On Golden Lake Part 2
Meg strolled down the wide aisles of the mall, passing groups of boisterous teenagers and tired-looking mothers with young children in tow. It had been a successful shopping trip, as evidenced by the two bulging shopping bags she carried. A couple of new pairs of slacks, three new blouses, and she hadn't even broken the bank.
She was heading toward the exit when she found herself passing Summer Heat, the little shop where she had purchased her swimsuit just a few weeks before. Meg smiled to herself. This is where it had all started, with the purchase of her thong. Funny how such a simple thing could be a life-changing experience, but it was true. That simple piece of fabric had set off a chain reaction.
She paused just outside the store entrance, and glanced discretely inside the brightly lit shop, grimacing a bit at the beat of the hip-hop music that emanated from within. Her eyes flitted over the racks of brightly colored swimsuits and other summer wear.
She spotted a slim, blond girl in the middle of the store, and Meg immediately placed her - it was the very same one who had sold her the swimsuit. The girl stood in front of a rack of fluorescent swimsuits, holding a clipboard in one hand and rifling through the inventory with the other. A smile came to Meg's lips as she recalled how nice the girl was, how she had complimented her, flattering her. She flushed a bit when she recalled the girl saying she had a "cute butt". It had been AGES since she had heard a compliment like that.
Meg wondered how old she was. Seventeen? Sixteen? This was probably a summer job for her. She certainly fit the look of a high school student. She wore little or no makeup, but she didn't need it - her face was pretty and fresh looking, and very expressive. Something about her free and easy bearing called to mind a cheerleader. She was a few inches shorter than Meg, and quite slim. Her wavy blond hair was strewn carelessly on her head. She was wearing a pink navel-exposing crop-top blouse, molded tightly to her torso. Her small breasts strained against the fabric. Her pants were faded blue jean hip-huggers, slung very low on her hips, and flared at the ankles. The girl was young and vibrant, lip-syncing to the music that filtered from the overhead speakers. Meg smiled wistfully. Oh, to be young again.
Suddenly, Meg started. She realized that the girl was watching her. She flashed a radiant smile of recognition, put the clipboard to her side, and sauntered casually up to Meg. "Hi! I remember you. From a couple of weeks ago right?"
Meg nodded and returned the smile. "Yup. I bought a bikini."
The girl grinned. "Yeah. A very SEXY bikini if I remember right...actually, a thong. You looked sooo hot in it, but you didn't believe me."
Meg felt her face flush with embarrassment. "Oh, I believed you," she said with a friendly smile. I was just a little...shy I guess. I'd never worn a thong before."
The girl's eyes flickered over Meg's body, down to her bare legs, then back at Meg's face. "I sure don't know why you'd be shy...you've got a great body."
Meg cheeks were getting warm. It was so...WEIRD...to get these compliments from a teenaged girl. She didn't quite know how to respond. "Uh, thanks...you sure know how to make an old woman feel good."
"Oh, you're HARDLY an old woman. Not with legs like those."
Meg laughed merrily. "Well then, how old do you think I am?"
The girl put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment. "Hmmm." Her blue eyes wandered searchingly over Meg's face. "I'd say.... thirty-three. No, thirty-two!"
Meg giggled. "My my, aren't you sweet. You're flattering me. Actually, I'm thirty-seven."
The girl's eyes widened. "Really? Gosh, you don't look thirty-seven." She giggled mirthfully. "Your husband is lucky."
Meg sighed. "Not really. I'm...we're...divorced."
"Oh." The girl grimaced. "Whoops. I guess I put my foot in my mouth. Sorry." She touched Meg on the arm, a friendly pat. "Anyway," she continued cheerily, "My mom's thirty-eight and she looks a LOT older than you. You must not have any kids right?"
"I have one...a boy. He's thirteen."
"Well, motherhood has been kind to you," said the girl brightly. "I'm sixteen, and I've got a younger brother and a little sister." She laughed. "I guess we're wearing our Mom out." She stuck out her hand by way of introduction. "My name is Katie, by the way."
Meg introduced herself and took the proffered hand. It was warm and soft, and she shook it gently. The girl squeezed back, and then slowly released Meg's hand. Once again, she touched Meg's arm softly, and held it there. "Very nice to meet you Meg. So...are you here to buy another swimsuit?"
Meg shook her head and smiled. "No, just passing by. I think I'm all set in the swimsuit department." Katie's hand was still lightly resting on her forearm. Meg cleared her throat nervously, very self-conscious over Katie's lingering touch. "Anyway, I think I've spent enough money today." She glanced down at the shopping bags in her hand.
A flash of disappointment crossed Katie's face. "Sure I can't convince you Meg? It's always a good idea to have a spare suit. Heck, I've got three of them! Plus, we're having a clearance sale, so there are some good deals in here."
Meg paused in indecision. It WAS a good idea to have a spare....
"Plus," continued Katie. "I could use some company. It's so slow today that my boss left me in charge for the rest of the day. She hardly EVER does that." She sniffed and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "She thinks I'm too young to be trusted."
Meg didn't respond, and that was all the opening that Katie needed. She grinned broadly, flashing her pearly white teeth. "C'mon Meg! I'll show you what we have." She grabbed Meg by the hand and led her into the store.
"So tell me Meg...have you worn your new suit yet? Do you like it?" Katie was
rifling through a rack of fluorescent bikinis, trying to find one to Meg's
Meg smiled. "Yep. I've got a LOT of use out of it already."
"Isn't it just sooo sexy wearing a thong?" Katie looked pointedly at the older woman and winked. Meg grinned shyly and nodded.
"Where have you worn it?"
"Oh, just at a summer cabin - my ex-husband's. It's over at Golden Lake. My son and I are staying there the rest of the summer."
Katie frowned. "Hmmm. Well heck, aren't there any guys to show off for?" She giggled. "Other than your son of course."
Meg smiled nervously. The girl didn't realize how close to the mark her comment was. As a matter of fact, she HAD shown off for her son. And Blake too of course.
"Well...there IS this guy...a neighbor...who seems to appreciate it." She winked. "A LOT." She couldn't believe how open she was being with this girl. But Katie seemed so bright and cheerful and innocent - Meg felt reasonably comfortable telling her. Almost like a teenage girl sharing secrets with her best friend.
"Oooh," purred Katie. "Tell me more."
Meg laughed lightly. "Let's just say I've had some fun the last couple of weeks."
Katie winked in understanding, and pulled out a dark blue bikini from the rack. "Here's one Meg. This one's got a thong bottom. Kind of like the suit I sold you, but half-price. Shall we see how it looks on you?"
"Oh wow Meg...that suit looks FANTASTIC. It's even sexier than the one you bought." Katie's clear blue eyes roamed up and down the older woman's body, while Meg stood half-nude in front of her, awkward and self-conscious, shifting nervously from foot to foot. She was standing in one of the store's two small dressing rooms, and Katie was just outside, looking in. "You've GOT to have it."
Meg laughed. "You're a very good salesperson Katie. But I don't know...".
"Well, I'm not just saying that to make a sale, if THAT'S what you're wondering. It really DOES look great. And it fits to your boobs really well...turn around and check 'em out in the mirror." Meg nervously complied. It was so STRANGE being complimented like this. It was almost...flirting. A fleeting thought crossed Meg's mind. WAS Katie flirting with her? Was she gay...or bi maybe? Once before in her sheltered life Meg had experienced another woman coming on to her. At least, only once that she was certain of. But Meg brushed the thought aside. Nah, it couldn't be. Katie was probably just being customer-friendly.
She appraised herself in the mirror. Katie was right, she decided. The suit DID fit nicely. The bra wasn't quite as skimpy as her new suit, but it seemed to lift her boobs a bit, making them appear larger. She adjusted the top slightly, as Katie continued her flattery. "Gee Meg - you have SUCH a tight butt. I hope mine looks so good when I'm thirty-seven. I'm like...TOTALLY afraid I'm gonna get flabby." She giggled. "Ooh, looks like you HAVE been wearing your new suit...no tan lines like you had last time."
Meg smiled and looked at Katie's reflection in the mirror, over her shoulder. "You're right...the new suit's seen a lot of use. And thanks for the compliment, but I don't think my butt is all THAT great."
"That's what you said the last time you were here, but you're WAY too modest Meg. It's a very, very nice rear. Nice shape to your hips too. Except the thong needs a little adjusting. It's not fitting you quite right."
"It's not?"
Katie shook her head, and Meg's eyes met those of the younger girl in the mirror, and they held each other's gaze for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat...Katie WAS flirting! She was certain of it. They looked into each other's eyes for a long, electricity-charged moment, until finally Meg looked away. She was embarrassed, nervous, flattered.... but also...excited? She was so confused...
Meg had never had sex with a girl, hadn't even really thought about it. The one time a woman had flirted with her she had been too shocked to even know how to react. Nothing had happened. But there was something about what was happening now...she was intrigued, curious...but the girl was so young - was Meg simply confusing friendliness with flirting? She looked up again, into the mirror, and watched nervously as Katie approached her from behind. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next, or what to do if something DID happen...she felt her heart pounding in nervous anticipation, fully conscious of her near nudity.
Katie was standing directly behind Meg. The older women could smell the girl's delicate, flower-scented perfume, could hear her breathing, could almost, in fact, feel her warm breath on her bare neck. In the mirror, she saw Katie glance briefly over her own shoulder, back through the changing room doorway toward the main store.
"You have a great body Meg," she said. "And nice hips." She giggled. "I think I already said that." Did Meg detect just a hint of nervousness in Katie's voice? "So when you pull the sides of the suit up a bit higher...". Meg felt the girl's nimble fingers grasping the fabric at each hip and tug upward gently..."you can really show them off." Katie's fingers lingered for a moment, then they slid between the waistband and the sensitive skin of Meg's lower back. Katie continued: "And we can snug up the string a little bit between your butt cheeks I think." She followed the thin strand of cloth with her fingertips, at once pulling upward and pressing inward. Katie's fingers were soft and warm against her sensitive skin, and Meg reflexively spread her legs slightly. Katie's fingers lingered between Meg's ass cheeks, just above her anus, and then she slowly drew them upward, running them over the fabric of the thong.
Meg closed her eyes. Her senses were reeling - she was shocked, dumbfounded, and titillated...titillated by this young girl! Katie was practically groping her ass, but the last thing Meg wanted was for her to stop. It felt so erotic that Meg was paralyzed.
"There. That looks better," said Katie softly, and Meg couldn't help but notice that her sweet young voice was shaking even more with...what? Nervousness? Arousal? Oh God, Meg didn't know what to do about this. So she just stood there doubtfully, allowing it to continue. She opened her eyes again, and met Katie's stare in the mirror...the girl's eyes were bright and shiny. She watched and felt as the girl pressed lightly against her. She felt the fabric of Katie's denim jeans brush against her ass, fleetingly at first, but then the girl pressed against her more forcefully. Their gaze was still locked together in the mirror.
"There," repeated Katie. "Much better. Now let's see how the top is fitting you." Once again, Katie glanced back over her shoulder. Meg realized that she was confirming that there were no customers that had entered the store - that the two of them were still alone.
"It's...it's okay I think," stammered Meg. "It looks good."
Katie pressed her body against Meg's back, and the woman could feel the girl's warm breath against the side of her neck. "Um...yeah, it does...it looks like the fabric is a little bit baggy on your left boob though.... let's see if we can make it right." Meg watched in the mirror as the girl reached both arms around her. Her left hand slid beneath the side of the bra, pushing it outward, as her right hand cupped the breast in an effort to reposition it. Her fingers brushed her nipple, and Meg almost jumped out of her skin - she both watched and felt her nipple stiffen at the girl's soft, delicate touch. She sighed in an involuntary response to the sensation. Oh God, it felt wonderful, but she shouldn't let this continue. This was crazy!
This is the continuation of Ch 1. If you have not read chapter one please do, if you don’t, you will be lost in this chapter. |
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