And personality-wise, we were also perfectly matched. If I was just a guy off the street who got to know Katie as a person and not my sister, I’d be sure she had no flaws.
We got home at around 9pm. As I unlocked the front door, Katie stood next to me, turned towards me.
“I really—I really had a good time tonight.” She said.
“Me too.”
We both settled down on the couch, kicking off our shoes and turning the TV on. Katie sat next to me, as she had done a lot of lately. I looked down, built up some courage and then turned to her.
“Umm, hey. Look, uh, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for—for ogling your butt earlier. I don’t know what got into me. Pretty pathetic, huh?” I said.
She looked at me and giggled, resting her head on my right shoulder. “No, it’s not pathetic at all. I do the same thing sometimes. You just don’t catch me.”
I looked down at her, but her eyes were fixed on the TV. She couldn’t hide her sly smile though.
“You do? With me?” I asked.
She nodded, her mouth trying to contain her smile.
“When?” I asked.
“When you’re not looking.” She said as a smile covered her face, her attempts at masking it having failed.
I was so pleasantly surprised that I didn’t have to feel so guilty about having essentially ‘checked out’ Katie earlier.
“Wow, so then I don’t have to feel bad if I ever feel compelled to look at you?” I said.
“You can look all you want. I trust you. And you’re my brother and I love you. I don’t care if you look.”
With that I raised up my right arm and wrapped it around her. She instinctively snuggled up against me. We were watching TV but really weren’t watching TV. She nuzzled her head into the space between my chest and shoulder, her body now turned towards me, her breasts pressing up against my side and her right arm wrapped around my mid-section.
“You know what?” she said. “This is really nice.”
“Yeah. Who needs girlfriends and boyfriends?” I laughed.
She smiled, leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. I turned and looked down at her upturned face.
“Hey, what was that for?” I asked.
“For tonight, and for the last couple of nights, and pretty much for all the time I’ve known you. For being so sweet.”
I was so surprised at the frankness of her confession.
“Uh, Katie. I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
We went to bed shortly after. The next few days were even better than the previous ones. Katie was so cheerful and playful around me, so at ease. In the daytime, she’d prance around the house like she was walking on air. It was quite a sight to behold. I didn’t know how much livelier or bold she’d get, but I had to admit that I was looking forward to it. She had seemed to loosen up in more ways than one.
Not only was she more open emotionally, imparting any decidedly important thought or emotion to me, whereas before she was emotionally withdrawn, timid and seemingly intimidated by me, but she was now candid, overt, and intimately communicative as well as marked by a noticeably outward change in her appearance…
It was a hazy Saturday morning, getting close to noon, when I awoke to a soft, inviting voice. I could hear her voice, but my faculties were still not sharp enough to respond coherently.
“Wake up, sleepyhead…” Katie said, almost in a whisper, a whisper that was so soft and loving that it was nearly suggestive. “I made breakfast if you’re hungry.”
By the time I sat up I could only catch Katie’s shadow as she left my room and made her way down the hall.
I got myself up, put myself into the shower and cleaned up. About a half hour later I finally made it into the dining room wearing a new pair of pajamas. Katie was looking cute as always, showing slightly more skin today as compared to yesterday, which, if doing some simple calculations based on the current rate of skin exposure, I figured she’d be parading around the house nude within a week or two. I knew that wasn’t going to happen and I was initially disappointed in that truth, then disappointed in myself for being disappointed about that. I knew I should’ve felt bad about even doing that calculation in my head, but my male defenses were under constant bombardment. I maintained my strength whenever possible.
We shared chatty small talk during breakfast. I spent most of it with a huge grin across my face with bits of breakfast in my teeth. Several times during breakfast we made each other laugh to the point that breakfast projectiles were being fired from our mouths. We tried to maintain dignity in the face of the other, secretly trying to impress with every minute mannerism but it was getting tough since we were so at ease with each other, we easily de-evolved into children within minutes of talking, grab-assing and other assorted immature derring-do.
It was another regular meal for Katie and me. Much silliness was had, with the undercurrent of attraction buried neatly underneath the dining room table’s tablecloth. After breakfast we collected our plates and dumped them into the sink to be worried about later.
The day breezed by in a flash, as had everyday since Katie and I really bonded, day became night and I prepared for us to settle into whatever nightly activities we’d be engaged in. Of course, the devil on my shoulder whispered a naughty suggestion in my ear that I responded by mechanically shooing him off. Our friendship was deeper than that, I thought, even though my male instincts blurred the validity of my logic at times.
I was walking to my room when I passed Katie in the hallway, greeted by her beautiful smile. “Hey, I was going to set up a movie for us to watch. Is that cool?” I asked.
“Of course, just pick something. Ooh! Something scary!” she suggested excitedly, eyes bright and wide. “I need a shower.” She added.
I scrunched my face with mock disgust. “Yeah, you do…”
She gasped theatrically and punched my shoulder, her face quickly returning to normalcy. “Wanna join me?” she asked, a reckless, mischievous grin on her face.
I was taken aback by her growing audaciousness. “No, I’d better not. Sounds like too much fun for me to handle… I had one earlier anyways.”
She didn’t seem disappointed by my answer as her proposal was probably made in good fun. “Ok, I’ll be out in a few…”
I turned away and got the movie set up. I chose to pick a random horror movie for a few reasons; one, I love horror movies and can’t get enough of them and secondly, on a slightly ulterior level, hoped that the scares might get me a few frightened embraces from Katie.
After a few minutes of choosing a movie, I settled into bed, lying comfortably on top of the sheets. When Katie made it back, we’d have a pretty graphic vampire movie to enjoy.
I heard footsteps move past the hallway outside my bedroom and heard Katie call out as she walked towards the kitchen. “I’m gonna wash the dishes really quick, ok?”
I thought to myself then called out to her as I stood up. “I’ll come and help!”
I made my way out of my room and towards the kitchen. I could hear the sound of running sink water. She’d already started doing the dishes. The sight revealed to me as I entered the kitchen literally made me stagger. There was Katie, her back to me and doing the dishes and dressed scantily in only her panties and a small tank top. I stopped in my tracks at the threshold to the kitchen linoleum, my jaw uncontrollably hanging and my eyes dazed and unresponsive.
Katie looked over her shoulder at me, her arms covered in soap suds, a beaming smile on her face. My jaw instinctively snapped shut, my eyes flashing back to normalcy as I dressed my face in a mask of normalcy, hoping she hadn’t noticed my stupefied state. I attempted to snap back to my witty, sarcastic self.
“Are you wearing invisible pants? ‘Cause they’re working great.” I said.
She laughed. “Actually, I always sleep in my panties but that first night you told me I could sleep in your bed I didn’t want to strip down and give you the wrong idea. When we were growing up you saw me in my panties tons of times, so it’s not a problem if I sleep like this, is it?”
I was astounded at how carefree and bold she had become. Here was this sweet young girl who used to hole herself up in her room and when she did talk to me, it was always in hushed tones where she hardly made eye contact, was always dressed from head to toe and rarely showed any discernible emotional changes and now I was staring at this seductive Lolita washing dishes in her panties giving me a hell of a smile. AND she was asking permission to sleep next to me, decked out like that. I was in heaven.
“No, I don’t mind. And to think I was wearing my pajama pants instead of my boxers like I usually do. Hell, if you wear your underwear to bed, I am too!” I laughed as she turned back to the dishes, still smiling. “So, let me help here…”
I moved up behind her to get near the sink but it was a narrow space, not big enough to allow two people to wash dishes, but not wanting to leave, I made the best of an interesting situation. I stood behind her, playfully reaching around her and over her, in a mock attempt to get to the dishes. She started giggling, crowding the sink and hovering over it, to keep me from helping.
As my advances became more aggressive, so did her giggles and her attempts to keep me from the dishes. She stuck her rear-end out at me to push me away, but all she managed to do was lodge her delectable ass into my crotch. I knew she was being innocent and playful, but that act immediately got my blood flowing excitedly.
Keeping with the playfulness of the moment, Katie took a handful of sink water and flung it back at me blindly, some of it splashing on my shoulder and chest.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be?” I barked.
With my threatening announcement, Katie’s giggles became a uncontrollable fit of desperate laughter, her hands working quickly to fling more water at me. I reached past her and got a handful of water and flipped it up at her. Strategically, I managed to douse her chest, mostly, as well as her face. She yelped and continued her barrage of sink water, as did I.
Realizing she’d been overpowered, she turned towards me, still laughing madly and reached for the sink’s detachable faucet sprayer. Using it like a water gun, she blasted me with it. I grabbed at her, pulling the sprayer away before she could shower me with it, and turned it on her. I managed to hose her down for a second or two, drenching her chest and face. She squealed and pushed past me, running for the sanctity of my bedroom. I made chase after her.
Both of us were squealing like four-year-olds. She blew past my bedroom door, shoving it open as she tore for my bed, jumping on it and hastily trying to cover herself with some loose sheets and a pillow. I ran in after her, laughing as I leapt on the bed, pouncing on her and tearing off her poorly laid defenses, tossing the blanket and pillow aside. She turned onto her back, covering her face with her hands, trying to muffle the riotous laughter, but barely managed to do that.
“Thought you were being slick, huh?” I asked as I hovered over her, tickling at her sides, playfully grabbing at her wrists, trying to pry them away from her face as she laughed.
I finally managed to pry her hands off and pinned them to the bed. I had completely straddled her, my legs forming a bridge over hers which were pinned together. I looked down at her, our laughs slowly ceasing and giving way to heaving, fatigued breaths.
“You messed with the wrong guy, little girl!” I declared, bouncing up and down on her, causing us to flop around. She beamed up at me, her tank top drenched, beads of sink water cascaded across her face and tummy.
After a moment, my smile went away when I realized how beautiful she was. She was still smiling though. “You jerk! You’re gonna dry me off now.”
I let her go and rolled off of her. “Okay, okay…” I conceded as I reached over and picked up a clean bath towel that was lying next to the bed. She sat up and I crawled over to her on my knees and started toweling her off as she grinned up at me. “Well, that was fun…” I said, then started to chuckle, as did she.
“Yeah, but I just took a shower and you drenched me, jerk. Look at my tank top!” she cried.
She didn’t have any idea how that otherwise harmless suggestion affected me. Seeing her voluptuous breasts packed into that wet top was not easy for me, not to mention that the only thing separating me from her bare pussy was the thin layer of cotton she was wearing. “Yeah, you’d better change. You don’t want to be wet all night…” I said, then instantly realized the indirect innuendo that could’ve been misconstrued from that. I shut my eyes in embarrassment but Katie had already caught on, that devilish smile rose up on her face again.
“Being wet all night wouldn’t be all that bad, but I know what you mean. Let me go dry off real quick and change my top.” She trailed off, her face straightening up as much as she could manage as she left the room.
I tried to wrangle in what remained of my self-respect, wishing my brain would’ve been quicker than my mouth when I made that remark. Luckily, Katie’s response actually made my Freudian slip a positive.
I dried myself off with the towel I’d used on Katie, changed my t-shirt and stripped off my big pajama pants, keeping my promise that if Katie was going to wear her underwear to bed, so was I. I laid back and got comfortable, starting up the movie.
After a few minutes, Katie came back, this time wearing a cute pink tank top, that familiar smile still irrevocably plastered on her face, surely having remembered some of the convenient innuendos we’d just slung at each other. She sat down on the bed next to me. “So, what are we watching?”
“You’ll like it…” I hinted. “It’s scaaaaary.”
“Ooh!! Cool! Is it a vampire movie?”
“Oh, I’ve seen this one…” she said excitedly. “…I love this movie!”
The movie started and considering the fact that we were lying on top of the blanket, I was hoping that she wouldn’t do anything to get me aroused as I was only wearing my boxers now and hiding an erection would be almost impossible. To make matter worse, about fifteen minutes in, Katie started to get spooked by the movie and scooted back, pressing her body against me. The position we were in wasn’t favorable for me to be able to maintain my composure.
She was grinding her rear-end into my crotch and we were in the spoon position. “I’m cold.” She said, blindly reaching back with her right arm and taking my right arm and wrapping it around her tummy.
“Do you want to get under the covers?” I asked, trying very hard to think about baseball, waterfalls, driving a car, anything to keep me from realizing that I was draped around a precious jewel of a girl, and how firmly and relentlessly she was rubbing her rear into my crotch.
“Hmmm, sure.” She agreed, but reminded me with a smile. “You’re not getting out of holding me, though.”
We tossed back the blanket and climbed back into bed. I got into the position I was in earlier and she resumed hers, wrapping my right arm around her. “Mmmm, so warm.” She noted with satisfaction.
I really didn’t pay attention to the movie. My mind was just reeling, bombarded with so many emotions. I had to keep total concentration to control myself so I wouldn’t get erect, since Katie’s panty-covered rear was pressed tightly against me, she’d notice if I became only slightly erect.
About forty-five minutes in, I was going insane. My body was stressed, wanting to respond to the stimulation given to it, but my mind wasn’t letting it. It was an internal battle of wills and my mind was losing. My mind began to betray me as quick snapshots of Katie enraptured in some torrid gyrations began to flash into my mind’s eye. I had to say something, but what? If I admitted any kind of risk of stimulation to Katie, I didn’t know what she’d say or think, but I couldn’t rightly just lie here with Katie’s round, firm, delicious ass pressed into my crotch.
I figured I’d feign something about being uncomfortable. Something she couldn’t disprove and that I didn’t have to prove.
“Ouch.” I blurted out.
Katie turned to me, looking on me with concern. “You okay?”
I feigned discomfort in my face. “Yeah, my left arm is a little numb.”
It took her a second to understand, her eyes trailing off. “Is my head hurting your arm?”
“Umm, just a little. I can move i—“ I said, before she interrupted me.
“Here, put your left arm under me, under my armpit. That way, you can still hold me and keep me warm, but your arm won’t go numb.”
She sat up and took my left hand and wrapped it around her midsection and laid back down, taking my right hand and placing it back where it was. She then pulled on my arms which pulled my body closer to hers, and more importantly and unfortunately, my crotch back into her rear-end. This tightened the seal between us. Only worse now, since my arms were crossed across her tummy, my hands were dangerously close to her breasts, my right thumb brushing up underneath her left breast whenever I moved it even slightly.
I’m back where I started, I thought. My plan backfired. I was up against a wall, I had little to stop me from getting completely hard right then and there and then she’d probably get freaked out. She was a virgin, after all. At least she said she was. I believe her, and if her first true sexual encounter is having her brother’s hard-on pressed up against her ass, I might lose her forever.
Part of me said, ‘to hell with it, if you get hard, you get hard. She might like it and maybe she’ll take your load.’ I had to instantly stamp out that train of thought. Then I had images of trains plowing through tunnels dancing through my head, which was just all I needed.
I didn’t even know what movie we were watching anymore. The ‘pain’ was almost excruciating, the pain of keeping myself soft. Then, to make matters worse, Katie started squirming in her place, grinding her ass even more firmly into my crotch and at the same time hugging my arms tighter to her body, my right hand inadvertently moved with her, my palm accidentally brushing against the better part of her left breast that was covered by only a thin layer of her tank top.
The combination of her pulling my hand into her breast and wriggling her little ass into my crotch was too much. I felt the tingle begin to grow in my boxers, a torrent of blood rushing to my penis, making it grow. As I realized what was happening, the thought of it made my cock kick as it grew. I knew Katie had to have felt that. It had pulsed a few times and was now partially erect and pressed right against her sweet behind. I had to act… fast.
I slowly pulled my arms free, firmly, but also delicately and gently, so as to not arouse suspicion. “I’m gotta go pee really quick. I’ll be right back.” I said, as I pulled my crotch away from her ass, hoping that she was so naïve that she didn’t know what had happened.
“Okay.” Was her only reply, and it was one conveyed with innocence, as if she detected nothing. I said nothing more and went to the bathroom.
I feverishly stroked my erection, which was now rock hard. Now free of Katie’s bonds, from the warmth and softness of her body, I used the memory of the sensation, the memory of her scent and her voice to fuel my masturbatory frenzy. I was beating off with a fervor I hadn’t ever beaten off to. The insatiable urge to spurt my load was unbearable, I had to cum badly, to get it out of my system, but I so badly wanted to have this erection buried deep inside Katie, instead of it being tended to by my hand.
A grimace of pleasurable pain on my face, my fist was pumping at blinding speed, anxious to get the cum out of me, and with every stroke I imagined Katie underneath, impaled on my solid girth, cumming on cock as I buried it in her until I finally unleashed a tsunami of my love in torrents and gushes, flooding her tight canals with my seed. I felt a need that I’d never felt before. The desire for her was painful. Painful. And it scared me.
I didn’t realize it but I was grunting with every stroke, possessed with a lustful madness, the beast within me wanting to explode outward with pulsing jets of desire, desire for Katie and only Katie. At this point I didn’t really care if she heard me, part of me hoped she did and that further fueled my lust.
With a final, urgent, laboring groan I unleashed a gush of a warm, viscous mess. It came in surges, pulsing out of me in thick, urgent jets, spraying the toilet bowl. The velocity of the spurts was so intense that it made a wet, splattering sound as it hit the porcelain. I hadn’t cum this hard in my life. Ever.
Finally, my cock slowed its lovingly violent outpour to a dribble, the ooze of cum that was intended for Katie’s insides was now pooling in the toilet. I felt disappointment that my seed had not found its rightful home. I felt, strangely enough, that I’d let it down. It wanted to be inside Katie, but I’d wasted it inside the toilet. I was heaving like I’d run a mile and sweating like I just wrestled a wild pig.
I was scared by the extent of my desire, how strong a hold it had taken over me. I had scared myself, realizing how, in those passionate moments, I would’ve done anything, anything, to have had Katie on the end of my penis. It was the ‘anything’ that bothered me. I would’ve taken her, even against her will, in those few dreamy, foggy, lust-filled moments.
I took in several deep breaths and exhaled deeply, composing myself. I looked in the mirror and wiped the beads of sweat from my brow with a towel. Surprisingly, considering who had been the focus of my most recent masturbatory adventure, I didn’t feel guilty as I looked at myself in the mirror. More than anything, I felt worrisome for myself. How was I going to let this continue? Was I going to allow myself to be tortured like this? Was I going to allow her to keep seducing me night in and night out before I do something I’ll probably regret?
She was just a sweet, virginal angel. My angel, my Katie. She didn’t know how badly she was affecting me. It wasn’t her fault. I looked myself once more in the mirror, a lasting stare, slowed my heart rate, normalized my breathing, tried my best to remove the wildness in my eyes after the intense emotional and sexual ride I’d just put myself through and prepared to throw myself back into the storm and into Katie’s waiting embrace.
If I was lucky, she wouldn’t insist on spooning again, jamming that perfectly delectable ass into my crotch again. If so, though, I figured I’d probably spent at least a night’s worth of cum and wouldn’t have the juice to get hard again. But this was Katie, she could get me hard with one look and a snap of her fingers. I had to hope my body wouldn’t betray me a second time. I exhaled deeply once more, prepared myself and opened the bathroom door.
Walking back into the bedroom, my mind and body clear of the burgeoning lust that had just minutes ago consumed me and was then exorcised from me, I saw Katie clearly and without motive. She was lying there under the blanket, face still glued towards the TV, eyes wide, mouth hanging slightly agape. She was 14 again, my sweet little sister. She looked so innocent. I wiped the bad thoughts I’d had in the bathroom about my possibly taking Katie in a moment of lust-induced weakness, even against her will, out of my mind and enjoyed the view set before me. My sweet Katie.
I crawled back under the blanket and moved next to her, from behind her, not as close as before, mind you, but still comfortably close. She reached behind her blindly and found my right hand and placed it on her tummy. With that, figuring my body was incapable of incriminating me, I moved up behind her again. I didn’t jam my crotch into her rear-end and she didn’t jut her ass into my crotch. It was safe. I felt safe, safer.
“What did I miss?” I asked, a sense of relief in my voice.
She answered without prying her eyes off the TV, her voice slightly distracted by the action flashing on the screen. “Like, everything. What were you doing in there? I heard noises but didn’t know what it was. You okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I just had trouble with the toilet. It wasn’t flushing.” I answered, steering any suspicions of hers safely away.
“It sounded like you were wrestling a wild pig or something in there.” She giggled.
Oh, if only you knew, I thought. And then a wave of horror swept over me. Had she felt my erection pressed against her ass earlier? Had she heard me in the bathroom beating off? Or worse, did she peek in the crack of the door while I beat off, catching me in the act? Did she know and was just torturing me with what she knew, without coming right out and saying it? The torture was in not knowing if she knew. Best I could do was assume she didn’t, that even as my erection had been pulsing against her ass, that she suspected nothing, because she was just a naïve little angel. I assumed this because it put me at ease.
Relieved, my balls empty of seed and the threat, for the moment, minimized, my mind and body was at ease. I nuzzled up behind Katie, pulling her towards me for the first time that night, instead of fighting her embrace or pulling away from her. I held her and kissed the back of her head. This brought her attention away from the movie.
She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. “What was that for?”
“Nothin’.” I smiled.
We went to bed after the movie ended, tragedy and embarrassment averted. I closed my eyes and couldn’t have been happier that the night ended up the way it did. I emptied my load and fell asleep next to my dream girl. It doesn’t get any better than that.
The following days were like a perpetual, waking dream. Katie would wake up in the morning and roll over to where I was, me still asleep, and she’d straddle me and bounce up and down on me, trying to get me to wake up. We’d usually wrestle a little bit before getting up, going downstairs and making breakfast.
I felt like I was living in my own place with my girlfriend, rather than being at home with Katie. It was an exceedingly bizarre sensation, but a welcome one.
Later that evening, after dinner, we settled in. I was up in my room, lying down on my bed, flipping through some magazine when Katie knocked on my door, a smile stretched across her cute little face.
“Can I come in?” she asked.
“Duh, we sleep in the same bed and you’re asking to come in?” I joked.
She laughed too and crawled onto the bed with me. She was looking tempting as ever, and the flimsy tank top and shorts she was wearing didn’t help to quell the growing feeling of attraction that had been building for the last few weeks within me. She straddled my side forcing me to turn onto my back and away from the magazine.
“Hey!” I chuckled, the force of her weight on my mid-section causing me to grunt through my laughs.
“Wanna wrestle?” she asked as she started bouncing up and down on my stomach.
“Katie…” I pleaded through grunts forced out of my mouth by the pounding weight of her body on my stomach. “…please don’t do that.”
“Why?” she asked. “Am I too fat? Am I crushing you?”
“No…” I reminded. “…you have to remember that I haven’t been with a girl in a long time and you jumping up and down on me doesn’t exactly make it easier to control myself. I am a guy, remember?” I chuckled as I tossed her onto the bed next to me. She settled down, smiling and resting her head on the pillow next to mine. Her smile became sincere and then serious.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Promise you won’t be mad?” she asked.
Oh no, I thought. What could she possibly be springing on me here? My mind surged with possibilities. Was she going to make some confession about loving me? Perhaps she was uncomfortable about our recent closeness and wanted to end it? No, that couldn’t be it. She was just practically riding me a second ago. The few seconds in between her asking me not to be mad and her next words was excruciating until she finally spoke.
“I think I’m pregnant.” She said.
My jaw dropped, eyes froze, face solidified into a mask of surprise. It took me a few seconds to reply.
“Pregnant?” I asked. “How? You haven’t been out? Except with me. I don’t—I don’t understand…”
Her serious face contorted into a grimace and she started laughing. “I’m kidding, silly!”
My entire being let out an internal sigh of relief. I don’t know what I was relieved about more; the fact that she hadn’t slept with a guy who had gotten her pregnant, or the fact that if she got pregnant when I was supposed to be watching her, that mom and dad would’ve been so disappointed. They’d have thought what a shitty guardian I was for letting my baby sister get knocked up on my watch.
Her smile was so relieving. “The only way I could possibly be pregnant is by divine conception or by you.” She joked.
I laughed nervously. “So you don’t actually have a big confession to make?”
“Well, there is something, but it’s so gross, you’ll probably hate me for telling you.”
I put my hand on her left shoulder and looked at her with sincerity. “Come on, Katie, don’t be like that. You can tell me anything.”
Her eyes rolled around for a moment or two of internal process. She was clearly a little uneasy about letting on this information. Whatever it was, it was making her feel a little uncomfortable. “I think I need to go see a doctor or something because I’ve been feeling itchy in my, you know, girl area?”
I was perplexed for a moment. I definitely wasn’t the leading expert on female anatomy and physiology. “Itchy? Have you been fucking that football team again?”
She scoffed at that, her jaw dropping playfully. “I don’t fuck football teams, you jerk. I don’t fuck anyone!” She said, then punching my shoulder. “You know that! I’m a perfect, virginal angel.” She looked away, demurely.
I laughed. “You mean, it’s itchiness on the skin?”
She was squirming in her skin and clearly hadn’t let on everything about her predicament. “No, dummy, not on the skin. It’s not like crabs or something. It’s like, inside. I don’t know. I think it’s a hormone thing because I’ve just been really, you know, lately.”
I was pretty sure what she meant but I wanted her to suffer, so I played dumb. “I know? No, I don’t know? What is it?”
She sighed and rolled her eyes with a pleasant smile, knowing that I was savoring her unpleasantness. “I’ve been feeling, like, you know, excited, more often, lately. When I get like that, it feels like I have this itch, down there, and inside, that wants to be itched. Oh gosh, I’m not talking to you about this. You’re such a child!” she laughed.
We both laughed and I embraced her with my right arm, pulling her a few inches towards me. I wanted to reassure her but still couldn’t keep a straight face and neither could she. “Ok, ok, I’m sorry. Let’s be serious.” I said, through cracks of laughter. “You mean you get horny?”
She laughed, but when I said the word ‘horny’ I could see her eyes widen for just that moment. She tried to not laugh but couldn’t, even as she answered. “Yes, dumbass, I get horny. Geez.”
I thought it was so cute and sexy that my little sister was admitting to me that she had been getting horny lately and didn’t know why. It was so revealing and honest and a bit disturbing that she’d tell me. It was endearing that she’d share that with me and I wanted her to feel glad about doing so. But I was still going to tease her about it. “Aww, so baby sister’s puss has been getting hungry lately?” I laughed.
She knew there was no hiding from my jabs so she just lowered her eyes, swallowed her pride and accepted the verbal jabs. “Yes, ok, yes. My pussy’s been hungry lately.”
We were both still chuckling uncontrollably. “So…” I added. “…have you been feeding it?”
We both finally stopped laughing but were still smiling at the humor of it all. Katie had to think about my question and make sure her answer still allowed her to maintain some dignity, seeing as that she’d bared her sexual soul to me just moments earlier. “Well, kinda, a few times.” She answered hesitantly.
“Like, with your fingers?” I asked.
“Yeah…” she trailed off, still a little shy about sharing.
It was strange, but I wasn’t really turned on talking about this obviously sexual topic. I think it was because I respected Katie so much that I was genuinely listening to her plight. I cared and wasn’t just listening so I could hear more juicy details that I could use to fuel a ferocious masturbation session later on.
“Well, hey…” I said. “We all get that way sometimes. If you want, maybe I can get you something to help things, like a dildo or something. I don’t know.”
She looked up at me and had a genuine look of gratefulness on her face.
“You mean, like a rubber thingie?” she asked in a cute and naïve way.
I looked at her and her naivety spawned a question in my mind. I wondered if she was still a virgin or not.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” I asked.
“Sure.” She replied.
“Are you still… well, have you ever done it? I mean, with a guy.”
“It?” she inquired. “As in, ‘sex’?
“Yeah.” I answered, almost petrified at the prospect of an answer. If she’d confirmed my worst fears and said ‘yes’, the thought of some douche bag grunting and sweating over my perfect angel of a sister would be sickening.
She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, her eyes trying to find a way to answer without seeming to sound either not too naïve or not slutty, depending on the answer. “Well, I’ve kissed a few guys and a few of them felt me up, but I didn’t do anything beyond that.”
“Are you serious?” I asked . “Because sometimes girls say stuff like that because they feel ashamed if they’re not virgins.”
Her eyes resigned to their fate. “Well, I did go down on a guy once.”
“Oh, you gave him a blowjob?” I asked.
“But he didn’t fuck you?” I asked again, with firm resolve.
She shook her head. I believed her and was relieved. I loosened up.
“Did you like it?” I asked. “Giving a blowjob.”
She shrugged. “It was ok. He tried to cum in my mouth but I pulled him out of my mouth and he kind of came on my cheek and shoulder. I wasn’t very good at it. I think he was irritated because as he came I didn’t know what to do and he kinda yelled at me to jerk him off while he was cumming. I kind of stank at it, I guess. We didn’t really hang out after that. That was, like, a year ago.”
I had to admit that hearing my little angel, Katie, talk about giving head and getting cummed on definitely got me hard and it was not only confusing for me, but also uncomfortable. If Katie had leaned forward a few inches, she’d feel my hard-on against her tummy. I tried to sort of arch my back and pull my crotch away from her without it seeming too obvious.
My first time with my girlfriend... |
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