The third ending of Barb and Marvin story
She pointed to the coffee and bagel shop next door to the card store. He said; “I’ll be there. He took her hand and held it! She felt a chill run up her spine1 he smiled as she shivered and said; “I feel it too Barb. Until tomorrow babe!” He turned and looked at her one last time before walking out the door. She watched him lave and moaned when she say him turn and look at her. She knew she felt a shock when he touched her hand and the shock ran from her spine to her clit! She squeezed her thighs together and said: “Oh god what am I going to do?” She even had an idea to tell Tom about it and maybe he would come with her and end this once and for al! But, then she said to herself: “No Barbara you’re a big girl and you know right from wrong! You started this you have to end it! But she was scared! Scared of what she was capable of when she saw Marvin, or he touched her.
She would make sure they sat across from each other so he couldn’t touch her. She would also make dam sure she didn’t let him put anything in her drink this time! That night she couldn’t eat much dinner and was overly quiet too! Tom kept asking if she was OK? She told him: “I’m just really tired and don’t really feel well Tom, I think my period is coming on! I think I’ll just go to bed.” Barb retired at around 10PM but at 11PM when Tom came to bed she was still awake facing away from him. He curled up behind her and held her spooning her body with his. He fell asleep quickly but she stayed awake half the night! She remembered the clock radio reading 3:45AM! Tom left the normal time kissing her goodbye and saying he would be home around 6:30 PM! She went back to bed until 7:45AM. She arrived and saw him sitting in a booth.
She ordered a coffee and said: “I would prefer to sit here at this table Marvin. OK? He got up and moved to the table. He reached for her hand and she moved it quickly. He said: “For god sakes Barb, what’s wrong? I just wanted to say hello to you! I’m not going to tear your clothes off here!” She said: “Well I promised I meet you, I didn’t say I would let you touch me.” He said: “Fair enough. Look! I might as well say what I have to say. You know say what’s on my mind. Please hear me out until I finish. Then if you want me to leave, or you want to leave so be it! OK?” She said: “OK I’ll hear what you have to say but I’m not going to see you again! I can’t! No, make that won’t Marv. I can’t do that to my husband again!
He said: “Well we did have a great time didn’t we?” She didn’t answer him. Marvin bent forward and almost whispered: “I wanted to see you again because I can’t seem to get you out of my heart or mind Barbara! I wanted to tell you that face to face. What we did and what we had and felt together in my car was something I don’t want to forget. I know you felt something tom that night! I know because you told me! You told me you loved it, which you never wanted it to end. I felt the same way too! I knew you were married. Hell I’m married too! But we had something very, very special Barb! Something many people never feel in their lives, ever!
And, I’m here today to say to you that I would like to see you again and be with you? Do you understand what I’m saying here? I want you bad Barbara, not for the sex; hell I can get that almost anywhere! But, we had a special connection! And, I don’t want that to end. I know you felt it too baby! I can’t seem to get you out of my heart Barbara!” He stopped talking and waited for her reaction. She looked at him trying to read the truth! She said: “Tell me the truth Marvin, did you drug me that night? I don’t believe I would have ever gone to dinner with you if I wasn’t drugged or something! ” He looked her directly in the eye and as honest as he could say it told her: “No! Why would I drug you Barbara?” She watched his eyes and his dark face, but couldn’t tell if he was being honest or not! She bent forwarded and whispered: “ You know damn well why? You wanted to fuck me! That’s why? Now tell me the truth!” He said: “God yes I wanted to fuck you! Hell half the men in that college want to fuck you! But I did not drug you! As God is my witness! I didn’t do anything to you to make you come to dinner with me. Then when you did I got carried away, you got carried away and with the help of the wine we went to far.
You fucked me just as hard as I fucked you that night Barbara! So don’t throw all this on me baby! You wanted me as bad as I wanted you! Admit it!” He knew most of what he said was the truth, she did want him as bad as he wanted her. But her had spent an hour working on every button he knew of to get a women worked up enough to wanted it fuck that bad with a man she just met! She also told him that night the thinks that happened to her when she was raped! The things that really got her off, so she helped tell him what she liked a man to do to her!! He gave her exactly what she wanted! She said: “OK! Well I guess I did want you that night!
But, by the time I realized what was going on between the two of us, I was so worked up, I just couldn’t stop! But you took advantage of me by giving me all that wine, if you didn’t drug me too! I’m still not completely sure you didn’t!” He cleared his throat and said: “You told me, no, you yelled it, and I quote: “Oh Marvin baby! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me with your big black cock! Fill me baby! Fill me with your cum! Cum in my womb baby!” She blushed terribly and looked away from him! He took the chance of her looking away to reach for her arm and touched it with his hands. She didn’t pull away. He bent in closer now and said: “Barb! Tell me I’m lying when I say you loved everything we did. .
Tell me you weren’t cumming more than you have ever done in your life. Tell me you weren’t screaming with lust as you wrapped your legs around and pulled me even deeper inside your body than anyone had ever gone! Tell me what we did didn’t drive you crazy with desire! Tell me you didn’t almost pass out when I shot my load deep into your pussy and filled you! And, Barbara, tell me your husband fucks you better!” She couldn’t. She shook her head and said: “All that may be true Marvin, but I’m married! I’m married and I want to be faithful to him! I don’t want to cheat on Tom. He’s a great husband and father and lover Marvin! He may not be as big as you, but he treats me like a queen and I love him! You are not helping me here you are hurting me.” Please don’t, she tried to pull hr arm away.
She gathered up all of her will power and told Marvin: “While what we did was unbelievable and you are right it drove me wild! I can’t see you again. I love Tom and don’t want to loose him.” He sat there for a few minutes looking at her. She wasn’t looking at him, she couldn’t! If she did she didn’t think she could say it again! Finally Marvin bent over the table again and said: I will honor your request Barb but I have to tell you I don’t believe you one little bit. I think you are scared to meet me again! It’s not that you don’t want too, you do!
But you know if you don’t want to see if we and get that sexually high again baby! Well I sure can’t force you. But I think you are wondering if you can feel again what you felt the first time we were together.” He stopped talking and waited again to see her reaction. Barbara sighed loudly and turned towards him. She looked him in the eye and with a very sad face told him: “Oh god baby! You’re right! Oh Marvin, I would love to have you screw me wild again until I couldn’t stand up! But, baby, I’m married and I mean it when I said I don’t want to cheat on the man I love. I know you and I had such great sex I will never be the same! You are the biggest man I have ever seen or had inside me and I loved the way you fucked me that night.” She turned red when she said it. “But, please!! Please understand I can’t see you again.
If I do I don’t know what will happen but it will be bad by the time it’s over. Now please leave and don’t come see me any more. Please! It’s hard enough doing this without seeing you. Please leave!” She started to cry. Marvin held her hand and said: “OK Barb! If that’s how you want it than I’m going. But, if you chance your mind, here’s my cell phone number. Call me and I’ll be there for you. Please understand I have been with a great deal of women but you are exceptional! I never met a woman like you, and I do want to see you again! I want us to be together. I don’t want to wreck your marriage I want you to be with me and fuck me. Do you understand, you can have your marriage and still see me.
We would be so great together baby! I can almost feel you around my body and your pussy around my big cock! You loved it too Barbara I know you did.” He handed her the card with his phone number on it and walked out. As he walked to his car, a set of eyes watched him. The eyes watched him go into the coffee shop earlier and sit with the pretty white woman at a table. She made him move from the booth he was in. They talked a long time, maybe an hour. Then he left but the eyes had seen him hold her arm and hand and saw them both bending in towards each other like they were talking very low about something. Finally the eyes watching Marvin started the car and drover out of the shopping area two cars behind Marvin’s car. Barbara buried her head on the table. Half of the place was watching her. Finally she stood up and went to next store to work. She put the cars in her wallet. She worked most of the day and then told her boss she felt really sick and went home.
Tom came home about 6:30 PM and saw her in bed. He was concerned and asked her what was wrong. She told him she was sick. She told him she didn’t feel well stomach was upset and her head pounded! He got her a sleeping tablet and some tea. He loved Barbara deeply and was always there for her. Barbara slept the entire night. Weeks went by and Marvin had not called or sent notes or visited Barbara. She was starting to feel like the entire thing was finally behind her. She was with Tom and they were making love every night and sometimes in the morning! They were happy again and he had forgiven her. He hadn’t said it but the way he was acting and treating her she was sure he was OK! She was feeling much better with everyday that passed. Most of the time Barbara didn’t even thinks about Marvin and what they did together.
But then there were those days like today, when she wasn’t working and Tom was away at work! She sat in the house alone kids were gone and she started to daydream about him and the cock that fucked her body into fits of sexual rage! She took out the card with his phone number on it that he gave her before he walked out of the coffee shop, which was the last time she had seen him! That was more than 2 months ago! She tossed the card into the trashcan. She started working around the house cleaning and straightening up.
She continued to think about Marvin and the things they did with each other’s bodies. That was one hell of a night she said to herself! She continued to daydream and finally, reached into the trashcan and retrieved the card. She wasn’t sure if she wanted the idea of never seeing Marvin again was what she really wanted. She put the card into her secret place where she kept a great number of things that were part of her life. Another month went by and for some reason she was thinking more and more of Marvin. It happened almost every time she saw a black and white couple. These days it was often but mostly black men with white women. She was at the car wash one day and as she got out of her car she saw this tall black man with this short white woman ahead of her. As the car went pass the various stages of being washed, she watched the couple as they walked slowly ahead of her. His hands were all over her body and she could see her laughing and holding him as he stroked her.
Finally, as she got behind them to pay the bill, she got an odor, which she knew! It was the odor if sex. They must have just had sex before coming to the car wash! The woman was holding the man around the waist tightly talking with him. Barbara over heard some of the conversation. The woman was saying: Oh god Tyrone this morning was so good! You are unbelievable baby! Let’s go back to my place and I’ll do you again! Can we? Please!” he said: “You know I can’t right now. So let me drop you off at work and I’ll see you tonight! Just save all that white pussy for me until tonight baby!” She looked very sad and Barbara knew exactly how she felt. Doing without Marvin for over 3 months now was a strain.
There were times when she would go weeks without thinking of him and then all of a sudden he would pop into her brain and her body would cry out for relief! Doing without his big cock was very difficult! In fact, it was the hardest thing she had ever done without! She finally paid the bill for the car wash and went home!! Finally she took the card out of the secret place and sat on the bed with the phone in her hand. She dialed 6 of the numbers when she heard: “Hey anyone home?” It was her next door neighbor Kathy! She hung up the phone and put the card on her night table! She went down to see what Kathy was up too! She opened the door and they walked into the kitchen! Barb made coffee and they sat and talked of an hour. Kathy asked her if she knew a Mr. Wilson? Barb blushed like crazy and Kathy said: “Well I guess you do! What’s up between you two anyway?
He came to my door and asked about you. He wanted to know if you were doing OK? He said he was your teacher and you dropped his class and never called him to tell him why. He said he had tried to call you and even left you a couple of notes in your mailbox. He seemed generally concerned about you! Are you OK Barb?” Barbara took a deep breath and said: “Yes! I’m good Kathy! There’s nothing wrong with me! The man won’t leave me alone. He wants to take me out! No he wants to fuck me Kathy! I was sure I was ride of him! He’s unbelievable!” Kathy looked at Barb with one eyebrow raised. She smiled like a devil and said: “So what did you do to make him think you were interested? Does he know you’re married?” Barb sighed deeply and told her best friend: “Yes, he knows and doesn’t care. He told me he thinks I’m one incredible woman and he wants to see me!” Kathy said; “See you in like going out with him to dinner or seeing you like nude in bed under him?” Barb blushed again and Kathy said: “I think I know the answer! So are you? Are you going to SEE HIM? You know what they say about black guys!” Barb said: “KATHY!! Yea I know! I know!
And no I’m not going to see him for dinner or anything else!” Kathy smiled and Barbara said: “ What? What’s on your dirty little mind now?” Kathy smiled again and asked: “Tell me the truth, did you already see him?” Barb blushed crimson! She said: “You can’t say a thing about what I’m going to tell you. You promise on the life of your children and our friendship?” Kathy got up and poured another cup of coffee and sat closer to Barb. She said: “OH GOD! You have been with him! OK!! OK! I won’t tell anyone I promise on the life of my kids and our friendship! Tell me Tell me for god sakes does anyone else know? Does Tom? Oh God this is so sexy!” Barb said: “Calm down Kathy! Barb began to tell her about that night in the car and what they did! Kathy’s eyes got larger and larger! Finally she asked: “So tell me did he have a big one? You know did he have a big black cock?” Barbara said: “Would you shut up? Yes he had a big cock! He had the biggest cock I have ever seen!
And, he knew how to use it too! He fucked me wild and I went crazy! I can’t stop thinking about it! In fact it’s jeopardizing my LIFE with Tom, my marriage and everything I have in my life! I’m so sorry I ever got involved with him! But god help me I can’t get it out of my mind what he did to me and what I felt when him shoot a huge load of cum into my womb! Yes! That’s right, into my womb Kathy! OH GOD! What am I going to do Kathy! I can’t stop thinking about him” Barbara started crying an again. Kathy held her and tried to console her. Finally Barb stopped crying and Kathy said: “Do you want me to do anything for you?” Barb said: “Just don’t say a word about this. No one knows except you!” Kathy told her she would be happy to stay with her and promised she wouldn’t breathe a word to anyone.
About a half an hour later Kathy left and Barb sat there for a long time. Finally she knew what she had to do. She went upstairs and masturbated like a 16-year-old high school girl! She climaxed about 3 times before she stopped fucking herself with the large vibrator she had purchased to help her forget about Marvin’s big cock! But this time it didn’t work. Barbara went to her bed and picked up the card with his phone number on it! She dialed it! It rang 3 times and Marvin picked up the phone breathing hard. She said: “Marvin is that you? This is Barbara! I need you baby! God help me I need to see you! You were right, so right Marvin! I do want you again! I can’t stop thinking about you baby!” He smiled as he heard her say it! He told her: “Look I’m going to have to call you back. I’m in the middle of something really important and good Barb and I don’t want to stop! I’ll call you back!” He hung up on her. She fell on the bed crying then she started to wail.
God she felt so bad, what the hell was wrong with her? She had a great husband who fucked her like a mad man making her cum and cum! His love was unconditional! Yes, she felt like a fucking whore! She was bad off and she knew it! About 2 days later when she was sure Marvin wasn’t going to call her, he finally did! He asked her: “So what can I do for you Barbara?” She sighed and said: “I want to see you again Marvin! I want us to be together again! You were right baby! We did have something special.” He said: “Well I’m involved Barbara! Besides my wife, I have a new lover in my life!” She almost cried but held herself together.
She said: “You told me we had something special Marvin. Please! Please meet me and let’s talk about it! Let’s see if what you told me is true!” He smiled as he said: “So what is it you want from me? You are going to have to tell me exactly what you want from me!” She moaned and said: “I want you to do me again baby! I want to feel you inside me again!” He said: “So you want me to fuck you again! So tell me that!” Barbara moaned again and told him: “Oh god don’t tease me baby! OK! I want you to fuck me Marvin! I want to see you again and I want you to fuck me all damn day! Marvin said: “Well when do you want me to do this to you?” Barb said: “You pick the time and place and I’ll be there!” He knew she was hurting bad for him and wanted, really wanted him! He smiled and said: “OK tomorrow morning, 10AM, in your house!” Barb felt a cold chill run up her back! She said: “Not my house let’s meet some place! Please!” He said: “No! 10 AM your house that’s it! Take it or leave it!” She was about to say: “Leave it.” But something deep inside her said: “OK my house!” She then told him: “But you have to leave when I say so, I don’t want to be caught!” He said: “I’ll see you at 10AM!” He hung up and smiled at the dark hair women sitting on his big cock buried all the way inside her.
She was riding up and down on it during the entire conversation with Barbara! She smiled down at him and said: “See! I told you she was in a bad way baby! Is she really going to let you come to house tomorrow?” He laughed and said: “Hell yea she is! 10 AM baby!” As she pumped up and down on Marvin’s big cock, she said: “God I would love to see that! But, now I’m in a bad way too! Fuck me with that big dick baby! Make me scream as you cum in me! fuck me hard Marvin! Fuck me fast and fuck me like you are going to fuck that sweet little pussy of my best friend, Barbara!” They both laughed and the he smiled and picked her small body up as he sat up.
He rolled her over on her back as he stood at the edge of the bed. He smiled down at her and told her: “I owe you big baby! I owe you for your help and what you did for me! Now I’ll pay you back with the best fuck I have inside me! You are the one who helped he get little Barbara back! Tomorrow I’m going to make her one of our group!” She looked at him and before she could ask he said: “Yes! Yes Kathy my sexy cum holder, you’ll get your chance with her. I’ll let you eat her pussy after I cum in it! How’s that?” She smiled up at him and lifted her ass up of the bed feeling him pump into her pussy! She whispered deeply saying: “Oh yea baby! Now fuck me!” He lifted her legs up and out wide!
He moved her pussy to the very edge of the bed! Marvin began pumping hard into Kathy’s pretty little pussy. He smiled and said to himself: “It’s good to have helpful next door neighbor!” He was ramming into Kathy’s pretty pussy now saying: “You did well baby! You did real well getting her to tell you all about that night I did her. Now she is so hot for my cock she will let me fuck her in her own house in her own bed where her husband fucks her. And, since you did it for me, I’m going to let you watch! You come around the back door and I’ll let you in. I want you to watch until she screams and cums for me. Then I want you to join us! Between you and me, we’ll get little Barbara off over and over again all fucking day!
She’ll become one of our regulars, baby! We’ll do her a few times a week if you like!” She sailed and said: “I like!! I like! You don’t know how long I have been trying to get her to let me lick that little pussy don’t you? I think she is really hot baby, just like you! We’ll do her real good tomorrow! I can’t wait to see you fuck her with this big cock of yours!” Kathy was lifting her pussy up in time with Marvin‘s thrusts! She was meeting each of his thrusts now moaning and rolling her head from side to side as her body moved closer and close towards what she knew would be a fucking huge orgasm! When Marvin did her she always had a huge climax! They both were just about ready to cum! All this talk about little Barbara’s pussy was getting to both of them. They had done a great deal of women around the area, and actually had 2 other women within a three-block area! But they both really wanted Barbara! She was exceptional!
Barbara was excited now and very scared! What if someone came home early tomorrow? God what would she do? She didn’t know, but she did know she wanted Marvin to fuck her again! That was for sure. That day and night went by so slow for her. And then Tom came home. He was very tired from the long hours he had been working the past 3 weeks! He had little energy to make love to her, but Barbara could always get him interested in fucking her. She sucked him hard and he ate her pussy for a long, long time before he fuck her!
She spooned her ass and back to him and with his cock still inside her pussy they both fell asleep five minutes after they had finished. He told the next morning as he was leaving for work and that he would make it up to her over the weekend. He told her of the surprise he had for her! He had made plans to go to the beach and they could make love all weekend since the kids would be with the grand parents! They would be alone all weekend. She said: “Oh yes Tommy! I would love that! Thank you! “ She kissed him good bye and he left! The kids were gone 2 hours before that to swim practice. Barb stayed in bed for another 15 minutes and then got up and showered. She put on a robe with nothing under it! She figured why put anything on since she was going to be fucked for a few hours as soon as Marvin got there which was in 10 minutes.
She fixed herself up and looked stunning especially when she opened that robe in front of the full-length mirror! She watched and saw him pull up in his car. He had a brief case in his hand as he walked to the door. She opened it for him before he could rap. He smiled and was thinking: “Damn Barb you really are in a hurry for me to fuck you, aren’t you?” He stepped inside and she closed the door and locked it with both locks! She came to him and stood on her toes as he bent down and kissed her running his hands down the back of her body! He heard her moan: “Mumm! Oh yes! OH yes Marvin!! I have missed you baby! Touch me, feel me, look at me and see how bad off I am! I have been waiting so long for you to fuck me again!” She could feel his cock hardening in his slacks as he ran his hands over her.
He said: “Drop the robe baby! And get on your knees! Time to love my cock baby!” She smiled and knelt in front of him. He said: “Take my cock out! Touch it, feel its hardness, and make love to it Barb! Show me how much you missed me and want me to fuck you!” She smiled up at him as she dropped the robe off her body before he had finished his sentence! She knelt in front of him and undid his slacks! She let them fall off his hips down to his feet. Marvin never wore anything under his slacks so his cock came free immediately! It was sticking out about 8-inchs directly in her face. She wrapped her hands around it gently, lovingly brought it her lips and kissed and licked the big black head. As she stroked his shaft she could see the pre-cum forming in the hole in the head as it continued to grow in her hand. It gave her chills all over her body!
She licked the pre-cum off the hole with her tongue as her lips began to surround the growing cock head! Marvin stood there watching this beautiful sexy white woman worshiping the tool of his trade. He had gotten so many women of all colors to give him so much just for letting him fuck them! He hardly had to work at any job! He had all the money and things he needed in life free given by the women he fucked! His wife was sure he had a great job! He smiled and as barb sucked his cock in her living room, he said to himself: “Another one, who will gladly pay me for doing her!” Barbara was sucking him with all the energy she had! She tried to please her lover as much as she knew he was going to please her in just a few minutes. She sucked his cock until it was at last 10-inches long and 4 inches thick! Finally Marvin didn’t want to cum in her mouth so he said: “Upstairs Barbara, I’m going to fuck you in your bed! Properly fuck you good too!” He knew he wanted the first time he shot his load would be into her sweet tight little white pussy would be he in the bed where her husband slept every night! It gave him the feeling of power and superiority over this white woman and her husband!
She had been made to suck his cock dry! And, finally she told him that Mr. Ray had the hardest and longest cock she had ever seen or felt... |
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