The Interview pt. 2
“You were pretty good your self!” Starr cooed and cautioned, “It isn’t over yet we may have two maybe three more rounds to go.”
“I’m okay now. This is where I help Greg cum in you.” Rachel’s voice sounded eager and the tension had eased nearly gone.
“Well yes in a nut shell. Just play it by ear like you have and you’ll do fine. We both sound sated.” Starr sighed then with the next breath cautioned, “Just remember when you have Greg’s tool in your hand that you are innocent, and young but curious.”
Rachel went to the bathroom Starr followed and then they both stood on the darkened set waiting for the bell to sound when they heard Leon. “’Shit…!’ The sever is down, looks like we get a chance to grab a snack.” Leon was mumbling to himself as he walked to the kitchen.
Starr looked at Rachel, “You hungry Rachel?”
“No. But I will say this, I think if a wind were to blow across my clitoris I would climax instantly. My muscles are still flying around inside me.” Rachel admitted as she rubbed her belly with one hand and squeezed her right breast with the other.
“I’ll tell you a little secret mine are too. I think men got ripped off that way; they cum and in a few minutes, it is gone. With me the better the climax the longer the glow lasts.” A smile of satisfaction graced Starr’s lips as she remembered a few.
“Even as many times as you have?” Rachel looked on as she waited for an answer.
“Don’t kid your self, I have had a lot of sex but only a few orgasms.” Starr said with an air of disappointment in her voice.
“Even with other women?” Rachel nervously asked.
“Again you’re fooling your self if you think women are better lovers because they are women, some are, and some of them can be just as selfish as men when it comes to pleasuring another person.” Starr wistfully informed, with a bit of a rueful tone.
“Well tell me did you ever cheat the diaper lady by going potty when she wasn’t there?” Rachel asked in a mischievous tone.
“You know I don’t think I did.” Starr reminiscently replied and thoughtfully added, “Till now I never really thought about it. Another funny thing is the harder I struggled to keep it in and wait for her to leave, the better her orgasms were. That’s what’s so strange…!?”
“What is strange?” Rachel asked smiling eagerly waiting for her answer.
“Now that I think about it, it wasn’t that long ago but she knew every thing.” Starr wistfully started her answer and paused as she put the pieces together, “she knew when I was starting my period before I did, and when I ovulated. I think that was part of her thrill, watching me struggle to keep from going. So by trying to cheat her I did a better job of satisfying her; that sound almost scary.” She paused as she recalled her stay with the diaper lady and then went on, “She had some power over her husband too, and when the contract ended she ordered him to tip me and good too. He gave me a five thousand dollar tip. I tell you keep your guard up look out for tricks, and try not to get too involved with the dynamics of the couple.”
“I think I got the gist; look for ways to fit in, be entertaining as well as entertained, and other wise stay busy.” Rachel related, her eyes dropped to the floor as she thought and then added, “Look out for the trip up.”
“That is it in a nut shell.” Starr smiled as she sang her response and then nervously added, “Oh! I almost forgot when they fight stay out of it. It is in the contract you are ‘not…!’ allowed to get in the middle and they can’t make you. Just go into your room and wait for them to settle down.”
“They will come get me?” Rachel asked.
“That is ‘right!’ they know you can’t participate, so it is most likely a trap. The last four weeks are the hardest. Remember you ‘must!’ finish each term started, or the contract gets canceled, and you stand to lose a lot of money, it’s not so bad if it’s the second or third term, but still no bonuses and you might not get another contract.”
“You mean I’m out if I fail to live up to the terms of my contract, and on to the next show for me if ‘they’ break the rules.” Rachel assertively remarked.
“That ‘is!’ right.” Agreed Starr and then praised, “Shit Rachel you are a fast learner and that is what you need to be.”
“To learn fast, hey…?” Rachel joked.
“To look at Leon you would think he is trying to fly the way he’s flapping his arms.” Starr pointed out sarcastically.
“Yea it looks like the server is back up. How do you want to play the next rounds?” Rachel asked impishly as she moved closer.
“What do you say to us being naked in bed when the lights come up, and follow my lead?” Starr salaciously purred.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Rachel eagerly agreed.
Leon impatiently cut in, “Hell girls do you think this is a afternoon tea social? The bidders are all back on line!”
“Take a Prozac! Leon and chill we’re here and we’re ready!” Starr shot right back.
“Oh I… its just that… Rachel.” Leon stuttered and then sincerely asked, “Are you doing okay? I mean you seam to be going along just fine.”
“Starr says I’m okay; I feel okay, what do you say?” Rachel shot back sounding sure of her self and she smiled at Leon.
“At this stage of the game; what I have to say doesn’t matter.” Leon said sounding a little stressed and with a wirery smile added, “It’s the bidders, they have all pledged from their own pockets an equal share of their log on fees to you. What I say hell, you are magnificent, but I still want my ten percent. You don’t mind do you?”
“Hell I’ll give it all to you if it will help me visit my mom and brother before I’m marched into servitude.” Rachel strongly remarked.
“Oh… we won’t take it all.” Leon said smiling.
“Well take your ten percent and then split the rest between Starr and I!” Rachel said with conviction.
“Have you told her yet Starr?” Leon coyly asked.
“No I thought after the bidding.” Starr quietly replied.
“Shit this is costing me money lets ‘go, go, go!’” Leon’s impatient attitude came back.
“Tell me what?” Rachel nervously pried.
“Come on lets get ready get your clothes off and get into bed. I’ll tell you
later.” Starr teased.
“Staarr…! What…!” Rachel whined as she slipped out of her clothes.
“Shh… snuggle up the lights are going down outside already.” Starr pointed out.
“I didn’t hear the bell?” Rachel hissed quietly.
“Remember no matter how hammy it sounds follow my lead. Nuzzle up to my breast and put your hand on the other and finger my nipple, ooh that’s it. Here come the lights.” Starr whispered as they set up the pose.
As the lights brightened on the set Leon began talking, “Sorry about this folks our server is having difficulty.” He happily explained and then alluringly continued, “I see we still have all of you, and the girls have a real treat for you, I see the girls are all nice and cozy so lets get on with it!”
“Oh honey that was tingly good you sure know my buttons and how to push them.” Starr cooed as she combed Rachel’s hair with her fingers.
“You were really good too. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud.” Rachel murmured and added warmly, “You made it feel better than that boy I brought home last night.”
“Yea I heard you two most of the night. Judging by how hard the bed was banging into the wall he rode you pretty hard.” Starr warmly teased.
“He’s a cowboy alright but still it took him three times to get it right. You know I did come to you this morning.” Rachel assured with a deepening voice, as she began kissing Starr all over her face.
“Only cause he was wore out.” Starr said sarcastically.
“Not true I love making love to you. I wanted to coax you into an orgasmic rapture. Any way he ‘is…’ still good for a ride or two.” Rachel reassured as she began fondling Starr’s clitoris. Sliding her two middle fingers over the tip and then into her vaginal opening and back out and squeezed Starr’s clitoris firmly and then slide them back in.
“As good as you are making that feel I am still hungry for cock! I want to feel it slide down my throat and I want to feel it sliding between my legs as it slips into me.” Starr licentiously cooed and added, “I want you to put it into me. You think your cowboy will ‘ride…!’ me?”
“He’ll do anything I tell him to do.” Rachel bragged.
“Is he big?” Starr pried.
“Not as big as that guy you made me watch the other night, but bigger than most. You’ll know he’s in you!” She assured as she firmly rubbed Starr’s genitals.
“Well girl bring him on!” Starr ordered with a loud sigh.
Rachel walked off the set to where Greg was waiting just off camera, and together they walked onto the set hand and hand. Greg had loose hanging gray sweats and slippers on. His face had four days worth of stubble that was just turning from rough to soft. He was ripped head to toe from working out at the gym, and even flaccid his penis made a large bulge inside the sweats. The hair on his head was shaved, and as Rachel lifted the top over his head, he was covered with body hair.
“Baby meet Greg. Greg this Baby she doesn’t want you to know her name.” She mock introduced them as she threw his top on the bed. Then untied the cord and lowered the pants just enough to expose his long fat penis. As she wrapped her fingers around it she introduced it, “And this is Greg’s co…” Rachel went silent as she dropped to her knees still gripping his penis. As she struggled to stand and say the words stuck in her throat, her feet just kept slipping out from under her and the words sounded like loud gasps. Rachel’s swooning lasted only a few seconds and she scrambled to her feet and continued the mock introduction, “And this is Greg’s cockah!”
“It isn’t as big as you said it was.” Starr complained as part of the act that now was Rachel’s lead.
“Well why don’t you come over here and give it a kiss!” She said tauntingly as she stretched it out using both hands then wriggled it at Starr while pushing his sweats to the floor with her foot.
“Feed it to me.” Starr hissed as she neared.
Rachel milked the length of the shaft began rubbing the clear slick juice on her lips and commanded, “Suck it!” As Starr opened her mouth to suck it in Rachel corrected, “No! Suck just the tip. Suck the tip like a straw, and Starr complied making little sucking noises, Rachel Squeezed the scrotum and milked the full length of the hardening shaft. Starr’s sucking noises turned very wet sounding, from Greg’s precum wetting her lips.
Starr looked up and begged, “I want it all! Feed it all to me!”
“Okay but slowly, take it all but slowly.” Rachel’s eyes grew big as the shaft began disappearing into Starr’s mouth. Rachel’s knees quivered and she started making grunting noises as Starr’s nose pressed into his curly hairs, then gasped loudly as Starr’s long tongue snaked out and started licking his scrotum. Rachel gave a loud dry heave then dropped to the floor for only a second, and regained her composure and moved behind Greg entwined her fingers with Starr’s hair then pulled her head onto the turgid dick and pushed her pelvis into his buttocks letting Starr up only long enough to breathe. In and out Rachel worked Greg’s big cock in Starr’s mouth she stopped when Greg’s body stiffened, keeping his cock deep in Starr’s throat, holding it there until Starr pulled against her grip struggling for air then Rachel let her free.
Starr leaned back a smile brimming and cooed, “I want him in me! Put him in me please…! Honey?”
“Sure Baby I’ll put it in you, just lay back and open those beautiful legs of you’res.” Rachel salaciously directed, “That’s my good girl now slide your sweet fanny closer to the edge, that’s it now close your eyes.” Rachel directed in a low steady seductive voice.
As she moved in and bent over a little to maneuver his cock, a trail of wetness could be seen slowly weeping down Rachel’s inner thigh. While she was moving Greg into position she was careful not to rub his gland she remembered what happened once with her former boy friend. She teased Starr’s puffy red labia with the bulbous gland while holding the shaft at the base until Starr’s juices began coating her fanny. Then with a little pop the head slipped in and with a shove from Rachel it slipped all the way in. While gripping Greg’s turgid shaft, she was massaging Starr’s clitoris with her thumb. Starr’s legs wrapped around them both and lifted her buttocks up and down sliding it inside her. Rachel felt his shaft turn very hard and started flexing in her hand she knew Greg was getting close and commanded, “Stop!” and pulled it out. The shinny wet shaft bobbed from Greg’s heartbeat.
“What is it Honey!?” Starr breathlessly asked.
“I can’t see very good. I want to watch it going into you Baby!” Rachel sounded pleading.
“What do you want me to do? Honey! I want it to be good for you too!” Starr asked softly as she played along.
“Let him lay on the bed and you straddle him face up, and I’ll hold his cockah…” Her voice trailed, and the back camera caught a milky gem sliding down Rachel’s thigh.
Rachel made a loud slurping sound as she sucked back a drool and began directing, “I’ll hold his cock up and you lower your self onto it and let it slide in really slow. That way I can watch, then suck and nibble on that wonderful hard clitoris of you’res.”
Rachel staggered and her knees quivered as she stepped back to let the couple change positions. She got on her knees, and lay between Greg’s hairy thighs, wrapping the fingers of both hands around the ridged shaft. One of the stagehands quietly snuck up and adjusted the back camera, for a full face on view of Rachel’s vagina, while Leon dialed in a close up from the board. Rachel’s hair was all melted to her skin coated her milky wetness. Her clitoris, and labia were covered with the sateen juices it fanned around her opening hugging her pliant skin. Her vagina was making bearly visible sucking movements. It would open slightly then close and suck in. Very subtle were the movements. Little quiverings swept across her body as goose flesh appeared, and in a quiet voice Rachel said, “I’m ready Baby.”
Starr clambered onto Greg and centered her pussy over the erect shaft. Her opening gaped as she pushed the head onto her labia, and her fluids dripped down Greg’s cock. With slow but steady pushes the head slipped in and the shaft started gliding in. As it slipped in further Rachel’s Vagina dilated wide as if the penis was entering her. Her shimmering gems began weeping out hang from her clitoris then fall to the floor. Starr stopped her downward slide when it was half way in, then Rachel began manually slipping it back and forth inside her. Greg’s scrotum was very tight and his urethral tube was quite distended. Rachel could tell by the way it was flexing to her movements that he was close to orgasm, so she began to suckle Starr’s clitoris with Starr looking on as Rachel worked her magic.
Soon Greg’s breath became labored and his muscles started flexing. He let out a loud grunting growl, grabbed Starr’s stomach and started bucking his hips upward driving his cock into her. Rachel soon joined in the loud gaspings and gruntings. Her vagina would gape wide open, her milky cum would flow out, arcing across her legs then sliding down them both, and then her vaginal opening gaped then sucked in and pushed out for several seconds. Rachel orgasm lasted after Greg’s ended, then she went limp draping across Greg’s thigh, and the bell chimed five times ending the fifth round, and the lights dimmed on the set.
“Come on Greg help me get Rachel onto the bed.” Starr breathlessly ordered. As the two of them shuffled Rachel onto the bed, she started mumbling, “I feel so weak, I can’t catch my breath. My whole body hurts! Am I going to die!?”
“Get the water from the fridge.” Directed Starr then consoled Rachel, “No…! You are going to be fine! Rachel! You did really good!”
“I can’t go one more round! The room is spinning.” Rachel lamented and then raspyly added, “I feel like I’m going to puke, and my guts hurt. I think my ovaries have exploded, and my pussy feels like its inside out!” Rachel related then shyly asked, “Will you look please?”
“Open up,” Starr urged as a sweet smile beamed from her face. She leaned over and looked then she consoled, “You are just fine you ‘are…’ still open but everything is right where it should be. It’s over, the final round of bidding is happening right now. All that is left is for you to make the choice from the top ten.”
Two friends get closer than they used to be... |
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