On Golden Lake Part 2

(Part 3 from 19)

Meg and Justin spent the rest of the day absorbed in mundane household tasks - vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes. Despite the summer heat, Meg put on a pair of baggy jeans and a tee shirt, and over that a bulky sweatshirt. She did her best to act like a mother, and tried with all her might to pretend that what happened the night before didn't really happen. But that was impossible, she found. What happened was reality. And that reality was overwhelming to her. Justin, on the other hand, seemed to be dealing with it better than her. He acted just like he always did, happy and cheerful.

She prepared his favorite dinner for him, spaghetti, and the two of them ate on the front porch as the sun descended behind the tall trees on the far shore of Golden Lake. They made small talk for a while, but always Meg's thoughts took a darker turn, and she fell silent. She absently twisted a lock of brown hair in her fingers, watching the sky turn a vivid red. She thought briefly about calling Blake, but discarded the idea. What would she say to him? He had probably lost all respect for her, which maybe wasn't a bad thing. She felt the same about him. Or did she? She angrily wiped a tear from her cheek.

They brought their dinner plates into the kitchen, and mother and son did the dishes together, Meg washing and Justin drying. She was keenly aware of their close proximity, and the two of them couldn't seem to avoid brushing against one another on occasion. It was discrete and meaningless (or so Meg hoped), but each time it happened, she was disturbed by the fact that it brought a vivid memory of the intimacy the two had shared the night before. And those thoughts were so profoundly emotional...and erotic. An unbidden image of Justin laying between her splayed legs, licking her pussy, swept into her consciousness. 'Stop it!' she scolded herself bitterly.

With the warmth of the cabin, combined with the hot, sudsy dishwater, Meg was sweating profusely. Her bulky clothing was oppressive, and she finally relented and pulled the sweatshirt over her head. She glanced furtively down at her breasts, pressing against the damp fabric of her tee shirt. 'I really should put on a bra,' she thought to herself. Her nipples were protruding a bit, and the aureoles were casting a faint shadow through the thin cloth.

She stole a look at Justin. He too, was looking at her breasts. Yes, she definitely should go and find a bra, but she was inexplicably frozen in place. Justin was gawking at her chest, and a tingle coursed through her body. She felt her nipples harden. Oh God, she was horny! What was happening to her?

Meg cleared her throat. "Hot in here," she said awkwardly. They continued to do the dishes together in silence, Meg now very much aware of Justin's secretive glances. Sweat was dripping from her brow, and the tee shirt was getting stickier - it was now glued to her. Her nipples were sensitive and erect, protruding very visibly. Finally, Meg could stand it no longer. She escaped to her bedroom and hastily put on a bra.

The dishes now washed and dried, they retired to the living room and watched television. It was a sci-fi movie, certainly not Meg's favorite, but Justin insisted. They curled up on opposite ends of the sofa, Meg reading a woman's magazine and Justin watching the movie. But it was a bad movie, and Justin seemed bored and disinterested. Soon, Meg noticed that he was beginning to nod off. He really hadn't slept much the night before, and she watched lovingly as his head drooped, lower and lower. Soon, he was breathing deeply, sound asleep. She reached over and tapped him gently on the shoulder. "Time for bed honey," she whispered.

His eyelids flickered. "Okay Mom," he said sleepily. "Good night." He clambered off the couch and Meg watched as he staggered off to his bedroom.

She continued to read for a while, but soon she too began to get tired. But her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She found herself thinking about Blake. She pictured his face, his body, his laugh...

The words in the magazine were blurring together in a meaningless jumble. She sighed deeply. What a day this had been! She tossed the magazine carelessly on the sofa next to her and yawned. She wasn't sure what the next day would bring, but she was too tired to think about it. She went to her bedroom, stripped her clothes off, put on a robe, and strode down the hall to wash up in the bathroom. But as she passed Justin's bedroom door, she heard a faint sound from within. She paused and held her breath. There it was again - a groan. Was Justin having a nightmare? She heard it yet again, louder this time. Concerned, she pressed the door open a crack and listened intently.

She didn't hear another groan, but there was a different sound emanating from the darkness of the bedroom within. A rhythmic squeaking sound...and then she realized what she was hearing - the metallic creaking of the bedsprings. Oh God...Justin was masturbating, and here she had nearly barged in on him in her impetuousness, just as she had done a few days before. When would she ever learn?

But despite the fact that her brain was screaming at her to close the door and leave, her curiosity was overwhelming, and she took a nervous breath and pushed the door open a bit further, peering into the darkness. The light from the hallway behind her streamed into the bedroom, and a narrow sliver of light fell onto his bed. She saw one of Justin's bare legs, shaking and vibrating, as the bedsprings squeaked beneath him.

Suddenly, the noise stopped, and Justin was still. "Mom?" His nervous voice called out from the darkness, and Meg saw a flurry of activity - he was hastily pulling a sheet over him.

"Yes...yes, it's me honey," she replied. Her voice quavered with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment. She should turn around and leave, but her legs suddenly felt rubbery. She seemed rooted to the spot. What was she doing? She felt utterly incapable of thinking rationally. Moving slowly and unsteadily, almost as if in a trance, she pushed the door completely open and entered the room. The bed was bathed with light from the hallway, and she watched as Justin finished pulling the sheet over him. The expression on his dimly lit face was a mixture of ... what? Guilt, curiosity, even arousal? And then her eyes were drawn to a bulge beneath the thin cotton sheet, in the area of his groin.

"Umm, hi Mom." His voice trembled a bit, and his face was flushed. There was no doubt in Meg's mind - he had DEFINITELY been playing with himself, and he was doing a poor job hiding it. Meg was still ashamed over what she was doing; yet her son's own embarrassment eased her nervousness. A small smile played over her lips, and she relaxed a little. She walked up to the bed and sat down on the soft mattress next to him. She curled her long legs beneath her, and watched as her son's eyes played up and down them appreciatively. Oh God - what was she DOING? It was almost as if she were teasing him!

"Watcha up to kiddo?" she asked nervously.

Justin cleared his throat. "Um, nothin'. Just reading."

Meg smiled down at her son. She felt more courageous. "Um, in the dark?" She touched her son's arm tenderly. "Honey, you can be honest with me...it's okay. Were you...were you playing with yourself?"

Justin gulped, and nodded shyly.

Her hand caressed his forearm soothingly. "Were you thinking about last night?" She couldn't believe she was being so bold as to bring up what had happened the night before, but her mind was working in dangerous, uncontrollable ways.

Justin nodded, and Meg took a deep breath. It was time to get this out in the open. "I guess we haven't talked about what happened Justin. I know it must have seemed... strange to you, and it did to me too." She looked away from his eyes, and her gaze was drawn once again toward the telltale bulge in his groin. It certainly wasn't subsiding. If anything, it appeared to be even larger.

"Mom?" His voice was shaking.

She forced herself to look him in the eyes. "What is it sweetie?"

"Did...did you LIKE what we did?" His voice was barely audible.

In the deep recesses of her mind, Meg's rational self knew that this was a good opportunity to end this before it went too far. She should tell Justin that what they did was wrong, and they should never discuss it again. She should be absolutely clear on that point. They must NEVER repeat what had happened. But she wasn't feeling particularly rational. Her resolve wavered as she looked down at her son. A deep feeling of love swept over her. They looked intently into one another's eyes for a moment. But then Meg noticed his eyes flicker, and his gaze was drawn toward her exposed, bare legs, curled on the mattress next to him. She sat there in silence, caressing his arm, his bare shoulder, allowing him to look at her as she did so.

"Yes," she whispered. "I did. I enjoyed it very much."

She couldn't believe she had said it! It was WRONG! But Justin grinned happily, and suddenly it seemed to Meg that maybe it WASN'T so bad to admit it, to accept what had happened. Accepting it didn't have to mean that it would happen again. Did it? Her mind was as if in a fog. She was utterly confused by her conflicting emotions.

"You're.... not mad at me?" he asked meekly.

A wave of powerful maternal emotion washed over Meg, and she felt her eyes beginning to water. She smiled down at him lovingly. "Of course I'm not mad at you sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong." She ran her fingers tenderly along his brow, stroking his hair.

"'Kay." Justin licked his lips nervously. His eyes darted away. "I...I liked it too Mom."

Meg could only nod - she didn't know how to respond. But before she knew it, she found herself upping the ante. "Um...What did you like most?" Why was she DOING this? Why had she asked that? It didn't MATTER what he had liked - it wasn't as if they were going to do it again! But she couldn't resist, whether it was because of lust or curiosity or something else. She charged on. "Or is it too hard to decide?"

Justin smiled. The ice was breaking a bit. "I liked all of it Mom...but I think...". He stopped and giggled.


He looked up toward the ceiling thoughtfully. Then he screwed up his courage. "I guess if I had to pick something, then I'd say I really liked watching you pee." He said it quickly, almost blurting it out, and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Hmmm." Meg was a bit surprised by that. On the other hand, there HAD been something erotic about the nasty act. "Really?" she asked.

"Yup. I really liked it...and I'd like to see it again. It was like some stuff that Blake showed me on his computer...". He paused, suddenly uncertain.

"Hmm. On Blake's computer? What kind of stuff?"

Her son chewed his lip thoughtfully. Meg's fingers were back on his bare arm, stroking and caressing it idly. She realized that something about this conversation was having an unwelcome and unintended effect. She was alarmed to realize this was arousing her. There was a familiar tingling in her groin. This was not good, not good at all. But it wasn't too late to end this and leave. All she had to do was stand up and say good night and close the door behind her...

But Justin interrupted the half-formed thought. "I don't think I'm supposed to say Mom."

"It's okay sweetie. You can tell me anything." God, it was more than a tingle in her pussy - she was downright horny! She needed to relieve the itch, but not here, not with her son! She couldn't do that, not again. But she felt almost powerless to resist the evil temptation. An unsolicited image of Justin's pink tongue darting against her clit intruded into her mind. The image was so strong - did she actually WANT that to happen again? Maybe she didn't care if it was right or wrong. She just needed it! And then she knew. It WOULD happen again. YES! She wanted it to happen! The thought of what she knew was going to happen here in this bed made her insanely horny...she shifted on the mattress, still sitting, but now facing her son.

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