Medicine by mouth - Part 6: Oral Olympics
Lindsay left the hall totally loving those two twins, and their grandmother, for all that they had done for her. She was so delighted that things had worked out so wonderfully for the twins. They had now signed a contract to do this for three full years (which didn’t officially start until the Olympics were over, by the way, since the Oral Olympic Committee had already paid for their hotel room), and had received major media attention, guaranteeing that they’d be busy constantly. They were both so happy.
In fact, there was one thing, and one thing only, that the twins regretted... and that was not being able to watch the Olympics on TV. For, despite the fact that there were now eight big screen TVs set all about the room for the multitude of men to watch, how could the girls possibly watch when their faces were constantly bobbing into and out of groins? That’s when one of their customers came up with an idea.
All he’d done is mention to Paige, whose throat he was reaming at the time, how it was too bad she couldn’t watch the Olympics and she had nodded sadly.
“Hgggggghhkkkxxx,” she said, mournfully.
“I know,” he then said brightly. “I could make a couple of little iPod or Blackberry holders that could be easily latched onto a man’s belt. All you and Penny would need is for your ‘man in the middle’ (of three or whatever number she was sucking at that particular time) to latch an iPod or whatever onto his belt and have it open to Olympic coverage.”
“Hmm hmmmm?” Paige asked, her eyes wide with hope.
“Sure. But it’ll cost you. You and Penny have to agree to staying here another year... not just three, but four.”
“Hmm hmmmm!” Paige nodded without a second’s hesitation. It would be MORE than worth it for them both to be able to watch Lindsay and JoAnne and all the other girls in action. And after the Olympics were over, they could still keep up with their favourite shows.
And Penny agreed too. So Grandma immediately called down to the manager to have the contract updated.
“Better make it five years,” Grandma said, after thinking about it for a few seconds. “So we don’t have to keep doing this.”
And Penny and Paige signed the new contract within the next hour, with Grandma guiding their hands to the proper line to sign their names (since the girls were still hard at work), and the deal was done. Grandma was very appreciative of how the hotel was going out on a limb like this... in fact, even agreeing to add Penny and Paige’s names to the hotel name (Penny & Paige’s Hotel Ritz) and adding pictures of the twins on their website, billboards and all other promotional materials, including pictures of them in action all over the lobby to drum up business for them. So she had no problem with them adding a no-exit clause to the contract. In essence, should the twins decide to leave early, the size of the fine they’d have to pay would be so great they’d have to keep working anyway. So it was win-win both ways. Blowing 1500 men a week each, at 25¢ per blowjob, would bring the girls almost $20,000 per year each, more than enough to cover the generously low $1000 per month rent they now were paying and leave them each almost $10000 spending money, after taxes, for clothes and make-up (since the hotel promised to feed both girls for free). And, of course, some men would be especially generous and give them 50 cents or more for a good suck. Mom and Dad were most pleased, because it was by donations only. Technically, they weren’t prostitutes... they were just happy little sluts having fun!
Of course, Lindsay hadn’t heard this latest great news about Paige and Penny, as
she was minutes away from starting the second heat, having gone through the
30-minute 8-inch gag trial with ease. She’d been so excited to see who else was
in the event.
JoAnne was not, as mentioned earlier. But almost everyone else was. My other girlfriend (besides JoAnne) Nadine was. So were Kim, Brooke, Stephanie and Katie from St. George’s School, and the lovely college dean Ms. Anderson; and Dr. Snow and her daughter Natalie; and the sexy office supply store clerk Stacey Staples; and Kaitlin the reporter; and Melanie the clerk from Atlantic Canada; and Xeina the sexy Italian-Canadian pre-accountant; and Kelli; and Kelly and the other cowboy cheerleaders from Dallas; and the four Swedish blondes and the various japanese girls; and Tatiana; and Brianna; and Carol from San Francisco; and the school girls from Lockridge School in St. Louis; and the sexy stewardess from Newfoundland named Treena and the lovely blonde desk clerk from St. John’s named Kimberley. Even Taylor, the reporter’s assistant ended up being roped into this event. Clearly, being able to deep throat a cock was deemed as important as any other indicator of cock-sucking ability.
Lindsay felt humbled. How could she possibly compete against all these amazingly talented fellatio artists (which is what one newspaper reporter called them)? If there was one saving grace, it was that she was old enough to be in the Intermediates division, not with all these amazing young starlets from St. George’s school, Japan, Sweden and St. Louis; but not old enough to be competing against Nadine, Dr. Snow, Ms. Anderson, and Treena. Natalie Snow, Xeina, Kaitlin the reporter and this girl named Tatiana were picked to be the front-runners in her division, with most of the other girls relative unknowns. If she could at least make it to the final twelve...
Penny, Paige and Debbie all were now equipped with wonderful little devices that
would allow them to watch Lindsay and the others in action. Or rather, the men
they were blowing were equipped with these devices, neatly attached to their
belt to allow the girls to watch all the wonderful deep throat action being
broadcast worldwide. Of course, it got a little blurry and they felt a little
cross-eyed sometimes when they were nose to belly... but it was all in fun.
Again, JoAnne was not IN the deep throat event, because everyone knew she could
take any man down her throat and hold him there for as long as she wanted. But
she continued to promote the event by being there, right in the middle of
everything, offering a free blowjob to any man who could guess the colour of the
panties she was wearing. Well… given that she wasn’t wearing any pants or even a
skirt – but one of her patented ‘panty suits’ she’d made famous (today, she wore
lavender-coloured satin bikini panties, a baby blue half sweater that reached
only to just above her belly-button - and matching baby blue 3-inch spike
heels)… well, it was obvious she was offering up her mouth to any man who wanted
to step forward. Guys didn’t even have to say lavender... purple, pink or even
blue were close enough. One guy even tested the waters and called out “yellow!”
Even HE was invited down to fuck JoAnne’s throat. And, of course, several blind
men AND their guide dogs were welcomed up too (and the dogs didn’t even have to
try to guess).
The only interruption she had in her continuous cock-sucking of men (etc.) from the crowd was every four hours or so when her only handsome stallion, Bucky, was brought in for her to play with. JoAnne ALWAYS had time for Bucky, and the appreciative crowd always cheered when they saw him.
“BU-CKY... BU-CKY.... BU-CKY...” the cheer would ring out, making JoAnne laugh.
Lindsay laughed too, as best she could with a cock down her throat, which was
now 14 inches, because she’d made it to the fourth round, along with 27 other
girls in her age category. This was the first time her eyes had teared up at
all, but she was managing. She only had nine more minutes to go.
The fifth round was definitely harder, with Lindsay starting to gag a bit and to wiggle her bum nervously from time to time. It was very sexy. For awhile, she thought about giving up... but she didn’t. And when she emerged through the 30-minute trial with the cock still buried in her throat and her nose buried in belly fat, she was very relieved. That relief turned to excitement when the list of girls going on to the sixth round was announced, and there were just 14 of them. If she could just get through one more round, she would almost certainly make it to tomorrow’s finals. But how would she tolerate an 18-inch cock?
But then she remembered Paige and Penny, and Grandma, and Debbie, and her Mom and Dad and all her other family and friends back home... and what everyone had done for her to get her hear... and she resolved to make it, no matter what.
The man who stepped up to her this time was 6 foot four, as dark-skinned as any man she’d ever seen (born in the Congo, apparently), and had as white a smile as ever. She smiled up at him smiling down at her as the final seconds ticked away. She didn’t even have to get through the round. She just had to outlast two other girls. But somehow, she HAD to get that monstrous cock before her all the way down her throat.
“On your mark.”
She opened her mouth.
“Get set.”
She glanced back up at the face of the man standing over her.
When the gun sounded, she dove forward with a zeal that amazed even her. Wiggling her head almost violently this way and that, she drove this beefy beast down her throat.
“Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm,” she said as she moved, inch by inch, closer to her
destination. She got stuck with about an inch and a half to go. But then, with a
Herculean effort, she lunged again... and it worked. She ended up driving her
nose so deep into belly fat, for a second she couldn’t breathe at all and had to
ease back a bit. But then she was fine.
Back at the hotel, Penny, Paige and Debbie were thrilled, as were Grandma and over 60 men watching her. A huge cheer rang out when Lindsay’s face was shown, and her nose was buried. Lindsay’s eyes looked right into the camera, and you could see she was still determined.
“You’ve made it,” a quiet voice told Lindsay, about two minutes later. “Two of the other girls have been disqualified for not even getting the cock all the way down. You can relax now.” She could slide off and still be in the final. She’d achieved her impossible dream. But now, that wasn’t enough. Even more determined than before, she pushed even harder into her belly. If she could make it through this round, maybe she could even do well tomorrow.
Gagging almost continuously over the last half of her trial, Lindsay somehow managed to hold on. When the buzzer sounded to signal that the trial was over, she glanced up at the big smiling face so high above her, and just smiled inside, not wanting to pull back. She actually started giving the guy a blow job, using her throat to get him off. She only pulled back when she felt his body starting to quiver, so she could taste the gift of all his seed in her mouth.
It turns out that only Lindsay, Natalie Snow, Xeina, Tatiana, Kaitlin and three other girls in her division lasted the full time. Back at home, her entire family were watching and on their feet clapping and cheering, as was everyone at the hotel. Even in the hotel lobby, people were cheering, as five of those girls were staying at that hotel.
Lindsay ended up giving about thirty more blowjobs before someone rescued her and led her away from the crowd. Lindsay slipped her 12-inch cock gag back into her mouth so she could enjoy some of the remaining festivities of the evening without having to blow anyone else. Any other day... sure. But she needed to conserve her strength for tomorrow.
When she got back to the hotel, Paige, Penny and Debbie were still hard at work. Though exhausted, all three wanted to be there and awake to congratulate her on her amazing day. And, while awake, why not continue sucking?
“Hmm hmmmmmm!” Penny squealed with excitement when Lindsay walked in.
Paige gave Lindsay’s legs a long hug, even with a cock down her throat.
And Debbie managed a “Congrat... hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm... ulay ... hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...tions Lin..... hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hgggggkkkkxxxxxxxx... zee” – while alternating between the three cocks she was working on.
Grandma just smiled and gave her a hug.
Lindsay’s voice was so hoarse from having cocks down it all day that, especially with her gag in, she couldn’t even make a sound. She just nodded and shook hands.
The next day was a magical day, with 36 girls giving their throats up for grabs
to huge, thick, 24- inch cocks. The longest time achieved was, of course, Nadine
in the Masters division, who held her cock, nose to belly, for a full 12 hours
before finally, more than an hour past when second place had dropped out, pulled
back so she could have a bit of time to get ready for the next day’s event. If
she could have spoken (which she never got to, because of the swarm of men who
immediately wanted into her mouth too), she would have said that she could have
gone on all night (which would have been true. It is not just JoAnne who can
hold any cock down her throat forever. Both my girlfriend’s can... I’m a VERY
lucky man.) So Nadine took gold, followed by a sexy german porn star named
Annette, followed by Dr. Snow. In Juniors, the lovely Kim from St. George’s
School was the clear favourite going in... and she did NOT disappoint, winning
gold easily, while looking ever so sexy in a lovely pink top, black dress pants
and wide heels. Winning silver was another Kim (though she calls herself
Kimberley), that sweet desk clerk from Newfoundland, who astounded everyone with
her magical performance. And taking bronze was Brooke, also from St. Georges.
I’d love to say that Lindsay went on to win the entire event the next day, or even to win a medal. But you know me... I NEVER like to exaggerate. In the Intermediate division, Xeina ended up winning gold, Natalie Snow silver, and a Swedish girl named Izabella took bronze. But Lindsay came an extremely respectable 5th, just behind Kaitlin the reporter (still searching for her first medal after five 4th place finishes) and was immediately swamped like Nadine and all the other girls were the moment they slipped off the 24-incher they’d been throating. Many of these girls were offered flattering contracts by big name pimps and/or porn producers, and many happily signed on the dotted line.
Lindsay didn’t. When she finally had a few seconds to speak, she said she was going back to the hotel to join three really good friends of hers: Paige, Penny and Debbie.
“You mean the twins and that other sexy blonde at the Ritz?”
“Hmm hmmm,” Lindsay nodded, her mouth filled again.
“How long do you think you’ll want to do that?”
Lindsay thought a moment. She was 23 years old. It’d be fun to do it for at least until she was 35. She held up twelve fingers.
“Twelve months?”
She shook her head emphatically, using her thumb to signal a lot more than that.
“18 years?” the reporter asked, enthusiastically.
“Hmm hmmmmm,” Lindsay nodded, confidently.
And back at the hotel, Grandma was immediately on the phone to the manager again.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Manager,” she said, laughing. “But could we change the contract one more time to make it 18 years for my girls?”
Two days later, Lindsay competed in the Equine event, where JoAnne DID compete and easily won, with Kim H. winning the Juniors, and Xeina again winning Intermediates, with Lindsay coming sixth.
After this, and after a good night’s rest, the very next morning she went down to the second floor ballroom with her cock gag left behind on her bedside table. She entered a room over-flowing with over 800 horny men, and immediately went to find a nice spot to kneel next to Debbie, ready to begin at least twelve more years of conference-room face-fucked fun with her three new friends.
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