I couldn’t help it. She looked so incredibly cute. So shy and cuddled up less than a foot away from me. She was irresistible. The fact that she could barely maintain eye contact with me while she told me about giving head was so adorable. I just wanted to lean forward, pull her towards me and embrace her, but my current physical state made that impossible.
“So, what about you?” she finally asked, looking up at me, with an innocent longing in her eyes.
“What about me?” I asked. The mood in the room was now far from silly and light-hearted. After Katie bared her soul to me not only about having urges as of late and about giving her first blowjob, the room just felt a bit warmer. My hard-on was definitely not helping things.
“Yeah…” she added. “Are you still a virgin?”
I felt horrible about having to tell those beautiful dark eyes that I had been with other girls. Not many, mind you, but one was just as bad as a hundred, I imagined. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted me to say ‘yes’ as badly as I wished I could say it. So the best thing I felt I could do is just tell the truth. “I’ve been with a few girls, yeah.”
Like I expected, I could almost see her heart sink through the look in her eyes. But she came back strongly. “How many? A lot?” she asked, her voice was being spoken in hush, very intimate tones. Considering we were less than a foot apart, her voice was still barely audible.
We were both very comfortable at this point. We were both baring our souls to each other and it was strangely intimate. Our barriers were completely down and I knew I could tell her anything and I can only assume she felt the same. I had to almost reminisce about a time when Katie was just ‘my sister’. When I looked into her eyes now, what I saw was a beautiful young treasure that I felt grateful for just knowing.
We were both sort of lost in the love game and we seemed anchored to each other because we knew that even if we failed at finding love in the outside world, we’d still have each other and our friendship was more powerful than even a love we could ever find with other people. Our bond was closer.
I remembered her question. “Not a lot. Seven, I think.”
Her eyes widened and she seemed to not fancy the answer. “Seven? Wow. That’s… a lot.”
I smiled and tried to play it off. “Not really. I mean, I’m 4 years older than you so I’ve just had more time. I haven’t been with a girl in almost a year.” My answer didn’t help much. Katie’s expression was still one of indifference.
“So, do any of those girls still call you?” she asked.
“Oh, no. Not in awhile. I doubt I’ll hear from any of them ever again. Some of them moved away. It’s not really a big deal.”
“Mm-hmm.” She muttered, obviously not as cheerful or receptive as before. It was as if her cheery demeanor got up and walked out, leaving the rest of Katie there for me. I was losing her, I could tell by the look in her face, as her eyes wandered down. I had to think fast.
I touched her left shoulder and smiled. “Come on, Katie. What’s wrong? So I slept with a few girls a few years ago. Does that make me a horrible person?”
She slowly shrugged up her shoulder to get me to remove my hand, which I did, along with my smile. She looked down with complete apathy. “I guess I just expected more from you. I don’t know. So, would you just sleep with these girls on the first date, or what? As quick as you could get them into bed?”
I stared at her for a second, speechless.
“Katie, listen, I’m a guy, ok? A single guy. I would hang out with a girl I was interested in and, after awhile, if I found out she was interested in me, things would just happen. But every girl I slept with, I always hoped it would be something more. I don’t sleep with anyone unless I care about them. Obviously, though, they didn’t care enough about me to want to keep hanging out with me. Is that my fault?”
She thought for a second and then answered with a painfully calm demeanor. “I… I think I’m going to sleep in my bed tonight.”
Without making eye contact again, she slowly slid backwards off the bed and stood up. I quickly stood up and made for the door, closing it before she could leave. She stopped, not protesting to my having closed the door. She just stood there, arms crossed, as if she was holding herself, eyes fixed to the floor.
“Katie, wait. Look at me.” I said. But she refused to do what I asked.
I put my forefinger under her chin and lifted her face to mine. She finally made eye contact with me.
“What is wrong? I don’t understand. Everything was so nice. It’s been so great for weeks and then I mention about a few girls I was with years ago and you instantly get cold with me.” I said, desperate to know what I’d done, but she just looked at me like she was afraid of me. “I’ve been with a few girls, yes, but I don’t go out every weekend looking for girls to just have sex with. You know me. You should know me better than that.”
Her eyes started to well up with tears. I couldn’t understand it. I caressed her cheek.
After a few moments, she spoke. “I’m sorry.”
It was so deeply sincere and heartfelt. I felt like apologizing to her for her having apologized to me. I caressed her right cheek with my left hand, looking into her eyes. “I didn’t know why you had gotten so mad at me.” I said. “I mean, you’re the only girl in my life, and that’s how I want it to stay. You’re my best friend, Katie. I love you. You’re the best sister any guy could ask for. I don’t want to lose you.”
Tears were almost welling up in her eyes as she looked up at me. “I don’t want us to fight like that again.” She pleaded.
“Come on, Katie. You know how I feel about you. You’re everything I want in a girl. Smart, funny, sweet, kind, extremely cute. But most of all you’re my best friend.”
She looked down, understanding what I’d meant and apparently feeling the same as I did. “I know. I feel the same way.”
We were both still smiling, but now we were looking at each other with such a pure fondness. Strangely, the silence had become unbearable. The look she was giving me was the kind of look that led to babies. I could feel a stir in my boxers and had to break the ice.
“Hey, you wanna watch a movie in my room?” I asked.
“Sure.” She said.
We went up to my room and as I was setting up the TV with a DVD, Katie sat down at my computer desk and started randomly clicking on stuff on the screen. “Hey.” She said. “What kind of movies do you have saved on your computer?”
“Nothing much.” I said. “Mostly some cartoons.”
“And a lot of porn, huh?” she said with a devilish smile.
I stood up and walked over to the computer, turning off the screen. “Yes.” I said smiling.
She switched the monitor back on. “Come on, I want to see too.” She said. “Show me some.”
I thought for a second, looking at her judgmentally, still smiling.
“Please?” she asked, with a grin I couldn’t turn down.
“Ok. Here…” I said as I opened a video program on the computer. I opened the file folder and started slowly skimming through them. It showed thumb-nailed images of the first frame of each video. Katie was sitting forward, looking intently at each thumb-nailed image.
“Ooh! How about this one?” she said as she pointed at one image.
“Ok.” I said as I clicked on it, opening the file, upon which the video started playing.
“So, what happens in this one?” she asked without taking her eyes from the screen.
“Umm, well, the guy cums inside the girl by the end of it.” I said.
She looked at me. “Inside?” she said, scrunching her face.
“Yeah.” I replied.
“But wouldn’t she get pregnant?” she asked, now more intently.
“Mmm, I think they give the girl some kind of spermicide stuff that she puts inside before they do it. Either that or she takes one of those morning-after pills. That or both.” I said.
“So that kind of thing works? Makes it so you can’t get pregnant?” she asked, deeply inquisitive.
“Sure. Well, like 99% effective, I think.” I said, and then had a thought. “Hey, this better not be giving you any ideas. I don’t want you banging guys right and left without protection because of something I said.” I said with a laugh.
“No…” she said, chortling. “I was just wondering is all…”
I was sly to her curiosity. “Yeah, wondering is what gets a lot of cute girls like you in trouble.”
“Oh, stop it…” she said, gently pushing on my leg with her hand.
I smiled and walked away, lying down on my bed and turning the DVD on. I sat and watched my movie while Katie was glued to my computer screen. She was now leaning forward, her head propped up by her right hand, her arm resting on the computer desk.
“You can use my headphones to hear it if you want.” I suggested.
“Oh, ok!” she said, reaching for the headphones and putting them on.
I went back to watching my movie. The porno she was watching lasted about 15 minutes. As I glanced over at her over the course of the duration of the porno, I noticed her legs would squirm slowly and she’d rub her knees together. Very gently and very slowly, but she was definitely squirming in my chair as she watched it.
I wondered “Was she somehow masturbating?” I tried not to survey her too long in case she turned around.
After the clip was over, I noticed her close the program. She spun around in my computer chair.
“Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She said as she got up and walked out of the bedroom.
“Ahh…” I thought. She was probably doing the pee dance when here I thought she was rubbing her thighs together to masturbate. I felt a bit ashamed, but only for a split second.
I sat and watched TV for awhile until I realized that Katie had been in the bathroom for over ten minutes. Just as I pondered that, Katie came in, seemingly light as a feather. She exhaled deeply, then smiled, and jumped onto the bed next to me. She was lying on her tummy, propping her upper body up on her elbows. She looked down on the magazine I was flipping through.
“So…” I said. “Did you like that porno?”
She looked perplexed for a moment. “Yeah, but I kind of wondered why he came inside her. You couldn’t see him cum or anything.” She said.
“I know. But you saw it drip out at the end, right?” I asked.
“Yeah, but they didn’t show him actually shoot it out.” She said.
She thought for a second. “Is that the sort of thing you’re into? Seeing the guy cum inside the girl?” She seemed genuinely concerned, but in a sexually inquisitive way.
“Umm, yeah. Kinda.” I answered.
“Why?” she asked boldly and bluntly as she laid on her side, facing me. We were only inches apart on the bed now.
I didn’t have an answer that wouldn’t have come off as strange. For some reason, I like watching videos like that because of the potential risk of the girl getting knocked up. It’s some weird fascination with me, don’t ask why. I figure a lot of guys probably have it, which is why there are all these babies crawling around. It’s probably something programmed in the male psyche, to help proliferate the species or some primal evolutionary programming thing. I tried to answer her as best I can.
“I don’t know, I just do. Maybe it’s because of seeing the guy and the girl risk doing that and that the girl might get pregnant. I don’t know. It’s like people who like NASCAR, that thrill that there might be an accident.” I said, in hopes that would quell her curiosity.
“So you like the idea of possibly getting a girl pregnant when you have sex with her?” she asked again, still curious.
I was treaded dangerous waters again. I didn’t want to say something to have her disgusted in me and storm out like before. I took a deep breath before I answered and when I did I did so with a soft, restrained tone.
“Katie, I don’t want you to get mad and think I’m a pervert and storm out because of something I say…” I said before she put her right hand on my left hand, assuring me.
“Kevin, I’m past that. I’m not going to freak out. I’m just curious about you, that’s all.”
Hmph, I thought. Well, that makes this easier. I felt like I could just speak my mind, so I did.
“Well, to answer you question…” I said. “…yeah, it is kind of a turn on to think that that would happen. A pregnancy. I think it’s an issue of closeness. To me, it’s like, if a girl let’s you get her pregnant, she must have an extreme amount of love and trust in you, so I think that’s what the turn-on is. The idea that maybe a girl would love me so much that when the time came for me to, you know, that she wouldn’t tell me to pull out. I don’t know, I’m probably just a pervert.” I laughed. Katie laughed with me.
“No, you’re not a pervert. I think it’s a cute and sweet reason. So, to you, a girl letting you cum inside her is like an admission of true love for you?” she asked.
“Yeah, I think it’s because I don’t have a lot of trust in girls and a girl can tell you anything and be lying, but if she entrusts her body with you that much to just completely give herself to you and allow you to get inside her defenses and give her a child, it’s like her saying ‘I trust you and have faith in you, do what you want with me.’ It’s special and not the kind of emotion that can be faked because a baby is something that is life-changing and the baby represents the joining of the guy and the girl and kind of a symbol of love, or something.” I said.
She was looking into me so deeply.
“Does it sound like I’ve been thinking a lot about this?” I joked. She smiled back.
“Can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Sure.” I said.
“Do you trust me?” she asked, her words deep and true.
“I sure hope so. I’m admitting all this perverted stuff to you.” I said with a laugh.
“It’s not perverted. It’s sweet. So I guess I can assume you do trust me?” she asked.
“Yes, I do trust you.”
She smiled again.
“Can I ask something again?” she asked, her face scrunched up like it had been before, as if she thought she was annoying me, which she wasn’t.
“Of course.”
“Well, if you could have your girlfriend dress up, what would you have her dress up as? What would be your fantasy?” she asked.
“Oh wow…” I said, wondering if I really wanted to reveal anymore of the inner workings of my mind, knowing how I, at times, felt ashamed at what I found sexually exciting. Even though, I’m sure my tastes were somewhat banal and common, I still felt naturally ashamed about them.
Katie goaded me on with a keen smile. “Come on, you can tell me. I’ll answer whatever question you want to ask me afterwards, then, to make it fair.”
I sighed with a smile and tried to make my answer and my delivery as straight-forward and uneventful as possible. “Well, I don’t know. A girl in a Catholic school uniform is never a bad thing.” I chuckled.
She smiled. “You mean, the one with the plaid skirt and high socks?” she asked.
“Yeah.” I said.
“That’s a cute uniform! I like the socks they wear.”
“Yeah.” I said. Even though the topic we were discussing could have been very uncomfortable, the mood in the room was very calm and friendly, intimate. Three words that basically summed up the last several weeks between Katie and I.
“I think dressing up for my boyfriend would turn me on if it turned him on.” She said.
“Wow, that’s actually a really generous way to look at it. Whatever guy gets you is definitely going to be lucky and happy in the bedroom.” I laughed.
She giggled. “Well, does that make you lucky and happy, too, since we’re in your bedroom?”
I did genuinely feel lucky and beyond happy. Here I was lying in bed with my dream girl and everything was perfect and deep down in my heart, I knew that I couldn’t follow it. I couldn’t do what my heart was telling me to do which was lean forward, take her face in my hands and give her the most gentle, passionate kiss I’d ever given any girl in my life. I so wanted to do that, so much that the willpower it took not to do it made my body ache. I had to fight against myself and my urges to keep from doing it.
The longer I looked in her beautiful, angelic, dark eyes, I wasn’t sure how much longer my better judgment would be in control of my baser instincts, my urges. It was like a violent, needy body of water building and forcing itself against a dam, the dam being logic and sense, the surging waters being desire and passion. All I could do was smile.
“Yes, I do feel very lucky and very happy. You make me very happy.” I gently brushed a few strands of hair from her face. I wanted to kiss her so badly.
As I touched her face, she inched towards me even closer, we were now mere inches from each other.
“You know, if and when I ever get a boyfriend, I hope he’s like you.” She whispered.
“Gimme a hug.” I boldly demanded, and gave her a big, strong hug and as I did, I whispered into her ear. “Did you go finger yourself after watching that porno earlier?”
Katie burst out laughing as we broke the hug just enough for me to see her face. “Did you go peek in the bathroom door or something?”
I chuckled. “I didn’t have to. I noticed your legs rubbing together when you were watching it, then you conveniently went to the bathroom after so I figured you either had to pee badly or you were getting ‘itchy’ while watching that porno and had to go relieve yourself.”
She had this devilish grin smeared across her face. “So, everyone does it. With all those pornos you have, I’m sure you do too, right?”
I laughed. “Yeah, I was just messing with you. But, from now on, anytime you want something to help get you in the mood to finger yourself, you can watch my pornos, ok?”
“Gee, thanks, Kevin.” She stated sarcastically.
“Just don’t start fingering yourself while I’m in the room…” I said, laughing still.
“Oh, shut up, you’d probably like it.” She joked.
“I probably would…” I joked back.
There was an uncomfortable silence. It seemed like Katie was building up courage to say something. There was hesitancy in her mannerisms, in her eyes.
“Is that what got you so hard the other night?” she blurted out innocently.
I look at her dumbfounded, my jaw agape.
“Did the thought of me playing with myself get you like that?” she added, curiously, still soft and unassuming.
I stuttered. My brain raced to cook up a phony excuse but Katie was hypnotizing me with her eyes and my mind was rendered incapable of complex thought. I tried to muster up some form of explanation.
“Katie… I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional. I—you felt that?” I asked.
She looked down coyly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Uhh, yeah. I could feel you get hard against my, you know, my… butt.” She giggled childishly.
I looked down, swollen with disgust for myself. “Katie, I’m so sorry…”
She saved me from destroying what little was left of my dignity. Placing a caring hand on my hand, she looked into my eyes with those deep dark pools of hers. “Kevin, it’s ok. It’s not like you’re the only one that gets turned on.”
“Yeah, but it’s easy to notice if I get turned on, especially if your butt is pressed up against my crotch.” I laughed.
She giggled bashfully. “Can I ask you something?”
“Uh-oh, I don’t know…” I chuckled nervously.
“When you got out of bed the other day and you went into the bathroom and I asked you if you were ok, did you… you know?”
I smiled, trying to goad her onto say something naughty. “No, I don’t know. What?”
She smiled, rolling her eyes and sighing. “You know… did you… beat off?”
She looked so incredibly cute as she struggled through that question. I figured I’d let her off the hook. “Well, what do you think?”
She feigned offense, tightening her face in a cutesy grimace. “I don’t know… you tell me.”
I laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t do a real good job of keeping quiet, did I?”
“No, I knew you were probably doing something.” She teased.
“I hope it didn’t gross you out too much.”
“No… not at all.” She said candidly. “Actually, I kinda got turned on by it and I… oh gosh…”
I was drowning in anticipation, waiting for her to confess.
“My hands kinda started to roam before you walked in and when you did, I stopped.”
“Wow, really?” I asked, stunned.
“See, you got it easy though, if you get turned on, I’d never know. I get turned on and I have to walk funny and cover my crotch.” I laughed.
“That’s sooo not true. It’s not easy for me either. Whenever I get wet, you’re usually around since we hang out so much and I have to just sit there or lie there, afraid that it might show on the outside of my shorts or panties or something… It sucks.” She chuckled.
That got me very curious. “Really? Like, how often are you wet? I know you mentioned before about having that ‘itchy’ problem but do you get like that a lot?”
“What? Wet?” she asked.
Her eyes scanned down and away. She didn’t want to come out and confess anything and I could tell. I kind of wished I could’ve taken back that personal question, but we had been so close I didn’t think she would take offense to it.
“Yeah, kind of a lot. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m not used to being around guys and you’re a guy and we’ve been so affectionate lately and I’m not used to that either. It’s no big deal. I don’t want to bug you with that kind of stupid stuff.”
“Like I want to get hard while we’re spooning? That’s humiliating, Katie!” I jested.
She didn’t laugh, but instead was solemn. “You shouldn’t feel humiliated, Kevin. I actually…” she paused, wondering if she should continue. “I actually thought it was sweet. The thought that maybe I had somehow got you turned on.”
I joined her solemnity. “Well, what else could’ve turned me on? Unless I’m one of those sickos who gets turned on watching horror movies…” I laughed.
She smiled but the conversation was too serious for her to break her solemnity.
“So, was it me that turned you on that night?” she finally asked, her eyes beaming into mine.
My eyes widen, surprised by the question, having been caught off-guard. That was a major question that, if answered, would be of major consequence. I answered as best I could: honestly. “Well… yeah, I can’t lie to you. Yeah, you turned me on.”
Her face didn’t move, still focused with steely resolve, her eyes still searching mine for further details within my brief answer. She didn’t seem appalled by my answer, or disappointed, she seemed genuinely fascinated by it. I knew my answer wasn’t enough. She wanted more, and part of me wanted to tell her more.
“What can I say? I guess it was tough lying there with you in that position, considering we were both in our underwear and that I hadn’t been with a girl in ages. I forgot what it was like to be so intimate with a girl…” I admitted.
There was a slight revelation in her eyes. “Ohhh, I see. So it’s just because you haven’t been with a girl in a long time. Okay.” The deepness in her eyes was ebbing away. I had to reassure her.
“Katie, no, no, that’s not it at all. Should I feel bad because you get wet around me and assume that the only reason you do is because I’m just a guy and you’d get wet around anyone?” I proposed.
That got Katie thinking. The look in her face confessed to me that she felt wrong for the recent accusation. She looked back up at me.
“I’m sorry. I don’t get wet around you just because… I do because you’re you.”
“And that’s why I get turned on around you, because you’re you, okay?”
She nods, conceding to my theory.
“Goodness, Katie…” I joked. “…what are we going to do with each other? I’d better move out before we do something we’ll regret.” I said, letting out a hearty chuckle.
Katie giggled at my comment, but straightened up quick, grabbing at my hands. “You’d better not ever move out or I swear I’ll hunt you down and beat the heck out of you!”
She got more aggressive and start assailing me, tickling my chest and arms. I fended her off. “What? You’d beat me off?” I teased.
She feigned being shocked and attacked me even fiercer. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
I still couldn’t refrain from laughing under the barrage of her clawed hands. I was shuffling around, giggling like a kindergartener. “If we didn’t know each other, of course! And I wouldn’t even yell at you or cum on your shoulder.”
Still smiling, she slowed her tickling to a stop. “Well, where would you then?”
“Where would I what?”
“Cum. Where would you cum?”
“Where would I cum? Like, in what situation? You beating me off? Us having sex?”
“Making love.” She corrected.
“What?” I asked, confused..
“We’d never ‘have sex’, if we did it, it’d be making love.”
“Oh… ok. Well, if we were making love?” I asked.
“Yeah. If you didn’t know me and we were making love and you had your choice of where to cum, where would you?”
“You mean like face, mouth, tits, ass…?” I asked.
I pondered the most endearing and painfully beautiful question I’d ever been asked. I put my finger to my lips as my eyes wandered off, I sarcastically played as if I had been asked the great Question of the Universe. “Where would I cum if we were making love?...”
Katie’s eyes were wide and set firmly on me, waiting for an answer.
“Well…” I said. “I’d probably wait until you were extremely lost in our lovemaking and, without warning you, I’d just squirt it in you.” I burst out laughing. Again, she feigned shock and started poking and shoving at me.
“You jerk! I can’t believe you’d do that! If you ever did that, you better either be prepared to drive me to the doctor’s office for one of those ‘morning after’ pills or get ready to be a daddy.” She smiled, dropping the masquerade and showing how much fun she was having.
“Or an even smarter thing to do would be to get the pills before so, just in case of a slip up, you’ve got a backup plan.”
“Wow… so you must’ve plotted something like this before, huh, since you love the idea of cumming inside girls?”
“Oh, stop, Katie…” I laughed. “That weird, sick thing I’m fascinated with only works when the girl gives me permission. I’m not some scumbag who knocks up girls and runs for the hills…”
“I know, I was just playing with you…” she said, touching my chest.
“You’re playing with me?” I joked sarcastically.
“Ugh!” she grunted with fake outrage, punching me again.
We were having too much fun, so much so there should’ve been a law. Technically, there were laws against the sort of stuff I’m sure we wanted to do to each other.
“Kinda sucks to think that if one of us had only had a different set of parents we could be having an awful lot of fun right now…” she imagined, a playful scowl on her face.
“Yeah, but if we didn’t have the same parents it’s doubtful we’d know each other or that we’d be here right now. And if we had different parents and were both here right now and had our fun, within a year or two from now we’d be juggling a nursery of kids.” I joked.
“So you’d have me barefoot and pregnant constantly?”
“Probably…” I chuckled.
“I think if we had kids you’d make a great daddy.”
“You think so?” I asked.
“Yeah.” She said as she crawled towards me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I returned her embrace as we lay there cuddling.
Overcome with elation, wrapped in our warm embrace, we glanced over at the TV. There was a baby food commercial, a cherubic infant cooing and giggling. Katie held me closer.
“Awwww…” she cooed. “…how cute.” Then she frowned in a cutesy way. “I want a baby.”
I felt a tinge in my crotch. She said that in such a seductive way, I was spellbound. Her delivery sent a shiver down my spine and made my penis thump and swell, bringing me back to a few days ago with the infamous spooning incident. We weren’t quite so close together to engender panic in me, but I had to try and tame the wild beast fighting to grow in my boxers. Katie looked up at me with those big, doe eyes which didn’t help.
“Kevin, aren’t babies cute?” her eyes still on mine.
“Of course. But before you start wanting a baby, you’d better find a good man and be in a long-term relationship. I don’t want you letting some scraggly creep knock you up and then him running.” I smiled.
“Kevin, you know me. Besides, the way I’m going, by the time I meet a decent guy and have been in a long-term relationship, my eggs will have dried up.” She laughed.
“Nah, you’ll find a guy long before then. If you went out and just started hanging out with people, a guy would snatch you up in no time.”
“To be honest with you, I don’t really want to find someone. I’m happy the way things are.” She confessed her eyes warm and loving. “I’m happier with you than some guy that I’m not sure if he’ll hurt me or not. I know you’d never hurt me.” Her eyes looked up at me with a longing.
Another uncomfortable silence before Katie spoke up again, this time a bit uneasy, trying to find strength as she spoke each word.
“Kevin, I was thinking something, and if I sound crazy, just tell me and I’ll shut up and never mention it again, ok?”
“Okay.” I said, my curiosity having been peaked.
She spoke as if she was walking on eggshells. Very delicately. “Well, I was thinking that if, after awhile, like say, five years, if I don’t at least have a boyfriend that maybe you could… donate… some stuff so I could have a baby. Before I get old and can’t have any, that is.”
“Donate?” I asked, not quite sure of what she meant initially. Then, my brain kicked in and the thought was almost too unbelievable that I had to make sure she was thinking what I thought she was. “As in…”
“You know…” she said, her eyes hopeful and innocent.
It still took a moment to sink in. “Donate? Like… sperm?”
Katie seemed overcome with regret, shaking her head childishly. “It sounds so stupid. I’m sorry, just forget I said it. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Without letting her drag the conversation down, I interrupted. “So, would I go to a lab and give them a sample or would I be ‘donating’ the old fashioned way?”
She stopped her downward spiral of regret, my words pulling her back into her initial mindset, her eyes met mine again.
“What’s ‘the old fashioned way’? she asked with such naïve cuteness.
“Duh. What do you think?” I laughed.
She cracked a reflexive smile. “Okay, okay, now I know. I was actually thinking that, especially since I know now that you probably would get some enjoyment out of it, we’d actually be helping each other in a way, you know? You’d get to create a life with someone who loves you and you’d be giving me a baby.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Katie basically confessed, in a way, that she wanted to have my baby. Well, as a last resort, but even still. She wanted to make my fantasy come true, but based on the rules of the proposition it might not ever happen. I knew that someone would realize Katie was a jewel and would snatch her up, but I was flattered nonetheless.
“Katie, of course I’d be willing to help you, but I don’t want you asking me to do this for you when I’m sure tons of guys would want to be with you.” I offered.
“Unless a guy comes along who is exactly like you, I wouldn’t want to have a baby with anyone.” She said.
“So, would you want me to help you with the baby?”
“You wouldn’t have to help me raise the baby, but it’d be nice if you’d want to see it from time to time.”
“Of course I would!” I said with a joyous chuckle. “I want kids someday and I’d rather it be with someone I love rather than a mistake with someone I’d regret having slept with afterwards.”
She smiled and looked away. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Although I doubt that’ll ever happen because in no time some guy is going to stumble onto you and realize what a find you are and is going to scoop you up for himself.” I exclaimed.
“Not if I don’t go outside.” She joked with a mock seriousness.
“Oh, you’ll go outside eventually. I’ll make you.” I chuckled.
“So what, you want some other guy to take me away from you?”
I could tell she was serious that time. The look in her eyes was deep and fierce.
“Katie…” I said. “Of course not, I love having you around. I think you’d make a great mother. But I want you to be happy, that’s all. I just want you to make sure you test the waters before settling on me.”
“Kevin, I’ve had boyfriends. I’ve known lots of guys and none of them compare to you. I’m a big girl and know what I want.”
“And you want me?” I asked with a stone-cold, unmovable sternness.
She looked at me for a second or two and then with the softest, gentlest voice, she spoke. “Yes.”
I raised my hand to her face and caressed it. “Ok then. I guess it’d be a waste of time to wait if you’ve already made your decision.”
“So then, we don’t have to wait five years?”
“Not if you don’t want to, but we should wait for awhile to at least save up some money, plan where we’re going to move because we can’t live here if we’re going to be making babies.” I chuckled.
“Ok…” she said, her voice trembling, almost brought to tears.
I held her close. “I love you, Katie.”
Her eyes closed, head buried into my chest, she whispered back. “I love you, too.”
Out of nowhere Katie leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips. It was painfully soft and wet. She couldn’t look at me after that, she didn’t have the courage. Still facing me, her eyes looked away, not knowing what to say. Hell, I didn’t know what to say, but I knew what I wanted to do.
I just looked at her with an adoration I’d never felt up to this point. I felt the dam of will power breaking within me. I reached up and caressed her cheek and then I leaned forward boldly, traveling those few inches that felt like miles. My lips were hungry for hers.
I whispered, “Katie…”, and then I gave her a gentle kiss. We both closed our eyes and enjoyed the moment, savored it.
At first my mouth was closed, but with the next kiss I opened my mouth slightly and as our lips met again, I heard that beautiful sound of our lips meshing. I never wanted to stop hearing that sound, but the sensation, the feeling was impossibly even better than the sound.
Katie was a little more than limp at first, but as we kissed, her passion gained fervor. I felt heaven as she kissed me back. Her lips were so soft but her mouth was so excruciatingly wet and hot and inviting. My lips would brush against the insides of her lips as we kissed and I tasted that nectar, the warmth and heat in her mouth.
The more we kissed, the more passionate it became, even though it was still slow, soft and gentle, the desire behind each kiss gained in intensity, our mouths opening more each time. The first kiss was a peck but now we were passionately entwined. Our arms came up as we held each other close, wrapping ourselves into one.
I could feel the gentle and pure craving in her embrace. By now, I had a full erection, rock hard and hungry and pressing against Katie’s tummy. Now I didn’t care if she noticed it or not. In fact, I gently pushed forward, pressing my hard-on into her belly, making sure she felt it.
She pulled away from our kiss and then looked down between us at the rigid, throbbing meat growing in my boxers and nuzzling up against her tummy. She looks awestruck, her mouth slightly agape, her eyes focused on it. Then she looked up at me. “Kevin, you’re hard?”
I only nodded as no words were needed. We were both writhing against each other, stroking, caressing and rubbing. She returned the motion, pushing back on my erection with her tummy.
Curiously and precociously, she reached forward and rested her left hand atop the apex of the tent that my erection had built out of my boxers. I could feel the pressure of her little hand on the tip of my cock and let out a low groan. It felt incredible.
“Can I touch it?” she asked with such inquisitive wonder.
“Uh huh.” I blurted out.
I knew she’d seen a cock before, even had one in her mouth, but the naivety in her voice and her delicate, carefully measured gestures as she hovered over mine, asking to explore it were so mesmerizing, so seductively overpowering that I didn’t dare imagine what the next hour or so would entail or I’d risk blowing my load right then and there before any fun could begin.
With my permission given, Katie began to free my hard-on from its confines, undoing the buttons on my boxers one by one until they were all undone. And with a look of exquisite anticipation on her face, she delicately wormed her hand into my boxers. I felt her wrap her lithe, warm fingers around my pulsing girth and attempt to pull it from the restraining fabric. With a bit of gentle pressure, my cock popped out. I heard her utter a faint gasp as she saw it.
She playfully admired it; slowly running her fist up and down its length, studying it’s every nuance. I shifted in place, my body involuntarily reacting to every minute sensation that her tiny hand on my cock presented. It was so sensitive that with every inch she explored, she’d brush a nerve that’d send electricity down my spine, causing my body to twitch. I could feel the contours of her fingers on my cock and it was incredible.
She looked at me with those big, beautiful eyes, her lip hanging so innocently. I could’ve blown my load all over her tank top right there. She was begging for instruction as her eyes explored mine. She wanted to please me, to give me release, to reward me for every nice thing I’d ever done for her. She wanted to repay me for being the guy that every other guy wasn’t. She wanted me to teach her how to be a woman, the type of woman who knows how to please the man she loves.
She had drawn me into her naivety and my mind was clouded with thoughts of her. I’d forgotten every other sexual act I’d ever shared with a woman, every act, every orgasm. I was a virgin again, with her, and we were going to lose our virginity to each other. When the time came that I penetrated her, I would claim her virginity, but she would also claim virginity from me, my first time for being truly in love in a way I never imagined was possible.
“Does this feel nice?” she asked, hoping for instruction.
My eyes were finding it hard to stay open. I was in ecstasy and could barely speak coherently. I could only whisper a ‘yes.’
She looked back down on my cock, still very slowing exploring its length. In fact, she didn’t even have a firm grip on it, her fingers only very lightly made contact with my cock as she went through the motions. It was intoxicating. I could feel my eyes rolling back in rapture.
“Am I doing it right?” she asked, so sweet.
I caressed her face. “Yes, sweetie.”
“I love you.” She responded.
“I love you too.”
She leaned forward and I took note, leaning forward and gently kissing her. Our mouths began to merge, our eyes closed and we were melded together in bliss. We began to kiss more passionately as Katie’s strokes became more firm, her hand wrapping more tightly around my cock. She began stroking with increasing vigor and intensity.
My tongue made its way into her mouth and met hers as they tangled. Our exchange was wet, hot, sloppy and passionate. It was heavenly. Her taste was so addictive, so soft, pure, and sweet and the attention she was giving my cock was intimately aggressive. She was willing to be taken, to completely lower her defenses in hopes that I’d lower mine as well so we could share ourselves willingly and completely.
She was still the perfectly angelic girl I’d known and loved my whole life but the dynamic to which our relationship was based had blossomed, transformed into something wholly different and beautiful.
There we were, in love, engaged in a lovingly familiar embrace, our mouths entangled, and her hand feverishly stroking my rock hard cock.
Her stroke slowed as she pulled away from our kiss. “I want to get something so I can stroke you off better, ok? Be right back.”
I've been in love with this girl for 4 years now I have my shot... |
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