The third ending of Barb and Marvin story

(Part 3 from 6)

He stepped out of his slacks and pulled her up. He said: “Get me something to drink baby!” She went into the kitchen and got wine for both of them. She knew he like red sweet wine. As she filled the glass she watched him walk into the kitchen nude from the waist down. His cock stuck out like a fucking nightstick! She moaned to herself as she picked up the glass and gave it to him. She said: “Hurry babe, I can’t wait to have you inn my bed fucking me!” They walked hand and hand up the stairs. He stopped half way and said: “Shit! I left my slack on the floor. Not a good thing for your husband to see if he come home early! I’ll be right back go ahead and I’ll meet you in the bedroom! 

He ran down and pickled up his slacks and unlocked the back door for Kathy! She was waiting. When she came in she saw his hard cock and squeezed it in her hand as they walked to the living room! He went up an she followed behind him watching his black ass move up the steps She was wet between her legs already knowing what they had planned for her best friend Barbara! He went into the master bedroom and saw Barb on the bed opened for him! He said: “So this is where old Tom fucks you! Well from now on you’ll think of me when he does! It’s going to be my Master bedroom baby! Stand up and let me see you again!” Barbara smiled and stood there for him to see. She turned around slowly and felt good letting her lover see all of her body! Marvin licked his lips seeing her beautiful body again! This time it was in the light of the day and she was beautiful! Even lovelier than he remembered! He said: “God girl you so fucking beautiful! I have missed you baby!” He picked her up and carried her to the big chair in the room! Barbara was wondering what he was doing! She said: “No Marvin! The bed Marvin! Let’s do it on the bed!” 

He laughed and said: “In tine baby! In time! Hell in time we will fuck in every room and every way you can think of! Just do what I tell you and everything will be great! I promise you, you’ll what I’m going to do now!” He sat her in the chair knelt in front of her. He told: “Now put a leg over each arm of the chair for me and do it slow!” She wasn’t sure what he wanted, so he picked her legs up one at a time looking directly between them at her pussy! He put each leg over the arms of the chair! He reached around her hips and pulled her forward until her ass was at the edge of the chair. He sat back and looked at her! She was wide open! Her pussy was sitting there shinning with its wetness and Marvin bent his head in and licked up and down the slit one time. He stopped and sat back again looking at her beauty! He could smell her musk already, and he knew she was full of desire and her need was great! Her sex odor filled the room already and when he buried his mouth over her pussy and began to lick! 

He felt her pussy open for him! Barbara cried out as her passion was so high and with Marvin eating her she was in heaven! She moaned over and over again! She told him: “Oh god I have missed you so bad baby! Eat me baby! Eat my pussy! Suck my clit baby! Oh FUCK! YES!! I LOVE THAT!” Marvin was going right at her. He remembered what she like from the last time they were together when she told him all of her sex secrets! He wanted her to experience as many orgasms as he could give her today. He wanted her to remember this day more that she remembered the night he first fucked her. He wanted her to have “pussy heat” as he called it! He wanted her to be on the list with the other women he fucked on a regular basis! Marvin was good! He was fucking a different woman almost every day! Some were sisters of all color blackness from tan to jet-black. He had some Asians, so tiny and such small pussy! Some of these girls looked like they we 12 or 18 years old when they were really 25 or 30!! 

They all had great mouths for sucking too! But, mostly he wanted whites! But actually he really could have cared less what color they were as long as that sweet pussies between their legs was clean, tight and hardly used! He liked the white ones because they seem to be the least difficult to get and fuck. They were so fucking easy once he showed them his big black cock! It was like they never had a big cock before!! He knew damn well that there were many white guys who had cocks as big as his, some bigger! 

He just watched for those he felt didn’t have a man that big! Sometimes he was right, sometimes he wasn’t! When he wasn’t he simply walked away! But when he was right, and he had taken then once with his big cock, he had them as often as he wanted! They loved the feeling of a big cock fucking their little pussy! They were hooked like a drug addict on his big dick! He especially liked the married white women. He liked to get them to cheat or leave their husbands for him! It gave him power he loved! 

He would do then for a while and then he would tire of their mouths with all the nagging and the begging and the baggage that comes with white women! Finally he would leave them to give them to a friend. He liked to make sure their husbands knew all about him and what he made the woman do with him! The husband would usually thrown them out and wouldn’t take them back! It made him hard!! He felt like he was the Master and they were his white slaves! Pay back for the way his people were treated in early America he guessed! 

He really didn’t know why! Barbara was perfect! She was beautiful, with a great body, she was fantastic when it came to sex, she was married and she was very hungry for his black cock! He had her spread wide on the chair as he licked her swollen clit and sucked her cunt! He actually pulled the skin away from the clit exposing it more so he could see the entire round, blood filled hard sex organ shaped like a little cock. It was the center of every woman’s sexual stimulation! He knew it and they knew it! He licked his tongue over it hard! Barb lifted out of the chair with her legs trying to get as much of her clit stimulated as possible. Her body was so ready to cum!

As Marvin held her thighs with his hands she was spread open like desert to him! As she sat in that big chair with a leg over each arm, her body was so nice, Marvin had to try hard not to fuck her right there in the chair. He licked around and over her clit making her moan and moan. He could see Kathy watching him eat Barbara’s pussy out of the corner of his eye! She was standing by the doorway! He moved in between Barb’s legs closer now and sucked her entire pussy into his mouth! He could taste her juices as they ran out her hole and down between her ass! His fingers roamed over her silky ass and pussy touching her everywhere! He heard her moan: “Oh yes Marvin eat me! Oh god I love your tongue! Oh shit!! I’m going to cum! Suck my clit! SUCK IT! SUCK IT HARD! OH FUCK MARVIN! OH MY! OH MY! OHHHH!! MYYYY!!! GODDDD!!! YES! OH YES! OH GOD YES!! EAY IT BABY! I’M CUMMING! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!” 

Barb’s body began fucking Marvin’s face and mouth as he held her clit between his teeth and flicked his tongue as fast as he could over and over and over again! She was going wild with lust that even a porno queen couldn’t match! She had waited so long for this and now she had to have it! Barbara told him: “Fuck me baby! I want your big cock inside me NOW! Fuck me now Marvin PLEASE!! PLEASE! Now! OH GOD FUCK ME NOW!” He felt it was time and lifted her up in the air, positioning her directly over his cock sticking up towards the ceiling! God he was hard for her. He loved her body! It was perfect and she fucked him like no other woman had ever done! 

He slowly let her fall down on his had long cock as he began to impale her body on it! She cried out with suck desire it only made him harder! As she felt her body sinking down on his hard shaft she moaned for more and more and more! He filled her! She was being held up in the air by his huge black cock and with his hands under her arms! But his hands only served to stabilize her on his cock! She wrapped her legs and arms around him and he carried her around the room fucking her as they walked! Her head was thrown back and as she humped her pussy like a dog in heat, she was actually howling with all the lust she had built up over the weeks and months she did without him! 

He was bring her to another orgasm fast and when she tossed her head back the next time he sucked a nipple into his mouth! That seemed to be all she needed to scream and hump her pussy hard and fast on his cock! God he loved to watch white women getting off with his big cock buried in them! Barbara was no exceptions He held her and watched her going crazy on his shaft stuck up her cunt! Kathy was now standing in the doorway watch her best friend and her lover fucking wild and hard Her hand was rubbing her cunt as fasts as she could make it go! She was actually dripping her cum on the rug outside the doorway of the master bedroom of Barbara’s house! 

As Marvin continued to fuck Barbara and fucked Barbara and fucked Barbara, she was holding her body tight against him moaning: “Oh yes Marvin!! Fuck me baby! Fuck me with your big cock! Oh God Marvin I knew it would be this good again! Oh god you were right! We were made to fuck each other Oh God I love your big black cock!” She was moving faster now building towards another orgasm! She told him as he walked to the bed: “Cum in me baby! Pump your cum deep inside my womb baby! Fill me! I know you will fill me up again baby! Only you Marvin! Fill my cunt with your love seed! OH my God YES! fuck me!! Make me cum baby! Fill me with yours! I want to feel you cum on my womb again baby! Oh GOD! YES!! THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD! YES! I FEEL IT MARV!! I FEEL YOUR CUM! OH GOD! I’m GOING TO GOWILD OIN YOU TODAY! ALL FUCKING DAY! GIVE IT TO ME MY BLACK LOVER!YES! YES !YES LIKE THAT !OH FUCK YES !I’M GOING TO CUM AGAIN! NOW! UMMM!! AHHHHHHH!!! FUCKKKKKKK!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!! MARVIN!!!! GODDDDDDD YESSSSS!” 

Her orgasm washed over her body and pushed her to the top of her orgasmic zenith! She was so washed with a sexual appetite for more and more that as Marvin laid her on the bed, she lifted her legs up and over her head. He pushed her knees against her breasts as him began to thrust into her harder and harder building to what he knew would be one fantastic climax! She rolled her head from side to side, her breathing was shallow and rapid! She was bent almost in half as Marvin pumped into her now! His cock was as hard and long as it got! She told him again to fuck her and empty his nuts into her. She wanted to feel his cum pump into her womb again! As she felt his nuts give their life making sperm, she cried out: “OH YES MY LOVE! CUM IN MY PUSY AND FILL ME! OH GOD YES fuck me harder!! FUCK ME DEEPER! OH YES MARVIN I FEL YOUR WONDERFUL WARM CUM FILLING ME BABY!” 

Marvin was going wild now ramming his cock into her pussy as hard as he could. He wanted to bring her to one more climax before they stopped for awhile. He had a surprise for Barbara very soon. Kathy, her next door neighbor and best friend was about to come into the room and join the, She was going to lick Barbara’s pussy clean of Marvin’s cum. He had planned to have the girls eat each other and for them to climax together as he watched! Then he would fuck both women one more time before leaving! 

He would leave the girls together as he promised Kathy he would do for her! He had emptied his nuts into Barbara’s body and was fucking her now on remote control waiting for her to cum one last time. As he stood in front of the bed with Barb laying on it, he had the perfect view of he very red swollen pussy and the clit that stuck out as far as any he had ever seen any before! He moved his fingers to it and began to stroke it faster and faster and faster until Barb lifted her ass high up off the bed and arched her back up pushing her pussy into Marvin as hard as she could! Marvin slammed into her one last time and held his cock as deep inside her pussy as he could She grin her cunt on it over and over and over as she climaxed harder and longer than she had ever climaxed before! She screamed loudly as her body went wild on Marvin’s cock fucking it with everything she had inside! 

She climaxed again right behind the last one, and felt another one building! God this was so good! Marvin’s cock was giving her what she missed and giving it to her as hard and fast as she liked it! Kathy stood in the doorway watching her friend being fucked and pleased like she was earlier that day! She watched as her friend’s body went crazy on Marvin’s cock! Kathy’s mouth water as she watched Barb’s pussy squeeze and lock down on Marvin’s cock fucking it again and again and again as she orgasm again and again and again! Finally after what seemed to be a full 5 to 7 minutes, Barbara finally lowered her ass back down on the bed and as her legs slipped off from around Marvin’s body, she just lay there panting! Marvin waved Kathy over and she got up on the bed next to Barb’s pussy with his big long black pole inside it! Marvin slowly pulled his cum covered and shrinking cock out of Barb’s pussy as it relinquished it’s hold around it inch by wonderful inch!! 

Kathy could actually see Barb’s pussy squeezing it trying to hold it inside her! As he finally pulled it out the big black head made a popping sound as it came out. Immediately, cum started to run out of the wide-open hole between Barb’s legs. Marvin had left her pussy opened about 3-inchs around! Kathy moved over it immediately and began to lap up the juice from both Marvin and Barbara! Kathy was in heaven as Barb lay there with her beautiful leg wide open and her hands on Kathy’s head, she gently pushed down on it! Kathy buried her mouth over Barb’s pussy and licked and sucked on Barb’s pussy for a long time. Barb would arch up and begin to rotate her pussy on Kathy’s mouth and tongue1 Kathy would hold her ass up with both hands and sucked Barb’s pussy, the entire thing, into her loving mouth! She sucked harder on Barb’s clit as Barb began to pump and pump against her best friend's face! As Kathy pushed Barb’s body up on the bed further, Barb lifted and moved up on it! 

Now Kathy moved around and knelt between Barb’s open legs. With her fingers spreading Barb’s outer and inner lips, she slid her long tongue deep into Barb’s pussy hole as far as she could Licking and sucking she couldn’t get over how much cum there was inside hr friend’s body!! Marvin must have really like fucking Barb and rally anted her again!! Oh well it didn’t matter, Kathy was in her own dream land as she buried her head between Barb’s open thighs and loved her pussy as if she loved the woman it belonged to! She did! She wanted Barb’s body since the first time she met her years ago. But Barb was purely straight and never caught up with all the sexual signs Kathy was giving her over the years. Even Tom Barb’s husband had told her often that he was sure Kathy went both ways and wanted Barbara’s body! But Barb just laughed it off until today! She was watching her best friend service her body by licking and sucking her pussy and giving Barb one thrill after the other. 

As Kathy licked and licked she was bring Barb closer and closer to another huge orgasm! Barb moaned telling Kathy: “OH yes Kathy baby! Lick me!! OH god Kathy your mouth, your mouth feels so wonderful! Lick me baby! Lick my pussy and make me cum baby!! OH GOD! Stick your tongue in me Kathy! YES!! LIKE THAT! JUST LIKE THAT BABY!” Kathy looked up from between her friend’s thighs and pinched Barb’s hard long nipples sticking up like hard little rocks! With her fingers Barb held Kathy’s head against her very opened and extremely wet cunt!! She was over flowing now as she started lifting her ass and hips up and down off the bed as her orgasm built! Kathy knew Barb was close and she worked even harder to please her best friend. Since Barb had just finished fucking Marvin’s big cock, Kathy had to insert three of her fingers into Barb’s opened pussy so she could begin fucking her with them! Barb lifted her ass up off the bed and pushed Kathy’s head hard into her cunt with her hands! She was moaning louder now telling Kathy: “Mumm yea Kath!!! Eat that pussy! Eat me! Eat me pussy!” Then as her orgasm hit her she cried out: “ OH YES KATHY! OH GOD YES! YES!! YES! YES! OH FUCK KATHY THAT FEELS SO GOOD! YES! YES! YES! YES! OH IT”S SO GOOD!!! OH GOD BABY! THAT”S IT! SUCK IT! SUCK IT BABY! OH YEA!! IT’S SO GOOD! SO GOOD!! NOW SUCK! HARD!! HARDER! AHHH! CHRIST KATHY! SUCK MY CLIT! OH GOD BABY! SUCK IT!! SUCK IT!! SUCK IT!! SUCK ME! !OHHHHHHH GODDDD YESSSSSSSS!!!YESSSSSSS!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!” 

Barbara went wild again cumming and cumming as Kathy fingered her friend’s pussy, sucked her clit and licked her pussy like she had dreamed about for all these years!!! Kathy had moved around and was now straddling Barb’s shoulders with her knees. Barb looked up and saw her best friend’s completely shaved cunt directly above her face shinny, wet with its lips opened! As Kathy licked and sucked on Barb’s pussy, she reached up and began to finger fuck Kathy’s pussy! Kathy went into dreamland as she felt her fantasy lover, Barbara, begin fingering her aching pussy! Barb could feel what a wonderful job Kathy was doing eating her pussy and she wanted to repay her. She had never ate a woman’s pussy before, but she knew what she liked and as she pulled Kathy’s pussy down over her mouth she attacked it as if it were her own! Kathy screamed as Barb rolled them both over! Barb looked down at Kathy’s open pussy and buried her face into friend’s cunt, it was her turn now!. 

Marvin had taken piss, and was now back in the bedroom siting on the side of the bed! He watch these two beautiful white women both mothers and upstanding community members going at each like whores! He loved it because he knew Barb had never done anything like this before. This was her first woman on woman experience and she loved it! He was converting her into another cock slut, just like he had converted Kathy! Once they were both straight-laced wives Hell they may have been PTA leaders! Nothing wild or dirty every crossed their minds, but now Barbara was doing more than dirty!! She was taking a second bit out of the forbidden apple! Her first was the black on white experience with him and now it was woman on woman! She had come a long way and soon would be involved in multiple men and women orgies! Marvin was thinking what a great addition she would make to his white party list! Every black man and woman he knew would want her body! 

She would have more cocks and mouths on her pussy than she had ever dreamed of in her life! He smiled as he started stroking his big cock back into hardness! Having her pussy sucked by her best friend was just another step towards Barb’s sexual learning and her conversion into becoming a black cock whore!! Soon he would have her doing all types of things with him! He rested against the big headboard of Barb’s bed and watched them suck and lick and moan and pump their bodies together as they pleased each other again and again!! He slowly began to get hard as he kept stroking his cock back to life!! He was deciding on who he would fuck first, Barbara or Kathy! He felt it should be Kathy since she waited all this time while he drove Barbara crazy fucking her earlier! As his lust built he moved around to the back of Kathy and rolled them both over again As he stood behind her ass he rubbed his cock up and down Kathy’s slit as Barb licked her clit! Marvin moved in and pressed his cock against Kathy’s pussy. 

He felt her lips open and the head of his cock slid in from her wetness. There was little pressure as his cock head felt the smooth walls of her white pussy! He pushed and Kathy cried out: “Oh yes Marvin fuck me baby!” He smiled, as he knew she would always want his big cock fucking her. He was sure if he told her to leave her family and come live with him, she would do it! Barb was laying under Kathy’s opened legs watching Marvin’s big cock moving deeper and deeper into her friend’s pussy! Barb began to slowly rub Kathy’s clit as Marvin began pumping his cock in and out of Kathy’s pussy! Barb could see the big black shaft becoming wet from Kathy’s flow of juices inside her pussy! Barb raised up and flicked her tongue over Kathy’s clit now as Marvin began fucking her harder! This was so hot she said to herself! With lust in her voice Kathy moaned from deep down inside her body: “OH FUCK YES!!! FUCK ME MARV! EAT ME BARB! OH YES! OH YES! OH GOD YES!! AHH! AHH! AHH!!! AHHH!! AHHH!!!! OH FCUK! YES!!!!!!AHHH!! AHH!!! AHHH!!!!!! AHHH!!! AHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!”

 Kathy’s orgasm went into her body like a bomb! She pumped and pumped and pumped her pussy on both Marvin’s big cock and her friend Barbara’s mouth! She screamed out lifting her face and moaning like an animal as Marvin fucked her from behind. Barb slid out from under her friend’s pussy and watched as Marvin worked his magic! She could see about 8 inches of black cock pumping in and pout of her friend’s cunt as Kathy rocked and pushed back on it each time Marvin filled her. She smiled knowing how fucking good it felt when Marvin thrust all of his 12 inches into her pussy and she was sure Kathy was feeling the same! She watched as Kathy raise her head and Barb move around and kissed her as Marvin continued to fuck her best friend from behind! Barb reached under Kathy and took a nipple in each hand. She pulled them and rolled them around in her fingers hearing Kathy moan! Barb’s pussy was right in front of Kathy’s face. She could smell Barb’s musk as Marvin’s long cock was fuck her hard! 

She licked it and Barb felt her tongue against her wet pussy. As barb hung over Kathy’s back Kathy sucked Barb’s pussy !! As Barbara and Marvin faced each other they kissed! Marvin had his cock buried in Kathy from behind. Kathy was facing Barb’s pussy and sucked and licked it! Barb was hanging over Kathy’s back kissing and tonguing Marvin! The alternated positions for the next hour! Finally Kathy arched and screamed as she began to cum! Her climax ripped all through her body sending her into another orgasm immediately behind her first! They she moaned deeply as Marvin slid his cum covered cock out of Kathy’s pussy and into Barb’s! Barb felt his wet cock slid up into her easier since he was covered with Kathy’s cum! His cock throbbed and e knew he would last long inside Barbara she was just to fucking tight! He began to hammer Barbara’s pussy like a man processed! She lifted with each inward thrust! She lifted and pumped her body into Marvin as he came down into her body again and again and again! God he loved this white pussy! It was so tight but she also knew how to use it! Babrb matched his thrusts now and they worked together to achieve the best possible fuck they could have! Marvin was grunting and grunting as he continued to ram his 12-inch cock into Barb’s small body! 

She arched her back and Amrvin felt her pussy tighten down on his entire shaft! He knew she was about to cum! He move his arms under her thighs and lifted her legs up over her head. Kathy loved it as she watched Barb’s body reacting to Marvin’s cock! Barb moaned as Marvin’s big cock slipped into her womb! She cried out willing as she yelled: “FUCK ME BABY! FUCK ME! OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! GOD YYYYEEESSSS!!!!!!!” She was sure she was going to die from the pleasure! It was just like she had remembered it from the first time she had fucked Marvin!! Marvin moaned: “Yea, yea baby! Give me that pussy! Fuck this big cock! Oh god yes! Mumm! Oh yes!! I’m going to cum in you so deep! I’m going to fill your pussy and cum in you so deep!” Barbara moaned out as she felt Marvin’s big cock get thicker and harder now. She knew he was going to cum! She waited and waited with her ass up off the bed and her hips pumping and rotating around on his big cock! And, finally she felt the first shot deep into her womb! She screamed out!: “YES!! CUM IN MY WOMB BABY! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!! OH GOD KATHY!! IT”S SO GOOD!!!!! “ OH! FUCK ME !!!YES!! YES!!! YESS! GODDDDD YESSSSS!!!!!!” 

Barb finally fell back on the bed. She was used up! Kathy came over and kissed her gently on the lips. Marvin moved up and straddled Barb’s shoulders, waving his cum covered cock n the faces of both women! Kathy licked his cock first getting the cum off of it! But soon Barb joined it! The two women cleaned ever sign of cum off of Marvin’s big cock and balls. Finally when he was clean, Kathy took it and began to suck him while Barb’s hands made love to his shaft and balls until he couldn’t hold back any longer and shot another load into Kathy’s waiting mouth! She smiled and moved to Barbara! She put her mouth on Barb’s and shoved her cum filled tongue into Barb’s mouth! The two women exchanged Marvin’s cum between them! Finally Marvin told them: “Swallow it!” He smiled at them and they both smiled as they let the smooth creamy liquid slide down their throats. He stood up and dressed. He told Kathy to get dressed too! It was noon and he told Barbara he would call her soon. 

She should do two things before they met again! First she should shave her pussy completely! He didn‘t want to see any hair. The second thing he wanted her to remember was she should never wear any panties when she came to him! Regardless of what they were going to do or where they went, barb should never wear panties of any kind. She agreed and he and Kathy left for Kathy’s house. Barb lid on the bed covered in cum! She was dazed and didn’t know what she was going to do. Finally she sat up and felt the cum all over her and the bed. She stood and went into the bathroom. She cleaned herself first making sure she wasn’t dripping any cum! Then she changed the sheets on the bed, and washed them immediately! She was surprised she had the courage to allow Marvin into her house and even more amazed she fucked him on her bed, the bed where the only man who had ever been with her until Marvin today! She knew her life as she knew it would never be the same now! She was also thinking about Kathy! 

God was she surprised when she saw Kathy show up in her bed along side Marvin! She smiled knowing Kathy would be back to see her too real soon now that they have gotten to know each other better! And, she had a lot of questions to ask her about her relationship with Marvin too! But now she had to shave just like Marvin told her he wanted her pussy to look!! She went into the bedroom and got Tom’s razor. She smiled as she wondered how Tom was going to feel about her new shaved pussy?

After Barb finished shaving the hair off her she admired her new look in the full-length mirror. She smiled seeing her cunt shinning and bald and very smooth! She watched it open and close slightly as she opened her legs wider. She laughed when she wondered again what Tom would say! She had heard most men love a pussy with no hair around it! She would see shortly it was 3 PM and he would be home in less than 2 hours. She decided to get some sun to cover the part of her body between her legs that wasn’t already tanned. She sat in the chase lounge outside in her very small bikini with the thong bottom and tried to rest. She closed her eyes and immediately Marvin came into her mind. 

She watched as her mind showed him hammer Kathy’s pussy into a screaming orgasm with his huge cock! He pulled out and then turned to her. She smiled up at him as she lay on the big bed in her master bedroom and spread her tanned legs willing and eager to receive his huge cock! He smiled down at her when he saw her shaved pussy and as he slowly ran his big hand over it feeling her smoothness. He also felt she was wet already! He smiled again taking his slippery cum covered cock and rubbed it up and down her slit! She moaned and her pussy opened for him! He told her: “Umm umm that sure looks fine baby! I love pussy with no hair.” As he started to fuck her with 10+ inches he told her: “You and K over there could be sisters with your pretty little really white pussies now!! One blonde and one brunette, now all I needs is a redhead!” He laughed loud and rammed her pussy making her feel like she was going to cum!! A few more pumps from his big cock and she began to cry out with a hard climax! As she moaned over and over again, she was waken with a startle seeing Tom standing over her touching her silky thigh! She jumped and said “OH GOD TOM!! You scared the crap out of me! When did you get home?” He said: “2 minute ago! You looked so beautiful and sexy lying there with your new bikini on and moaning like you were have a great dream baby! I hope I was in it!!” 

She said: “I must have fell asleep! I had a nightmare, not a sexy dream!” He laughed and pulled her up to him! He kissed her hard and his hands were exploring her ass covered with just the bikini thong! She heard him moan when he felt how really undressed she was in that thong! She leaned into him as he held her licking her neck and down her breasts. He was trying to get his tongue under the top of her bikini when she said: “Oh God Tom!! The neighbors babe! God Kathy will have it all over the neighborhood that you were screwing me in the back yard!” He laughed and pulled her by her hand into the house. He asked: “So when are the kids coming home!” She smiled and looked at the clock saying: “In less than 30 minutes, and we don’t have the time! Sorry babe you’ll have to wait until tonight! You sure seem worked up today! 

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A pool in the dark has led her to do the unspeakable with a minor but her troubles are numbered higher than the age of the most erotic bod,she ever touched. Two girl events in her life didn't qualify her for a medal of the Gay liberation front...