The Sea War
A new Command
Back in Liverpool after several weary days in London, then on a course at Portland a very weary Lt Cdr Tony Nash DSO entered the bar. He recognised Heather, Freda’s friend straight away. She smiled at him, and he had to admit she was looking lovely, and had obviously taken very great care over her appearance. He could sense from her behaviour that she had been drinking, and had been at the bar for some time. She was not drunk, but her reaction seemed rather more friendly than normal towards him.
Tony smiled at her but did not speak until he had ordered his drink, deciding not to offer her one, as she had a full one in front of her anyway, and then he looked at her. He was going to ask her where Freda his girlfriend was, as he had called at her house and left his kit there, and she was not there. He knew that Heather had the misfortune of being married to that bastard of a husband who happened to be Tony’s past immediate superior officer, and Flotilla commander, so he could understand her need to break out occasionally.
She was looking at him in a sort of funny way, and looking him up and down with
her mouth open, and her tongue licking her lower lip. She gave him a smile and
“Hi darling my names Heather.”
“My names Tony!” he responded. “And I know your name, and you know mine full
“Of course I do - you are the lucky bastard who was fucking my mate Freda. The
lucky bitch. Can I join you, but I warn you I am a little bit pissed?."
“Of course you can.” Tony responded.
“It’s good to see you again Tony.” she said. “Long time no see” .
She sat down a little closer to him than was necessary, and sort of leaned
against him. “Put your arms round me please. Tony. I am cold and this place is
bloody freezing.”
The fire in the bar had not been lit, and the bar man apologize. “It’s because
of the coal rationing sir“.
Heather was looking at him real droopy-like. Tony thought her eyes had that sort of ’come hither look’ which many women used when trying to pick a man up. Tony was rather angry, at not being able to find Freda, so if she wanted a cuddle, and a kiss he was not averse to a bit of fun, so he put his arms round her, and the next thing he knew she was leaning against him seemingly fast asleep. The bar man was mopping the bar, looked down at her and said. “You will be alright there tonight mate, her old man has kicked her out, so she says, she has just checked in, and has a room upstairs.”
Tony suddenly felt sorry for Heather, He had always liked her before when he had met her with Freda, and he could understand her distress if her husband had kicked her out. Her husband had been the Flotilla Leader for the Fifth Escort Group. From Tony’s experience he was a man with a short temper and very hard to please.
However, he now knew that was a thing of the past. He had been informed whilst in London that he was to be promoted to a full Commander, and put in as half leader of a new Flotilla which comprised one of the new Frigates now under construction.
Tony asked the bar man “What room is she in?” “She is a friend of mine and the wife of my ex CO.” The bar was not busy so he said. “I will give you a hand with her mate” He fetched a key from behind the bar, and between them they carried her up to her room on the first floor.
As they lay her on the bed she opened her eyes. In a very soft sexy voice she
said “Thanks Tony.”
The bar man left, and Tony saw him out the door, he made her a cup of black
coffee, from the meagre rations in the cupboard, and when he turned round to
give it to her, he saw that she had already completely undressed except for a
pair of scanty panties and he was looking at one very glamorous naked lady. She
was now showing no signs of being the worse for drink but was smiling happily at
him. ”Like what you see Tony dear?” She said as he handed her the mug of coffee.
Tony suddenly felt dismayed and felt as though he was being used, as it did seem
to him from her behaviour that she had faked being drunk to trap him into
getting him into her room. “I think I had better leave you to sleep it off
Heather dear.” He said as he made for the door,. and was about to leave when
Heather called “Please don’t leave me Tony. Did you know that I had left Mike.”
“No I did not until the barman told me.”
“He did not tell you why then? “Cause, I caught my old man in my bed, in my own
home, fucking your girl friend Freda.”
“His response was “Freda’s not like that.”
But somehow he knew that Heather might just be telling the truth. She did not
know he was back, and he had hoped to surprise Freda, and he had not known her
for very long and Heather did a good job in raising his suspicions...
A feeling of despondency swept over him, as much as he enjoyed Freda’s company he had no illusions about what she would or would not do in his absence. Then he thought, well if Freda can fuck around so can I...
As he walked towards the bed he was stripping. Within minutes he was lying flat on the bed and Heather was on top of him, her lips fastened to his and the heat of her body melting into his, her bosom with its firm bullet like nipples drilling into his chest, was more than any man could resist.
"Take me, oh, take me," she whispered. As her mouth explored all over his face and neck, while her hands traveled down his body to grasp his erection. Tony wrapped both arms around her, and felt her strong, animal body responding to him. She pulled the blanket over them to give some protection from the chill of the unheated room.
He brought both his hands up to the back of her head, linked his fingers in her long red hair, and then turned her face to his. Clamping his lips against hers he gave her along passionate french kiss. But his mind was still on Freda. Even after what he had been told he still felt mildly disloyal for fucking her best mate, but if Freda was putting herself about then so could he.
Heather responded bringing her hot, pouting lips down on his, and plunging her tongue between his teeth. "Mmmmm---oh, fuck me please Tony!" The wet suction from her kissing, grinding lips and her free hand playing with his foreskin made it hard as hell to pull away.
“OK Heather get ready, " he said. “If Freda can fuck around behind my back - so
can I
“ She closed her eyes and groaned happily, as Tony started to suck her nipples.
She kept up her groaning and sighing, and brought one hand up to his chest,
scratching it and in turn started sucking his nipples.
Heathers breasts were incredibly round and large, the white skin sprinkled with dark red freckles. "Play with them." She murmured Tony by now was half crazy with lust from the actions of this incredibly sexy woman, and the sound of her sexy low voice.
He plastered his mouth down on her shoulder and licked and bit as his hands gently fondled her nipples. She arched forward and breathed hotly in his ear. Her nipples pushed against his chest, free and firm. Then he leaned back to get a good look at her, placing both hands on her stomach and slowly working them up to her boobs. Her breathing came hard and fast and when his fingers reached her nipples she began to moan.
Her naked tits were fantastic. They were big and firm and erect. The nipples were dark red; they were big and her nipples were made to be sucked. Tony brought his hand up and took her two nipples between his fingers. They felt hard and warm as he tweaked and played with them. Then teased them with his mouth and tongue. Heather closed her eyes and arched her back. She moaned and said. “Freda always boasted and said you were fucking hot, and by god you are.”
"Ahhh, that's it ..." The feel was out of this world. He wanted her bad as his hand went down between her legs she parted them to let him have full access. Tony found he was staring at the juiciest pussy he had seen for a long time
She lay on her back looking up at him and spread her knees far apart.
Hurry my darling Toneee," she moaned, looking up at him her eyes full of lust.
He could not take his eyes off her beautiful spread moist pussy, Surrounded by
its fringe of red hair.
She reached down and fingered her pussy lips, pulling them apart, closing them up, Her breasts were bunched up on her chest, pressed together by her arms, the nipples pushed real close to each other.
Then she opened her eyes, and gazed up at him as positioned himself between her legs. ”Oh darling you have such a lovely cock.” She murmured huskily as she reached down for it, and gasped. “I want you now honey!" she said, as she wriggled her hips into position to receive him..
Tony was not in the mood to waste time, as kneeling between her spread legs, she took his cock, and positioned it against the lips of her pussy. Then Tony gently pushed his cock into her warm wet body. He thrust forward gently and in one fantastic push he was inside her.
"Oh, Tony, you feel so good in me ..." Tony started to move slowly and gently inside her, pulling back until just the tip of his cock was just in her. Then he pushed forward again slowly and once again pulled back gradually increasing his speed. Heathers body bounced around under him as he knelt above her pushing in and out. Her arms locked round his neck as her lips desperately sought his
"Do it ... do it ..." She was talking to herself. Her mouth was open in a big, lusty pout and the words came dribbling out. Gradually the tempo of their love making increased. Then suddenly she threw her pussy into him with a wild cry, and tears began streaming down her cheeks.
"Oh, yes! Yes! God! Oh, it feels so gooood!" Her arms were stretched up round his neck. Tony was beginning to realise that Heather in bed was something special, and well outside his experience. She knew how to get the best out of her lovers as her pussy pulsed against his cock, a gripping pulsating sucking elastic sheath for his pulsating cock. It was as though they had been made for each other. He kept his eyes open as he went in and out, wanting to see, as well as feel her.
"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," she howled, in a small, high- pitched voice. The tender head of my cock began to tingle as her pussy’s suction started to work its magic. The feeling was incredible. Tony heard himself groan and increased his stroking. Suddenly her body tensed, her arms locked round his neck, her legs clamped round his waist as she went into a series of long mind blowing orgasms.
Heather was twisting like crazy on the bed, throwing her body back and forth as she went up and down on his cock. Her face was contorted, her mouth wide open and moving, the eyes closed still spilling tears.
Her body was locked against his as it pulsated and thrashed around as if she was sucking the life out of his cock. His own passion was responding as he too became so wild that he couldn't think about anything but filling her wet, warm pussy with his seed. He grabbed her firmly on both hips as he pumped in and out like a maniac, holding his cock locked inside her, until her pussy was bubbling with warm, sticky lubrication.
Eventually fatigue and exhaustion mad them slow down, as they lay breathing
heavily still locked together "Oh, Toneeee ..." she whispered.
She was breathing heavily, still moaning. Her long fingers played up and down
his back, her mouth on his shoulder. Then eventually she said, "Let me up please
Tony," and he rolled off her and watched as she slowly got out of bed and stood
facing him. "Ohhhhhh," she sighed, stretching her arms way above her head,
arching her back and getting up on her toes. "That was the most terrific fuck of
my life." She smiled down at him.
Don’t move I will be back for more.”
She turned and went into the bathroom. Tony turned onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. Then he heard the water running and a weird squishing sound, like she was squirting water out of a balloon.
When she came out a few minutes later and sat down on the edge of the bed, he said, "Not taking any chances, eh?"
“No my darling - when I do become pregnant, I want it to be just like that, but not during a war, or with a man who can go and get himself killed.”
The next morning Tony went back to get his gear from Freda’s house when he
opened the door Freda was home, and the next minute she was in his arms
smothering him with kisses. Surprised when he pushed her away she said “What’s
the matter?”
“ Heather told me that you have been sleeping with her husband and that was the
reason she walked out on him.” Tony said.
“I have what?”
“Heather told me that she caught you in bed with her husband.”
“I have not ever seen her husband, except from a distance” Freda said.
“She said that she had left him, because she caught him in bed with you.”
“The lying slut”
“Where were you last night then.”
“I worked an extra shift at the hospital, because the nurses home, took an
indirect hit and we are short of staff, plus there is a flu epidemic.”
Tony stood up. “The lying bitch. I’m going to kill her.” He then went on to
explain what had happened, and that he had slept with her the night before.
Freda was upset. She had tears in her eyes.
“You believed her?”
“I am sorry, but I was so despondent that I am afraid I did.”
Freda sat down and cried for a long time, she would not be comforted.
”I have never been unfaithful to you Tony. To be quite honest Heather and I,
have not spoken for over a month, because she wanted to play around, and I would
not, and anyway I have been working overtime to get some extra money so we could
marry .
“Do you want me to leave? Tony asked.
“Yes - go for a walk for an hour or so, give me a chance to think this through..
Tony felt utterly miserable, he could not remember where he went, but he
returned in just over an hour. His heart was in his mouth.
When Tony entered the house an hour later Freda was waiting for him.
“I thought that in your letters you were talking about marriage? She said.
“I was, and I do want to marry you. I love you, but when she told me that last
night I was completely devastated and I was so angry and hurt..”
“Right Tony, I do love you too - you are the best thing that ever happened to
me. Do you think we can get married while you are on leave this time.”
“We can have a damn good try, get your coat and lets go and see what we can do
in seven days.
His sister Angie was now ensconced in the WRNS quarters in Liverpool, and had been promoted to First Officer. The facilities were much better, and with more ships coming into commission, creating many more staffing problems, she found the work much more challenging. Several staff had been transferred with her from London, and a new C in C Western Approaches had taken up his post.
A week after she .had taken up her appointment, her boss came in and said they have just arrested a Commander Nash downstairs. The silly man was looking for his sister and he claimed she worked here. I don’t suppose that he is any relation to you is he?.”
Angie gasped “That’s my brother sir.”
“Well you had better go and fetch him before they shoot him on a spying charge or something, Or you can bring him up and show him the set-up, but take the rest of the day off - we can manage. I think you may have wedding to go to.“
Angie flew downstairs to meet Tony and after their very effusive greetings she
stood back and said. “What are you doing here Tony?”
“Well I just came to invite you to my wedding. I am getting married tomorrow at
the Registry office, and next week I take up my new command over the water at
She took Tony upstairs to the plotting room and introduced him to her friends and to her boss Captain Raymond Brookes VC. He listened carefully and then said facetiously out loud. “I will ask my Secretary to send a message to Hitler, and ask him to postpone the war for a couple of days as my First Officer wants to go to a wedding. I can‘t run this office without her.” .
There was a general uproar of laughter at his comments and said “Well I think your Number 2 should be able to manage Angie, anyway I think you are overdue for a bit of leave. So go girl and have some fun, don‘t come back for a couple of days.”
Angie and Freda got on well one the ice was broken. The girls told Tony to go
away somewhere, while they sorted the clothes out for the wedding.
The next day on an emergency license they were married. A local hotel came up
trumps despite rationing and there were a number of friends of Freda‘s from the
Hospital and despite the war the wedding was an event to remember. Heather was
not invited.
Chapter 6 Next .
Chapter 6
For the first time Commander Tony Nash wore the three full rings of a Commander
RN, he had two more days leave, before he and his new wife Freda left for
Birkenhead to commission the new Sloop HMS Blackbird. Although from Liverpool
Birkenhead was no distance Freda decided she wanted to be with him His new ship
was still finishing her short refit, of new radar and sonar equipment, and was
still in a dry dock so Freda joined him, stopping in a local hotel for the two
weeks before they were due to sail.
For Commander Tony Nash the thought of a command like HMS Blackbird was a dream come true. Two engines instead of one, Four 4’ guns instead of one, better accommodation, and a ship which was not quite so lively in a rough sea as HMS Summer Rose. A decent sea cabin for the captain adjacent to the bridge which was big enough to sleep in comfortably although of necessity small.. Which was handy as he could leave the bridge in the care of a watch keeper, while being able to have a nap in the sea cabin while at sea, and be instantly available in an emergency. . .
He had a complement of five executive officers, a Surgeon, and Lieutenant (E) Engineer, as well as a Lieutenant from the Supply Branch. There were two additional Sub Lieutenants, and two midshipmen. Looking through the records of the officers he found that there were four qualified watch keepers. The reports on any of the officers left by the past Captain was not impressive. In no case did he state that any officer was above average.
The Flotilla Captain told him that HMS Blackbird would be joining others of her class, and although they would act as a convoy escort part of the time, but their primary role would be to go out and seek the U Boats before they could attack the convoy..
Her previous Captain had been promoted and sent to command one of the new escort
carriers. Fondly now called Woolworth Carriers by many. He was an officer
unknown to Tony. The ship at first sight seemed to be in good condition, and the
First Lieutenant was obviously on top of his job, although on first meeting
Lieutenant Raymond Tiley, Tony was not impressed by his attitude. He seemed
sullen, and resentful, and quite quickly as the day went on Tony began to
realise that HMS Blackbird was not one of the happiest ships in the service and
she definitely had problems
He had to take Captains request men and defaulters on the first day in command, and he was surprised to see that there were six requests for transfers out of the ship, and four additional requests for transfers either to the Fleet Air Arm or to the Submarine Service. Many of the charges at the defaulters table were of a minor nature, and should have been a matter of a reprimand by the divisional officer concerned, or dealt with by the First Lieutenant and not put on to the captains report.
Tony was a little incensed, because he quickly realised that their was almost a mood of despair running through the ship. Although Tony knew that he had to back his officers up, but that morning he stood over a lot of the defaulters, and refused the requests for transfers for further consideration.
The First Lieutenant was unresponsive when Tony questioned him, about the state of morale on the ship, and he said “Well Number One I want to see all officers in the wardroom after lunch. In my present mood I am inclined to advise the Senior Officer that this ship is not fit for sea. until I have some replacement officers. Unless I get a radical change in attitude from the wardroom I am inclined to seek replacements.”
The wardroom was very quiet when Tony entered, the officers stood to attention, and the First Lieutenant ordered them to stand at ease and sit down. When they were settled. Tony suggested that they get themselves a drink if they wished, but the First lieutenant said. The previous C.O. had ordered that the wardroom bar should not be opened until 1800 each day and not at all on Sundays.
Tony then said “Well Number One I will change that order now immediately, get the steward and get the bar open now.” After every one had got themselves a drink Tony then said. “Make yourselves comfortable, but first of all, I must say that I am very concerned at the state of morale on this ship, together with the number of frivolous charges that were brought to the defaulters table this morning.
Things have to change and change quickly on HMS Blackbird, before we go to sea of that I am determined. The Ships Company seem to collectively refer to you lot as pigs, that is not unusual in the Navy, but there seems to be an awfully wide gap between the wardroom, and the lower deck on this ship. That has to change and change from today.. In future I do not want to see any more frivolous charges at the Captains defaulters, and I want all of you to start getting your departments working as a team.”
“I would like to know the reasons behind. this state of affairs, so please will someone speak up and tell me what has been going on. I want a well run ship, and a happy ship as far as is possible under wartime conditions, and you are the people I expect to make this happen. This country is at war, and this ships company is made up of a motley number of people who were civilians, a few months ago. Bear that in mind before you start putting them on frivolous charges. I expect you to be leaders, and to earn the respect of your departments.” .
“They did not ask to be here. Some of you I note are RNVR, and I note one of you is RNR. I will be interviewing each one of you separately in the next few days which will allow you to raise any queries or questions about this command to me in private, and this afternoon I am clearing lower deck. I shall be giving the lower deck a general idea of what I expect from them.”
“The Engineer Officer spoke up. Tony saw that he was an RNR officer and obviously a Scotsman. “Aye sir I welcome what you say but yon lads here have only been obeying orders. The last captain was overly religious and particular, do ye ken. Many of the lads live on the lower deck live locally, and have wives and bairns ashore here have and they have been put under stoppage of leave for hardly nothing at all. It’s no right.”
“I agree with you chief. Its not right, and I propose to do something about it. But first and foremost you all have the Kings Commission. You are the leaders. From now on I want you all to prove that you are up to the job. I will have no mercy on any officer who does not perform to my satisfaction.”. .
That afternoon Tony cleared the lower deck, and had all hands and officers mustered on the Quarterdeck. He tried to get his message over to the ships company, and he did get a few brief smiles at the end. He finished by saying, “I am asking the First Lieutenant to give me the details of all people under punishment, and I will be reviewing all the punishments today with him.”
After the meeting he called Lieutenant Tiley to his cabin and said. “Well Number One you have heard what I have to say, and what I expect from you as my second in command, it is up to you to see my orders, and my policy is carried out. You obviously run a smart ship as far as I can see. Now lets talk turkey, gloves off, and tell me any problems that you foresee.” “Could we call the Coxswain in sir. He has all the records and can add to our deliberations..
The Coxswain a Chief petty Officer named Bill Parker arrived with his punishment books in a few moments. Tony said “Well Swain as you can guess, as you are responsible for discipline,. I need to know why we have so many men under punishment.”
Tony was horrified as the details came to light, in all 45 men were under punishment and it was so unusual for so many men to be punished for trivial offences, and sentenced to stoppage of leave. . In particular the fact that ten of the men were married, or had families ashore, and could not get home to see them. The First Lieutenant also added, that he had two officers, who were ordered to do alternate Officer of the Day in harbour for a month for not carrying out the Captains orders to put men under punishment,.
After an hour Tony leaned back in his chair he looked at the two men and said.
“I can not repeal the last Captains punishment without a lot of fuss. But I want
all men under stoppage of leave as at today, to have their punishment held over
for a further 21 days.
“We shall be at sea then sir.” The Coxswain responded.. Tony smiled “Oh gosh
Swain how remiss of me, but I cannot keep changing my mind can I now.” he said
with a smile.
Order the men given extra work to muster, but then be sent back to their messes if you and the First Lieutenant think that is the best way to be fair. If they happen to get ashore for a drink somehow, that‘s up to you Coxswain, use your judgment. However let it be known that any punishments awarded after today, will be a different kettle of fish, and based of what I determine is a fair punishment. . How you work it. I will leave to you.. I want this ship to be fit in all respects for sea.. Turning to the First Lieutenant he said.. Raymond you can sort the officers out. “In future I want you to ensure that any men put on charges are for real offences, not trivial misdemeanors.. This ship is going to war shortly, and I want a ships company who can do their jobs, without having to watch their backs all the time.”
Overnight the whole attitude of the ship gradually began to change. The Flotilla Captain sent for him. “Any problems Tony? “No sir, the dockyard say they will be finished on time.” The Captain laughed. You know what I mean. Off the record what have you done.”
Tony explained the problems he had encountered, and how he had dealt with them,
and then the Captain said.
”Your predecessor has had a mental breakdown, and I am told he has been
hospitalized, but I thought that it would be better for you to deal with things
in your own way without my warning you“.
“That explains a lot sir, the ship was almost at a state of mutiny Sir.”
After about a week .the whole mood had visibly started to change, and Freda and
he were invited to dinner as guests of the officers in the wardroom. It was the
first time that Freda had been on board a warship, and her vivacious outgoing
personality made the dinner a real success. One officer was heard to say
“It almost makes it worthwhile to be wounded to have that lady nurse you.”
But soon the Flotilla was ready for sea. They were to sail with a convoy for Halifax Nova Scotia but the Flotilla Captain said that their job first of all would be to form in line abreast several miles ahead of the convoy. The eight ships could cover a wide area of sea with their sonar. Their job together with Coastal Command aircraft would be to seek out U Boats and destroy them..
And so the Fifth Flotilla went to war. The Flotilla first of all carried out practice U Boat attacks, and gunnery shoots, and Tony was quite pleased with what he saw.. The ships company seemed to be much happier, and many of the requests for transfers were withdrawn. Two men volunteered for Submarines, but they assured him it was something they really wanted to do, so Tony granted their requests..
It was ten days later that the Flotilla found themselves travelling in line abreast searching for U Boats suspected by the Admiralty of being in the area. according to the Admiralty’s intercepted signals from Germany. The weather was really bad, with a high wind and gusting rain. The ship was rolling with the high seas on their quarter and HMS Blackbird was the Starboard wing ship.
Suddenly the radar reported that there was a small echo bearing on red 20 which was just off their line of approach. Tony requested permission to investigate, and as they got nearer he was allowed to detach and search for what appeared to be an almost stationary echo. The lookouts reported that their seemed to be a life boat lying deep in the water and someone in it was baling frantically..
Tony got as close as he dare, as they got nearer they saw it was one man, he appeared to be wounded, and baling his boat frantically. It seemed that it was a boat fitted with inbuilt buoyancy tanks otherwise it would have sunk a long time before. The boat bore the name of SS Southern Princess .
Once the man had been rescued, the boat coxswain on his return, reported to the bridge that the man was now in the care of the doctor, but the ship had been torpedoed the day before by a U boat which had then surfaced. It had been the U54. The man had told the coxswain that he was the Second Mate of the SS Southern Princess, and that the U Boat had surfaced and deliberately sunk the other boats by nudging them over with his bows and then he had deliberately machine gunned the survivors in the water.. He had been the only survivor in his boat, and that was only because an aircraft had been sighted, and they had dived in a hurry. He had been shot in the shoulder and the doctor was treating him in the sick bay..
Tony had heard stories of this happening, later when he interviewed the man he
learned that the SS Southern Princess was a modern ship, and had a top speed of
around about eighteen knots. They had been allowed to sail out of a convoy
because of their speed which gave them a better than even chance of beating U
Boats. It seemed that they had been desperately unlucky to have been torpedoed
as they were travelling at full speed when they were hit.
Tony reported back to the Flotilla leader. Other ships of the Flotilla had made
several submarine contacts and had carried out attacks during the day with some
success having sunk one U boat.
It was later that day when their partner ship to Starboard HMS Sea Eagle had made a contact. Both ships paired up as they had rehearsed with one ship attacking while the other standing by tracked the submarine by sonar as far as was possible. Then they would change roles, so both ships alternated their roles in the attack..
.. . . . ***********
U54 was thirty days into its patrol. Max Steiger was worried as recently it seemed that the Tommies were getting more adept at dodging the U Boats. In addition they seemed to have more escorts, and more aircraft escorting the convoys. Even before he left to go on patrol, the high command was concerned that so many U boats were late returning from patrol, or were reported as having been sunk..
The Third Lieutnant was on watch. He was muffled up in oilskins with a thick sweater underneath and a towel round his neck. . It was first light, and once again they had not found the convoy. The previous day they had sighted a lone Merchant ship and had sunk her. She had been on her own and travelling at speed, but as usual the Captain Oberleutnant zur See Max Steiger the Captain, seemed to have the luck with him, and had sunk her with two torpedoes. Although she was a fast Merchant vessel she was just in the right position for him to risk a couple of torpedoes...
The third lieutnant was not a great supporter of his Captain, and did not approve of the Captains obvious delight at killing innocent seaman, but like the other officers they dare not complain. He too was worried about the seemingly increase in escorts and the umber of U boats that seemed to be now falling victim to the enemy.
That morning the sea was rough with waves crashing against the bridge structure, sending clouds of spray and occasional waves across the bridge. The three lookouts and the Lieutnant were very wet and feeling very miserable, and longing for their watch to end, or for the boat to dive and to have a hot meal.
The Captain had ordered the Third Lieutnant and the lookouts to watch for signs of smoke. That was a sure sign there was a convoy nearby. Always merchant ships made a lot of smoke, and it was a sure guide for the U Boats in helping them to find a convoy. But he thought that the high wind and rain would blow the smoke away quickly.
Dawn was late coming as the sky was still dark, with slivers of light just breaking through thinner patches of the dense morning rain clouds. Visibility was poor and Oberleutnant zur See, the Captain .Max Steiger was considering diving, as staying on the surface was becoming too dangerous, and once again they seemed to have missed the convoy, although they were in the position ordered by U Boat headquarters. Because of the poor visibility, the Captain had decided to risk staying on the surface for a bit longer,. in case a new position for the convoy came through on the radio.
Steiger had told the Officer of the watch “Keep the lookouts on their toes Karl, as he had left the bridge to the Officer of the watch. Suddenly at 0630 the radio room reported from a U Boat in contact with the convoy, It said the enemy convoy was steering on course 190 degrees approximately with 40 ships in four columns speed approx five knots, and the position was very near them yet they could not see it.
Then the rain started gusting and getting harder, and visibility got even more patchy as the driving rain swept across the sea. “Bloody thick weather.” The Officer of the Watch muttered to himself as he longed for the order to dive, to get dry and to get some hot coffee. He reflected it was unusual for the Captain to stay surfaced this long now that the Tommies had the long range aircraft helping to protect the convoys and the new killer groups. .
Spray swept over the bridge casing time after time, wetting the faces of the Officer of the watch and the lookouts. A lot of water was falling down the conning tower into the control room and keeping hands busy clearing it up. “Keep a good lookout damn you.” The Officer of the Watch shouted at one lookout, who seemed more concerned in wiping his face..
There was a not a sign of the sun, but suddenly the Captain came to the bridge, and sent the bridge lookouts down And gave the order to the control room “Diving stations, Stand by to dive.” He hoped they may hear something when they got down on the sonar “. He was desperate to sink a few more ships as he knew he was in line for the coveted Iron Cross First Class..
The Captain then ordered :“Clear the Bridge” and the boat dived to 30 metres. It was still slightly affected by the rough weather at this depth, but the motion was bearable, but the foreplane operator was struggling to hold the depth. Eventually, after a few minutes U54 went down to 300 metres to wait until the weather moderated, and they had new orders. However, he felt happier now he knew he was near the convoy, and he was sure that finding them later would present no problems now he knew the mean course..
The Sonar operator on watch, was listening intently, periodically he looked up at the captain, and shook his head. Several hours went by and there was no sign of anything, until suddenly the Sonar operator looked up, as he snatched the earphones away from his ears and everyone picked up the sound of depth charging.. It was near enough to be heard quite loudly the boat “The Tommies are pasting someone“. A voice said breaking the silence.
“Right stand by to surface.” The captain ordered. On the surface the weather had started to moderate. The captain had just ordered the lookouts to the bridge when the Second Lieutnant reported Aircraft bearing 010. The Captain immediately ordered dive dive dive. .
The boat had not reached full buoyancy when the dive order had been given All main vents had been opened, and the bridge was awash before the captain had put the clips on the upper lid. Giving another burst of cold Atlantic sea water to the control room. ”Periscope depth.” The Captain ordered as he shook the sea water off his saturated oilskin . As the boat steadied at periscope depth. The captain looked all round for the aircraft through the periscope. He suddenly tensed and ordered.
“Flood Q. . Sixty metres. Hydroplanes hard to dive” .Suddenly they heard the sound of a ships engines as they passed nearby, then as depth charges exploded alongside them, people lost their feet, as three or four terrific explosions rocked the boat. The lighting failed, and their was a sound of smashing glass..
Then the sound of sonar transmissions rebounding from the hull warned them that they were being hunted by an escort and he had them on sonar.. This escort was joined in a few minutes by another ship who also soon had them pinned down on sonar..
Max Steiger looked round the control room as the emergency lighting came on. “300 metres silence in the boat.”. “That aircraft must have pointed us out to the escorts, but there was no sign of any merchant ships, no smoke nothing. “ he said out loud.
The First lieutnant suddenly said “That aircraft must have radar, and we must be in contact with one of those new killer groups, we were warned about. That is the only way they could find us through all that bad weather, and homed the ships on to us.”
The next few hours they weaved, stopped started and changed depth as the convoy escorts persevered. For the first time Hans Steiger felt the first pangs of fear strike him. The hunt was on for them..
For hour after hour the depth charges rained down on them. The emergency lighting was giving out, and the batteries were getting low as they had to continually change speed and depth to avoid the hunters which drained the batteries.
Soon it was obvious that they could taken no more punishment. Their were leaks appearing in the pressure hull The engine room and motor room was being flooded and Max Steiger decided he had to surface and make a run for it.. If he could catch the Tommies by surprise they might just have a chance. Steiger ordered Stand by to surface, Stand by guns crew . Foreplanes to hard rise, Full Ahead both motors. Blow main ballast tanks. .
The asdic operator on HMS blackbird picked up the sound of U54 surfacing. As she broke surface the main armament of HMS Blackbird started firing. The shells were hitting the casing, and the Conning tower as U54 disappeared into the stygian depths of the Atlantic leaving Max Steiger and two lookouts in the water.
The three survivors were seen struggling in the water which were helped up by seaman. as they scrambled up on the scrambling net which had been dropped over the side. Two of the survivors were lookouts and the other was Oberleutnant zur See Max Steiger the Captain of U54.
He very officiously demanded to see the Captain, and started demanding that he be treated in accord with the Geneva convention. It was a bad time to be sunk by HMS Blackbird as Tony turned to his First Lieutenant. “Have you any suggestion as to what we should do with this butcher Number One?”. “Aye sir handcuff him and lock him in a toilet to let him cool down. Unfortunately we are required to treat him in accordance with the Geneva convention but I think we will be too busy chasing U boats for the time being .to worry about the comfort of prisoners. I will have the two lookouts seen by the doctor and given clean clothes. It might be n idea to get statements from them about their Captains killing of innocent Seaman Sir”
The next morning Tony decided to see Max Steiger. When Tony entered the cell area he stood to attention and gave the Nazi salute Heil Hitler He was complaining bitterly about the way he had been treated. Tony said “I could of course toss you in the sea and use you for target practice, like you have done to so many of our seaman, but we are not like that. But I do have a statement from your seaman, and from a survivor who escaped your killing the survivors of his ship.
As far as I am concerned, you are not entitled to protection under the Geneva convention, but should be tried and executed by a criminal court. But that decision will be made by my superiors..
Chapter 7 Next
Carla seduces her friends mom; shopping is an adventure... |
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