Sharing black--Lies and Deception (The whole begining again)
Thursday (school hall, Shauny‘s locker) 1:44p.m.
“Shauny guess what I heard!!” Rhonda huffed as she rounded the corner.
“What?” I hoped it wasn‘t bullshit cause I was PMSin’ and I would’ve to kick someones ass for looking at me cross-eyed.
“Sarita told TaKeisha, then TaKeisha told me that she and Twon was going to the movies together, tonight!” She stated like it made her happy to hurt me.
“WHAT!!!” I roared.
“Sarita and Twon?”
I really couldn’t believe anything Ronda says, because she has been trying to get back with Twon ever since they broke up. I looked at her in disbelief, closed my locker, and walked off. I will have to do some investigating myself.
3:00p.m. (After school)
I dropped Sarita off at home and I drove in the driveway. I jumped out the car and ran upstairs. What am I going to wear, I questioned myself. I took out my tommy jeans that highlighted my hips and ass, and my tommy bad girl shirt that accented my titties well. I pinned my hair up and took a shower. When I got out I splashed on some body spray and lotion of the same fragrance from head to toe. I put on a pair of thongs and my 24 hr bra. I painted my nails and did something quick with my hair. I threw on my robe and walked to the phone and called Sarita.
“What’s up girl?”
“Just getting ready to go to the movies.”
“Did he tell you what one you were going to?” she asked.
“Naw he just said that he was coming to pick me up at 8:30.”
“I guess you are going to the drive in with us then.”
“The drive in?”
“Yeah the drive in!”
“How do you know?”
“Well, Antwon asked me to go with him to the drive in and he will be picking me up at about 8ish.”
I guess that’s ok then I won’t have to worry about nothing poppin’ off. What about LaShaunda and Ronda I thought, what are they doing while their men are out with other people.
“You riding with us?” I questioned her. “Naw he’s picking me up and I have to finish getting ready so…” she ended,
“See you there then!” I hung up.
After school (Twons Jeep) 3:45p.m.
As I waited in the car Twon and Black stood in front of his car talking and laughing. I couldn’t help wondering what they were talking about. I decided to keep my mouth closed for now about what Ronda told me, but when the time was right… The ride home was conversationally quiet. He had the music up so loud, the beats made my heart skip. I couldn’t get a word in if I wanted to. What Ronda said ran through my head all the way home. I looked at him as if I seen Sarita’s mouth all over him, he just bobbed his head and sang the words to the song. As usual he dropped me off and took off for where ever his boys were.
Shauny’s house 7:42p.m. (Shauny’s room)
Twon came in at 7:45 and hopped in the shower. When he came out I confronted him. “Where you goin’?”
“Out where?” I questioned
“Just out!”
“Baby, take me to the movies tonight!”
“Damn Shauny, why you didn’t say nothing yesterday!”
“I didn’t know I had to make a schedule to spend some time with my man!”
“Damn girl why you trippin’, I already made plans, maybe some other night?” he barked and turned to look at me. He had an angry glare in his face.
“I wouldn’t be trippin’ if you would just spend some time with me other than goin’ to the movies with Sarita!” I threw out there.
“What the fuck is you implying?” he questioned, paused, and started walking over to me.
“I’m not implying, I’m sayin’, you shouldn’t spend so much time with Sarita and spend yo time with me!!! I’M YO’ GIRLFRIEND!!” I got loud.
The next thing I knew I was being back fisted across the face. WHACK!!!! Twon hit me so hard, blood spewed out my nose. I fell and hit the floor.
He yanked me up by the arm and slammed me on the bed.
“NNNOOOO!” I cried.
I never was hit like that before. Not even when I got into a fight with Maranda over some he say she say shit. He grabbed my chin and pulled my head up to his face. He was completely naked.
“I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!” he yelled in my face.
“Toowee!!” I spit blood in his face.
WHACK!!! Another back fist across the jaw!!!
“BITCH…” he said and turned me over on my stomach on the bed. “DON’T YOU EVER…” he paused as he pulled down my pants.
“Don’t worry, I ain’t goin’ in yo’ pussy!” He returned with a smile in his voice.
I screamed but he kept pulling me to the edge of the bed. I elbowed him in his chest and kicked him in his stomach but he still was able to over power me. He pulled me down to the floor and pinned me. He straddled my legs and without no vaseline he forced his already hard dick into my ass.
“EEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!” I screamed to the top of my lungs for the pain was so intense, the tears jumped out my eyes before I started crying. He still pushed his way into my ass. He put all his weight on his hand that pushed the back of my neck down to the floor. At times the pressure got so tight I couldn’t breath, so I’d turn so I could. I think I passed out a couple of times. The harder his thrusts, the further he went into me. The more he went into me the more skin had to rip to adjust to his capacity.
“YEAH, YOU WANT MY TIME YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.” “JUST LIKE SARITA DO!! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I DO WITH SARITA THEN HERE’S A SAMPLE!!!” he said and slammed harder and deeper into my virgin ass.
I turned back to look at his face and it was dripping with sweat. It was balled up in a frown, anxious to relieve the load.
“YOU BITCH!!! FUCK YOU!!!” I cried.
“FUCK - ME - BITCH I’M THE ONE- FUCKIN’ YOU- REMEMBER?!!!” he said between thrusts.
“I HATE YOU!!!” I screamed again as he grunted indicating he was about to cum.
He buried his dick so deep in my ass he almost busted it. He didn’t care that I was kicking, screaming, hurting or bleeding, he just kept going like vengeance, up my ass, was his. I bit his wrist hard.
“STOP BITING ME!!” he barked and slammed his fist in the side of my face. “AAAAHHHHGGG!!” He released a hot load of cum deep in my intestine and climbed off me. I was still crying so hard my whole body shook.
I laid face down on the floor, my pants still down. When he got up, and covered my face. Silence. After a few minutes… “Baby I’m sorry!!” he begged on death ears. Look I must go but when I get back we can talk about this. O.K.?” he said and washed up, dressed, and left. After he left it took me a while to get up, but I did. I felt like I had just let a Mack truck highway up my ass and it was still up in there. I went into the kitchen and took out some trash bags. I gathered up all his things and put them in it. I tied it down neatly, and set it outside the front door along with a note telling him we no longer can be together and he have to go.
I got to call Black! I thought. I dialed his cell number and the voice mail came on.
“Black please call me, it’s very important. I need you to stop by here before you go in.” I begged and hung up the phone.
The shower was temporary bliss as I stood my tired body under the water. I let the water flood me from head to toe while it concealed my tears and washed away the remnants of the rape. I thought of anything that took my mind of Twon, like the smell of the soap and how it calmed me. Of how the water beat and massaged me while the heat from the water comforted it.
I put on my nightshirt and laid across my bed. I tried to stay up until Black came to the door.
8:10p.m. (Home)
I sat at my vanity table and started my makeup, it was light but I looked good. I called Melinda who had, previously during the week, asked me if I would switch off days with her and told her that I will switch her Thursday for my Friday. She went into work for me and I was free to do whatever. I put on my clothes. I took a look once over and liked what I saw. I sprayed my neck with the body spray again and walked down stairs. The doorbell rang.
“Jasmine!!” Big Momma yelled as I descended the stairs.
“Hey Big Momma!” Black said as he entered the house.
“I’ll just get my jacket!”
I listened in as Black and Big Momma exchanged pleasantries.
“Big Momma I’ll be back later.”
The ride to the movies was relatively quiet, idol chitchat here and there. He smelled so good. His black Impala was clean and drove like a dream. The music was low and playing soft rock. He kept his eyes on the rode only to steal a glance at me when he had to make a right turn or change into his right lane. He looked so good I could eat him.
8:54p.m. (The drive in)
We pulled up next to Antwons jeep.
“Be right back, you want something from the snack bar?” he asked before opening the door.
“Yeah, some pop corn and a soda.” He got out.
I watched him set up the speaker and knock on Antwon’s window. Antwon got out and walked with him over to the snack bar. Sarita rolled down Twons window and waved at me.
“Hey Jas!”
“Hey Rita!” I replied.
After a few minutes Black and Antwon returned to the car with the eateries. They passed some dap in front of his car and parted ways.
“Here.” He handed me the popcorn as he shut the door. He sat the sodas in the cup holder and climbed in the back seat.
“You coming?” I handed him my popcorn and climbed back with him.
The movie started. We had to sit real close so that we didn’t have to look over the front seats to see the screen. He crunched on his nachos as I crunched on my popcorn.
“You want some?” he asked handing me his tray.
“Sure!” I said and took two nachos and stuffed them in my mouth one by one.
“You got some cheese on your finger!” he said and put my finger deep into his mouth and slowly sucked the cheese off. I paused to stare at him just as he did it. Oh the sensation he sent through my body when he did that. We stared at each other for about thirty seconds, then we came to our senses as the movie got louder. I returned to my popcorn and he to his nachos.
He reached in the back pocket of the drivers seat and pulled out a refill pack of baby wipes.
“You got a baby?” I asked.
He looked at me like he smelled a skunk.
“Hell naw I ain’t got no baby!” Wiping his hands of the cheese. “This is for when I can’t get to a sink and wash my hands.” He threw the wipe out the window. Smart ass.
My body started shaking it was so cold.
“You cold?”
“Kind of!”
“Here!” he covered me with his coat.
He leaned over in the front seat and turned the key so he could let the windows up. His ass looked so good in his corduroy pants and a polo shirt to match. He sat back and pulled me close to him. I leaned my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. We sat like that for the first hour.
My eyelids felt heavy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was having a wonderful dream, then the next thing I knew Black had my face in his hands kissing my lips. I jumped up so fast I hit my head on the window behind me.
“Black…” He leaned forward and covered my mouth with his. While we kissed he pulled my legs out from under me. He maneuvered his body between my legs and was now lying on top of me. He rocked the tent in his pants against my pussy while he kissed me. His lips felt so good on mine and I gladly returned them. His body was warm and his touch was hot. I felt myself beginning to loose control.
“Oh, Jas!” He whispered.
His hands moved so fast all over my body, it felt like he had more than two. His hands found their way up my shirt and the other hand pulled at my pants zipper. Why did I let him get this far I don’t know but I know it’s time to stop now. His other hand undid my pants and slid down the back of them and squeezed my naked ass.
“No!” I murmured from under his attentive lips. I pushed him back. He kept going as if I said nothing.
“Please, I don’t want to do this!” I said and tried to pull myself up.
He sat up and looked at me.
“I thought you said that we were just going to see a movie?” I fired.
“We are just seeing a movie!” he fired back.
“And nothing else” I spat and pulled his jacket up to my neck to cover my hard nipples and fixed my pants and shirt.
“Well can I at least get under my jacket with you then?” he asked and pulled on the arm sleeve. I allowed his warm body to come under his warm leather jacket with me. He rested his head on my shoulder. A few minutes later I felt his hand embrace mine. His hand squeezed my cold fingers and kept them warm.
Antwons car caught my eye, for it was moving up and down, side-to-side. Everyone within a foot radius knew what they were doing. I could hear subtle noises coming from inside the jeep.
Without warning I felt Black’s hands caressing my protruding nipples through my shirt. His hot hands sent sizzling sensations down my spine to my clit. At first it was so subtle, it was hardly detectable. Then he got into it, he began squeezing my nipples and kissing my neck.
“Black!” I called to him. He continued to kiss my neck.
His hands wandered down to my pants and unfastened them. My good judgment was clouded by how much I yearned for him to touch me; it made me feel like I was alive. With one hand, he pulled my panties to the side, parted the lips and fingered my buzzing pussy. He gently stirred my clit and made it radiate with electricity. It weakened me.
“No Black!” I said in a blissful confusion pulling at his hand. It felt so good to have him there pleasuring me, moving me, kissing me. I dreamed of him doing this a many of lonely nights.
My guard fell fast as my hips uncontrollably rocked on his rolling fingers.
“Please Black!” I huffed out between moans. “I can’t, I don’t!” His kisses sucked the energy from my body and his rotating fingers drained my will power. He raised enough to find and kiss my lips and I found myself kissing him back.
”Aahh!” A moan sighed through my lips before I realized it.
”You like that?” He whispered through his kisses.
I found my second wind and started pulling hard on his arm.
”No, Black, please!” I was cuming, I had to do something before I came in his hand. He was strong but my persistence paid off. He snatched his hands out my pants and sat up.
“Damn girl, what’s wrong with you!” he bawled at me.
“What’s wrong with me, you NASTY BASTARD!” I screamed at him kicking over the popcorn.
“STOP BEING A FUCKIN’ TEASE!!” He yelled as I jumped out the car.
As I ran towards the snack stand I heard him call to me.
”FUCK YOU!” I screamed back.
“Jasmine!” he’d call. I didn’t answer. Luckily I had some money; I called a cab to pick me up and I rode home. The last time I saw my birth mom she told me never go anywhere with a man without cab money, I’m glad I listened. When I got in the house I went straight up stairs and cried myself fast asleep.
2:00a.m. (Shauny’s room) Friday
I thought I heard knocking on my front door, then on my room window but I refused to get up and see. After a while the knocking stopped, and I got up. As I walked down the hall to the front door I saw the note I wrote to Twon on the floor. Had he come in? How’d he get in? Then it came to me that he had slipped it under the door. I picked it up when I noticed his chicken scratch handwriting on the back.
It read…
‘Baby please, I love you and I am so sorry for the way things went down like they did. Please forgive me and give me another chance. I promise it will never happen again. I love you and I‘m sorry. Twon.’
A tear fell from my eyes. I loved Twon too, but I refuse to be beat on and abused. I balled up the paper and threw it away.
Where the hell is Black? He’d usually be here for me! I cried. Rrrriiiinnnngggg,
Rrrriiiinnnngggg went the phone.
“Shauny?” Black called.
“Black where are you?”
“On my way home, what’s the urgency?”
“I need you to come over!”
“Yes now!!” I replied.
“I ight, be there in a minute.” he said and I hung up.
The house was dark when Black came in. I took him to my room, closed the door and turned on the light.
“AAAWWWW FUCK!!! What happ… Don’t tell me Twon did this shit?” Black barked as he gawked at my face.
“Well I didn’t do it to myself!” I tried to humor him. I cut the light out again.
“Fuck man!!!! I’m finna kill that…” he replied and headed for the door.
“Black NO! Please, no more violence!!”
“NO VIOLENCE? This mutha fucka have to pay for what he did to you!!!” he spat at me.
“SSSSHHHH!!! I don‘t want to wake up Janet! Be quiet!” I whispered. “I don’t want you to hurt him, or him to hurt you!!” I begged. “I don’t even want him to know I told you!”
“He ain‘t gotta know you told me shit, all he gone know is my fists beatin’ in his mutha fuckin’ face!!” he spat.
“Black listen…” I pleaded.
“Shauny, he just can’t continue to live after he did this shit!!!” he roared lifting my chin to get a better look at my bruises.
“Black please!!” I begged grabbing hold of his hand.
“So you askin’… no you expect me to just pretend like this shit didn’t happen, is that what you want?” he soured angrily.
“Well, yes, no, yes! He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind.
“Shauny, I’m sorry but I really don’t think I can do that. He shouldn’t be puttin’ his hands on you like that, and that’s it!” He fumed and started looking around.
“What are you looking for?”
”That mutha fuckin’ bat, so if that nigga come his ass back here, I’mma clock his ass!” I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
“Black, I don’t want anything to happen to him or you. If you go to jail then what will I do? I couldn’t live with myself if I’d lost you!” I pleaded, hoping he would see my point. He took a deep breath and sighed.
“What if he comes back tonight?” I questioned him. I looked at him in his sexy gray eyes. I wanted him to stay, no I needed him to stay with me, comfort me, and assure me that everything will be safe.
“I’ll stay here with you tonight, and how ever many other nights you want me to!” he promised and softly kissed my forehead.
Black sat on the Lazyboy in my room and pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair. He listened attentively as I told him the whole story.
“Listen Shauny, I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here for you,” he said and bigger tears came tumbling down my face.
“It’s not your fault Black!!!” I cried.
“No, it is my fault, I should’ve been here… I should’ve never set you up with him!” he said. I leaned into his arms and he squeezed me tighter. He smelled so good; I buried my tear-infested face in his neck.
“Black…” I lifted my head to look at him.
“SSSHHH don’t say no more, it‘ll never happen again, I promise you that.” He whispered. His lips covered mine with a sweet and tender kiss. I slowly slipped further into his arms and our lips entwined again.
Amber takes on the Scalzi twins... |
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