Medicine by mouth - Part 6: Oral Olympics
“All right,” she said, smiling... and handed them each lovely, size-small t-shirts she’d stop to buy on her way here, after picking up their tip jars. Of course, Paige’s t-shirt was white with pink lettering, to go with her pink shorts; and Penny’s was pink with white lettering, to go with her white shorts.
And both t-shirts read ‘Blowjobs - 25¢ each’.
The girls laughed. And then Grandma handed them little pink gift bags (again, one pink and one white, because Grandma thought of everything), which the girls couldn’t help but open immediately, despite being so anxious to start up again in the conference room.
Inside were the tip jars.
“Tips?” Penny asked. “Is the hotel okay with that?”
“I’ve already spoken with the manager and he was thrilled. But let’s get you two downstairs. There’s lots more to tell you, but I can tell you on the elevator.”
The two girls were giddy with laughter and jumping up and down hugging each other when the elevator door opened up again on the second floor.
“Two years?” Paige asked, her voice bursting with excitement.
“Two years to start,” Grandma said. “But I’m sure you girls can work here for as long as you want.”
“We love you SO MUCH, Grandma,” the two girls said outside the elevator, kissing her simultaneously on opposite cheeks.
“Just sign this contract quickly,” Grandma said, pulling out the sheet of paper the manager had given her, “and it’ll be official... and binding.” And Grandma’s eyes got real big.
The girls almost fought over the pen.
As Penny signed, the elevator door opened and about 7 men got off, heading towards their conference room.
“But there go some needy customers,” Grandma said, herself signing the contract as the girls’ witness. “So go!” And she patted both girls’ bums, and watched as they raced down the hall.
Grandma smiled and walked slowly after them. She passed a bellhop on the way and handed the contract to him. “Please see that the manager gets this right away,” she said, handing him the contract and a crisp $20 bill.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the young man said, smiling and proceeding down the hall to fulfill her wishes.
It had been less than 30 seconds since she’d been kissed by them, but as Grandma entered the conference hall, she could already see Penny and Paige on their knees working with a precipitously-growing line-up of customers forming for each. Grandma couldn’t help but be amused. These men had been waiting for these two for so long, and the twins both looked so sexy in those shorts and heels, Paige and Penny had probably been pushed down to their knees and had cocks shoved into their mouths and down their throats before they’d had a chance to say ‘Hello.’
In reality, Penny had managed to say – “I’m sorry guys for being so hghhhhmmm...” – as she was dropped and ultimately silenced with huge black cock; and Paige had just gotten in “Hi guh!” (her attempt at ‘Hi guys!’) before her knees buckled and mouth was invaded.
Grandma went over to where Penny was and saw her kneeling as straight upright as the five foot four inch girl could be, stretching to have her throat absolutely pulverized by a 6 foot 8 giant. The kindly old woman laughed to see the sweet teen helplessly pushing off with both hands as the giant’s massive hands held her head and humungous cock invaded her throat, all the while wiggling her cute little bum and shifting her sexily spike-heeled feet – crossing and uncrossing them; lifting one and then the other; then crossing them again... and so on. Grandma took several lovely pictures of this and then wandered around to get some of Penny’s pretty face. She caught Penny’s eye and the look Grandma saw in that eye was one of playful panic. Click, click... her camera went. And then she turned her camera’s video function on to capture a few more minutes of Penny in action.
Grandma smiled lovingly. These pictures and this video would make Mom and Dad so proud. And everyone would laugh at Penny’s sexy, shifty feet.
She then wandered over to find Paige, who was closely surrounded by three men, her mouth alternating desperately between them, working hard to keep all three cocks hard so she could be rewarded with three tasty mouthfuls of cum to swallow before moving on to the next group of soon-to-be satisfied customers.
“Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm...” Paige said, grunting with each forward plunge, her eyes wide open and staring right at Grandma.
“Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm...”
The look in Paige’s eyes was of determination. Grandma scanned the line of men waiting specifically for Paige and quickly estimated over 200, and understood why. Pretty Paige had lots of work waiting for her. But it was fun work!
She wandered to a place behind Paige to see how this girl’s bum looked, now that she was on her knees working. And where Penny’s knees had been right together to allow her to reach the groin of the insanely-tall man she was being skull-fucked by, Paige’s knees were spread apart and her waist bent to allow her to more easily alternate between the groins of her three men. Paige’s bum jutting out like this, plus the hot pink versus white shorts, gave Paige’s bum an entirely different look than Penny’s... and Grandma thought that look was wonderful. She pulled out her camera again to capture this wonderful scene, both with still pictures and video.
“Go deep and hold it, Sweetie,” she told Paige.
Paige, who already had several inches of cock down her throat, pushed onto her man a bit harder.
“”Be a dear and help her, kind sir,” Grandma told the man, who was clearly middle-aged and about 100 pounds too heavy – perfect, Grandma thought, for this lovely picture.
Dutifully, the man used both of his fat hands to pull Paige hard onto him, until her nose disappeared into his huge belly.
“Now pooch out your bum a little bit, Sweetie,” Grandma told Paige. “I want to get some nice pictures of that sweet little bum of yours.”
Again, Paige happily obeyed.
“Now turn your eyes this way a bit.”
“Hgggghhhhhhkkkkxxxx?” Paige asked.
“Perfect,” Grandma said.
Grandma had Paige and the man pose like that for about 15 flattering still pictures, and then pulled out her video and went through the entire thing again.
“Go deep and hold it again, Sweetie,” she said. And then she did the same thing with the other two men Paige was with. Overall, it took Grandma about a half hour to capture all the fun footage she’d planned of Paige, before returning to Penny and doing the same.
“You girls will be so PROUD of these pictures,” she told Penny as the girl gagged on another humungous black 12-incher.
“Nose-to-belly, dear,” Grandma said.
“Hgggggghhhhkkkxxxxxx,” Penny gagged, instinctively also jutting out her bum a little bit more.
Her white shorts WERE a different look than Paige’s, but just as nice, Grandma thought.
Finally Grandma put her camera away and nodded with satisfaction. She resolved right then and there, as a gift to Paige and Penny and their mom (her own daughter), to hire a photographer to follow the girls over the next two years and, almost certainly, beyond. Maybe a couple of 4-hour sessions every week, so the family could have fun photos and videos to put on a website Grandma also would pay for... so that all family and friends and anyone else could visit and see just what the two twins were up to. It would certainly even bring them business. It would be great!
What a fun year her two lovely granddaughters were going to have!
Since she knew Lindsay wouldn’t be here, Grandma then looked around to find
Debbie, and saw a crowd of men at the other end of the room, with another
endless line-up emerging from it, and was sure that Debbie would be in the
middle of it. She walked Debbie’s way.
You see, Grandma is one of those thoughtful people who always thinks of others. And so, as she was getting those tip jars made for Penny and Paige, she had a third made for Debbie.... just in case.
She slowly pushed through the crowd until she found the young woman sandwiched by at least 6 men.
“Excuse me, gentleman,” she said, raising her voice authoritatively and hold the jar up so all could see. “But this here is a tip jar for Debbie. Please deposit whatever small change you have in it after you see her.”
Of course, Debbie couldn’t see this and only heard a third of it... but she heard something about tips. And a minute later when someone reached in to show her the wonderful gift that Paige and Penny’s grandmother had brought for her... that decided it for this sexy, now former business executive. Why not suck cocks for a living? How else could she have so much fun helping so many?
She felt a giant weight lifted off her shoulders as she realized that this was what she wanted to do with her life... at least for the next 5-10 years.
‘Thanks so much, Grandma,’ she thought to herself as she found two large cocks being shoved into her mouth at once.
Lindsay arrived back at the hotel at around 9 that evening, saved from what
otherwise would have been endless cock-sucking on the sidewalk by that same
Margaret she’d met at the Equine event office.
“You’d better let me take over, boys,” she said. “This one has to compete tomorrow.”
And so Lindsay got to stand up as Margaret dropped to her knees. She had tomorrow off, so spending the night sucking cocks until some relieved her (hopefully) tomorrow morning was perfectly fine.
Lindsay had to see how Debbie and the twins were doing, but needed sleep tonight and didn’t want to be roped into more blowjobs; so she went up to her room first, inserted her nice, new 12-inch cock gag, and then proceeded down to the second floor, where things were bustling as she expected. Paige and Penny’s grandmother was there, front and centre, mostly directing traffic to keep things even for the three girls.
“Hello, Lindsay” she smiled. “I’m so glad you let my two granddaughters fill in for you that first night. They’ve been having so much fun!”
Lindsay smiled and nodded. “Hmmmm,” she said.
“They’re truly having such a wonderful time.” And then she pointed over to one huge crowd of men, at the centre of which Penny was kneeling somewhere; and another where she was sure Paige was busy working as well. She then pulled out her blackberry to show dozens and dozens and dozens of lovely pictures this oh-so-proud grandma had taken of her twin granddaughters that day, when the men had been dear enough to back off a bit to give her a viewing lane to her girls.
“Don’t back off too much,” Grandma kept telling the men. “I want at least 10 of you in every picture, so no one at home thinks we were making all this up.”
This usually brought laughter.
All she wanted was really flattering pictures of Paige and Penny in action, some lovely ones of them actually posing for the camera (“Look this way, Sweetie!”), and some of their lovely outfits. Those shorts and heels, for example (if you recall: pink shorts and white spikes on Paige; and the reverse on Penny) were such a wonderful combination, and really brought out their pretty little posteriors (as Grandma called them).
Some guy was so turned on by Penny’s ass, he asked about the girls doing some ass-to-mouth. But Grandma didn’t want the shorts pulled down or torn... so she suggested that the men all wait until one day the girls show up in their school uniforms, which have skirts. The men agreed. Ass-to-mouth in a girl in school uniform sounded good and both Penny and Paige were most interested.
But what really made Grandma proud was when a TV news crew arrived and did a real nice, feel-good news segment on ‘Two Twin Sisters Who Are Blowing Vancouver Away’. Grandma overheard the cameraman made a comment about how ‘fuck-able’ both the girls’ faces and tight little asses were, and was even more pleased than she had been about her selection of shorts for them. Meanwhile, the reporter commented that she was sorry that Lindsay wasn’t around to explain how this all had started, but Grandma was there and quickly volunteered the story.
“So YOU brought them here to have their mouths violated by thousands of men?” the reporter asked.
“They were bored, dear,” Grandma explained.
“What a wonderful grandmother you are!” the reporter said, sincerely.
“They are BOTH really good girls,” Grandma explained. “And I thought they could use some extra special fun.”
Of course, when asked if she had any last words of wisdom, Grandma was quick to put in a plug about Penny and Paige staying at the hotel to provide free blowjobs “for at LEAST the next 2 years and probably a lot longer.”
“You hear that men,” the reporter then smiled into the camera. “If you and your buddies want one of the best blowjobs of your life given by a gorgeous 18-year old blonde or her identical twin sister, or both, you have a few years to do it. But I wouldn’t wait, because the lines for these two angelic twins are only getting longer. Back to you, Tom.”
And the reporter put down her microphone.
“Thank you so much,” Grandma gushed to her. “You are such a dear.”
“Tell your girls to just keep having fun,” the reporter answered.
And Grandma said she would. But then Grandma thought a minute: did the reporter just announce on live TV that Penny and Paige would be here “a few years”? To Grandma, a few meant three.
“Oh dear,” she said. And then she put in a call to the hotel manager and asked if he would please redo the contract to add the extra year.
It turns out that Lindsay lingered until about midnight, but then waved to
Grandma and left to go rest before tomorrow’s big Standard Deep Throat Event. It
was going to be a long day, she knew. In fact, the longer the day was the
better... because that’s how the competition worked. Again, girls were scored on
two things: depth and time. The deeper down their throat they went, and the
longer they held it there, the better. Everyone knew that JoAnne could hold a
cock down her throat forever, so she agreed NOT to enter this competition.
Instead, she had volunteered to promote the event by kneeling with a huge
16-incher down her throat for 24 solid hours BEFORE the event started, during
which time she would happily sign autographs and schedule future blowjobs.
Lindsay had popped by to see Jo the previous day, just to see if the world
famous cock-sucker would wish her luck.
Well, you know Jo. She always gushes with enthusiasm to hear of any pretty girl, of legal age, wanting to use her mouth as a vehicle for both service and pleasure.
“Hgggggghhhhmmm,” she said to Lindsay, giving her a thumbs-up.
The first day of competition, in fact, was different than the finals. In round one, all the girls, lumped into one big division, would drop to their knees and have to hold an 8-inch cock, nose-to-belly, for a total of thirty minutes. In those thirty minutes, if a girl’s nose lost contact with her man’s belly, even for a split second, she was out. The next round, those who got through would move on to a 10-inch cock. Round 3 would be 12-inchers; round four 14-inchers; and so on, until they were down to 12 girls or less in each division (Juniors, Intermediates and Masters). Tomorrow was the finals, when whatever girls remained would be given cocks 4 inches longer than the longest ones managed on day one (where they found these guys is beyond me). Since that round could potentially go on for days, until one girl remained, the organizers decided that, if more than one girl lasted beyond 24 hours, those girls could all potentially be given gold medals. But depth played a big role, because a girl who lasted less long but had managed to swallow greater length could end up first, and this applied to those lasting 24 hours as well.
Lindsay hoped she’d make it to the finals, at least. As her mother suggested, she wore her dark navy blue stretch jeans, along with nice baby blue satin panties underneath, a white bra, a blue and white checked shirt, a chain belt, and black spike heels... for kind of a sexy cowgirl look. In the mirror of her hotel bathroom, she turned to admire her own ass. She was pleased with it.
She couldn’t leave the hotel without popping downstairs to have Paige, Penny and Debbie wish her luck, so she put her 12-inch gag in and went to visit them, hoping that at least one or two of them still were awake and working.
Grandma wasn’t there yet – home sleeping she bet – but Paige and Penny were still hard at work. After almost 48 hours blowing more than 600 guys, Debbie was resting. She wandered over to see the two twins, first Penny and then Paige.
Despite having been on their knees sucking men continuously (except for short bathroom breaks every 6 hours, mostly to fix their make-up) for more than 40 hours, the two girls still looked great. Penny and Paige had taken 5-minute showers and switched outfits (since Grandma had bought both girls both sets of clothes). So now it was Paige who wore tight white shorts and a pink t-shirt and heels, while Penny donned pink shorts, white t-shirt and heels... and Lindsay agreed with Grandma and everyone else... those tight 18-year old asses looked sweet. One day, she swore, she wanted to fuck both girls’ little assholes with her tongue... but not today. Today, she just wandered over and squatted down next to Penny and Paige and the conversations went like this:
Lindsay: “Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.”
Penny: “Hmm hmmm?”
Lindsay. “Hmm hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.”
Penny: “Hmm hmm.”
Lindsay: “Hmm. Hmm hmm.”
And everyone knew just what they meant. And we all wished all three girls luck: Lindsay to do well in her big competition; and Penny and Paige that even more guys would get to ram their throats today.
Helping the family with chores at the farm... |
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