Escape from Singapore
I pulled out--exhausted and sweating. She was smiling. I took her in my arms,
and held her close. She lay back resting her head on my shoulder. I could feel
our juices running out of her and making my lap damp. We lay there hardly
speaking .
"You ready again honey?“ She asked quietly
I wanted her badly and she started kissing me tenderly. She grabbed my cock. And
she pushed me on to my back and then got on top of me. Suddenly, I was
powerless, yet, it felt right. She was definitely the boss and knew exactly what
she wanted She took my cock in her small hands and started to play with it and
then with an expertise that was quite astonishing she jumped on top of me and
slid it into her love tunnel .
I tried to grab her to slow her down a bit, but she was already gone on her wild ride and I figured it was best to let her enjoy it. All too soon, she started to moan and twitch. I felt myself about to come as well. Suddenly, she screamed and collapsed head-first onto my chest. I grabbed her by the waist and held her. She was sweating and spent. I pulled out slowly and she eased herself off of me. We lay together on her bed for several moments without saying a word.
Then she said “Tony. Can you really be a good father to my baby do you think?”
“Yes. I am sure I can. I will certainly try”
Then she said “Good. Tony my dear husband from now on let us consider ourselves
well and truly married.”
“This is a Muslim community Tony, and if you become a Muslim you can have four wives, but as there is no-one here to marry us, we shall just have to make our own vows to Allah in our own way. Fortunately you have been circumcised, so in that respect all is well.”
It was just then that Carol came into the hut and she stopped in the doorway.
She let out an expression of disgust as she saw that we had obviously been
having sex.
“How can you fuck a native girl?” She asked.
I felt the anger burning up inside me at the insult to Da.’ “Perhaps we should
have let the Japs keep you after all Carol. It would serve them right. But for
your information Da and I now consider ourselves married?”
I was furious at the insult to Da, and I stood up and rolled up my sleeping mat and my few belongings, and I moved in with Da and her mother Bashir. By this time I had got to know and like her mother quite well after the hard work on the boat, and after the evening meal. Bashir suddenly brought up the subject of the Japs returning.
She said. “I am sure that there are Jap garrisons on all these small islands, and with the size of that picket boat that may have been used to drop the others off. I am sure that we will have visitors some time soon.”
“I told her “I agree they will come to see their friends, so we do not want to
be here when they come. We can not fight the whole Jap army.”
My first thought was that we should continue to train the younger women in the
use of the firearms we had captured, but I was more concerned in considering
whether there was some way we could hide ourselves, rather than have a
confrontation. I told her. “I have been looking up at the top of the mountain or
this massive hill, that dominates the centre of the island.” and I wondered
whether there was an easy way to get up there. I think we need to at least have
a good look for our own safety, and as soon as possible give an impression to
any visiting Japanese that this village has been abandoned.?”
I knew from the charts that I had seen while on naval patrol in the Squirrel and the visits we had made to various communities, that many of the islands seemed to be similar and most seemed to be dominated by a peak of some kind in the middle. I presumed that the islands were formed hundreds of years ago by some volcanic eruption, and had gradually become fertile on the surface and started sprouting bushes and trees.
Bashir said. “No I don‘t think that’s possible to get up there easily. How would we get all the animals up there, and we don’t know if there is enough feed for them on the peak. We are also very dependent on fishing as a main source of food. Some of the women are going to increase the amount of fish caught so that we can store some dried fish in case of emergencies. But rumour has it there is quite a nice valley at the top, but it is many years since anyone made it up there as far as I know.”
I told Bashir. In that case we must have a look. When my arm is stronger I might
just give it a try. Because I think we should look at every possible alternative
Then she said “I have a better idea if you are you up to a short swim tomorrow.
There is a large underwater cave near here we used to visit as kids” Da wanted
to come but was forbidden by her mother because of her pregnancy. The baby was
due shortly and she did not think that Da should risk it.
The following morning Bashir and I went to a beach about ten minutes walk away. It was near where we had started to maintain one of our lookout posts. I noticed she was carrying a battery torch in a rubber sponge bag. There we were faced with a large cliff. There was a winding pathway leading up to the top of the cliff, but Bashir led the way out into the water, it was low tide, and she told me to wait. She dived under the water and it was about five minutes before she returned.
She was smiling as she told me to follow her. I dived in the water and within a short swim we entered an underwater cave, and came up to the surface. There was a slight glimmer of light coming from an opening in the roof and we had a faint light enough to see where we were walking with the aid of the torch. There was a sandy beach and we explored the cave for about fifteen minutes.
It was certainly large enough to accommodate everyone, but I pointed out that we
could not live in the semi-dark all the time, but it could be a useful short
term hiding place.
As we were in no hurry, we sat on the beach and talked in the semi darkness.
Bashir was easy to talk to, in her few words of pigeon English, and suddenly we
found ourselves kissing. Suddenly I wanted her, she was nice, intelligent and
very sexy, almost an older version of her daughter. She was so warm and
friendly, and I found it thrilling yet relaxing, to kiss an older woman. A woman
I didn’t need to fear, a beautiful sexy woman who could take responsibility for
I suppose it was helped by the fact that neither of us were fully dressed, both of us had wet clothes from the swim and I only had my underpants on. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable, almost completely naked, and my cock sticking up embarrassingly in front of me, although she was soon naked as well. I sensed that she really wanted me to make love to her, and I felt she wanted it as much as I did. It didn't matter that she was a different age; it only mattered that suddenly we wanted each other. We found each other attractive, and we wanted to make love.
We continued to kiss for a while, our naked bodies intertwined, my hot cock clamped between our bellies, as we lay back on the sandy beach in the dim lighting. I stroked her lean body and her long legs crossed over mine. I touched her breasts for the first time; they were small and soft, with stiff nipples. She laughed and stroked my neck as I kissed them, sucking them gently.
After an eternity of bliss, she rolled away from me, onto her back on the sand. Her thighs spread apart enticingly. She reached for my cock; she pulled. She pulled me to herself, and arranged me how she wanted me to be. She held my cock to her waiting pussy. Both her hands wrapped around my cock, and very gently she pressed with her fingertips, urging me forward.
The gentle wet pressure of her body against mine, engulfing more than just my cock, I felt as though my entire being was now held in that wet hot tunnel, and I knew that this was going to be the most important part of my very existence here with these people for a long as we lived. Slowly, I began to move within her. Her happy smile informed me that she was a contented lady and I was doing just fine.
She started to come; faster, her hands urged me; her hips bucked upwards against
me, her legs and arms wrapped around me. She squeezed and pulled me, she groaned
her pleasure and approval into my ear. I ejaculated into her lovely body,
holding her tightly. We lay together in silence afterwards. There didn't seem to
be much to say; it had all been said already.
I felt a niggling prick of conscience when I thought of Da her daughter, and the fact that we were now ostensibly husband and wife, but then I thought about our pact and the fact that the women had decided that I was to as it were, to be the community stud.
Bashir and I gradually came to an understanding, that we needed to find out much more about this island, we agreed I had to continue to teach the ladies to shoot, and we had to instill an awareness of the danger that we in all probability faced from the Japs. In the end we agreed that we had to hide, but if cornered we had to learn to defend ourselves, and not be taken alive.
Over the next week the girls and I explored the island thoroughly. Carol sat and sulked, although she did offer to help in the teaching the women to shoot, and she managed to be useful as a nurse. About five of the women looked after fishing and preparing food for the community, while the rest of us with the exception of Da whose baby was due shortly surveyed the rest of the island, although they knew it quite well.
Basically the island was a sheer lump of rock sticking out of the sea, with a plateau at the base about a mile to three quarters of a mile of cultivatable land surrounded the base, there were similar sorts of island quite near, and obviously vegetation had taken hold over hundreds of years. From the sea it looked as though there was not an actual peak, but it was a bit like the shape of an egg from the beach. I had a good look at it with some binoculars that I had salvaged from the Japanese Boat I could see that there was quite a lot of trees and vegetation on or near the summit. But from every angle it seemed to look quite different
Myself and a couple of the younger girls paddled round the island in a fishing boat and I could see that although most of the island was surrounded by a beach and vegetation one area seemed to have a sheer drop down to the sea, a bit like the cliffs of Dover. There was no option other than to climb the hill from the land side and see for ourselves.
One day we had a scare as a boat with about four or five Japanese soldiers started to come towards the island, but one of the young girls quickly dressed up in a japanese uniform and carrying a rifle waved to the boat from the jetty and they turned the boat round and went on to the next island. However, once the alarm had been raised the girls all went into action and we had quite a ring of armed ladies around the possible landing site. I felt then that had the Japanese soldiers landed they would not have lived for very long.
We also found the cave that Bashir and I had explored had an opening at the top, which acted like a chimney and it was considered possible to lower food or older people or babies down if necessary. It would also keep the air fresh for some time, but I thought the cave could only be useful in an emergency and only for a short time, we certainly needed much more security.
So when my shoulder was better I planned to set off to climb the mini mountain in the centre of our island. However the day we were due to set off, we were hit by a quite fierce gale. The steam pinnace vanished during the course of the gale, and the sleeting rain that came with it. The weather took three days until it was safe enough for us to venture out on our climb.
I was accompanied by a young woman called Nadja who had lost her husband and brother in the Japanese assassination of the men folk. She was very shy, but after struggling upwards through some dense undergrowth, and having to help hack our way through brush the shyness soon disappeared, and following a winding sort of path that had obviously only been used by animals we started to make better progress. The climb gradually became easier and there were a few small places where we could stop and rest, as the terrain gradually got easier and the bush got thinner the higher we climbed.
After about four hours we reached a plateau not too far from the summit and to my surprise we found that there was quite a large grassed area and a small stream with cool fresh water coming down from a slightly higher peak. Nadja indicated in sign language that this was the stream where the villagers got their fresh drinking water from, in the village down below.
That first day we went no further but rested for the night in the shade of some trees. I had a torch which allowed me to send three long flashes when I got a clear sight of the village which told them that we were both OK.
Nadja was very quiet and we had to communicate by her understanding of a few words of English, sign language and my few words of the Malaysian language. We both found the weather was colder at this height, and although we had brought a blanket each, I awoke to see Nadja shivering. Without any encouragement from me, she moved into my arms and sat on my lap with my arms round her. With both blankets wrapped round us we slept better sharing the warmth of our two bodies, although I was certainly very conscious of having an attractive young woman in my arms..
We awoke early the next morning and started climbing in the cool of the morning and within an hour we had reached a ridge where we were faced by a steep rock face which was impossible for us to climb. For a few moments we were in despair then Nadja having more energy than me started searching behind some bushes found a sort of cave which we initially thought would be good shelter for us for the night. Having settled in and built a small fire we decided to explore further into the cave. After stumbling through what seemed to be a very long cavern we saw light in the distance and coming out the other side we found we were in a sort of valley with a rocky outcrop surrounding us.
The plateau was very sheltered on three sides by a rock face and on the fourth side we could not see properly but it had a stand of trees. It had a large green area with a fairly large lake and some wild fowl and ducks flying around. The lake was fresh water and to our surprise seemed to have some quite large fresh water fish swimming around. I presumed that the wild fowl had over the years brought fish spawn to the lake on their feet.
Examining the rock face we found a number of caves but none gave an entrance like the one we had come through. They all ended with the rock face of the mountain. I was quite excited as this was much better that I had anticipated. I thought there was a good possibility for us to sit out the war here.
The plateau which seemed to be the summit was big enough to hold our small community. However the first thing that struck me was how quiet it was, there was no background sound of the sea. just the rustling of the trees, and the bushes and occasional noise from the wild life. We moved into the shade of some trees, and Nadja soon had a fire going and soon the rice pot was boiling away. Our meal was supplemented by some duck eggs which we found in a nest at the side of the lake.
First impressions were promising and we explored the valley and the caves for several hours. The small caves were ideal for shelter there was plenty of grass, and with my binoculars I had a clear view of the sea on that side of the island for some miles. The next island was not too faraway and was certainly occupied by the Japanese and with my glasses I could see their encampment, but their was no sign of any local inhabitants. The sheer cliff face on one side of the plateau seemed a long way down to the sea, but I thought we could use that side of the plateau for getting small loads and possibly some of the larger animals up from the sea. if we had some blocks and tackle.
Nadja sat down and started making a drawing of the plateau, and from what I learned from her, she seemed as happy as I was to move the village up here. It would be a long arduous job to make the move, but providing we kept a good watch out for Japanese aircraft overflying we should be relatively safe here.
That night we settled down early and Nadja seemed to have come to a decision. Nadja lay naked on the sleeping mat looking up at me with a small cloth across her pussy to preserve some sort of modesty. Her beautiful brown eyes were smiling up at me full of unbridled lust. I joined her and took her warm slim body into my arms she seemed very hot. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and her arms hung round my neck. After a while when we had finished exploring each others bodies, she pushed me on to my back and she climbed on top of me.
How our relationship developed... |
- indian
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- bedtime
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- real wife
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- female masturbation
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- fuck
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- facesitting