Escape from Singapore

(Part 4 from 4)

I could feel my cock between her legs rubbing up against her pussy. Her kisses were passionate and wet and her body was moving on mine all the time. Her long black hair tumbled down around my head as she kissed every part of my face and ears, then she fastened on to my lips for a long lingering wet kiss.

She moved down my body and took my cock in her mouth, she could not manage it all, but her mouth was going up and down gently, sending a series of tingling shocks through my body. Her one hand clasped my balls, fondling them gently.

Straddling my head, she descended onto my mouth and I got busy licking her and pushing my tongue up into her love tunnel . But she was impatient and within a few minutes she was straddling my cock. She lowered her body gently, her eyes fastened intently on mine as she gradually lowered her young body down until I could get in no farther. She was impaled firmly on my cock, her body moving up and down gently synchronizing with my upward thrusts.

The soft feel of her body the exotic smell of her body and the flexing of her vagina muscles drove me wild with passion. I could feel my cock in as far a I could go and there was no way I could hold out much longer. We exploded together, her moans filled the room with their passion. After a few moments she collapsed alongside me on the mat and we fell asleep for a while in each others arms.

We made love about three times that night and again in the early morning. Nadja once again prepared a meal, and I managed to catch a duck and we roasted it over an open fire. We took care to ensure that we kept any fires away from the possibility of being sighted by overflying Japanese aircraft. Going down was a lot quicker than the journey up to the top of the hill and we got to the village within two and a half hours, we were greeted with a great deal of fuss when we got to the village.

I was just in time as Da had just gone into labour and she gave birth to a lovely young baby girl, which we named Tiara In our absence Bashir had got some of the girls setting up defensive positions within the tree line, in a sort of perimeter just in case we had a surprise visit.

Nadja told the village what we had found while I was able to explain my views to Da. There seemed to be a unanimous consensus, that we should move. However there was just one point of concern, and that was that the villagers were very dependant on fish as a food source. We did not have time to explore the quantity or quality of fish in the lake on the mountain, but we were certainly very sure they were edible.

In the end it as decided that four ladies would stay near the village for a while and move into the underwater cave to live as a temporary measure, and they would fish for the whole community. Their catches could be sent up the cliff face in a basket. The ladies could rotate occasionally, they were fairly sure that they could hide the boats they would use for fishing in a place where any visiting Japanese could not find them. leaving some of the older boats to be found by any Japanese visitors which would help the illusion that the island was abandoned.

The next week saw hectic activity as the move started to the top of the hill. We found that moving the cattle was not as difficult as we had first anticipated. Being led they struggled up to the plateau’s that Nadja and I had found so necessary, they managed the narrow path to the summit with several stops for a few hours to graze and rest, in the places that we had found so necessary. The first problem with the cattle was getting them through the cave, but once the cave had been freed from rocks they eventually were persuaded to enter the valley, once inside the valley they soon settled down and started feeding.

We had one scare when a Japanese motor boat came round the headland and seemed to be heading for the jetty, but one of the young girls quickly dressed in a Japanese uniform and strolled along the beach with a rifle over her shoulder, and waved at the approaching boat, which seemed to think all was well and turned away to go to the next island.

With a lot of hard work and dedication we completed the move in five days. At a head count we had 34 women, four young teenagers, numerous babies plus Carol and myself, living on the top of the hill with four women left near the village to set the fishing nets.

The village was left with some pots and pens scattered around bits of food and some old clothes, to give the appearance of being abandoned very quickly, some of the crops were left rotting so that any one coming to the village would think that the island had been abandoned in a hurry.

The biggest problem was that the few rubber trees and other crops would be left unattended, but they could not sell any produce while the war was still on although there was some hope that we could start growing crops in our mountain hide-out

From the top of the hill we had a clear view of the pier by parting some bushes so we set up the heavy machine gun to sweep the pier if it became necessary. On the other side of the plateau we had quite a clear view down to the next island with our binoculars, and the rifle sight from the sniper rifle. I thought it was very likely that I could kill a few Jap soldiers from our position with the sniper rifle, but it was a very long shot and I thought better of it, as it would only be likely bring trouble down on our head.

The next few months went without incident, everyone was busy settling in to our new homes. However, I was surprised when Carol suddenly approached me in a warmer mood one day and complimented me on the way in which I had organised everything. To put it crudely she missed having a man in her life. I got the message loud and clear .

I was watching the Japs on the next island as she came and lay down close to me. She just lay there for a while and then she said. ”Tony I was wrong about you -if we survive it will all be down to you. I think we will be here for a long time and we will have to live together, and will you please make love to me as you do with the other women some time.”

I said “Thank you Carol, I am free now as I turned towards her.

Carol inched towards me and her blouse opened. As I licked her nipple I could feel it harden I felt Carol begin to move.
“Tony dear what are you doing.”
"You're hard dear, and really this all wrong. I need you even though I may still be married, but if I am, I trust my husband will forgive me, but he will certainly be a prisoner of the Japanese but as she spoke she snuggled closer and kissed me on the cheek.
“Tony I am so sorry the way I treated you - you deserved better from me.”
I did not say anything as I held her tight for a few minutes. I knew that she was fighting an internal battle about being faithful to a man who might be dead, or submitting to what her body was telling her she needed now. Then Carol started nibbling my ear her warm breath tickling me, and the exotic smell of her warm body filling my nostrils.
Then I felt her free hand playing with my cock.

She laughed gently. "Tony I miss Alan a lot. But he may be dead , so what do I do? You are tempting me, and you make me feel good. You are making me feel like a proper woman and making me feel really wanted and desirable. I know I asked you to do this, but please be careful - be gentle.”

Then she started smothering my face with soft wet kisses as I grabbed her and pulled her over on top of me. She felt very soft and very sexy.

Within minutes she was lying between my legs. She was rubbing her body hard against me and I was enjoying the feel of this sexy female against my body. I was surprised that she had come round to wanting me after the initial rejection . I wondered whether her husband would approve if he was alive and knew the circumstances we were living in.

She whispered “Oh Tony I know this is all wrong but I want you badly.” Tony could feel her body rubbing against my cock
"Yes Carol, that's my cock you are rubbing against." I said.
It was my turn to grin as I saw the lust in her eyes . She leaned over and gave me a smile and a long passionate kiss on the lips

Tony gazed up into her eyes as I kissed her back - I realised then just how beautiful Carol was. I knew in my heart, that if we fucked now it would not be the last time. I was not going to abandon Da I loved her, but as the only man on the island I had to play this role for all the women. I knew that if I stopped she would feel rejected, and I knew that her skills as a nurse were important in our situation. She gazed down at me her eyes serious, she was panting a little bit and a look of seriousness in her eyes Then she bent down and once again our lips met. I somehow knew then that she had made a momentous decision and we were destined to become occasional lovers and friends.

At the same time I felt my cock slip between her legs and rub against the lips of her pussy. The warm sticky moistness told me that playtime was over and that she wanted me to get down to business.“

Are you ready?” I asked

She gave a wide-eyed little nod of her head.

"Then put me in. " I said quietly.
She reached down shuffling her body a little as she grabbed my cock and lined it up with the entrance to her love tunnel. She held my cock in a firm but gentle grip. She rubbed me up and down her vulva lips. She placed me at the entrance to her love tunnel, taking her weight on her hands as they rested on my hips

Gradually she let her body sink on to my cock until I could go no farther. She started moving up and down gently and within seconds I knew she was having her first orgasm as she came with a little wail of contentment..

I pushed against her to prolong her orgasm, when she finished cumming she looked down at me in awe. She Ly down on my body and once again we kissed.
“That was fantastic and I knew that somehow she had got over the rape experience."

We spent the next hour enjoying each other. She came several times even stronger than before as I did Her moans and screams were loud and often proving beyond all doubt that she was still capable of enjoying sex.

Carol was an incredible lover; I marveled that she had been doing without in the absence of her husband. She seemed to be able to come time after time no matter what I was doing to her. After an hour we both fell back exhausted, she rained long slow passionate kisses on my lips before we fell asleep, to awaken once again as dusk fell.

That evening I went back to Da who was nursing Tiara and I told her what had happened between me and Carol. Da went quiet and then she said “Does that mean you don’t want me now you have a European woman?”
I put my arms round her and I said “Da dear I want you as my wife for ever and ever.”
During the next eighteen months nothing of great significance happened. We survived, we had enough food except for rice, which everyone missed, but we had no way of getting any fresh supplies. Some children were born with my help and both Carol and Da were pregnant, although Carol was certainly a little worried how she would explain the baby to her husband if he survived the war.

Then one day we were alerted by the arrival of a rubber dinghy and three American navy men, who landed on the pier with their firearms at the ready. They eventually scouted the village and it took me three hours with two of the women before we got down to the village. Two of them were asleep in one of the huts and the other was sitting outside with a rifle to keep guard.

Apparently they had been watching the island and seeing no sign of life decided that it could be the ideal spot for an observation post to monitor Japanese shipping and troop movements in the area. They were intrigued with my story and they introduced themselves as Hank Waters a Lieutenant jg, Fred Masters and Rick Hayley as seaman from the submarine USS Tornado.

The sailors were intrigued at the fact that the girls seemed at home with the automatic weapons, and were carrying two grenades each. We decided to take them to meet the rest of the community. We led the way and eventually we reached our home on the plateau, with three very exhausted sailors. We showed them the Japanese on the next island and it took a lot of persuading to stop the Lieutenant from having a pot shot at them with our sniper rifle. Eventually I convinced him it was better to leave them there, and not to bring down trouble on to us

They managed to get a signal back to their boat that they were safe and that the island was unoccupied. I offered to keep a look out for Japanese activity and send details if they would leave us a radio. As a signalman I was quite at home with how to operate wireless equipment.
However the Lieutenant became quite aggressive, and tried to order me to go with them to report back for active service.

The girls were now quite literate with English and were violently opposed to my leaving them. I told the Lieutenant politely. ”You are in the wrong navy to order me about sir and this island is part of Malaysia which is a Crown Colony“ but I would appreciate you notifying the Royal Navy about my survival and our existence here.”

It was December 1945 with the war at an end when I was picked up by a destroyer searching for Japanese on the remote islands. I left Da and our two children and promised I would be back. My parents were pleased to see me. and I was discharged with six months leave owing. I arranged for my new family to leave the island and move back to England after my discharge, but now I had to go and fetch them.

January 1946

I arrived back in Singapore on January 31st 1946. I had managed to cadge a lift on a Royal navy carrier which was on duty as a trooper to Singapore. I had eight months leave and three years pay owing to me and I was on leave pending discharge. I visited HMS Terror in Singapore and the Naval Dockyard surprised to see so many Japanese soldiers wandering around awaiting shipment back to Japan. A US diesel electric Submarine Chaser now known as HMS Hotham was providing the power for the dockyard as the Japanese had destroyed the electricity supply before they surrendered.

I went back to the berth where Trevor and I had left on that fateful day on the old SS Majestic just before the surrender of the island, and nothing much had changed. I met Lin’s brother who had survived the war by virtually hiding most of the time, and he told me of the many atrocities that had taken place under the Japanese occupation, especially against the Chinese residents.

The military hospital where I had spent a few days suffered one of the worst incidents when the Japanese bayoneted all the wounded and raped the nurses. My next stop is back to the island to pick up Da and my family. Where we eventually make our permanent home has yet to be decided.

The End

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