Sharing black--Lies and Deception (The whole begining again)
Black and I were friends a long time, ever since he moved next door to me when we were in sixth grade together. He was always over our house, especially in the summer time. Janet, my mom, loved Black like a son so he was like family and could enter the house anytime he wanted to. I knew just about everything about him, how his dad died when he was seven, how he had to fight him off his mother when he would beat her. He still had scars from when his father stabbed him four times on his arm, shoulder and hand. What girls he liked, and didn’t like.
He knew just about everything about me too. He knew that Janet used to be a prostitute and a junky so I grew up with my Granny in Compton. She immediately entered rehab and cleaned herself up after she gave birth to a stillborn son. Then five years later, she maintained and excellent job and saved enough money to buy this house in Long Beach where we’ve been living for the past six years.
Black and his stepfather were always going at it, and after they’d fight, he’d pack his bookbag and come stay with us for a couple of days. We’d have so much fun together, when Janet went to work we’d stay up really late watching the Playboy channel. It used to be so funny and scary at the same time to sit there with him looking at men fucking women and women doing women. I remember one night when we stayed up watching Playboy, Black kissed me. It lead to a deeper and more passionate kiss. Eventually he was lying on top of me, between my legs, crushing his middle against mine. It confused me, I wasn’t sure if I should let him continue, cause it did feel good, or to stop him because I was scared. Fear overcame me; I had to stop it before it went too far. I could see it in his face that he was disappointed but he respected it, and never tried again. It was truly fun to have him around.
I’d see him and Twon together all the time in school and around the block. When they weren’t together he’d come over and sit on my porch and we’d talk about my friends for hours. In 11th Black and I shared the same homeroom class and I asked him to hook me up with Twon after he started dating my friend Rhonda. He finally did after almost seven months, and so far we’ve been together for the past year, off and on.
“You finished yet?”
“No but let me finish this one braid and then you can get up for a minute.” I continued braiding until I felt his hands on my thigh.
“You know we haven’t done it in a while, what do you say we…” he trailed off as his hands traveled further up my thigh.
“I told you we can’t, not right now.” I pushed his hands down.
“Why not, you raggin’?”
“No, I’m still hurting!!” I braided the last braid tight so he can feel what I was saying. “Damn Shauny, you ain’t gotta braid so hard!” he barked and stood up.
“Sup y’all!” Black sang as he entered the kitchen.
“Sup Black!” Twon and I said simultaneously.
“Twon, I need to holla at you bro!” He said and they both looked directly at me.
“I ight I get the picture!” I rolled my eyes, and walked out the kitchen.
I went out on the porch and saw Rhonda in Black ‘s car. At first, Rhonda and I were good friends, that is until she found out Twon and I were going out. Now we’d speak and have cordial conversation. Her and Twon used to go together until Twon caught her sucking Black’s dick on the side of the school building. Black and Twon didn‘t talk for weeks after that. But you know, I had to talk to Black and he apologized to Twon. It was all good after that.
“Hey Shauny,” Ronda called getting out the car.
“Hey! What are you all doing?” I replied giving a fake smile.
Jay was in the back seat and he too got out. He leaned on Black’s car and waved to me. I waved back and smiled, a real smile. He still looked good to me! Jay and I use to date back when we were in the eighth grade. We broke up because I saw him kissin’ a girl named Jalisa on the playground. I kicked her ass after that incident too, and he still wanted her!
“Nothing girl, you know Black, he have to stop and speak to everyone he knows on the way somewhere.” She stepped up on the porch.
“Ah yeah?”
“Yeah, we’re going to the block party over my brothers house. We just picked up Jay and he came to see if Twon wanted to go.”
“Ah for real!” I knew nothing to say. Silence…
“COME ON SHAUNY!!” I heard Twon call.
“Well I’ll see you later Ronda!” I returned and was happy to be leaving her presence. I gave Jay a wave good bye; he winked and smiled those pearly whites at me. He had some sexy lips, the top lip was a little bigger and darker than the bottom. I must say, he had changed a lot since the eighth grade. His braces were gone and he did comb his hair daily.
“See y’all later!” Black called and skipped out the house.
“Yeah Twon?”
“Come on and finish my hair cause I gotta go!” he spat and sat down in front of the stool.
I finished his hair and he drove his jeep off to the block party I guess. We don’t ever go anywhere together anymore. The only time I get to do something with him is at a game or when I waited for him after practice.
Shauny’s den 11:44p.m.
Twon came rolling in at quarter to twelve, reeking of alcohol and weed. When he entered the house, he knocked over the end table and scared me shitless. Janet didn’t mind if he’d stay with us if he respected the house rules. No drugs of any kind in the house at all was the main one.
“Be quiet Twon, you making too much noise.” I spat at him. He walked over to me and stood in front of the T.V.
“Move Twon!” I barked and scooted over to the other side of the couch.
He jumped in front of me again.
“What’s wrong with you boy, move?”
I looked in his face and saw a familiar gaze. A gaze I shall never forget. His eyes went from my face, to my tits, then to my legs. He’d subtly lick his lips then it was over.
“I got yo boy!”
He swiftly grabbed my arm and forcefully yanked me off the couch.
“STOP TWON!” I screamed for I knew what was next to come. He snatched me out the den, and down the hall to my room.
“NOOO!!! TWON PLEASE!!!” I begged and cried. I grabbed hold of the wall for support but he was too strong.
He picked me up and slammed me down on the bed. I tried to scoot away, I pulled the covers and bed but he grabbed hold of my sweats. His long manicured nails scratched me down my sides as he pulled my sweats down my legs. I kicked, hit, punched and screamed at him to stop, but he still managed to pull my pants completely off.
“TWON DON’T, PLEEEZZZZEEEE!!!!!!” I cried through tears of pain still kicking him and pulling at the bed. He dove on me and violently held me down. He dug his knee between my legs and pried them open.
“TWOOOOOONNNNN!!!” again I begged as he maneuvered between my legs and slammed his engorged meat in my tender pussy.
He had broken my virginity the same way just two weeks before. It had just started to stop hurting when I peed and now he is at it again. He tore into my pussy like a ferocious beast.
“HMMMMMH!” he grunted.
His thick board felt like fire, leaving splinters and burning every inch of my vagina with every stroke. There was no use in fighting him anymore he had already started, and he wasn’t letting go of me until he was done. He jerked my shirt up and started sucking on my nipples.
“YOUR HURTING ME!!!!” I cried again on deaf ears.
His mouth was so hot and soft, just the touch of it made me tingle. He attacked my nipples hungrily and ever so gently drawing them into his mouth with sweet suction. How could he be so gentle and so rough at the same time?
I continued to cry as he raised my legs on top of his shoulder and savagely continued his thrashing, deeper inside my cunt.
“SHIT, I’m cumin’!!” he cried and released his hot load inside me.
When he was spent, he withdrew my legs and slumped his heavy body on top of me. His breath reeked of liquor so much it gave me dry heaves. I pushed him off me and went to take a shower. The shower was hot, yet soothing to my abused body. I washed over my self with the soap several times before I got out. I threw on my nightshirt and went to Janet’s room to lay down. She wouldn’t get here until about three anyway. I covered up and fell asleep.
Next day 6:45a.m. (Shauny’s house) Wednesday
I got up and got dressed and went to my room to wake Twon for school.
He jumped up like someone just busted down the door. “WHAT!!!” he yelled. “SSSHHHHH! Janet’s sleep!” I said and walked to the bathroom. Naked he followed. “Good morning!” he sang and kissed the back of my neck.
“Stop!” I soured and pushed him off me.
“Girl you need to stop trippin’!” he barked and hopped in the shower.
I brushed my teeth and flushed the toilet.
“AAAAHHHH!!!” he screamed, when the water in the shower got hot. I laughed and left the bathroom.
I waited outside for Twon to come out. He finally came out and we were off to school. The ride was silent. When he pulled up in the parking lot next to Black ’s Impala. He took off in the school and left me to lock the doors and roll up the windows. Damn what am I chop suey, I asked myself.
I walked into the lunchroom and found him sitting at the table with Black. I walked over to them,
“Was sup Black!” I cheered and was truly happy to see him.
“Sup Shauny!” He stood and passed me some dap.
“Here babe I got you some breakfast!” Twon scooted a half eaten donut and an open carton of milk.
“Gee thanks!” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Damn dog, you see that girl in the blue shirt!” Black said and pointed to the lunch line.
“Her right there, with the fat ass!”
“Yeah dog, was her name again, La something!”
“You remember, we all use to kick it together in grade school!”
They looked at each other, smiled and passed dap.
“Yeah BA-BEE!”
“I don’t remember her looking boody-licious like that in grade school dog.” Twon said and took a deep look at her again.
I stuck my face in his view and cleared my throat.
“Eh Hem!” He gave me a disgusted look and picked up the last piece of donut and pushed it down his throat.
“I’mma take her to the game on Friday.” He smiled that devious smile he always gives when he had evil plans.
“What about Ronda?” I questioned Black.
“What about her?” He replied as in this shit ain’t none of your business.
“Nothing, I was just asking Black, you don’t have to get all stank Mo Fo!” He shook his head and smiled at me.
“Don‘t hate, DON‘T HATE!!!” he said and stuck his fist out for some dap. “Aah, you gone leave me hangin’? Well forget you then!” he retracted his fist and smiled at me.
“Black, can I talk to you?” Sarita came over and asked.
“Yeah Rita, was sup?”
“In private?” Black and Twon got up and walked out the door and left my sight. They came back in with a smile as big as their faces.
“What?” I questioned.
“This ain’t any of yo damned business what we do Shauny!” Twon threw at me. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. The bell rang and he and Black ran off and left me to clear the trays on the table. Again I walked off alone.
The next day (Home) 7:00a.m. Wednesday
“Get up Jas, you’re going to be late.” Big Momma called through the door.
“O.K. Big Momma.”
I picked out a skirt and a sweater to wear and took a shower. I didn’t want to be late so I just put my hair up in a ponytail, put on my clothes and ran out the door. I picked up Sarita and went to school.
7:45a.m. (School cafeteria)
“Look girl there’s JaVarius Hayes over there!” Sarita said pointing.
“What about him?”
“He was the one that took my virginity.” I could’ve sworn she said that Black took her virginity. I guess she don’t know who took her virginity for real.
“Girl you could have fooled the hell out of me, I thought you were born experienced.” I joked.
She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
“He told me that he loved me and I believed him. That’s why I say to be careful!”
“Why should I be careful, ain’t nothing going on with us Sarita!”
Just when I said that I saw him. Black came in the lunchroom and joined his other teammates. They were talking, smiling and laughing with each other. He looked so handsome in those baggy blue jeans and that long jersey shirt. He and Antwon broke away from the crowd and headed in our direction.
“Hide me Sarita!” I said and stood behind her.
“Sup Sarita,” Antwon said after jumping the other people behind her in line.
“Sup!” They smiled at each as if they were acknowledging something planned.
“Hey Jasmine?” Twon called and I stepped from behind Sarita. At first I didn’t see Black,
“Sup Twon!” I returned and then Black appeared. He smiled that bright smile at me then Rhonda, his girl, came from behind him and clasped her arms around his waist. She looked at me sourly and positioned her face in his shoulder.
“Sup Jasmine” Black said and hugged Rhonda close to him.
“Hi” I soured and turned around.
I didn’t get to finish my breakfast before the bell rang so I dumped my tray and started walking to the door.
“Jas!!!” I heard Black calling from behind me.
I turned around and he grabbed my hand and pulled at it. I snatched my hand from his and gave him an awkward stare.
“I’m not gone do nothing, just come over here.” We walked to my locker and there he began…
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about what happened yesterday, I was way out of line.”
“Yeah you were!” I returned. We stood there looking at each other for about thirty seconds.
“Yeah well uh… I hope you except my apology?”
He stood there waiting for my response but I said nothing.
“O.K. then, think about it.” He gave me an up nod and skipped away.
His face ran through my head all day. I could hardly concentrate on my studies cause of him. I’d see him every once in a while, laughing and joking with his friends in the hall between classes. I couldn’t seem to get him off my mind.
10:50a.m. 1st lunch
I walked from the lunch line to the empty table Sarita and I sat for breakfast. I began to eat waiting for her.
“Can I sit here?” Black came over with his tray.
“It’s a free country.” I soured
“How you doing?”
“Fine thank you, and you?” I returned making conversation.
“I’m good, I’m good.” Silence.
“We didn’t get off to a good start the other day, and I would like to start over. That is if it’s ok with you?”
“And how the hell are you planning to do that?” This nigga think I’m stupid.
“I would like to be your friend.” he said and extended his hand to me.
“Hi, I’m Tyrell, preferably Black, and you are?”
Good god, it’s official, he really think I’m stupid. I play along and I shook his large hand.
“You want to be my friend?” He nodded yes.
“You really want to be my friend?”
“Yes!” he returned still holding onto my hand.
“I ight, we can be friends, now what?” I pulled my hand away.
“Well Twon and I are going to the movies tomorrow night, and I want you to come with me!”
“Is this a date, cause you know that friends don’t date?”
“No, it’s just going to the movies and nothing else.”
“And what, y’all girlfriends will be joining us too so the five of us can… what… play Spades or Parcheesi or something.” Black just laughed.
”No!! I’m not… It’ll be just you and me in my car, then Twon and his girl in his jeep.”
”If I say yes, I don’t want you to think that we are going to have sex, cause we’re not!” I strongly stated.
”Like I said, just going to see a movie.” He put his hands up in the air as to say he was innocent.
”Can I bring a friend then?” I asked him hoping Sarita would come and rescue me from this mad man.
“Why, don’t you trust me?” He barked.
“Why, you can’t you understand my skepticism?” I barked back.
“Yeah, yeah I guess I can!” he said and smiled. “You can bring whomever you like.”
I left Black at the table to look for Sarita before the bell rang. I walked down the hall, and I didn’t see her. I heard some noises coming from down stairs where Black had sexually assaulted me. I crept down the stairs and froze. What I saw was frightening. Sarita had her mouth wrapped around Twon’s dick while Jay slammed into her from the back.
“What the…” I mouthed. She seemed to be enjoying the pleasure they took in fucking her. I just couldn’t move. Damn, am I getting wet! I stood there watching them fuck her from both ends. She took them deep in both orifices, and didn’t even gag or wince. I heard her pussy make wet sucking sounds as Jay’s dick slid in and out of it. My pussy began to tingle and my nipples stood for some attention as I watched them fuck her in awe.
I wondered what she felt as they both double-fucked her. Jay had a fist full of her ass as he pushed and pulled her pussy upon him. She looked like a porn star, like she’d done this several times and was experienced. The smell of their enjoyment rose up the stairs and stung my nose.
“I’m finna cum!” Jay said as he pulled out and let loose on her back. Twon soon followed suit. He fucked her face fast and hard then…
I saw Jay’s semen on her ass, but not a drop of Twon’s. She must’ve swallowed. Yuck!
“You like what you see?” I jumped as Black ’s voice boomed from behind me. Everyone turned to look at us. Antwon and JaVarius snatched up their pants, and I stood there afraid to move. Sarita pulled her dress down and ran up the stairs. She grabbed me by the arm, pulling me along. They all watched and laughed as we climbed the stairs.
Sarita pulled me into the girls’ room on the second floor. We just stared at one another. I guess she was waiting on me to say something so…
“Girl I don’t have nothing to say!”
“I really didn’t want you to see that!”
“Well you lucky that I was the only one that saw yo‘ nasty ass!”
“Girl…” She paused and looked at the floor. I didn’t know what to say to her that wouldn’t hurt her feelings, so I shook my head in disgust.
“You wouldn’t understand, I like it, I need it, I love it…”
“You ain’t gotta tell me nothing girl, I saw enough.” I turned her around to the mirror.
“Now just wash your face cause you got nut on it.” She and I both laughed.
The end of lunch bell rang as we exited the bathroom. Sarita walked me to my fifth period class and explained to me that she didn’t need me to wait for her after school. I went into my class and she left to join Antwon, JaVarius, and Black at the corner of the stairs.
My mind wandered the rest of the day. She was supposed to be in my seventh period class but she wasn’t. I guess Antwon and JaVarius were digging her out again. Just watching them made me hot. My nipples got hard again just thinking about it.
12:15p.m. (School cafeteria)
Since Twon and Black have first lunch, Ronda and I had second together. Ronda didn‘t have much of a body to be called fine. She has a medium brown complexion, no hips or ass, about maybe, I don’t know 120 lbs. Small titties like apples and wore tight shirts. I must say though, she always kept her hair and nails done and wore all the name brand clothes. Her sister Ebony stole all her shit from these famous stores all the time, so I was told. Me, I too weigh only 136lbs but I do have hips and ass, and my thick brown hair is only shoulder length but it’s real.
“Girl you should’ve been there!” she cheered.
“Been where?” I questioned as I sat down with my tray of food.
“The block party was off the hook, you should’ve been there!”
“ I wasn’t invited!”
“Everyone was invited girl, even that stank hoe Sarita came!”
“I hate Sarita, she’s always startin’ shit. I guess it was a good thing that I didn’t go, cause I know it would’ve been a fight.” I got up and left.
Sarita was always the one breaking up relationships around the school. I even heard that she was sucking on boys dicks around the school back to back. I hated her. I don’t know why that girl Jasmine hangs with her. Like Janet always say ‘Birds of a feather…’.
The bell rang to end school and I started my walk over to Twon’s locker. I dug in my purse to find my lipstick and ran smack into Jasmine.
“Damn bitch!”
“Yo mamma’s the bitch, BITCH!” she returned. She kept on walking so I walked on too. I ain’t got time to be fightin’ no hoes today!
After school it was the same old thing. Twon would drop me off, then he and Black would go off and leave god knows where. I was alone again. I began to miss the company that Black always had for his little ole’ friend next door, before he and Twon started talking again. I fixed myself a sandwich and went to my room and did my homework.
3:00p.m. (after school)
I didn’t see Sarita, Antwon, JaVarius, or Black for that matter after school. I presumed they were all together and walked over to the track for practice. The track went around the football field.
“Go!” coach Hogginsbay yelled for us to start running after a brief stretching exercise.
I jogged around the track as the football team came out the locker room and huddled up on the field. Black was there but Twon and LaVarius was not. He looked good doing his calisthenics I could hardly keep my eyes off him. I almost tripped a couple of times just watching him stretch. They played a couple of plays before they stopped for a huddle.
“Good job Jasmine as always” coach Hogginsbay said as I finished 2 mile in well under 20 minutes.
“Line up for the 100yrd dash!”
He paired me up with Bre‘Anna she was just as fast as I. We were fifth to run. When we raced, I was just a little faster than Bre‘Anna but we were still the fastest pair coach had. After about another half hour of running sprints coach Hogginsbay called…
“Hit the showers.”
4:50p.m. (Home)
I ran into the house and went into my room. I closed the door, snatched off my clothes and hopped onto the bed. I was still hot under the collar about what I saw earlier. I lay there naked fingering my already dripping wet pussy. I softly caressed my clit. I played circles over my clit with one hand and worked one finger in my virgin pussy, so careful not to tear the hymen. (cause I heard that hurt.) I bucked my hips as I made fast circles around my hot cot. Convulsions hit me hard and I shook wildly.
Both my hands, and the bed covers was covered in my cum, so I got up, changed the cover and took another shower. I got dressed for work and called Sarita.
“Hello is Sarita there?” I asked her father.
“No Jas baby she is not here. I didn’t even see her come in from school.” I began to worry.
I hung up, ran outside and jumped in the car and drove to work.
6:00p.m. (Work)
When I got there she still was not there. I clocked in, and began to work. About an hour into it, Sarita came running up in the door.
“Sorry I’m late!” she yelled at Robert, our supervisor.
“Get to work!” he screamed from his office door.
“Sarita where you been?”
“I was out!”
“With Antwon and nem?”
“Yeah why?”
“All of them?”
“Girl it was great, we were all…” she began and I interrupted.
“I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades Sarita!”
“I thought you wanted to know what we did?”
“NO! I don’t want to hear about it, since you’re questioning me and shit.”
“Sarita you need to cool yo’ hot ass heals, cause first of all, you didn’t even wash yo ass when you came in here!”
“What?” she soured.
“Look at yo face, you have dry cum all on your eyebrow! Go wash yo ass girl and come help me with this shit!” I was too disgusted with her at that very moment to say anything else to her.
She took off for the bathroom.
Next day 10:55a.m. Thursday (School lunch room)
Sarita came around the corner and joined me in the lunch line.
“Sup girl?” she said and jumped me.
“Sup?” We found an empty table and sat at it.
“You still coming to the game tomorrow night right?” I heard Black ask from behind me.
I turned around and looked he was standing with some of his football team.
“I’m not sure if I have to work or not!” I said in a disgusted voice.
“Well, you still gonna come to the movies with me tonight aren’t you?”
He sat his tray of food on the table next to mine. He straddled the bench next to me. Shit why not…
“Yeah I’ll go!”
“Great then I‘ll pick you up at 8:30p.m.”
“What ever!” I said and looked at him like I smelled Saritas’ rank pussy on him.
“I ight.”
He gave me an up nod and got up and joined his friends. Sarita raised her eyebrows and I just shook my head.
House sitting turns in a hot and sexy afternoon... |
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