The Making of a Whore.
"Do you understand me, Katie? I thought I had made it clear that I would not tolerate disobedience..." And to emphasise his point, he started to spank her again.
"Oh! Oh! P-please, it hurts... Yes, I understand, you, I will do exactly what you tell me to do. Oh General, please be gentle with my poor bottom. Oh! Oh! Oh!..."
"Good. Good." And then the General stopped spanking her and he moved back to where Jack was, he at least was still taking pictures. Frank was still frozen in utter disbelief at what was happening to his wife. The General then looked at Frank and, rather smugly asked, "Are you enjoying it so far? All a bit of a shock I know, but I told you the bitch was up for a lot more." He then walked over, and, clapping him on the back, said, "And there is so much more to come. So much more. We have not even got started with this bitch yet..." The General revelled in the way he spoke about Frank's wife and the way it humiliated him. Frank just nodded his dead, still too shell shocked to speak.
"Ok, I think we are going to move on to the filming part of the proceedings." Katie had still remained in her position and not moved a muscle. "Katie, you can get up now and turn around." Katie did as instructed. As she turned around, her shirt was still open and her big tits were still exposed, hanging out of her bra, red with the rough mauling they had received.
Her skirt fell down over her inflamed buttocks, but it did a useless job in covering them up. As she clasped her hands in front of her and demurely looked down, she made her mind up. In the absence of any intervention by her husband, she was going to have to do exactly what the General ordered. She was in no position to resist. The General was dominating her in a way that made it impossible to refuse his requests. She would just have to become his bitch...
The General sat himself down in a leather seat, several feet away from Katie who was now standing in front of him. He had lit himself a cigar and was pouring himself a glass of brandy. It seemed like the hard work of taming the bitch was done and now he could properly enjoy things. Jack had meanwhile replaced his camera for a handheld video camera and had started to film Katie.
The General spoke once more and adopted a kind uncle approach rather then the aggressive dominant of a few minutes previous. "My dear, so far you have done well. Better than I thought, to be honest. And you have already earned yourself £500. Not bad for a few minutes work, even if I say so myself. But as you can see, we are going to step things up now. You see, Jack and I want to make a little film of you and for that, we are going to pay you a large sum of money. Are you happy with this?"
"What, what film? What will I be doing?"
"It is going to be a film of you playing with yourself. You are going to be a naughty little schoolgirl, who is forced by her evil headmaster (i.e. me) to play with herself with a couple of dildos"
Katie said nothing other than look down at the floor. Still her husband had not intervened and that could only mean one thing -- he wanted her to go through with this. And yet despite the obvious revulsion she should have felt, she too wanted to go through with it! She wanted to do these disgusting acts for these wicked men, notwithstanding her husband's views. In fact, he was rapidly becoming an irrelevance in the proceedings. The only men of interest were the General and Jack. For they were her Masters now...
Looking up, bright red, she replied, innocently and quietly, " I have never used one of those things before..."
"What things Katie? What have you never used before?" The General was taking great delight in mentally abusing the young wife.
Looking down in utter humiliation she replied, "A dildo. I have never used a dildo before, sir."
The General laughed, this was making great viewing he thought. Jack was filming this and they already had a live feed to all their members who were, no doubt, glued in to today's proceedings. "Well you are going to use one for us, aren't you?"
"Yes." She whispered. She had no choice, she thought.
"Good, and don't worry, for this film you are going to get paid £1,000. £1,000 Katie for behaving like a whore! And you want to behave like a whore for me, don't you?"
"Yes, General, I want to be your whore."
"Excellent my dear! Excellent! My, I don't think in all my years of doing this, I have come across quite a bitch such as yourself.
"Well, there is no time to waste so we might as well get begin. Now button yourself up. Don't worry, you will be exposing your tits again very soon. I know how much you want to expose them to me. That's it, adjust your tie. Good. I am just going to put on this jacket and tie. I need to look the part of an old headmaster. There we go..."
Once the General had put on a jacket and tie, which had been conveniently left for him on the back of his chair, he was ready to proceed. "Now, for the purposes of this film, it is a very simple story line. As I said, I will be playing the part of your headmaster and you are a naughty schoolgirl who has come into my office after being caught playing with yourself. You will do exactly as I order. When I ask you questions, it will be as if you are a schoolgirl and I expect your replies to be tailored as such. You will always address me as "Sir" for the purposes of the film. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. Now, when I call "action" I want you to walk in and sit yourself down on the couch. You can ad lib your lines but just remember, you will do exactly what I say and that you are playing the part of a schoolgirl. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir, I understand. I will do exactly what you order and I will behave as a naughty schoolgirl would."
Whilst the General was barking orders at the poor girl, Jack had placed a white shoebox on the couch. He then returned to stand behind the General's seat and continued filming.
"Now, "action!"" Katie walked over to the couch and sat down. She looked utterly terrified as she did so but this only made her look even more believable as a naughty schoolgirl. As she sunk into the deep leather couch, her tiny skirt rose up her legs to once more reveal the tops of her thighs above her stockings and her black suspender tabs. She nervously looked down, licking her lips in anticipation and nervously awaited the "Headmaster's" next order.
The General waited for a few moments before speaking.
"Katie, you have been a very naughty girl, haven't you?"
Katie looked up at the General, her sweet face looking ever so nervous. "Yes, Sir, I have been a naughty girl."
"Why have you been naughty Katie? Why are you here in my study today?"
"Because I was caught playing with myself, Sir." As she uttered the words, poor Katie's face went red with embarrassment.
"Yes, Katie, you were caught playing with yourself. You were caught abusing your young innocent body. And how were you playing with yourself, Katie? Tell me!"
Still looking down and, refusing to look up at the General, she replied, "I was using a dildo to play with myself, Sir."
The General allowed this to hang in the air for a several moments, it added to the tension in the room and it played out beautifully on camera.
"Yes, Katie, you were caught abusing your virginal and bottom with a dildo. Behaviour which is unacceptable in a school such as ours. We pride ourselves on producing students who will become outstanding members of society. Not dirty whores who takes pleasure in abusing themselves. I am afraid my dear, that you will need to be punished. And you will need to be punished hard. Otherwise I will have to expel you."
"Yes, Sir, I need to be punished." Katie whispered, almost believing it herself.
"And how do you think a naughty schoolgirl such as yourself should be
Katie knew exactly how the General wanted to punish her. And she was not going to disappoint him. Looking up for the first time since filming began, she licked her red lips and replied, "Sir, I think a naughty schoolgirl should have her bottom spanked."
The General smiled. "Yes, Katie, a naughty schoolgirl should have her bottom spanked. Now come over to me, place yourself over my lap and then I am going to spank your naughty little bottom."
Katie stood up and slowly walked over to the General. Her little skirt flapped up down. Her big breasts heaved in her tight white shirt. She was oblivious to everything, including her pitiful husband and was focussing solely on the General's lap and the inevitable spanking that would follow. When she got to him, she stopped and looked down. She could already make out the outlines of what appeared to be an enormous erection. She wondered whether a naughty schoolgirl would be also forced to serve her headmaster's cock? She licked her lips at the prospect.
She then carefully positioned herself as the General had ordered. She lowered herself over the General's groin causing her lovely little bottom to be perfectly placed in a position where he could administer some well deserved spanks. She also immediately felt the hardness of the General's cock. It felt very hard and very big. Her body was the cause of this and inside she realised that, in all likelihood, her body would have to relieve him of his hardness.
The General looked down at the lovely little bottom that was being presented to him. It was still just about covered with her red and black checked micro mini, although the tops of her suspenders were on show. He was panting in excitement, rarely had the he come across such a compliant bitch. He was stunned by her willingness to submit to his demands, notwithstanding the presence of her husband or the fact that she had only just met him. Such bitch's were a rare breed indeed and to be savoured and enjoyed without any delay.
So, without any further ado, he calmly flipped up her little skirt to reveal her bottom. Katie still wore her g-string, which was useless in protecting her vulnerable cheeks. The General looked down and then placed his old worn out hand on one of her tender naked cheeks. With tenderness that was unfitting for the occasion, he gently caressed each cheek savouring how firm, pert and smooth they were. Only a girl as young as Katie could have cheeks of such supple firmness and beauty, he mused.
"You have a beautiful bottom, my dear." The General growled. He really was taken in by her beauty.
"Thank you, Sir."
"You should not allow your bottom to be abused by anyone who does not appreciate it."
"No, Sir. I won't."
"I do, however, appreciate it and, as such, am best placed to punish it. I am also able to tame naughty girls who clearly have uncontrollable desires which need to be sated by those who know best."
"Yes, Sir. P-please punish my bottom. I am a naughty girl and I deserve to be punished."
"Yes, bitch, you do. You do." The General was now speaking in a low, husky voice. He was obviously affected by Katie's beauty and her undeniable willingness to partake in his sordid fantasy. And now he wanted to take full advantage of it. He pulled his hand back and then cruelly spanked one of Katie's young cheeks.
"Ouch, oh Sir!"
"Quiet bitch, take you punishment!" The General then spanked the other cheek. "You deserve it, don't you bitch. You are a naughty little schoolgirl who needs to have her bottom spanked don't you?"
"Oh, Sir, yes Sir. Spank my bottom! Punish me! Ooh, Sir, that hurts..." Once more, Katie felt a strange surge of feelings cursing through her young body as she started to enjoy being punished. She never, in her wildest fantasies, thought that the feel of an old man's big hand on her delicate young bottom could arouse in her such strong sexual emotions. What did this make her, she wondered? And, more pertinently, what did her husband make of her submitting so willingly to the General? "Oh Sir, my bottom is so sore, you are punishing it too hard. Oh Sir, please be gentle, I am just a schoolgirl. I don't know if you should be doing this... ooh sir!"
"Quiet, my dear. A headmaster needs to punish a wilful girl's little bottom when they are naughty. Yes! Yes! Your bottom is turning a delightful shade of red. Oh, my it is so warm..." The General had ceased spanking her and was now just stroking her inflamed flesh which had turned bright red. He was marvelling how warm and abused her flesh was. Then, ever so slightly, his hand found its way to her pussy. Her married pussy. It was barely covered by her g-string so it did not take too much effort to get to it. And when he did, he found it to be soaking wet. "Oh, my dear, it would seem that you have been enjoying my spanking a little too much."
Katie should have been horrified by this invasion on her person. But she was past caring. This man could do what he wanted to her and she would not stop him, even if she could. "Oh, Sir, you should not be doing this. You should not be playing with my pussy. Ooh, Sir, this is wrong, stop, ooh, Sir..."
The General was now gently massaging her clit. She was soaking wet as a result and her bottom was grinding down on his pants in desire. She was close to cumming, that much was clear. But the General did not want the bitch to cum, not yet at least.
"Katie, I want you to now stand up and go over to the couch. I then want you, with your back to me, to remove your g-sting and then take out the smaller of the two dildos that are in the white box. I will then give you further instructions." Katie said nothing, other than remove herself from the General's lap and stand up disappointed that he had stopped playing with her wet pussy.
Katie then turned around so she was looking down at the General and, appearing shy and nervous, (all a genuine reaction) said, "Sir, I shouldn't be doing this, I am just a schoolgirl. This is not right..." She then looked over at her pathetic husband who said nothing. His mouth was open in shock and bewilderment at the unfolding nightmare being played out in front of him. She figured that he had left it to her to decide what was best. In which case, Katie happily placed herself in the hands of the General and his evil machinations.
"Katie, you will do what I tell you. You now know what happens to naughty schoolgirls. Unless of course you want me to cane you to convince you further?" Katie shuddered at the thought of a cane being mercilessly applied to her now raw bottom. However, she also had a strange desire to find out what it would be like to be punished in such a fashion. That, however, could wait. For now she needed to fuck herself with a dildo.
So, licking her lips she replied, "Yes, Sir, I will do what you tell me to do."
Indeed both the General and Katie were now no longer really in character. They were talking like they both meant it, especially poor Katie who was speaking the truth, rather than what her supposed character would say. She wanted to be dominated by the General and nothing that she, or more importantly her husband, could do would prevent the inevitable from happening.
And with that, Katie, as ordered, walked over to the couch which still had on it the white shoe box which she now knew contained the dildos. She then, very slowly began to remove her g-string. She figured the best way to please the General would be to keep her legs straight as she slid the g-string down her slim lovely legs. That would give him a perfect view of her arse and pussy.
When she had taken it off, she left it on the floor, she had not been told what to do with is so felt it was best left there. She then picked up the white box and opened it. Inside were two d!ildos, one big, at least 10 inches in length and another, relatively small. The small one had a round base and then a cone like shaped instrument protruding out of it. It was in face a butt plug. She picked it up and turned around to once more face the General and the cameras.
"Do you know what that is, Katie?"
"No, Sir."
"It is a butt plug, designed specifically for your bottom. You see, you are going to abuse your bottom for me, young lady. I want you punished properly and only by feeling something go up your bottom will you understand the true meaning of pain."
Katie was truly horrified. She had never allowed anything to go up her bottom before. Frank had once asked her whether he could fuck her there, but she had given him short shrift. But now the General was asking her to do this disgusting act. On camera too. It was madness but she knew it was pointless to argue. She was his bitch, and he her Master...
"Yes, sir." "Good, why don't you give it a good lick first. That's it, suck it all the way down your mouth, you dirty bitch!. Give it a good suck. In time, you will learn to suck other things, and I can see you are going to be a good sucker." Katie was slobbering all over the dildo, making sure it was well lubricated if this was going to go up her bottom. "Good. Now that you have got it all wet, I want you to get on to the couch, get on all fours and thrust your bottom out for me. I am going to have the privilege of putting the dildo in your arse."
Once Katie had got into the required position, the General got up and walked over to Katie. "Suck the dildo, you naughty little bitch. Get it nice and wet for me." Jack then walked over to stand in front of Katie and filmed her sucking on the dildo. Poor Frank remained where he was at the back if the room. He felt that it was inappropriate for him to be with these men whilst they were abusing his wife. "That's it, now give the dildo to me. Now, this is going to hurt, but you need to fight it. There, I am just going to insert the tip into your bottom. Oh my, it is tight, clearly nothing has gone up there before."
"Ouch! Oh Sir, please take it out. It hurts, oh it hurts..."
The General in response just inserted another couple of inches as Jack came around and started to film her bottom. "There you go my dear, you are taking a dildo in your arse" as the general managed to get all of the butt plug into the girl's tight young bottom.
Once in, the General moved out of the way to allow Jack a clear view of Katie's perfect round bottom, lovingly framed by black suspenders and with a dildo firmly inserted inside. Stoically, Katie remained where she was, despite her feelings of intense pain. She knew that it was her duty to make sure her bottom was raised for these men, despite the abuse it was getting. As Jack filmed away, both men knew what a wonderful spectacle this made for the Platinum Club members who were getting a live feed of events online.
We kept waiting for a chance to really be together. Things turned out more interesting than we'd expected... |
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