The Making of a Whore.
Frank was nervous. Did the General know about his plans? Was he about to expose him? If so, he had to get him and his wife out of here ASAP. He did not want to get her into harms way. "Err, what do you mean, General?" He asked, rather nervously.
The General looked at him with a stern face. The bastard will learn never to try and put one over them again he thought. "Well, you see Frank, the reason why you are alone with Jack and I..." Frank was frozen with fear, here it comes. " because we would like to invite you to become a full member of The Platinum Club."
"Yes, my dear boy, Jack speaks very highly of you, you being a work colleague etc. and we feel that we could do with some young blood in the organization. None of us are getting any younger -- ha ha -- and we feel like we could do with some fresh young blood in the group, you know, to keep the club ticking over, take over some of the more heavy work, so to speak."
Frank was stunned, and not a little honored by the request. The Premier Club, an organization of distinguished gentleman who would get together and pursue the pleasure of young women was inviting him to become a member. He would not be privy to all their secrets and find out exactly what went on. Mouth open in shock at the unexpected request, he temporarily forgot about pulling the little scam he was trying to pull off.
The General, ignoring Frank's look of disbelief continued, "And that is why we did not invite a junior member, because you see, dear chap, you are about to be revealed the secrets of what out little organisation does. Or well some of them at least, don't want to ruin all the fun now!"
"No, no of course not." Frank replied, eager to hear more. He expected the General just to tell him what they did and perhaps, at a later date, he would be invited to one of their secret gatherings. God, Katie needed to get her modelling career off the ground now, they are going to need all the money they could get in order for him to pursue the new pleasures on offer.
Naturally, the General had other ideas. "Well, I am not going to go into too much detail at this stage, suffice to say, just follow Jack and my lead today and you will, I am sure, get a small window onto what we do."
"Err, what do you mean?" Frank anxiously asked, aware that is was his wide here today and what were they going to do with her?
"Well, my dear chap, that young filly next door, Jack and I are convinced that following her initial interview, she is up for a whole lot more that what the initial session offers. Normally, when we introduce a new man to our organisation, it is with a seasoned bitch, one who has been in the organisation for a while, or perhaps a bitch who is ready to graduate from stage two to stage three.
"But this girl is different. Just look at what she was wearing when she arrived. It was the same when she was interviewed. Pure filth, I tell you. She is gagging for it." Frank, almost paralysed with fear, managed a faint nod and smile. It was he who suggested that she dress up that way, to impress them and make sure she got the part. He told her to do the same today, as the boys always appreciated a girl looking nice and the club tipped accordingly. But look how that strategy had backfired. "We are sure that the bitch is up for more than just a bit of basic modelling. We are convinced that she will be prepared to strip off for us, reveal everything and do a whole lot of other things that is normally reserved for the Platinum members."
"H-how can you be so convinced?" Frank, now frantic with fear, asked.
"Trust me, if she comes out dressed how we instructed, she is up for it. That is no usual 1st stage outfit in there. We have got a stage 3 schoolgirl's outfit. You know the one, when the bitch's wear next to nothing and reveal everything. If she puts that on, that will tell us everything we need to know. Then, after a while, we will ask her to move on from basic modelling and trust me, the bitch will do exactly what is required.
"You see, she is one of those bitch's who needs the money, her husband can't provide for them and they are struggling to pay their mortgage. Must be one of those pathetic types who has asked his wife to earn some money because he is unable to provide." Frank could not help but blush as the General summed him up. "But one man's loss is another man's gain, hey? And when we offer the kind of cash she has only ever dreamt of, she will do exactly what we say."
Frank had a look of horror on his face. The General could see that he was panicking. But Frank thought he had found a way out, without having to reveal the truth. "General, that sounds great, but you see, I am not sure whether I have that kind of money here, could we not just stick with the initial shoot, for now and then..."
"Don't worry, dear fellow", the General interrupted, reassuringly clapping him on the shoulders, "Money is always an issue with new members, that is why the first year is for free. Means that sometimes you don't get to participate as much as you would like, but you can't have everything, hey? Anyway, I understand from Jack, that a promotion should be in the offing at work, a new title with a lot more money. So in no time you will be able to afford everything on offer.
"Anyway, here comes Jack, you can discuss that later with him. How's she looking?" The General asked, as Jack came out, still smoking his cigar with a contented look on his face.
"She looks fucking great. As hot as we hoped."
"No issues with the outfit?"
"None, the bitch is wearing everything as ordered. She seems to love it!"
Frank was stunned, his mouth was still open with shock. Jack, smiling came over and offered his hand to Frank. Stunned, and almost in a state of trance, Frank took it is as Jack warmly shook it, "Congratulations, I take it the General has told you the good news, hence the look of surprise. Always the same when you finally get made up, hey General!"
"That's right, when you get to the land of milk & honey, always takes a while to get over."
"Err, yes, yes." Frank was ready to pull out of the whole thing. But he wanted to know one thing before he did, "You have been in her dressing room? But you came out of the other room? How do you know what she is wearing?"
Jack, smiled at him, and whispered, "Two-way, mirror. Fucking genius, I know. Why do you think I always go in there? Normally for a cup of tea and a wank as I watch these unsuspecting bitch's strip off and dress. And I tell you, we have one fucking whore in there. She loved what we had in there for her. Fucking unbelievable."
Frank could not believe what he was hearing. Two way mirror? These men were more ruthless than he had ever imagined. Spying on women without their consent. What other tricks did they have up their sleeves?
"Anyway, I am sure the General warned you, today, say nothing and just watch
and learn. Sssh, here she comes..."
Frank was all set to put a stop to the madness but at that very moment Katie emerged from the dressing room. All the men stopped talking and looked at her, as she paused at the door, nervous at what kind of reaction she could expect. She needn't worry since she looked like every old man's perverted dream as she had dressed exactly as instructed. She had on 4 inch black heels, stockings and suspenders.
The grey pleated micro mini skirt was, as with everything else, far too short. It barely covered her arse and when she walked, it flapped up, revealing the flesh above her stockings and her suspenders. She had also discovered in her dressing room that, if she was asked to bend forward ever so slightly, her naked arse was revealed. She had done this a few times in front of the mirror, leaning forward, trying to work out if there was any way to stop it from happening. There wasn't.
Up top, she wore a white cotton blouse, which had a couple of redeeming features: first it was clearly one size too small and, as such, her breasts were bursting for release. The buttons on the shirt looked like they would ping open at anytime. And secondly, it was made of a thin, transparent cotton material which made it a see-through shirt. When she had looked at herself in the mirror, she gasped in horror when she saw that, even with her shirt on, she would be revealing her married breasts to these men.
Her only protection was the school blazer. That was the only part of the outfit that offered her any protection and therefore she knew that it be the first thing she was asked to take off. Followed by everything else, these men would stop at nothing to see her body, she thought. And unless her husband intervened, she would have no choice but to obey. She also had on a red and black school tie which nestled nicely between the valley of her big breasts.
To finish off the naughty schoolgirl look, she had tied her long blonder hair back into two pigtails and had removed all traces of makeup.
All the men just spent a few seconds starring at the vision of beauty presented to them. Frank who moments before had been ready to call a halt to this, starred in horror at what his wife was wearing. Surely she should have seen what they were asking to weak and walked out? He said that it was likely, in the first shoot, to be a cocktail dress. In his experience, only girls who wanted to progress to the third stage dressed like this. She was just at the first stage, why would she be prepared to dress like this when she had always claimed that she did not want to be a glamour model?
He was about to speak, when the General spoke. "Well done, my dear, it looks like you have followed your first order and dressed as instructed. And as a military man, I like people who follow my orders. So, come over here and let us begin the shoot"
Katie, rather nervously, and with a little hesitation, slowly walked over to where the General was standing. And as she did, despite her best efforts, her skirt flapped up down revealing to the greedy men the tops of her stockings and suspenders and the beginnings of her lovely arse.
Frank was speechless. It seemed like his wife wanted to go through with this. She had, as Jack had alluded to, agreed to dress like a slut. She could have stopped it, but here she was revealing her body like some common whore.
But he should stop things. Couldn't he? And as he was about to open his mouth and scream out "Stop!" it suddenly dawned on him that actually he couldn't anything. Like a cold knife cutting through his heart, with horror he realised that if he intervened, sure he would lose the money Katie would earn today. But he would lose more than that. A lot more. He stood to lose his promotion and, in all probability, his job. Jack would never tolerate being hoodwinked like this.
He would be thrown out of the bank within days and then what? Finding another job in this market would be almost impossible. With both Katie and him without work, it would not be long before he lost his home, car, and then his wife. Katie would not want to hang around with a loser who had orchestrated his own downfall and led them to become homeless. A hot piece of totty like Katie could find another man in no time.
So Frank was helpless. He was waiting for Katie to do something.
And Katie was waiting for Frank to do something.
Katie had come to the conclusion that it was his duty to stop things. He had put her in this position, so he should step up and stop it, or take the consequences. This rather aggressive stance was born out of anger with Frank and also, more importantly, the itch in her pussy that was becoming ever stronger as she descended into this dark world.
As such, Katie found herself sleep walking towards her new Masters...
"What do you think of the outfit, my dear, a little too revealing for your tastes?" The General asked as Katie came to stand in front of the General. Even in her four inch heels, she looked tiny in comparison to the huge man who, arms folded, towered over her.
"Err, it is a little more revealing than I suspected and I was led to believe that I would be asked to wear something more conventional, like a dress..."
"Yes but I thought this was would be much more suitable for a girl like you. I even chose it myself." As he spoke, the General, unashamedly, eyed poor Katie up and down. The way he looked at her made the poor girl shiver with fear. "Now, I think we need to get started, so why don't you sit yourself on the couch. That's it make yourself nice and comfortable and we will get ourselves ready."
As ordered, Katie went and sat herself down and prepared for her first ever photo shoot. The excitement and tension was palpable in the room as everyone knew that Katie was, at the very least, about to reveal most of her body to these men. The General and Jack knew it because they were in absolute control of events. Her husband had been neutralised as a threat and Katie, having agreed to dress like this, would not resist revealing herself since so much of her young body was already on display to them. The time to resist was in the changing room, not now, when she sat before them.
Naturally Katie was more nervous than she had ever been in her young life. She once more looked at her husband, desperate for some sign that she should terminate the ordeal. But he steadfastly refused to look at her. She knew she would have to go through with whatever she was ordered to do and hope that Frank, at some point, would come to her rescue. And yet still, the same warm tingling sensation in her pussy would not go away. Did she want to strip off for these old men? No, was the answer again. But this nagging doubt, caused by the reaction below made her wonder if she did want to reveal her young married body...
As the men busied themselves with getting their cameras ready and making sure the lighting was just right, Katie desperately tried to make herself look a little more respectable. She found that however she sat, her small little grey mini skirt kept on riding up her young thighs revealing pretty much all the flesh above her stockings and her black suspender tabs. She just could not cover herself up. As such, she gave up, leant forward, folded her arms on her lap and waited for her fate.
It was not long before the General spoke once more. It was clear that he was in charge, the most senior of the three, and was going to direct proceedings. As he took pictures, like any good director, he needed to direct his subject. "That's lovely my dear, you look so sweet and innocent like that. Such a sweet, sexy little schoolgirl. Now, I want you to unfold your arms, cross your legs, and place your hands on your lap. That's it.
No, don't worry about your skirt riding up your legs, we want to see as much flesh as possible. Good, good. Now, look into my camera, that's it, you are a sweet innocent schoolgirl. Now look down. Good, you look ever so innocent..." Click click click was all that was heard for half a minute or so as Katie adopted a relatively innocent pose. And Katie thought that it was not too bad, after all. If it was like this, maybe it would not be too bad.
She was never going to be so lucky.
"Now, take your jacket off, nice and slowly. Come, on don't be shy. That's it, nice and slowly." Click click click. "Just put it behind you. Good, yes you look lovely. Such a nice shirt, wouldn't you say. So tight, and well, revealing, the lighting seems to be bring out the best in you..." She knew what he meant. The shirt, at the best of times, would be revealing, but with the combination of the lighting and the shirt's transparent material, everyone could see Katie's tits hanging out of her tiny bra. "God, you look great." Click click click. "You have a great figure, young lady. I can't believe you have never modelled before..." Katie looked down at her breasts as the General spoke.
See Cat and Billy go at each other like young Hot lovers! |
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