there letting him explore my quivering body as I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I watched him strip off his clothes and return to my side. He smiled at me as I opened my legs and welcomed him between them.
I questioned myself, is this really going to happen,. His smooth hot tongue made circles around my tender nipples and made them stand for some attention. He was already fully erect…
“SSSSSS” I cringed expecting it to hurt as the head of his enormous dick penetrated my pulsating pus.
“What’s wrong, it hurt, you want me to stop?” he questioned.
“No!” I whispered and pulled on his back to make him continue.
When he completed it’s plunge inside my tender pussy, I though I’d pee all over him. Just that stroke alone was better than what Twon and I ever had together.
I’ve seen his dick once before when we were in seventh grade. He was in the bathroom and busted in on him in midstream. I haven’t seen it since but the way it felt going in me, it seemed like he was a mile long. I felt him all up in my guts. His love was so passionate inside me, and the dance was gentle and smooth. He took time to make love to my whole body and not just my vagina.
His dick explored every crevice and folds inside me and widens them.
“You like that…Is it good?” he asked after his dick went pushing in and out of my now dripping wet and ready to cum cunt.
When we were in middle school, Black use to say ‘it’s like butter baby’ to everything he enjoyed or did well, so I whispered to him, “It’s like butter baby!” He laughed.
”SSSS, yeah, like butter baby!” With that he plugged more kisses on my lips and neck while tenderly stirred his portion inside my walls.
What’s wrong with me… I am making mad passionate hot love to my recently, as in this afternoon, exboyfriend’s best friend and loving it. My mind said don’t, you know this is wrong, but my body screamed do, this is the best shit you ever had. How could something so wrong feel so right? His smooth dark chocolate body caressed and massaged my vanilla creamy skin as his dick soothed my aching cunt sending it into another ravaging orgasm.
Damn his shit was good. Twon had never taken me heights Black did at this very moment. A third orgasm spread through me like a brush fire, one after another. I never thought it could be so wonderful. I could hardly hold on, or catch my breath. I pulled his rippled chest in closer to me to hug him as another orgasm came instantly. I shook like a feather in the wind as I came down off my high and sucked on his earlobe.
“AAAAHHHH” I moaned again.
“So good!” he whispered and buried his hot kisses in my neck.
“OOOOHHHH YO’ PUSSY HOT!!” he shrieked and drenched the walls of my vagina with a load of his hot creamy cum. The sex lasted all of fifteen minutes but the orgasms, my first sexual orgasms, lasted a lifetime. I wished it was he that took my virginity instead of Twon.
My body shook uncontrollably as he lay and rest on top of me.
“What’s wrong, you ok?” he concerned.
“Yes I…I…I’m ok!” I said and swallowed hard. I still felt the magnificent remnants of the orgasms humming and vibrating through my body.
I never once thought in a million years, I’d be having spectacular sex with Black of all people. I thought Twon would send me on a trip to the heavens, not Black. He leaned down again and kissed me once more.
“I’mma hop in the shower, you wanna come?” he asked. I know it’s a little too late to be embarrassed but I still was.
“No you go ahead. I’ll take a bath when you get through.” He hopped out the bed and walked over to the door.
“You sure?” he beckoned me with those gorgeous gray eyes.
What the heck, girl you done already fucked him, why not take a shower with him. We showered up and I finally got to see what he was pushing into me. Damn he was very well hung. We rinsed off and got out. I put on another nightshirt, changed the sheets, and got in bed. He got in naked and we fell fast asleep.
8:00a.m. (Shauny’s room) Friday
I woke up to a conversation between Black and I’m guessing Twon… He was pacing around the room naked. It made my mouth water. Come here damn it rrraaarrr!!
“I said I’ll be there, I’m runnin’ a lil’ late!“ he explained. “Naw, I ain’t seen her why?” “Look I gotta get dressed, I’ll be there in a lil’ bit!” he said and hung up.
“Everything’s o.k?” I asked.
“Did I wake you… aaawww I’m sorry!” he said and dove on top of me. “Are you going to school today?” he asked after he kissed me.
“No, I think I’ll stay home today.” I told him.
“Good, you need to rest, keep some ice on that jaw, and eat something!” he added and kissed me again.
“I got to go get dressed for school so I’ll see you later?”
“Don’t you got a game today?” I questioned.
“Yeah, I’ll be here after the game is over, I promise!” he said and put on his clothes, kissed me, and left for home.
I dreamed about him all night. How he made love to my tortured body and made me forget just for a moment about what happened just hours before. His smile, his laugh, his all around goodness got me going.
“You going to school today!!” Twon’s voice said.
“Twon I really don’t want to…”
“Shauny…” he interrupted.
“Please forgive me, I promise you it would never happen again! Please!!!”
“Look right now I really don’t think that it’s a good idea!” I told him.
“So you’d think about it then?” he questioned.
“Yeah I’ll think about it.” I said and hung up.
Knock, knock, “Shauny?” Janet called through the door.
“Can I come in?” she asked.
“Yeah!” I said and covered my head.
“Black said you needed this,” she said, pulled the covers back and gasped.
“Baby what happened?” I really didn’t want to tell her the whole horrid ordeal so I just lied and said…
“Sarita and I got into it over her and Twon going to the movies last night.” She put the ice pack Black gave her on my face and said,
“Baby you know you can tell me anything, so if anything’s bothering you, you let me know, o.k.?”
“Sure!” I returned and smiled.
“Anyway what Black doing in yo room so late at night?”
“Nothing, just sleeping
“It sure didn’t sound like sleepin’ with all the oohhin’ and aahhin’ and the bed squeekin’ and shit!” she joked, turned around and winked her eye. “I hope you’re being careful?” she said and left the room.
Next day Friday 12:15p.m. (School hall)
I went through all my classes like I was a zombie, or something. I didn’t want to do anything. I’m not sure how I got to all my classes I was so bummed out. The day went slow as usual, I didn’t see Black none during the day. I didn’t eat in the lunch room today I just ate my peaches and drank my milk outside. I sat there the whole lunch period. “Jasmine… I’ve been looking all over for you this morning.” Sarita said as she came running in my direction.
“What Sarita?” I said tiredly.
“What happened to you last night?”
“Nothing, look Sarita I really don’t want to talk about it.” I told her and headed for my next class.
“We were looking for you all night! Black was worried!!” she kept going.
“I SAID I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT SARITA!!” I barked in her face, and walked in my class.
2:34p.m. (School parking lot)
For some reason coach called off practice today so I went straight to my car. Sarita caught up with me on the way out of school to go home. .
“You still coming to the game tonight aren’t you?” she asked
“No Sarita I have to work.
“Aww come on please!!!”
I told her that Melinda and I switched places and so I have to go. I turned and walked away to my car. As I rounded the school building I saw Tyrell and his team mates gathering their football stuff and loading it in their cars. He was parked in the space right behind mine. I tried to creep to open the door but…
“Jas, I looked for you all night. Where did you go?” he questioned me as if nothing happened between us. I turned around and faced him.
“Leave me alone!”
“What?…What’s the matter?” he questioned.
I gave him a nasty glare and jumped in my car.
“Jasmine?!!” he called. I let down the window…
“I said to leave me alone Black!!” and pulled off.
10:00p.m. (at work)
The day went like any other Friday went busy from around 6 to around 9:30 or so. Just as I dumped a batch of fried into the grease, I heard another group of people coming in. One more hour and I’m out of here I thought to myself. I turned to take their orders and stood face to face with Black. He and his teammates and a few cheerleaders came in after the game. It took me a minute but
“May I take your order.” I asked with an attitude.
“I didn’t see you at the game!” I just stared at him like he didn’t say anything. He looked me directly into my eyes and asked, “Can I talk to you… for a minute?”
“Talk is not on the menu, so…”
“So what,” he replied just as sarcastically as I did.
“So if there’s nothing else you want, move to the side so that I can help the next person!” Antwon and some of the other football team were standing in line talking and laughing about our conversation.
“Cum’mon Black man let her alone, let’s get something to eat I’m starved.” Antwon said and pulled Black’s jersey shirt.
Eight, my favorite number. Damn he looked so good in that number eight.
My pussy got wet just listening to him order for the team. I repeated his order and he acknowledged it.
“Twenty-nine seventeen is your total.” He pulled out thirty dollars out his wallet and placed it on the counter. As I grabbed the money he reached over and grabbed my hand.
“Alright dogs find a table I’ll bring the food.” and with that they all left.
All except for Ms. Ronda. Ronda was a skinny, frumpy, little woman from top to bottom, no ass and a pair of oranges for titties.
“I’ll wait with you!” she said and rolled her eyes at me.
I pulled my hand from under his and looked at Rhonda with utter disgust. She stood behind him while he talked to me.
“Please Jas, I just want to tell you something,” he begged as I turned around to fill his order.
“Listen Black can’t you see she don’t want to talk to you,” I heard Sarita say.
“For one Bitch, I ain’t talkin’ to you, so shut the fuck up… and for two, get the fuck out of my face” he spat at her pointing in her face.
“Yeah bitch!” Ronda followed. I could’ve jumped over the counter and whopped her ass.
“I got yo bitch, bitch!! Sarita replied taking off her apron.
“Sarita, Sarita, this shit ain’t even worth getting work up about, let’s just get his order and then he will leave us alone.”
“Naw cause I wasn’t talkin’ to him I was talkin’ to that skinny bitch behind him.”
“I’mma kick yo skinny ass when I see you next, skank bitch!” she yelled at Ronda and walked into the back to complete Black’s order. I gave Black the first part of his order and he gave it to Ronda to take to the table.
“What is it Black, why you up here bothering me?”
“I’m just trying to talk to you.”
“What part of I don’t have time, don’t you understand. After yesterday and the day before that, I don’t have nothing to say to you!”
“But…” he trailed off.
“Here’s the rest of your order sir and enjoy your meal.” I added and walked away.
I began to cut off the fryers and clean up the front area after Black left to go eat. I couldn’t help but to glance over to the group talking, yelling, and, cheering about their victory over the Tigers. I finished my cleaning in front and went to clean the bathroom. I first cleaned the women’s bathroom. Once I finished with that I started on the men’s. I cleaned the two stalls and then I turned to urinals.
“Damn men are so nasty.” I said.
“Not all men.” Black’s deep voice thundered from behind me. I jumped.
“Oh, did I scare you?” he asked sarcastically with a smile.
“I think you’re the nastiest of them all Black.” I replied in the nastiest voice I could muster and rolled my eyes.
“Ah fa real, you think I‘m nasty?” he grinned and walking towards the urinal next to where I was standing and undid his pants. “Well, it’s good to know you think about me!” He pulled out his dick and started to pee. I stood there beside him trying not to look at it as he held it in his hand and streams of pee poured out. I couldn’t help myself, I had to look.
I’d say about 4-6 inches around. It was thick and coal black with a pink head. It looked nothing like it did when we were in Sarita’s closet after we played spin the bottle. I didn’t know he was watching me while I sized him up.
“Who’s the nasty one now?” he laughed.
“What?” I removed my eyes from his dick up to his face.
“You heard me!”
“I ain’t nasty like you.” I threw back.
“Well I ain’t the one who’s standing here watching you piss am I?” he laughed
“Well I was here first, and then with no regard to my presence you just whipped yo shit out and pissed.”
“I wouldn‘t call this shit.” he said still holding it and turned to face me. “and anyway you could’ve turned your head,” he fired back. I had no reply.
“You finished now so leave.” I stated and crossed my arms over my swollen nipples and closed my eyes. His dick was like a magnet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. His dick was still hanging from his pants. The front view size of it caught me off guard when I opened my eyes and I gasped. It looked even bigger face on.
“What’s wrong?” he asked in his sweet concerned voice as he stuffed that massive hunk of skin back in his pants and washed his hands. I was stuck for words and my throat was thick as he walked over to me.
It really didn’t register that he was kissing me until I was kissing him back. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. His tongue danced in my mouth when he backed me against the wall and again his hands began their exploration of my body. This time I let him.
He spread kisses across the length of my neck as he raised my shirt and pinched at my nipples. He went down and wrapped his beautiful lips around my nipples. His hot tongue sent my head whirling. He put his other hand between my legs and started rubbin my muff through my pants. My panties instantly got wet.
He slid his hands down my pants and started fingering me. Shit, it was feeling damn good, then, just as I was getting’ into the heat of things, there was a knock at the door.
“Black,” I heard Ronda call.
“Be out in a minute,” he yelled back and turned around to start kissing me again.
I pushed him away and his hand slipped out my pants.
“Yo girlfriend wants you!” and put my tit back in my bra and pulled my shirt down.
He started to laugh. “Ha ha ha, the girl got jokes.” he replied and looked at me with disgust.
“She ain’t my gal no more Jas,” he said turning to walk out and paused. He turned to look at me, put the two fingers he fingered me with up to his nose and took a deep whiff. He winked and smiled at me, washed his hands, then left the bathroom.
I began cleaning again after I caught my breath and my heart beat came down to normal. Then I saw Ronda stepping past the stall door just as I finished tucking my shirt into my pants.
“You bitch, what the fuck you think you doin’ with my man.” she spat in my face.
“Yo man?” I laughed
“Yeah my man, BITCH, you got a problem …”
I interrupted and put my hand in her face, “Look bitch first of all you need to get you smelly breath ass out my damn face, cause if you don’t I’mma whop yo ass hoe.”
“I ain’t outta yo face yet am I,” she challenged and stepped closer. “Now what, BITCH!” she threatened. Aahhww shit, this bitch wanna throw some.
I chest checked her ass and knocked her against the wall. The fight begins. She bounced off the wall and grabbed me around the waist, pushing me back against the mirrors. After a little struggle I pushed her arms from around my body and checked her in her chin. She started falling back against the wall and, grabbed my shirt as to catch herself. As she fell back she ripped my shirt down the middle. I looked down at my shirt
“Bitch you toe my shirt” I yelled and I rushed her again. As I got close to her, her fake finger nail hit me in the mouth and cut my bottom lip. I grabbed a fist full of her hair again and started slammin’ her head up against the wall.
She pushed her foot in my gut and kicked me off her. I fell back and hit the floor hard on my arm. I saw her skinny ass get up and come after me. She kneeled down and grabbed hold of my bra for leverage as she continued to smack me across the face. I managed to get my arm from pent under her and I put all force in the punch that landed on her chin. She fell off me and still had hold of my bra. I stood up and grabbed her hair again then swung her around and threw her on the floor again. I ran over to slapped her in her face. I saw her weave dangling off my class ring. Damn I pulled that bitch hair out. I took her hair off my ring and commenced hittin’ her skinny ass. With every blow I landed on her face we were screamin’ obscenities to each other. I guess that is what drew the crowd. Black dashed in and pulled me off her. I didn’t realize my tities was hanging out until I fet his hot hands cupping them as he pulled me off her just before my boss came in.
"What the hell is going on in here.” Robert yelled at the crowded
“I was in here minding my business, cleaning when she came in and started with me,” I practically yelled.
That bloody bitch stood up and said through her swollen lips, “She was in here fuckin’ my man so I had to set her straight.”
“That’s a damned lie bitch, and who set who straight HOE!” I replied and reached out for her again. Black, who still had his hands cupped to my titties, pulled me back.
“Let me the fuck go!” I snatched myself out of his roaming hands. With my titties bouncing I walked over to my bra and snatched it up.
I picked her hair up too.
“There bitch, put yo hair back on ,” I said and threw her weave in her face. Ronda lashed out at me again. I was too late to defend myself, she had already reached me. She scratched me down my neck as I slammed my fist into her jaw. Ronda hit the floor and I attempted to jump her ass again. Antwon pulled me off her, and pushed me back, but not before he too, got his feel of my titties.
“Jasmine I need to see you in my office.” he stated "and the rest of you I want you out of this establishment, it‘s past closing time.”
The crowd dispersed and I went into his office. Sarita stuck her head in his office and asked me what happened.
“That bitch Ronda came in the bathroom and started shit with me that’s what.”
“Damn girl you should let me have at her when I wanted to cause, I wanted a piece of action too.”
It took Robert a minute to come to the office and, and when he did he had a first aid kit in his hands. He cleaned up my scratches. I felt his hands graze across my nipples as he reached over for another cotton ball. He got his free feel of my titties tonight too. He then handed me another shirt.
“Well of course you know I had to call the police.
“Are you going to tell me I’m fired?” I asked.
“No, if what you are saying is true.” he asked. “Tell me what happened.” .
I told him everything but the part about Black feeling me up in the bathroom and he believed me. The police came in and I told them the same story I told Robert. They were going to take me to the station but Black, my knight in shining armor, came to my rescue again. He told the police the same story that I told them and said that he was a witness to the whole thing. The ambulance took Ronda to the hospital and offered to take me but I said that I was fine. Everyone left even Black, after the police left. I talked with Robert some more and he told me that I was on suspension for one week without pay and told me to go home and rest. I like Robert, he was cool and he liked me too. I clocked out and got my shit.
I waited for Sarita but she said she have a ride and to go ahead.
“Are you sure girl?” I asked. She grabbed my arm which was sore and pulled me over in the corner.
“I’mma ride home with Robert.” she smiled and winked.
“You be careful now, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“You got condoms,” I whispered.
“Well here is one,” I said and pulled one out of my purse.
“What is a virgin doing with condoms?”
“Well I won’t be one forever.” I replied thinking and hoping about Black. “And besides a woman have to be prepared for anything.” I put the condom in her pocket and walked out.
The passionate romance I share with my long time boyfriend James... |
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