On Golden Lake Part 2
A recording: "The number you are dialing is not in service." Katie slammed the telephone down in frustration. For the third time, she punched the telephone number that Meg had given to her, and she got the same result.
FUCK! She couldn't believe it. Either Meg had mistakenly given her the wrong number for her cell phone, or she done it on purpose. No, she thought. Meg wouldn't do that to her. And she was right. In fact, Meg HAD made a mistake, and given her the wrong number. The week before, after their eventful get together, Meg had transposed two of the digits.
Katie sat at the dining room table in stunned disbelief. Here it was Saturday morning, and Meg expected her that afternoon at Golden Lake. It was nearly a two-hour drive, she had promised Meg she'd call first, and the lousy phone number was wrong.
She sighed with frustration and disappointment. She had such an amazing experience with Meg - she had thought about little else all week, and she was looking forward to seeing her again. She had made arrangements to borrow her Mom's car (concocting a story that she was going to stay at her friend Jessica's house), packed a small overnight bag, and now it looked like she wouldn't be able to go. FUCK!
On the other hand, she DID still have the little slip of paper that Meg had given her - the hastily drawn map showing how to get to her summer cabin. Maybe she should chance it and go anyway. But what if Meg had a change of heart? What if something else had come up? It seemed to Katie that she would be taking a gamble by just showing up. Heck, Meg might not even WANT her to come anymore.
She drummed her fingers on the table, eyeing her travel bag forlornly, and thought through the problem. 'Oh what the hell,' she thought to herself. 'I'll risk it.' And she grabbed the car keys and her overnight bag and marched outside to the car.
The day was hot, and a brisk wind was blowing off the lake, sending large rolling waves crashing onto the beach. Meg lay back, supporting herself on her elbows, and let the warming rays of the sun wash over her bronzed body. The warmth of the sand emanated through the beach towel beneath her. Rain was threatening - indeed, large, ominous thunderheads were building on the horizon, but for the time being at least, the sun was blazing down upon her. Blake was reclining in a similar position to her right, and Justin was playing in the waves at the water's edge.
Meg took a large swig of water from her bottle. She eyed the cell phone on the towel next to her and sighed. Katie wasn't going to call - that seemed obvious at this point. She couldn't understand it. The two of them had gotten on so well, and the girl seemed genuinely excited about getting together again. But something must have come up.
"I guess she isn't going to come," she said quietly. There was a tinge of sadness in her normally cheerful demeanor.
Blake looked at her sympathetically. "Looks that way," he agreed. "I'm sorry Meg. I know you were looking forward to it." Blake felt sorry in more ways than one. He wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen this weekend if the girl DID arrive, but he sure had been hoping that he would be included. He looked out toward the lake and watched Justin splashing in the waves. "Did you ever tell Justin about Katie?" he asked.
Meg shook her head. "No. I couldn't figure out what to tell him. I was just going to play it by ear when she showed." She sighed forlornly. "Looks like it doesn't matter anyway."
Blake patted her arm tenderly. "Maybe she'll still call Meg. In the meantime, let's just enjoy the day. Okay?"
Meg shrugged. "I will." She saw Blake looking at her with a look of concern on his face, and smiled. "I'll be okay. Really. And yes, I AM enjoying the day, especially with you here."
Blake grinned. "Good." He watched as Meg fidgeted with a strap on her swimsuit. "I like your new suit by the way."
She smiled broadly. "Thanks. Compliments of my visit to Katie."
He winked at her playfully. "She has good taste. On the other hand, don't you think you'd be a little more comfy if you took it off? And besides - no sense getting tanlines."
Meg giggled. "Hmmm...". She glanced around her, thankful for the secluded nature of the cottage. She looked out across the cove, at the cabins on the far shore, safely distant, and then shifted her gaze out into the open water of the main part of the lake, where a few boats were putt-putting slowly in the distance. Justin was throwing stones into the waves as they crashed onto the beach.
A sly smile played across Blake's ruggedly handsome face. He walked his fingers up her arm. "What do you think Justin?" he called out. "Should your mom take her suit off?" Meg tutted and slapped his hand playfully.
The boy walked toward them, playfully kicking at the sand, and sat on a towel next to his mother. "Heck yeah!" he exclaimed.
Meg laughed. "I guess we have a consensus." She reached her long, tanned arms behind her, untied the straps of the suit, and let the top fall free of her breasts. She immediately felt the breeze play across her sensitive nipples, and they stiffened in the open air. Justin was looking at them with his mouth hanging open as she flaunted her breasts proudly in front of them. She winked at Blake, and then pushed the thong bottom down her legs. She sat cross-legged and naked in front of them. Meg sensed a sexual charge in the air. Her own anticipation was powerful. The three of them were going to have sex together, and the mere thought of it filled Meg with desire. Blake was staring at her, a half-smile playing across his ruggedly handsome face. It was as if he was reading her thoughts.
"What are you smiling about?" she asked playfully.
"Oh nothing," he replied in mock innocence.
She looked at him with playful suspicion, and lay back on her beach towel. There would be time for sex later. The thunderclouds had passed by, and the sun was bright and warm, bathing her naked body in luxuriant heat. She sighed contentedly, and stretched her arms back over her head, letting the warm lake breeze wash over her nude body.
Blake and Justin reclined on either side of her, admiring her long, lithe form. Blake couldn't get over how sexy her body was. A few years before, she had been pretty, but pudgy. Now, her toned muscles rippled beneath her dark skin. Her breasts were almost perfect to his eyes; two rounded globes, at once soft and firm, jiggling with every movement she made. Her stomach was flat, her pussy hair dark and trimmed, and her legs long and sensuous.
He glanced out toward the lake, noting that it was virtually empty of boats, and the few that were out there were well outside the cove, far from shore. The three of them were alone, with no prying eyes to interrupt them. Not that Blake would've minded if it were just he and Meg. But it wouldn't do at all for the wrong person to see them having sex with Justin. For he knew the three of them would have sex again, and hopefully soon, right here on the beach.
He shifted his gaze toward Justin. The boy's eyes were running up and down his mother's naked body. Then his eyes met Blake's, and the older man winked at him. Time to get the action started. Blake placed a big, strong hand on Meg's leg and began to caress it slowly and sensuously. Justin immediately began to stroke his mom's tummy, then ran his hand along the side of one of her lolling breasts. Meg purred encouragement to her two lovers, submitting to the delightful sensations of their hands on her willing body.
Katie pulled her mother's Buick into the gravel driveway, hoping beyond hope that she had found the right place. The map more or less got her here, but it wasn't easy. She had taken two wrong turns, and finally had to stop and ask for directions. She rolled to a stop behind another car (Meg's car, she hoped), turned off the ignition, and sat for a few minutes, butterflies churning in her stomach. Finally, she screwed up her courage, checked herself over in the rear-view mirror, and clambered out of the car. She walked uncertainly onto the front porch of the cottage. With a nervous sigh, she knocked timidly on the door.
There was no answer, and she rapped harder. Still no answer, and she swore softly under her breath. She circled the cottage warily, but the place seemed deserted. DAMN! She hadn't called, and Meg probably had made other plans. She moaned forlornly, and decided it just wasn't meant to be. She began walking dejectedly back to the car, when suddenly she heard the sound of laughter, or maybe a boy giggling, from the rear of the cabin, maybe down by the beach. 'Aha!' she thought to herself. Meg must be down at the lake.
Her spirits soaring, she walked quickly to the edge of the small yard, and peeked over the embankment down toward the shoreline. At first, she saw nothing, but she stepped a few paces to her right and peered through the shrubbery again. A stiff breeze off the lake blew her blond hair, and she saw whitecaps out on the water. She scanned the beach...there! She saw someone reclining on the sand. No, two people, lying side by side. She shielded her eyes from the sun and looked again. Actually, there were three people. She gasped. What were they doing?
Katie's heart raced as she squinted toward the beach. It looked like Meg, lying on her back...yes, it was definitely Meg! And totally naked! And there were two guys lying next to her, one large and muscular, and the other very short. Oh my God! The short one was sucking her tits, right there on the beach! The other guy was...wait a minute! He was getting between her spread legs. He was leaning down. He was licking her pussy!
Katie's mind reeled. This was unbelievable! Oddly, she found she had a tinge of jealousy, but she quickly dismissed that. It also occurred to her that she was perhaps intruding on a very personal moment. Should she leave quietly? Or should she keep watching, to see what happened? As her interest grew, that was the course of action she chose. But she better stay hidden - the trio was less than fifty feet away, and she didn't want to get caught. Maybe Meg (and her lovers) wouldn't appreciate the fact that someone was spying on them. Katie ducked behind a mass of foliage to hide herself, feeling fortunate that she had elected to wear drab clothing. She was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a dark blue tank top.
She wondered who the men were. Meg had mentioned something about a neighbor. Blake was his name, if Katie remembered correctly. The way Meg had talked about him, Katie had the impression that she was smitten with him. According to Meg, he was handsome, nice, and great in bed. Maybe this Blake guy was one of her partners down there on the beach. Maybe that was Blake between Meg's legs. Whoever it was, he was an awfully good-looking guy, even if he was a bit older. Tall and muscular, deeply tanned, strong looking arms...and he clearly had an oral talent. Meg's tanned legs were spread wide apart, and she was clutching the guy's hair, pulling his face against her. The wind was dying down, And Katie could now hear, every once in awhile, Meg's soft moans of pleasure.
Katie also remembered that Meg was staying at the cabin with her son - Justin, his name was. Odd that Meg was being so bold that she was having sex out in the open. Apparently, Justin was gone somewhere, leaving Meg alone with her two lovers.
Blake (Katie decided it MUST be Blake between Meg's legs) pushed his swim trunks over his hips as he ate Meg out. Katie watched as his erection sprang free, plainly visible even from this distance. He began to fondle himself, clearly aroused by what he was doing. And he wasn't the only one who was getting excited. Katie's pussy was developing a most pleasant tingle inside her shorts. Without even being aware of it, her fingers started to rub her crotch.
But who was the other guy, the one sucking on Meg's tits? A neighbor? A friend? Whoever he was, he was a little dude, especially compared to Blake. In fact, he seemed quite a bit shorter and thinner than even Meg. Katie briefly thought that maybe he was a shorthaired, flat-chested girl. But no - he too tugged his swim trunks off, and a hardon appeared. Heck, even his cock was kind of small, but it sure was erect!
Katie's fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her shorts. God, this was exciting! She'd never seen people having sex before, and the sight was so fucking erotic! Plus, her own sexual experiences were limited. She'd been fucked by a boy only once in her short life, had sex with a couple of girls (especially with her friend Jessica), but still...her sexual self was only in the mere waking stage.
Whoa, some activity down there...Katie watched as the little dude shifted position. He released Meg's tits from his mouth, and got on his knees, straddling Meg's face. She heard the woman moan with pleasure, saying something to him. Meg took his cock in her mouth, and the guy said something that Katie couldn't quite make out. He was facing her, and Katie drew herself behind the bush to make sure she was still hidden. Goodness, the guy was little! Katie's eyes drifted over his tanned body - thin arms, small chest...wow, a hairless cock! She did a double take, and suddenly she realized with a shock that this was no man at all - he was a boy! And a young boy at that, maybe a few years younger than herself - probably not even in high school yet.
Katie gasped audibly. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. But that was nothing compared to what came next. As the boy fed his erection deep inside Meg's mouth, Katie could very distinctly hear him moaning with pleasure - "Oh Mom, suck me, I LOVE that."
Katie thought her mind would explode. Was that...was that boy...Justin? Meg's SON? And she heard him again: "Suck me Mom." Katie's heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes opened wide with shock. Meg was having sex with her own son! She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Meg had seemed so...well, so INNOCENT. Yet here she was, sucking her boy's cock like a slutty whore.
This was far beyond anything in Katie's experience. Incest, right before her very eyes! It was...it was...repulsive? At least, it was supposed to be that way. Yet Katie didn't find the act to be repulsive at all. Instead, she found herself becoming very, very aroused as she watched the forbidden act.
How long had Meg and her son been having sex? And how long had Blake been part of it? Katie didn't know, but she didn't really care. The sight and sound of Meg and Justin getting it on like this was so fucking erotic, Katie could barely stand it. Her fingers were now probing between her increasingly wet pussy lips, frigging herself as she watched the obscene sight unfolding before her eyes.
She could see Justin's little man-boy cock sliding between Meg's lips. It was wet and shiny and red, powerfully erect. His eyes were closed and his mouth was agape, clearly enjoying the feel of his mother's mouth on his prick. Blake was still eating Meg out, partially obscured behind Justin. Katie pushed her shorts and panties down her slim legs, drawing the fingers of both hands through her swollen cunt lips. She felt more aroused, more excited than she had ever felt in her entire life.
The day a straight man crossed over... |
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