Escape from Singapore
A young very attractive pregnant Malay lady came towards me, and in broken
English she said. “Hello my name is Da. I have to tell you that the Japs are
here on the island, they have taken all the men, and also taken three young
girls with them. They are here to occupy the island we think. None of us are
safe. Some of us managed to hide as soon as we saw their boat, but I think they
will be back for more of us later to satisfy their carnal appetites when they
have built their camp.”
“How long ago was this?” I said
“About four hours ago: She replied
“How many of them are there?
“About eight I think” Da said.
“Where are they now“ I asked.
They are camped about half a mile away by the pier, they have set up camp and it
looks as though they are here for a long time, they have a big boat and they are
erecting tents.”
I thought about this situation quickly and after having a quick briefing on the
island and the general situation. I asked Da
“If you can help me with my arm, will you show me the way to their camp after
dark please?.”
Strangely apart from my shoulders aching my injury did not seem to be much worse
for the wear and tear that it had suffered in the water.
I asked without really knowing why, but at the back of my mind there was an urge
to kill a few Japs, or at least go down fighting.
“If they find you here they will probably kill us all as well.”
She said obviously terrified.
“They will probably kill you all anyway after raping you, but not if we can kill
them first.”
I said grimly, as my mind was ticking over with the possibilities.
Da seemed to like the idea of killing Japs, and so she too thought that it might
be a good idea to go down fighting
I looked closely at my Sten gun and I could see that it was very similar to the Naval Lanchester with which I had recently become familiar, but I had no idea whether it would fire, or whether my ammunition was still OK after its long stay in salt water. I dare not risk firing a test burst as it may well be heard by the Jap soldiers, but I saw that one of the women had a long curved knife used for cutting bamboo, and I asked Da whether I could have one, as well as a short butchers knife of which there seemed plenty lying around.
I then asked Da to lead me towards the Jap encampment, although as we got nearer we could hear female screams, and a lot of drunken laughter and I could probably have found my own way there with the noise they were making. Eventually, we got close to the camp taking care not to be seen, and I could see that they had their small tents in a circle, and their was a large camp fire in the middle with several soldiers gathered round taking turns raping a girl on the ground, there was also a sentry of sorts at on a rock higher up overlooking the beach, looking down and enjoying the scene taking place below him. Looking round near the beach I could see a pile of male bodies many of them bayoneted with the bayonets and rifles still attached through their bodies, while others had been brutally beheaded.
As far as I could see as Da had said there was only about eight soldiers with an NCO in charge. Working myself round behind the sentry. I used the short butchers knife to good effect, with one hand over his mouth, and with the knife deep in his back he was soon out of action for good. I got Da to sit in the sentries place with his hat on, and a stick across her lap, I guessed that from the fire they would only see a silhouette which is what they would expect to see sitting on the rock after being blinded by the firelight.
The Japanese machine pistol we took from the sentry was fairly easy to work out, and I guessed that the Japs had no fear of being attacked by the women, and so they had been drinking heavily, and amusing themselves with their captives. My main concern now was not hurting any of the girls. If I opened up on the remaining Japs I would probably kill or wound them all. There was no sign of the other girls, we could only see and hear the girl they were having fun with.
I could see that moored alongside the small jetty was a quite large steam pinnace with the Japanese flag flying in the stern, suddenly the idea came to me that there was a chance that the other two girls may well be imprisoned on the boat. I had also noted that there was a heavy machine gun mounted on the bows, with a belt of ammunition loaded ready to fire.
There seemed to be no sentry, and I guessed that the machine gun would be much more useful than the light weapons that I had if we could get our hands on it, and so I told Da what I intended, and I waded and swam out as best I could, to the launch as quietly as I was able, as far as I could tell the launch was totally deserted. I climbed quietly aboard after a struggle with my sore arm, and I found the main cabin had a locked door. I heard the sound of quiet sobbing from inside. A key was hanging on a nail near the door, so I opened the door and to my surprise I found three women in the cabin, they were tied and gagged, one was a very pretty white woman of about 23 whose clothes were badly ripped and who later told me her name was Carol, and she told me that she had been on the paddle Steamer and the submarine had pulled her out of the sea, she had been raped by the captain and one of his officers, and later they had handed her over to the soldiers in this boat, obviously for their amusement, with her were the two young Malay girls which had been taken from the village.
I released the women and the two village girls telling them to keep quiet. I
told Carol that I intended to kill the Japs, but I did not want to kill the girl
they were raping if it was possible.
Carol said. “Be sensible, that poor girl will have to take her chance, anyway,
she will probably welcome death after what they have done to her. If you don’t
do the job properly you are putting everyone else at risk including ourselves.
Reluctantly, I saw the sense of her argument. Carol said. “Give me a gun I have a large debt to pay” and as there were several spare machine pistols on the boat. She took one from me, and she amazed me with her dexterity. “My husband was a soldier so I got a fair idea of how these things work“ She told me. I crept up to the bows and checked the machine gun and at my signal we both opened fire
With two prolonged bursts from the two of us we soon we took them by surprise and they were all killed or wounded. It was much easier that I had anticipated. Da came down from the sentry position and between us we checked each of the bodies. I shot two of the men who were only wounded in cold blood. But in doing it I felt no compunction whatsoever.
The poor girl who had been raped we carried back to the village, but she died later that night. Carol who claimed to have previously been a nurse, thought it was probably a combination of shock and her horrific sexual injuries.
The next day with the help of the younger women we buried the dead and disposed of the naked bodies of the Jap’s into the sea. It was my idea to strip them of their uniforms and empty their pockets as we never knew when those uniforms, and their firearms would come in useful. We found the usual things that men carry including things like cigarette lighters watches, some money, all of which may have a use for us later.
The boat itself had got a stock of tinned food, lots of ammunition and a large box of hand grenades with two tins of detonators and to my delight a well maintained snipers rifle with a telescopic sight with ample ammunition. We then had a Council of war with Da acting as an interpreter, I told the villagers what I had learned a lot about the Japanese atrocities in Singapore. I suggested that we set up lookouts, and developed a temporary strategy for hiding against the possibility of more invaders coming ashore, plus I later gave some cursory instruction on how the machine pistols and rifles worked without using any ammunition which gave us some defence if that was needed.
When I suggested that I should strip the boat and then sink it. I had a fierce
objection from Carol who said loudly. “That boat is our means of escape from
this bloody island.”
“Escape to where Singapore, Java , Sumatra all Japanese held territories? ”I
“We could make for Australia.” She insisted.
“We can carry enough fuel in the boat for about 150 or 200 miles if we are
lucky.” I told her, “That is if the Japs don’t see us first.”
If we stop to cut wood for the boiler it will have to be on Japanese held
islands, and we would soon be nabbed - do you want to risk being raped again?”
Carol reluctantly saw the sense of what I was saying.
The islanders did not understand our heated exchange until Da interpreted, and
they started getting a little agitated. As far as I was concerned, the safest
place for all of us, was on the island. There were no other logical options.
I pointed out that there were a large number of adjacent islands, one of which
was only about half a mile away, all of which will also have a small Japanese
garrison, and if we were seen steaming away in the boat, it would raise the
alarm, and we would have no chance of escape . The next day I looked closely at
the boat, and I decided that with the agreement of the villagers to strip her of
anything that could be useful, for instance the portable radio was one obvious
item for salvage together with the batteries, guns and processed food etc and
then just leave the hull at the jetty with the flag flying so that passing
Japanese boats would not get too suspicious.
Meanwhile the women were obviously grieving over the loss of their men folk and having to take over much of the traditional male work like fishing and planting. But much discussion was taking place on what we should do if the Japs came back. At that time we were certain that they would be coming with supplies for the garrison in due course and to relieve them. I had several ideas in my mind, but I sensed the women needed time to adjust to their losses and to get over their grief.
Carol and I, much to her obvious disgust had been put together in the same hut to live. I did have thoughts about us getting much closer, as we both were marooned, but she killed any thoughts in that direction by insisting that she was a married women, although she was almost certain that her husband was dead, and anyway he told me that it was not in her nature to have sex with a common rating. At the time I thought that having been brutally raped the idea of sex was abhorrent to her.
Increasingly I found Da and her mother Bashir good friends to me, and her mother was a great help with several other ladies in helping to strip the Japanese pinnace with a friend of hers called Nadja, and one or two elderly men who had been away when the Japs gad called.. Increasingly Da and I became much closer. Much of the Japanese loot that we recovered from the boat we had no immediate use for so we carefully wrapped in sacks and buried it under the floor of one of the huts.
Carol did however help me by redressing my arm, and she helped by setting up a local clinic to look after the few remaining inhabitants. The women now had to take over the fishing and much of the men’s work if they were to survive. The older women looked after the children while I concentrated on arranging our defence. In addition we made up a rota of lookouts from a high tree and a local high point on an adjacent hill top.
Da was a beautiful young lady, she had a lovely figure apart from her obvious pregnancy with perfectly rounded breasts, perfect small sexy buttocks, and beautiful legs. She was a beautiful lady and pregnancy seemed to suit her. Her long black hair fell straight down her back to her waist and she had lovely coffee coloured features, but above all she was intelligent, and very down to earth which was a big help in the situation we found ourselves in. At times during the coming months I almost gave up, but Da somehow kept my spirits up and kept me going pointing out that everyone was relying on me..
I had appreciated that the women were relying on me as the only young male and a trained serviceman to organise their defence. However we had daily meetings every evening during the first week after the evening meal. The village had an ample supply of free range chickens, goats and one or two head of cattle, and together with coconuts, seasonal fruits and dried fish we thought we should be able to manage to survive. We had very little in the way of medical supplies. However I was convinced that the Japanese would soon re-supply and want to replace the soldiers we had killed, for that reason I was convinced that we had to organise ourselves, either to convince the Japanese we were not here, or to go down fighting
Da came to my hut one day in the second week after we had finished work on the
boat, and sat on my sleeping mat with me. Fortunately Carol was not there at the
“Tony we need to talk. I gather that you and Carol are not exactly getting on
very well”
“That’s putting it mildly.’
“She thinks we should have used the boat to try for Australia. But now its too
late so we are stuck with her. She is also very ‘stuck up‘ and thinks that she
is socially much higher than we are.“
“Are you two having sex“
“No - I think that being raped has put her off the idea.“
“But how can I help you Da”
“What are your plans Tony?”
“As far as I can see we only had two options, the option of staying here, and
organising some sort of defence just in case, or buggering off in the boat, and
getting nabbed by the Japs”
So as far as I am concerned, staying here is the only realistic option. I think
the Japs will look for their missing troops eventually, but if they can not find
us and we can make them think the island is uninhabited we may well be left
alone. So we have to get cracking and work out what we are to do. We may well
have another garrison posted here eventually.”
At the time we were unaware that the Japanese would leave these small garrisons to live off the land and many of them would never ever be relieved until long after the war was ended. But at the time we had to do the best we could to defend ourselves. We were of one mind inasmuch that we preferred to go down fighting than be captured. The woman were convinced they would be raped if they were captured.
She said. “I have been studying at the University in Kuala Lumpar and I just got
home just before the Japs landed on the mainland, as I wanted the baby to be
born here in my home. My husband and my father were two of the men killed by the
Japanese soldiers. Though I never really loved my husband, he was a nice man,
but I miss my father, so I am not really shedding tears for my husband, and I
know I have to move on. I only married him because of his money, and the chance
of a proper education. He was a good man but I did not love him. But now we are
in a situation where you are the only man on the island, and you have about
fifteen women left of child bearing age, who have lost their husbands. Do you
see where I am leading?”.
"You want me to become the resident stud.?" I asked
“To put it crudely Yes, but that’s not all. The girls are getting a bit
restless, they miss their men, but they are also now are beginning to want to
look to the future. You have given them hope. Some of them will soon need a man
in their lives, and they will also want children. But above all they are looking
to you for leadership.”
" I see the point...."I told her.
“But I thought that if you and I lived together, you and we could become
partners and I could start teaching you Malay, and we could start teaching the
girls English. I like you Tony and I am not going to play the grieving widow, so
will you move in with me, and I will try not to be jealous of you helping the
other women if it comes to that. I will be a good wife. That is if Carol has no
objection, and you have no objection to living with a pregnant woman.?
“Carol can go and whistle as far as I am concerned, so OK I agree. I think pregnancy makes a woman look more beautiful” I whispered as I boldly put my arms round her and started to kiss her and caress her.
“In fact if we do sort of marry I will probably want to keep you pregnant all
the time.”
“Wow that sounds promising.” Laila said with a cheeky smile on her face.
“I think that you are lovely Da, and I went on to tell that only a few weeks ago
I was supposed to have been getting married. “I don’t think that you and I are
passionately in love or anything yet, but I certainly like what I know of you,
and I think that together we can start fighting back.”
Da started to unbutton my shirt and I slipped out of my Sarong, as I was doing
that, she was stroking my skin and intermingling her actions with little soft
kisses. We lay together on my sleeping mat, and I said with a little giggle.
This must be the quickest courtship on record.
Da did not answer instead she put her hand down and grabbed my cock gently, she looked at me and smiled happily. I rolled her over onto her back and put my head between her legs and started to lick her pussy. The soft flesh of her chocolate coloured thighs enveloped me. She tasted the way she smelled -- innocent, yet sensual. She clawed the back of my neck and screamed, "No! No!" as she climaxed. I kissed her thighs
Before I could change my mind she had my cock and was telling me to make love to her. I wanted her badly and who was I to refuse such an invitation. I pushed in gently she was very tight very wet and very warm. She pulled me very close to her and I felt her long nails digging into my back
I kept a fairly slow pace as I concentrated in pleasing her. With each stroke, I
felt myself getting closer and closer to coming . She moved very expertly with
"Faster...." she whispered.
I closed my eyes and pounded into her. The image of her beautiful pregnant body
lying beneath me, her hot breath on my face was quickly bring me to a quick
conclusion Yet, I continued to pound her until I came hard. She breathed deeply
and twitched a few times.
Was a sunny sat morning in London... |
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