Medicine by mouth - Part 6: Oral Olympics
“Oh Grandma!” he yelled loudly into the phone to reach over the noise of the room. “They’re both still VERY busy... at LEAST a hundred more men are here, and we ALL want a blowjob... AT LEAST a hundred... and that’s if more don’t continue to show up. And they will, Grandma, they will.” And he laughed.
Grandma was laughing too. So much for treating the two girls to an omelette breakfast at The White Chicken. No worries. She’d can that plan and let the two girls have their fun.
She would come to Lindsay’s hotel room later in the morning, but this would be to take her OWN pictures. In the taxi on the way over, she couldn’t help but boast about her two magnificent granddaughters to the very nice cabbie.
“You know,” he looked back at Grandma when they arrived outside the Ritz. “I do have a radio. I could let all the other cabs know that your girls are here and available all day, and tell them to tell all their passengers. AND I have a brother who knows EVERYBODY. Do you have pictures of the twins on your phone?”
She did. And isn’t modern technology great? In a few seconds, she’d sent pictures to the cabbie’s phone, and he’d relayed them off to everyone on his phone list.
“Done,” he smiled. “Your two granddaughters will be sucking cock non-stop for weeks now.”
“You are SUCH a kind man!” Grandma said, sincerely, slipping him the biggest tip of his life.
The lady from the manufacturer showed up at about 2 that afternoon. Dressed in
pin-striped dress pants, a white blouse and heels, with strawberry blonde hair
pulled back into a short pony-tail, and wearing glasses, she looked all
She found Lindsay’s room but it was empty. A sign directed her to a conference room on the second floor. She entered to find it filled with over 500 men. At the centre were Paige and Penny, still going strong, with proud Grandma trying to maintain an orderly line for each of them, while taking pictures every time a new cock entered either girl’s mouth. It was her way of keeping track of numbers.
In the bedroom where there were far fewer people, Debbie cut the gag’s strap, but only after assuring Lindsay she had another gag in her bag to give her... “It’s one that we KNOW works perfectly.” With the strap cut, Lindsay slowly drew the 12-inch cock out of her mouth and sighed. Her jaw had definitely been aching for a rest.
“What’s going on in there?” Debbie asked.
Lindsay explained.
“These girls had never sucked cock until a week ago? And now they’ve sucked over 200 each?”
Debbie couldn’t even imagine this.
She had to see it.
Pushing to the centre of the room, she couldn’t believe her eyes, seeing these two petite girls with angelic faces bobbing to and fro and alternating between too many cocks to even count.
She looked around the room at how many more were waiting for them, and couldn’t believe that either.
And she couldn’t believe it when hands gently removed her jacket and then slowly pushed her to her knees.
“But I’ve got to get back to the...” she said, before being silenced by a mouthful of tattooed biker cock. She had been about to say ‘airport’, but now strong hands were holding her head and it was HER throat being fucked. She tried pushing off, but it was no use.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm,” she protested, to no avail.
Oh well! She was NOT about to be outdone by two 18-year olds. Starting to bob her head back and forth, she couldn’t help but notice an endless line of at least 100 men forming for her. She handed one of the men her glasses (which were more for show than anything) and hoped they would find their way somehow back to her bag in the other room.
Lindsay said she’d join the three girls later, after her jaw had rested for a few hours. Penny, Paige and Debbie would certainly still be here. In fact, as the second of what would prove to be hundreds of cocks was shoved down this sexy professional’s throat, Debbie was sure that none of them would be going anywhere for AT LEAST a week.
Being in competition, Lindsay had to get some rest. After the first 30 hours or
so, the lines in the conference room had shrunk down so the others could
alternate rest times too. Penny and Paige had been at it the longest, so on the
2nd full night, Debbie decided to tackle the crowd alone. Her line (now the only
line), still had about 100 men in it; but she knew that one of the other girls
would be up to relieve her sometime that morning, and she’d seen several cute
men in her line who she definitely wanted to blow herself. So she was pleased.
She hadn’t sucked more than 10 cocks in an evening since college, more than 5 years ago. She was in heaven having blown more than 150 of her own now with at least 100 more, and hopefully 150 or even 200 to go before she’d even let herself rest.
She hoped the guys wouldn’t become bored waiting for her. But the hotel had set
up chairs all around the room and there were at least 5 big screen TVs. And
rumour had it that guys really thought she was sexy in her pleated pin-striped
pants, white blouse, black heels, and ponytail and that fucking her mouth was
highly valued. Thank God! When she was married, her husband was content with one
blowjob a week and didn’t want her blowing anyone else. She went crazy!
Again... this was heaven! She could do some of this every night.
She didn’t mind at all when Lindsay had to leave the next morning just before 9:00 and the twins were still asleep. They’d worked hard, poor girls. And you know how teenagers are: they can sleep until the afternoon. And Debbie hoped they would. They’d be back on their knees soon enough.
Between bobs of her head and alternating from the three cocks she now was working simultaneously, she quickly glanced about the room. Her line was down to about 75, but guys were starting to arrive again. And she knew it’d be back to a few hundred in an hour or two. A number of men had told her she gave the best blowjobs on the planet (which she knew NOT to be true, because the girl named JoAnne G. was the undisputed cock-sucking queen of the universe); but that had been enough to want her suck the cock of every man who entered this room. She hadn’t of course. But in her 31 hours here, she had blown at least 300 now.
‘My goal is 50 million blowjobs,’ she thought as she lunged forward to lodge at least a 10-incher into her throat. Clearly, she was kidding; but she wanted lots. If she were a machine that sucked cock 24/7/356... well, she could definitely live with that. If only...
She chuckled to herself. She’d have to content herself with a thousand or so blowjobs this week and then go from there.
Lindsay felt badly leaving Debbie all to herself to blow more than 100 men the
next morning at nine AM, when she left to go formally register for the deep
throat standard and equine deep throat competitions. First, there were so many
cute guys in that hundred or so she would have wanted to suck. And second, for
the first two days, most guys could anticipate at least two blowjobs before they
left, often going from Paige to Penny (or vice versa) within a few hours because
they were expedited. When Debbie joined in, some guys even got three blowjobs.
But she needn’t have worried. Debbie made it perfectly clear to every guy that
she was happy to blow them twice, if Paige and Penny still weren’t up by noon.
And Debbie had become extremely proficient by now, able to blow most men easily
in five minutes. This line-up of 100 men was, at most, an 8-hour shift for her
now. And because many men were so horny seeing this professionally-dressed
blonde in a pony-tail and nice pants and heels on her knees blowing and
swallowing from an endless stream of men, that they were ready to pop in a
minute or two... in fact, it would be more like six hours for her to handle them
all. She wasn’t quite up to the 550 or so JoAnne could blow in 24 hours, but she
was definitely a cock-sucker of considerable talent. She hadn’t signed up for
these Olympics because of her job. But now she saw what a mistake that was.
Maybe she should consider entering as many events as she could over the final week.. and then maybe take a month off from work to prostitute herself in downtown Vancouver... just for a fun break from the boring grind of office work.
But no. She knew she was committed to staying here to blow men in this
conference room until they stopped coming, which she hoped would never happen.
Maybe the hotel would allow her to put a tip jar out. Surely, blowing 300-400
men in a day 7 days a week on end would earn her enough tips to live on, even in
Vancouver. She, Penny and Paige could get a special arrangement with the hotel
to just live here, in a room upstairs. That would be fun.
Interestingly, Paige and Penny’s grandma had already thought of that and approached the hotel manager, who was most happy to give the twins a lovely big suite and continuous use of this conference room for just $1500 a month, if they signed a full one-year lease, an amount that they could surely earn in tips. And Paige and Penny’s parents had been thrilled for them.
“If they are having fun,” Mom said, “then of course. They’ve always enjoyed Vancouver.” Then she paused a moment. “In fact,” she said, “their Dad is a main speaker at a big conference there in 2013. And wouldn’t it be fun if he could announce that his two daughters were working downtown?”
Grandma agreed. “Do you want me to ask the hotel for a binding contract for two years?”
“Most definitely, Mum.”
Grandma agreed and said she would look into it.
In an hour, Mom and Dad received a contract from the hotel, offering the room for $1400 a month if the girls agreed to a 2-year lease. They both signed it IMMEDIATELY and faxed it right back. In the contract, they happily agreed to cover any difference in the monthly amount, should the girls fall short. Grandma couldn’t wait for the girls to wake up to give them the great news. In the meantime, she’d gone shopping and found two really cute, pink clay tip jars, at a crafts shop, into which she had the artist carve the girls’ names. One read – Pennies for Paige; the other read – Pennies for Penny. Not only was the saying cute... she thought it best the girls NOT be greedy and ask for big bills. Most men, she reasoned, would be very generous and leave at least a quarter for a nice blowjob... and that would be more than enough.
She couldn’t wait to be there when Paige and Penny earned their first of what she prayed would be thousands and thousands of nice shiny tips.
Formally registering for the event was a bit of a misnomer, as Lindsay had
already paid her entry fee on-line, sent the required pictures and I.D. of
herself in to confirm first that she was who she said she was and at least 18,
and second that she was at least moderately pretty, since most guys would not
really want to be sucked by a butt-ugly girl... and all had been approved.
Specifically, formally registering meant going in to match the pictures with the
actual person, and to give the pre-judges a quick trial run, so they were
reasonably sure the girls weren’t biting off more than they could chew (no pun
“The horses are pretty big,” the woman at the equine office told her. “Have you ever done one before?”
Sadly, Lindsay shook her head.
“No worries,” the woman said brightly. “Let’s take you out back and you can have a trial run on Buster.”
The woman, a lovely 30ish year old brunette with a British accent, even kneeled down with Lindsay and gave her a few pointers, impressing Lindsay by taking at least 15-inches of Buster’s massive length into her own mouth.
“Hmmm?” the woman (whose name was Margaret) asked.
Lindsay nodded. She couldn’t wait to give it a try herself. Margaret slid up and down Buster’s length a few times, and finally slid off, a look of some regret flashing onto her face as the massive rod slid from her mouth.
“Now you have a go,” she said.
It turns out that Margaret was a veterinarian, and worked with big animals as a career. So she was very helpful giving Lindsay pointers and suggestions over the next half hour that Lindsay practiced. At first, Lindsay gagged constantly. But she found that, once the beast was actually in her throat, the gagging largely stopped.
“Now just lean forward slowly,” Margaret said. “This isn’t a race. Take as much time as you need to get to the depth you want... and that’s when you signal the timer with your hand and timing officially begins.”
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?” Lindsay asked.
“Yes. You can still go deeper, with each added inch giving you bonus points to add to your time to generate a final score.”
“Hmm hmmm,” Lindsay nodded.
A half hour later, Lindsay left the Equine Event Registration Office (EERO) satisfied that she actually could do this. Her time with the cock gags down her throat had really helped. She even was able to best Margaret’s demonstration depth and reach 18 inches. She was very proud of herself. She felt so good, in fact, that when a group of about five men approached her just outside the Olympic entrance and asked her to blow them, she happily agreed, even though she wanted to get back to her hotel room and knew that kneeling here, in such a public spot, was guaranteed to draw her a big crowd.
It did. And so, while Debbie continued to slave away in the hotel conference room to handle what now was a roomful of almost 450 men, and Paige and Penny slept unaware of the fantastic, life-changing news they were about to receive, Lindsay was giving blowjobs to what was now a growing crowd of at least 50 men. She’d get back to the hotel eventually, she thought.
Debbie was so crowded by men now that they were all she could see. Her nose
pressed into the fat belly of the old man currently fucking her throat, her eyes
darted one way and then the other. Looking straight ahead, all she saw were
men’s cocks, inches away from her face, all of them hard and pointed straight at
her. Peering lower, through the legs, she saw a countless number of feet and
knew that each pair had another hard cock pointed her way.
She felt a bit badly that Paige and Penny were missing all this. Luckily, they were now just rousing.
“Go have a shower, girls,” Grandma told them. “I’ll help you pick out some really nice outfits and then I’ll tell you some great news as we head back downstairs. Plus I have some gifts for you.”
The girls were so excited about everything they rushed through their showers. When they finally emerged from the bathroom together in sexy satin bikini panties Grandma slipped through the door to them, Grandma admired their amazing young bodies. The slimness of teen-hood was definitely still with them. Their breasts were small, but adequate. And their skin was perfect and their overall figure divine.
“These are for you... and these are for you,” Grandma said, handing them each a bundle of clothes. It took them no time at all to see the pattern, which was pink and white. Paige was wearing white satin panties, and was given a pink bra, tight pink short shorts, and white spike heels. Penny was wearing pink satin panties and was given the exact opposite of her twin: white short shorts, a white bra, and hot pink heels to go with her hot pink satin panties. They quickly adorned their outfits.
“You forgot the tops, Grandma,” Penny said.
“I have special tops for you. Go back into the bathroom and put your make-up on.”
The two girls continued to be excited as they leaned into the huge bathroom mirror to put on their eyeliner and shadow, their rouge, and their lip-liner and lipstick. Of course, they knew to select hot pink lipstick.
Standing behind them with her camera, Grandma took numerous pictures of the two girl’s magnificent little asses in their tight shorts. She was so proud of them.
“Okay, Grandma,” Paige said, whirling around. “We need those tops.” She was smiling, but Grandma knew how serious both girls were about getting back downstairs and onto their knees again. And she did NOT want to hold up their fun.
Sorry its been a while coming but here is part to which is much longer enjoy... |
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