The Interview pt. 2
Just then, Greg rounded the corner and Rachel groped at the bed cover, and pulled it over her and hid, “Here.” Grunted Greg as he shoved the bottle at Starr, “Is she going to be okay? Leon wants to know if he needs to call an ambulance.”
“Oh She is going to be just fine! Go take a break will you!” Starr barked at Greg then softly said, “He’s gone.”
“You promised it wouldn’t hurt!” Rachel whined as she came out from under her cover.
“Well sweetie you weren’t suppose to cum so hard or so often. What happened?” Starr comforted.
“I’m not sure but when he entered you it felt like some one blew up a balloon inside me and it kinda hurt.” Rachel explained adding, “Then it started pounding inside me like he was stuffing his penis into ‘me!’ instead of you, but you know I really didn’t want it to stop.” You know what I mean?”
“I sure do!” Starr said as she warmly reinforced and then offered, “Here drink some of this water. That’s a girl. Now tell me the rest, what else happened?”
“I tried to control my breath like you said to but it just started gusting out. I could bearly breathe in, and when he grabbed you so tightly and started driving his penis into you so roughly I just exploded inside.” Rachel breathlessly recalled and with a long loud sigh continued, “God…! It felt like my guts were squirting out through my vagina, then I went blank. The next thing I remember is the two of you pulling me onto the bed. Oh god I feel like I have two dicks in me one up my butt and one in my vagina.” Rachel described, then paused took a few drinks of water and asked, “What were you going to tell me?”
“My auction has been put off three weeks. All the bidders want the auction to start the week before I ovulate. Well I started ovulating last night, so I have two weeks I can spend doing what I want to. That means we can have a little time together.” Starr beamed.
“You mean you want to spend time with me?” Rachel smiled as she slowly came back from the dead.
“Yea I do. We can’t have sex, but for the first week, we can go any where we want to.” Starr assured then cautioned, “I have to have you back by the second week no mater who the owner is.”
“You want to help me visit my family?” Rachel asked beaming a warm smile.
“We can go as soon as you finalize the contract, and Leon said I can be your escort. So you won’t have to pay for one.” Starr reassured Rachel then gave her a hug and said, “Baby you made us both look good!”
“Thank you Starr I wouldn’t have been able to with out your help.” Then pulled her head down to hers and gave Starr a lingering kiss as she pulled back she asked, “When do I start and how do I finalize the contract?”
“The bidding just ended, I see Leon has turned off the web feeds. So he has to crunch some numbers and read up on the contract profiles, then decide which of the highest bids and which contracts are the least demanding to come up with the top ten.”
“That sounds so confusing how will I know which one to pick?” Rachel questioned.
“I’ll help you this time. The stipulations are all abbreviated I’ll tell you what they mean, it will be easier when we have one to read.” Starr warmly explained.
“Can you give me a for instance?” Rachel pried.
“Yea. ‘S. I.’ Means ‘stay in,’ you will only leave the house to go to medical appointments. Or ‘T. I.’ Means total isolation you won’t even know where you are, all mail incoming and outgoing gets read, and ‘no!’ phone calls only emergency notifications. To rattle off a few of the major ones.” Starr related.
“Shit! Starr I think I’m going to puke.” Rachel’s voiced in panic.
“Here use this it’s clean.” Starr said as she handed her an empty but clean trashcan. Rachel reached out from her wrappings, and grabbed the can and held it under her mouth. She was wracked by two convulsive heaves, as she caught her breath Rachel asked, “Is there another body suit? This one is all wet. I feel much better now.” She said in a weak voice.
“Yea. I’ll get you one.” Starr replied as she headed for the dressing room. She returned a minute later with an unopened package with a blue two-piece body suit and handed it to Rachel.
“Blue huh?” Rachel questioned as she put it on.
“Yea it’s Leon’s favorite color.” Starr sarcastically remarked.
“At least it’s fresh. I feel a lot better.” Rachel sighed and then pointed out, “Here comes Leon.”
“Well a top ten has been selected.” Starr proclaimed.
“Well Rachel you’ve set a new record and a new president.” Leon crowed as he entered the set, where the girls had been lounging, “ A record of six thirty per. Breaking the five seventy-five, and this is the first time that the clients have all pledged a second hundred accessing fee to the player. That is seven thousand dollars for the show, six-forty for the two of you.” Leon excitedly pointed out as he rubbed his hands together.
“Well take a share then split the rest with Starr.” Rachel directed and asked, “When can I go to sleep?”
“Just as soon as you finalize.” He sang still crowing and handed the girls an envelope each adding, “I didn’t take a cut there is thirty-five each.
“Leon where are the contracts?” Starr pressed.
“It’s easy they are all type A contracts. They are blind contracts, total obedience clauses, you won’t be leaving the house except for the doctors or the contract has ended. For you Rachel I stipulated family emergency leave. Here pick one as he handed them to her face down. I’m not prejudice but there were no mixed race this time they are all white on white.”
“That is the best you could do. Type ‘A’ contracts.” Starr scolded.
“There a few others but they are all under four. She is quick and tough she will catch on and win.” Leon bragged on Rachel adding, “if she wants money this is the best way to go.” Leo assured and ordered, “Starr read her the contract and tell her what will be expected of her. I know which one she took and I will tell them right now. You have four days to go and visit your family and get back. The contract starts ten days later, and five of those days must be in seclusion.”
Rachel handed the contract paper to Starr and sighed, “Can we do this tomorrow I am wasted.”
“You need to hear some of it and sleep on it. ‘S.W.W.O.T.’ that is sex either with or without toys. ‘U.P.S.’ that’s unprotected sex.” Starr paused reading and looked at Rachel and explained, “all of the state unprotected sex that is why the exams. O.V.A.S. that’s oral, vaginal, anal sex; anal sex, must be stipulated. F.F./F.M. that’s sex with both, and these are all M for mandatory, so you ‘must!’ do it. OSDC means owner sets dress code or you wear what they tell you to wear, even if it means wearing nothing for a while or wearing your owner’s sweaty t-shirts. In a blind contract like this your calls will be monitored if you are allowed to receive any, and your incoming and outgoing mail will be read, I know we talked about that.” Starr paused to let the information sink in.
“There’s a chance I might get stuck with a diaper lady huh?” Rachel asked with a loud sigh.
“Well not the one I had but yes.” Starr confirmed, “There were some other complaints on her, that is why she got flagged ‘no first timers.’ There are a lot of them out there. Our literature is rife with fictional stories about that shit, and the inspiration comes from somewhere. Just hope you don’t have to do the changing. I heard one of the girls talking one day how she could only bath once a week and had to wear the same t-shirt for a month at a time because the wife had a fetish for strong body odor; ugh.”
“I can relate to that. One day I found a t-shirt my boyfriend left, we were split up for a week when I found it. The smell made me hot.” Rachel recounted her face red from embarrassment.
“And you never masturbated?” Starr questioned.
“That is right. When I laid down I think that is what I planed to do but went right to sleep.” Rachel affirmed adding, “I think that’s how I got over it.”
“Well any way I am sure there are some rich people that are okay too, just keep your eye on the prize.” Starr reassured then observed, “Speaking of sleep, I don’t think I can stay up much longer. I have my own room here for late nights. Do you want to sleep with me… in my room?” Starr wooed.
“That would be nice.” Rachel eagerly replied.
“We could get an early start tomorrow. Have dinner out with your mom and brother, do some shopping and stock their shelves, and pick up a few of your pet things.” Starr went on as they walked to her room.
“I’m so tired I could drop here on the floor and sleep.” Rachel moaned as they reached the door.
“What do you say to a quick shower? Then we can both drop on the bed and sleep.”
Starr asked as she opened the door.
“Sounds good to me,” Rachel said with salacious smile, adding, “Oh Starr that is a small bed. We’ll be sleeping in each other’s arms.” And gave Starr a hug.
“You want to sleep with me right?” Starr asked smiling, as she knew the answer.
“Yes. I would sleep in your arms even if this were a king size bed.” Rachel cooed.
“How about that shower? You like it hot?” Starr queried.
“I Love it hot, and I’m ready.” Rachel crowed, as she stood up naked.
Just then, a knock came at the door and a voice called out, “Starr a package came for you.”
“Just leave it by the door.” Starr ordered through the door and turned to Rachel, “I bet it’s your cleaned clothes. He’s gone. With a swish she opened, the door grabbed the package, closed the door locking it, put the package on the dresser, and sang, “Lets shower!”
The two girls climbed into a shower barely big enough for one and soaked under the hot water. They didn’t start washing each other until the room was fogged from steam, and the walls dripped with condensation. They washed each other’s body in turns, and then they shampooed their hair in turns. Each dried the other and brushed their hair out, and off to bed they went. There was only one pillow and room for only one person to sleep, so Rachel snuggled in close laying one arm and one leg across Starr and before they finished the first kiss, they were sound asleep.
Morning came in a few short hours. They dressed quickly, called for the limo, had breakfast for the first stop, and on to Rachel’s house. It was a forty-minute drive that gave Starr plenty of time to tell her all about her duties.
“Bathing duties what does that mean?” Rachel asked wrinkling her nose and handed the sheet of paper to Starr.
“This B after bathing duties means both, you’ll be giving them both a bath, maybe even giving them enemas or douching the wife. Hell he might even want you to give him a hand job while he’s covered with soap.” Starr explained.
“Hand job? You mean make him climax with my hand.” Rachel said squinting as she looked at her hands.
“Yea.” Starr confirmed grinning at Rachel’s inexperience.
“That doesn’t sound too bad.” Rachel smiled.
“That isn’t; it’s when they want to sit on your belly, and have you jack them off so they can cum all over you that can get a little sticky if you’ll excuse the pun.” Starr related sarcastically.
“Has that happened to you?” Rachel asked.
“Yea the diaper lady’s husband; use to pull out and nod his head towards his dick, I knew that he wanted me to make him cum on my belly and tits. I would have to milk it onto my face, and suck it for a little while. Then he would stand back and watch me rub it all over my body. That’s right I’m ashamed to say but at the time it felt ‘really really’ good and I made myself cum and she was nowhere to be seen. I think he had me do that just to spite his old lady.” Starr recounted.
“That sounded perfectly gross.” Rachel admitted.
“I think it’s gross that people will pay six thirty a day to get dirty with someone. Way to go girl, you’ll get close to a mill in eighteen months. Math isn’t my strong suit.” Starr admitted and added to her story; “She wouldn’t bathe me for a few whole days. I think his smell made her hot. Any way I think she didn’t like to admit that.”
“What is this seclusion Leon talked about?” Rachel suspiciously asked.
“You’ll stay in a room by your self cable TV and radio, your meals will be brought to you, and there you will stay until the limo comes for you. They will blind fold you and take you to the car, once in the limo you can take it off because the windows are tinted dark so you can’t see out. If I were you I would just leave it on the clients like to take it off once you are inside. The car pulls into their garage, you get out it leaves, and you are there.
“There is the computer store. Is it okay for me to go in?” Rachel asked.
“Sure this is your free time.” Starr encouraged.
“Good cause I don’t remember the name but I know what it looks like.” Rachel admitted.
They meandered through the store picked out the fancy notebook then off the house. Rachel introduced Starr as the head secretary her supervisor. During their dinner the food, and conversation were good they laughed, and told Starr some of their stories. The evening ended with a teary farewell and the limo drove away. Rachel cried for a few minutes on the way back and Starr comforted her. They spent the ride back, hand and hand. Starr talking about her next contract and how she was looking forward to giving birth just to see if she could, and Rachel talked about what she wanted to do first when the contract ended if Starr wasn’t free yet, and they both said how they couldn’t wait to spend some free time together. Leon was waiting for them when they got out of the limo.
“Did you two have a good day off?” He asked smiling.
“Oohh…! Yea it was terrific, the dinner was good, mom was sad that I will be gone for so long, and I got the notebook for Jeff and picked a few pet things so I’m ready.” Rachel said with excitement in her voice.
“That is good cause the client has asked if you can start a little sooner.” Leon tempted, “Your contract will start as soon as you can start your seclusion plus you will only have to do two days. If Starr is willing, she can deliver you. You know ride with you while you are blind folded.”
“Starr?” Rachel looked smiling cause she knew the answer.
“You know I will!” Starr confirmed robustly.
“Well Leon lets get started!” Rachel eagerly replied.
“That is my girl!” Leon crowed then directed, “Okay…the contract will end on this hour seven thirty PM eighteen months from now!” Leon crowed as he looked at his watch Starr would you show her to her room and no hanky panky Rachel needs to save her self.”
As they walked down the hall Starr told her about the room, “there is a TV radio, shower and bed, but most of all there is some gym gear. A treadmill and some hand weights, use them they really help break the tension. It can build on you if you let it. Any way its only two days not five and you’ve already started the clock ticking. Well here we are, this is it.” Starr went silent as the door opened.
“Yea I guess…” Rachel’s voice wavered as tears welled in her eyes, through her arms around Starr and gave her a bear hug, then turned and walked into the room and closed the door behind her.
The two days flew by. She spent most of them working the treadmill and hand weights listening to the radio, or writing in her journal. As the second day ended, she packed her day bag and weighted for the familiar knock. She shuddered from fearful anticipation as footsteps became auditable.
“Rachel? This is Starr it’s time. The limo is here so sit with your back to the door and I will blindfold you and we will walk to the car” Starr ordered and then said, “I can carry your bag if you like. I will ride to the garage with you but I can’t get out. Any way it will be a long drive, most of the night. Ready?”
“Yea,” she replied weakly, obviously nervous.
“I know we will get to spend time at some point.” Starr consoled as she tied the blindfold.
They walked arm in arm to the car in silence and spent most of the drive quietly. Rachel had trouble talking with the blindfold on, and Starr would now and again give Rachel’s hand a reassuring squeeze. Then the car slowed and turned rocking as it cleared a curb then stop. Faintly she heard the driver announce that ‘they were here.’ Her heart leapt into her throat as the electric gate popped and squeaked as it opened, and a tremble caught in her throat, as she felt it hop over a small bump she knew that they were in the garage. She jumped as her door swung open and the chauffeur said, “This way madam.”
“Starr I hope you get a really good couple and the pregnancy goes okay!” Rachel emotionally sang out and then left the car. The chauffeur took her arm and helped into the house, then closed the door, and drove away.
Rachel heard a soft voice as the blindfold was lifted, “You can call me Dave.” The room was dimly lit as the voice went on she turned to look and he said, “No not yet I’m not deformed I just want to wait. The room is lit this way so your eyes will have a chance to adjust.”
Rachel was trembling and she jumped as a hand touched her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze her heart raced as Dave went on, “My wife is a devout lesbian. She didn’t discover this until after we were married. I won’t let her have a divorce…well… mostly because I love her. You are the compromise. Okay turnaround.”
The end pt. 2
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This is about my first time fucking my mother... |
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