The Sea War
After about twenty minutes Tony left to board the nearby HMS Summer Rose. He was piped aboard, and his luggage had arrived on board and was already in his cabin. The cases were being unpacked by the seaman acting as a steward, and he found that compared to a Hunt Class destroyer the Corvette was certainly very utility. However, just out of the builders it did have the latest radar, and sonar equipment, and his cabin was certainly bigger, and had a few more basic comforts than the his Cabin on his previous ship.
The whole of the ships company had not arrived yet, but most of the Heads of departments were aboard checking equipment, many of whom were in their first appointment having just been promoted themselves. His First Lieutenant had been a schoolteacher before the war.. He was very nervous and as Tony pointed out to him the ship is a mess. There were welding hoses, and piles of dockyard rubbish everywhere. The ships bell was dull and had never been cleaned.
He told the First Lieutenant. “Get the messes and as much below decks as you can cleaned up, you can leave most of the upper decks until the dockyard have left, then I will expect that you will be able to produce something close to the Royal Yacht in standard for me. If in doubt ask”
The next day the ships company were marched into the dockyard and halted alongside the ship. By the look of their uniforms they were all fairly new to the Royal Navy and had just arrived from HMS Ganges. The Leading Signalman was standing near him and he heard him mutter “What a shower Gawd help us. What a crowd of nozzers”
At Sunday Divisions the following day Tony cleared the lower deck, he made the point to all the hands. “The next few weeks are going to be tough. You will be wet, tired and hungry most days, you will soon learn to hate me, and your officers, but if we succeed in getting up to the standard that I demand, and expect, it will probably go a long way to saving your own lives.”
“Convoy work is not easy, it can be boring and dangerous. Each one of you holds the life of your shipmates in your hands. Obey orders and do your job properly, and your efficiency will make life easier and safer for yourself and your shipmates. Our job is to maintain and safeguard the lifeline of Great Britain. In this ship we are all learning. Teamwork is essential”
The following three weeks were tough on everyone, and was made up of an intensive working up period in Scotland . In which they went through a whole range of evolutions, and exercises under the supervision of a naval Commander who was an exacting taskmaster. . There were lots of mistakes made, and the initial gunnery, and asdic trials were dismal, but gradually the whole thing began to come together, and they were passed ready for sea. HMS Summer Rose was given grudging approval by the Commander who supervised and ran the working up trials for all the newly commissioned small ships.
HMS Summer Rose like all the new class of Corvettes were certainly good sea boats, but they could certainly roll on wet grass, or so it seemed.. Even on what would be termed a good sea they rolled and pitched. There was a lot of initial sea sickness, but gradually they all became a ships company. Tony continued the training even on convoy, wherever time, and weather permitted. The new officers were improving gradually, and soon Tony knew they would be ready to stand a watch on their own. He knew once that happened he would probably lose them to other ships...
His First Lieutenant Bob Rankin was the most experienced officer besides Tony, having got twelve months service as a Lieutenant on a destroyer engaged on convoy work. He had a good idea of his duties, and did his best. Both the other lieutenants Frank Macey R.N.V.R and Roger Twigg R.N.V. R had roughly six months sea experience, since leaving training but really they had much to learn. Most of the new hands were just out of initial training at HMS Ganges, and Tony realised that the level of competence they had achieved in such a short time was a miracle, but they were still a long way from being the efficient unit he was aiming for.
The Midshipman was just seventeen and just out of Dartmouth College having volunteered halfway through his degree in Sociology. However, he had some experience on a cruiser based at Scapa Flow. Although they had never put to sea. The commissioned Gunner had just been promoted from Chief Petty Officer, and was a long service man. Tony decided that given time, he would have to stand bridge watches as well. When he was told by Tony what was expected of him he grumbled saying “ I am a gunner sir” No Mr. Tibbs you are now an officer in the Royal navy, and being able to stand a watch will enhance your promotion chances considerably.” .
The Chief Engineer was a Chief ERA with some years experience, and seemed very reliable, like most of the key ratings who all had previous experience, and most of them had been promoted into the ship. And so HMS Summer Rose or K 153 went to war.
Chapter 3 Next
Chapter 3
Convoy Work
The weeks and months passed. A few days in port and then back to sea. Now Tony
was the Senior officer of the fast convoy AH122 with two more new Flower Class
Corvettes commanded by Lieutenants RNVR and an ancient armed sea going tug
commanded by a Lieutenant RNR.( Royal Naval Reserve) Both the Captains of the
other two Corvettes had gained some limited experience in previous convoys, and
like Summer Rose Tony knew that they would give a good account of themselves
when called to action.
The other two corvettes had been commissioned at about the same time as Summer Rose, their crews were just as inexperienced, and their commanding officers had very little sea time, and not much real practical previous experience of convoy work before taking up their commands.
But as time went on and they were lucky enough to have had a few easy convoys they had accumulated a lot of experience, and like HMS Summer Rose they were now on their fifth convoy to Halifax and were now relatively experienced. It seemed that no sooner had they arrived home, than they were turned round and sent to sea again on another long frustrating convoy.
The Captain Tony Nash was very tired and frustrated, as at sunset the previous night just before the attack had begun, they had lost their air cover, and now they had to rely on their own resources. Going on past experience, he knew it would be rough. A radio signal from the Admiralty had told them that their were seven U Boats in their vicinity.
This convoy was supposed to be a fast convoy with a planned speed of at least fourteen knots, which they had never yet achieved. He thought that some of it was pressure from the owners that was making them try and conserve fuel.
The attacks had come the night before almost as soon as the sun had set. Four of the ships had been sunk by U boats using both guns and torpedoes whilst travelling on the surface up and down the lines of the convoy, before they had been beaten off by fire from some of the D.E.M.S gunners on the merchant ships, after Tony had in desperation ordered the escorts to light up the convoy with star shells. The U Boats now well illuminated had been forced to dive. For a time it seemed that there were ships on fire and sinking wherever he looked. As the Senior Officer he felt that every ship sunk was his fault..
They had made several attacks on dived U boats and suddenly they found, that the ships suddenly found some extra speed from somewhere, Which meant they had to abandon the attack to stay with the convoy.
Several ships had taken hits from the submarines guns, but were still afloat, but he knew full well, that this was only the beginning. The U Boats would travel with the convoy, and would hit them time and time again, until they were out of torpedoes and ammunition. If he could make the convoy use its speed they stood a much better chance of outrunning the U Boats.
The attacks the previous night had just died down, and several ships were damaged or on fire, but there was nothing they could do to assist them, everyone was relaxing when the Chief Engineer rang from the engine room, to report that the main shaft bearing was running hot, and he had to stop the engine to inspect it, and somehow stop it from overheating.
Tony immediately called the other escorts, and the Commodore of the convoy, and told them that he had to stop his engine for repairs. He instructed the Lieutenant RNR in command of the ocean going tug HMS Osprey to take over command of the escort. Meanwhile, he moved clear of the convoy, and stopped his engine. The ships company remained closed up at action stations, and he warned everyone that they had to maintain silent routine.
He told his First Lieutenant Bob Rankin RNVR. “There is to be no smoking on the upper deck, No radar, No sonar transmissions, just maintain a listening watch. All hands to remain at action stations wearing their lifebelts, and they must keep down out of sight. Check that all depth charges are set to safe, and make sure the galley can supply plenty of hot drinks and sandwiches. Double all lookouts, and I want complete silence throughout the ship. The hand must wear soft shoes or creep around in their socks as sound is magnified as it travels through water ”
“Number One While you are at it make the upper deck look as though we are abandoned, loosen a few Carley Floats, put the gun a bit askew anything to make us look as though we have been hastily abandoned..”
The night passed slowly and the air was full of tension as HMS Summer Rose rolled heavily in the Atlantic swell, badly hampering the engine room artificers in their repairs, as they struggled to work in the confines of the small overheated engine room. The lookouts had been doubled, but kept their heads down when the moonlight was strongest, and they were changed every half an hour, and the guns crews waited impatiently, some managed to doze at their station, but many were alert to the fact that if they were discovered by a U Boat, a single torpedo would soon finish them off.
All hands waited on deck for the end to come, none of them believing that a U Boat could miss such a tempting target. The Captain managed to get some fanny’s of Kye (naval version of cocoa) sent round to each upper deck station at times during the night, and few hands managed to sneak a smoke behind a closed door, but otherwise utter silence was maintained.
Tony warned everyone on deck to keep their heads well down out of sight when dawn breaks. The ship must look abandoned.
Lieutenant Rankin the First Lieutenant joined the captain on the bridge during
the night and asked “I can’t understand why you did not allow smoking on the
upper deck sir There are lot of moaning bout it ?”
Because Number One, the glow of cigarettes would be a giveaway, and if a U Boat
sees us, I want it to think we are abandoned.. I hope he will not want to waste
a Torpedo on us, if we can make him curious enough to show himself, then we
stand a chance of getting the bastard with the guns”
Dawn broke with a cloudless sky, and then suddenly the silence was broken as a
spanner was dropped in the engine room, it woke up the few people who had
managed to doze off. “The Captain rang the engine room he was furious “Who
dropped that “fucking spanner?”
“I did sir, sorry. said the Chief ERA however sir, but the good news is that we
should be finished in about fifteen minutes sir.”
“Thank god for that, but keep the noise down, we have U Boats popping up all
over the place complaining about the noise.”
‘He turned to the First Lieutenant, tell the hands on the loudspeaker that we
should be underway soon, but don‘t show yourselves yet.. U Boats will not be
able to hear the loudspeaker while they are dived.”
Just as he spoke the sonar operator reported. Submarine blowing main ballast
tanks somewhere to starboard Sir.”
Tony ordered over the speaker “Stand by all guns, U Boat probably surfacing nearby to starboard. Load with HE The 4‘ gun to go for the saddle tanks, and the Oerlikans stop them using the bridge and their guns. Independent fire when you see a target. But keep your heads down until you see him on the surface, he is probably just going to have a look at us first”
“That is if the bastards haven’t torpedoed us by then” he whispered to himself.
They waited in silence, and then a lookout reported the sighting of a periscope
to starboard. It was about fifteen tense minutes as the U boat circled round the
ship, then the U Boat started to break surface, about five hundred yards away,
and HMS Summer Rose opened fire as soon as she broke surface. The conning tower
had only just broken the surface, when the guns first opened fire. From that
distance it was almost impossible to miss the target, as the U Boat staggered
from at least three direct hits from the 4“ gun, then she rolled over sluggishly
and disappeared from sight. It was presumed then that the Starboard side saddle
tanks had been hit, as well as one strike on the side of the conning tower. If
the damage was as bad as they thought then she could not survive. Some large
traces of diesel oil and bits of wreckage came to
the surface which seemed to confirm their success.
U199 had been cruising peacefully at ninety feet not far from HMS Summer Rose. at about two knots to conserve power. Most of the crew off watch were sleeping .The spanner being dropped on Summer Rose woke them up all up, and alerted the Captain Hans Merkel to something happening nearby, or at first he thought, the noise could have come from another U Boat nearby doing repairs, but he decided to have a look anyway.”
He ordered. Thirty feet half ahead both motors.”. The engineer on the diving panel opened the high pressure valves to put a burst of high pressure air into the ballast tanks, and gradually U199 rose to periscope depth. A quick look through the attack periscope showed him HMS Summer Rose stopped with no sign of life, apart from a black and white cat casually washing itself on the boat deck
The 4“ gun on HMS Summer Rose seemed him to be hanging down at a funny angle, and he thought she must be abandoned for some reason.. He watched carefully for any sign of life for about fifteen minutes.
Hans was confused. He could not use a Torpedo as they had not yet reloaded the tubes from the night before. He was sure the longer that he looked that HMS Summer Rose for some obscure reason was abandoned, and he was very curious. So he then decided to have a look He ordered the guns crew to stand by for gun action on the Port side. And gave the order to surface, as he lowered the periscope, and climbed into the conning tower, ready to open the top hatch to the bridge when they were surfaced. He had just undone the first clip when he died.
The first High Explosive shell from HMS Summer Rose had burst through the side of the conning tower, and his body was washed down into the control room with the influx of sea water, two more rounds hit the side of the submarine, and it was obvious that the saddle tanks had been badly holed.
The mortally wounded U 199 turned on her side and sank rapidly to the depths of the Atlantic. A few minutes later the few survivors of U199 in the engine room and motor room died, they had managed to shut the connecting water tight door, but died as the first of two patterns of depth charges exploded alongside them.
The ships company on HMS Summer Rose had broken into some loud cheering at their initial success, and relief just as the engine room reported that they were able to use the engine.
The Captain Tony Nash ordered “Half ahead, stop that bloody cheering, start the sonar, and to the radar. Start an all round sweep.” stand by depth charges. Set to maximum depth setting. Port 20. “
To his First Lieutenant ” Bob lets see if we can get a fix on him, keep all guns closed up. He may try to surface if he can, using his motors. It just depends on how badly, if at all, his saddle tanks are holed. He may try to use his torpedoes on us. even if he is in trouble. Stand by depth charges maximum depth setting.’’
Within a few minutes the sonar reported they had a confused contact, bearing red 45 and a lookout reported that their was some bubbles coming to the surface, roughly in the position where the submarine had last been seen.
Then Tom ordered “ Right stand by depth charges. Full ahead, we are attacking. They made two runs at maximum revolutions, and dropped two patterns of depth charges.
Sonar reported there were very distinct sounds of a ship breaking up, as the Captain studied the surface of the sea roughly where the U boat had last been seen, and where a big patch of oil and some debris had come to the surface followed by a couple of bodies .
HMS Summer Rose cruised over the oil patch, and picked up several pieces of the
debris, which seemed to confirm that U199 had been sunk.
“Right Pilot.” He said to the Sub lieutenant who was acting as navigator
“Give me a course to catch up with the convoy.”
To the First Lieutenant he said. “ Number one stand down action stations, and go to cruising stations, change watches as soon as you can, make sure that all hands have been fed. You go and eat, and relieve me as soon as you can. Ask the steward to send me up a sandwich and some coffee”
One of the problems that Tony had previously had, was that out of the four
officers only himself and the First Lieutenant had watch keeping Certificates. .
Now the new officers were both fairly competent to stand a watch on their own,
but for now Lieutenant Macey, who was acting as the navigating officer, was
officially the Officer of the watch, but Tony was not prepared to leave the
bridge to a raw officer until the convoy was in sight. He knew full well the
area would probably be infested with U boats and was unwilling to leave the
bridge to any other officer.
He left the bridge when he was relieved by the First Lieutenant for a few moments and went down to his cabin for a quick shave and a change of clothes, and a quick breakfast. Returning to the bridge, he was just in time to hear the report come through “Radar bridge echo bearing Green five oh Sir, looks like two U Boats on the surface Range about 5000 yards unless its one of their big supply boats, I have heard talk about Sir.”
Taking a quick look at the bridge repeater he ordered “Right Number One, come round on to the bearing Full ahead maximum revs, warn the engine room that with any luck we will shortly be engaging two U Boats on the surface, and I will need everything he can give me including his prayers“. Soon HMS Summer Rose was pushing along at her top speed of sixteen knots.“
Looking at that bearing through his binoculars he could not at first see anything, due to a slight morning haze. But gradually the two U boats came into view.
He looked again at the bridge repeater, and he could see the large blip on the screen was in fact now two slightly separated echoes and he said “It looks like two U Boats running parallel with one another, having a yarn on the surface while they charge their batteries. They know that there can be no enemy aircraft to worry about here, and they are not keeping a very good lookout behind them, so far they have not picked up that we are here yet. Load with HE, and wait for the order to open fire. I want to get as close as possible to make sure we get the bastards. An extra tot if you sink one, and two tots to the guns crew if you get both ”
Quickly the hands were once again at action stations. The Captain steadied his glasses on the bridge rail and said “By god they have about twenty hands on the casing having a chat with each other, some of them are even drinking coffee.”
Ten minutes went by as the corvette quickly closed on their targets. The Captain ordered all guns open fire, when you are sure you are sure that you are close enough to hit them. Oerlikans concentrate on the casing, and the bridges stop them using the guns or diving if you can get within range”
It was about four minutes later that a seaman on the nearest U Boat casually turned round and saw them. From his actions they could see he was raising the alarm. Just then HMS Summer Rose opened fire, from that distance it was almost point blank range, and their first shot was just wide, but a few seconds later the second shot was a direct hit on the bridge conning tower of the nearest boat, and from then on shot after shot hit the U Boats. Later they reckoned that they had at least seven confirmed hits on the boats, before they had dived or sunk, leaving a number of men either dead or swimming in the water in the water. They had managed to get the U Boat numbers of U234 and U97 for the record.
“Stand by depth charges, set for fifty feet” the Captain ordered. As the Corvette raced across the spot where the U Boats had dived. The depth charges were fired. Almost immediately the order came Starboard 30, then midships, as soon as they were facing back to the spot where the depth charges had exploded.
“Reload and stand by for another attack” The Captain Tony Nash ordered. “But Sir the Midshipman said as he popped up from behind his chart table cover. “There are survivors in the water Sir.”
“Yes Middie, and what do you think they would be doing to us if the roles were reversed. Remember all the Seaman that get machine gunned by these bastards in there life boats, before you speak to me about saving German seaman.”
Just then the bows of one U boat came out of the water and then slid back again.
The Sonar operator called up to the bridge. “Submarine breaking up on the Port
bow sir.”
“Any sign of the other U Boat.” The captain asked.
“No sir, their has been too much noise. I think she is either dead or has crept
HMS Summer Rose moved round the area slowly for about ten minutes, when the Sonar reported. As the sea settled after the attack. The sonar operator reported. “We have two separate echo’s sir both stationary quite close to one another. They seem to be on the bottom or near enough sir. They certainly are very deep.”
The First Lieutenant had rejoined the Captain on the bridge from his action station aft. “I could drop another pattern of charges Number One, but we have a convoy to defend, and we are running short of charges . I think we have had a busy morning, and we can certainly claim two certain kills and one possible. Meanwhile lets see if we can pick up any survivors and get any evidence.“
A quick search of the area picked up three bodies and one man who was still just alive. The two submarine contacts had not moved, all that was left was a large patch of oil on the surface, with some miscellaneous debris. An hour later, HMS Summer Rose broke off the search, and started her trip back to the convoy at full speed..
It was almost dark when Summer Rose reached the convoy, and Tom informed the
Convoy Commodore of their successes. He then recommended to the Commodore that
all the Merchant vessels who could make fourteen or more knots should be made to
increase speed, and carry on. Any who could not make it should be left to make
their own way at the best speed possible. When the order was passed, they found
that all the ships after the previous nights attack in the convoy now found that
they could maintain that speed and even a little more at times.. Even some of
the damaged ships found they could keep up. No longer were they concerned about
fuel economy
At fourteen knots they had a good chance of leaving the U Boats behind
Next Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Command Headquarters
In London the next morning it was as usual a cold wet morning as Second Officer
Angela Nash made her way into the underground war room in Central London. She
made her way carefully down the concrete steps, under a shop, that had formerly
been a wine store, to the cellars well below ground. She showed her pass to the
Royal Marine sentry at the bottom of the stairs, who checked her identity
carefully, then she made her way into the map room. This was her place of duty
for the next eight to twelve hours.
“Morning Angela.” Commander Ronnie Parker muttered as Angela passed his desk, and went straight to the large wall map to look what was happening with Convoy AH122, She saw that the last news that they had received, was that the convoy was under attack by seven U Boats and that four Merchant Vessels had already been sunk or badly damaged in attacks the previous night.
She looked for HMS Summer Rose a flower class corvette on the map commanded by her brother Lieutenant Commander Tony Nash RN. He was also the senior officer of the escort.
To her dismay she saw that HMS Summer Rose was no longer with the convoy. She had broken down, and had been left far behind the rest. There was no further news from her. Angela gave a little gasp of distress, but her boss said “Don’t worry Angela he is still out there, and he has not broken radio silence. Remember that no news can be good news.”
It was later in the day that news came through about HMS Summer Rose and her kills. Back in the map room in London their were drinks all round, when the news came through that HMS Summer Rose had made two kills and one probable. Angela was quietly proud of her young brother, and she let every one know about it..
The weekly naval resource meeting was convened at the Admiralty two days later with C in C Western approaches The First sea lord, the Prime Minister and several other VIP’s. Angie was requested as usual to take the minutes. Their faces were grim as they considered the statistics relating to the mounting losses of Merchant vessels in trans Atlantic Convoys.
The C in C Western Approaches commented apologetically “I am short of escorts sir, and the ones I have are undermanned, the ships companies are worn out. They are doing a fantastic job considering. We are fitting radar to all the new escorts that are being built, and the Canadians bless them, are building like crazy, but the U boats are still beating us. I am sending ships to sea with only two qualified watch keeping officers, and the Captains frequently are having to stand alternate watches as they give new officers more watch keeping experience.”
“I know Roy, the Prime Minister said, but we have just got to hang in there. From what I hear there are still a few bright spots. The Nazi‘s are bombing the ports every night, and the city is taking a hammering. The RAF are doing their best but they are now in the process of rebuilding from the Battle of Britain“
“Can we not find a few bombers now and fit them with extra fuel tanks sir? If we could only use machine guns on the U Boats, even if we cannot carry depth charges, we could keep them dived as the U boats have to surface to charge their batteries. The First Sea Lord asked. “We are working on it as fast as we can. “The Canadians are working on new aircraft with larger fuel tanks, and they will be able to carry bombs or depth charges as well as the extra fuel.
Roosevelt is sending us a lot of help short of declaring war. We are buying a
lot of World war one destroyers from him and we are getting a lot of volunteers
from the Commonwealth and quite a few Yanks are also volunteering bless them.
We can build ships and guns given time, but it is the shortage of experienced
man power that worries me most. We have to step up their training and increase
the call up rate..”
The First Lord replied “We are training fast sir, but the men need experience. I am promoting our few experienced officers faster than the regulations allow. Some of our escorts are being commanded by schoolboys, we are so short of experienced officers.”
The prime Minister then asked.“ What about that Corvette Summer Flower, or
something like that, which sank three U boats the other day what’s happened to
that CO?”
“I am not sure at present sir.”
Second Officer Angela Nash spoke up. “Excuse me sir, he is on his way back to Liverpool sir, and has just completed his eighth convoy to Halifax.”
The First sea Lord burst out. “Young lady your job is to take minutes not to
interrupt the meeting… but as a matter of interest “How do you know that?”
“He is my brother sir.”
All eyes were on Angela by now. The Prime Minister said “You must be very proud
of him?”
“I am sir. But he is only 25 and he is going grey with the strain. Its killing
him.” The First Lord said. “Young Lady will you make sure that his service
papers are sent to me for my personal attention after the meeting”
The meeting went on as the plans for new Escort Carriers long range aircraft, and building new escort ships were explained. At the end of the meeting the Prime Minister caught hold of Angela’s hand to stop her leaving and asked
“When is your brother due ?
“He is due in Liverpool any time soon I believe Sir.”
“Telephone him from me, and say the Prime Minister owes him, and all his ships
Company his best wishes and thanks. I am proud of them.”
It was at that meeting that the decision was made to move the convoy protection headquarters in Western Approaches to Liverpool and set up Western Command. . Her Boss told her I am recommending that you be transferred to the new HQ at Liverpool as you are experienced, and you will also be near your brother.”
Two days after the meeting a battered a and sea stained HMS Summer Rose proudly led the remains of the convoy into Liverpool Harbour, some had peeled off to go to other UK ports on the way. HMS Summer Rose had two kills proudly painted on to its funnel amidst the welcoming sound of sirens from other ships in harbour. There had been more non effective attacks on the convoy. The Convoy Commodore had cancelled the zig zags in favour of speed,, but the U boats did not have the speed or the ability to keep up with the fast convoy. Especially as they were now in range of coastal command aircraft
On the last leg of the convoy they were hit by a fierce Atlantic gale. The convoy had to reduce speed, as the small escorts had trouble keeping up in heavy weather, but only one more ship had been lost to U Boats. Even U boats found it very hard to operate in Atlantic storms.
On his return to Liverpool Tony was called to see the Admiral. The Admiral greeted him warmly, and congratulated him. “ The good news Commander is that you have been put up for a gong. The Prime Minister has heard of your exploits, and asked your sister to convey his thanks and best wishes to you and your ships company. The bad news is, that I want you to tell me in our own words how it all happened..”
Tony a bit stunned at the news, went through the story from beginning to end. As he finished he said “Everything I did sir was by the book. I came across some very lazy and incompetent Jerries all in one place at one time. I was lucky.”
“No Commander you were not just lucky, you showed that you know what you are doing given that situation. You took all the right actions. We are now looking at ways of closing that black hole, where we do not have aircraft cover, have you any suggestions?.”
“Well sir we must definitely have aircraft with a longer range. The sooner the better. If we can keep the U Boats dived, they can not attack the convoy so often. The first priority is to stop them recharging their batteries, but I also think we should have a few ships that go looking for the U boats, and attack them before they can get at us, we should not be just so bloody defensive all the time.”
“Do you think we should drop an escort back behind the convoys deliberately to try your trick again?” He asked.
“It may well work a couple of times Sir, but the Jerries are not fools. We would soon find those ships being torpedoed. We could probably do much better with a group of fast escorts that could go and search for the U Boats before the convoy gets in the area then attack the U Boats or at least keep them dived, and give them a few headaches.
“How about aircraft carriers with convoys.”
“Could work sir, but as you know they are big targets for a U Boat. If I was a U Boat commander I would go for the Aircraft Carrier as my first target, but I did think later that a Submarine lying dived, might just get away with the same trick that we did quite a few times, and they would have the benefit of not being seen. They would also know that any other submarines in the area had to be an enemy. The Germans would not be able to find and attack another submarine when it is dived so easily. They would have to be acutely aware that there were other U boats in the area and would be frightened of sinking friends if they fired torpedoes blind.“. That’s a thought.” He rang a bell and a Wren officer came in, and the Admiral asked her to locate Captain Howard and ask him to come straight here.”
A few minutes later the Captain arrived and was introduced to Tony. The Admiral explained Tony’s idea, and their was a lot of questions and then the Admiral explained “ We have to do something quickly, as we can not sustain these losses for much longer. Captain Howard is the man that is charged with looking at anti U Boat operations. It is his job to coordinate and to look at any ideas that come to hand.”
Captain Howard then said “If we sail a submarine with the convoy it will not be popular with the Merchant vessel Captains, but I think the idea might just work with the right men on the job, at least for a time. The idea is simple, and straight forward. Yes I will have a chat with the Submarine chappies ”
It was later confirmed that HMS Summer Rose should be credited with three kills. For the next six months HMS Summer Rose went back to war, escorting convoy after convoy with very little rest in between convoys. She managed two more kills in that time
During the following months his First Lieutenant left to take command of another corvette. Both his lieutenants were posted to other ships and replaced with green recruits. However, the time came when Summer Rose had to go into dock for a major refit, and to have new weapons added to her armament. It would be a long job, and the ships company were drafted to other ships except for the new First Lieutenant and the Chief Engineer and a few other key ratings.
Tony was sent on an anti submarine command course at HMS Osprey in Portland, and then given some well earned leave pending reappointment. He had been told that he was to take command of one of the new sloops that were being built. These boats would have four four inch guns, Pom Poms and a large number of Oerlikons. He was goingto be attached to one of the new escort groups, that could be used for escort work but would be primarily used for U Boat hunting.
Coastal command would shortly be using some Lancaster bombers with extra fuel tanks, which would give them a much longer range. One or two of them were to be fitted with new anti submarine weapons still in the experimental stage, and radar and the Admiralty had commandeered several Merchant vessels that were to be converted to escort aircraft carriers. These would sail with convoys and provide essential air cover.
But on the 7th May 1941 a bit of overdue luck fell into their hands, the U Boat codes had fallen into British hands when HMS Bulldog captured the U Boat U110. Before she could sink, they managed to board her, and seize the Enigma coding machine and the confidential papers and code books.
U110 was taken in tow, but sunk before she could reach harbour, but as far as the British were concerned, this waa a big turning point in helping to contain the U Boat menace. However, these codes had to be used with discretion, as overuse of them could have tipped the Germans off to the fact that they were in British hands.
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- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting