The Handyman
"It's OK, sweetheart" she breathed. “You are so big I am coming on top." With
this, she straddled his body took hold of his cock and gently lowered herself
onto him. She was already soaking wet, and so access was quite easy, but Tony
could not quite believe what was happening to him. He could not believe that he
was fucking the most beautiful woman that he had met in a long time, and that
she was so very passionate and a very active loving partner as she instantly
took his whole cock inside her, as far as it was possible to go. Tony had to
concentrate to keep himself from coming almost straight away. The sensations she
was creating were almost overwhelming. She eased up, and taking hold of her
breast she lay down on top of him and forced the nipple between his lips.
"You certainly know what to do darling " she gasped as Tony started sucking and
nibbling having a little trouble holding on to it, as Izzie started moving her
hips quite vigorously on his cock .
She started to lift her hips up and down as Tony now abandoning the offered nipple started himself to move more rapidly inside her. She continued to move up and down in time with him, her moans becoming louder as time went on.. Each time she came down she ground her pussy hard against his cock, as Tony did his best to match her rhythm, thrusting upwards as best he could to meet her as she pounded back onto him.
Tony could feel his juices beginning to boil up. He wanted to give in to his pleasure, and release the agonizing pressure in his loins, but he also wanted to make this last as long as he could. "Oh yes. Oh yes. That's it. Ohhhhh." The speed of their love making began to pick up, and each time she dropped down it was a little harder. She grabbed the back of his head with one hand and pushed it hard against her heaving breast. Tony sucked harder and pulled as much of her into his mouth as he could.
"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh," she moaned , each time she pounded down. Tony could feel the shocks go through her body and her pussy began to constrict harder around him. She tightened up each time she lifted and seemed to suck him up with her. She tossed her head back and he clasped onto both of her breasts as she wildly pumped up and down.
"Ahhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!" She was shrieking now. As they both began to come together as Tony began to push her upward Her body stiffened as she clamped down hard at the height of her orgasm. She threw her head back "Ohhhhh! Ooooo! Ohhhh!" she shrieked as Tony pushed hard, and his baby juices flooded up into her. He couldn't stop moving. He didn't want to stop. She wouldn't release her grip. She threw her head forward and bit his neck. Tony kept thrusting up into her and she began to tighten up again.
"Oh God! Oh God!" she screamed. She then locked her mouth over his to stifle her scream and her body tightened up again. A shock passed through her followed by a deep shiver. She moaned into his mouth, and they began kissing hard, tongues fully entwining each other.
They finally stopped thrusting and she hugged Tony tight against her body, an
occasional after shock still racking her body. They started kissing again,
exploring each other's mouths as their heart rates returned to normal. Tony
looked up at her. "Feel better?" he asked, as she rolled off him and lay with
her head on his shoulder.
“Well the rumours about you are all wrong darling.” She said.
“What rumours”
“The rumors by some stupid people are that you are possibly gay because you are
not married.” Tony laughed, but he recognized that some people would, and could
draw that assumption. The rest of that night and the following ten days were one
long loving session. Occasionally during the day, Izzie when trade was quiet,
Izzie would also demand his attention.
Izzie Cameron was not entirely joking when she made the comment about Tony that first evening . Life with her husband was not all roses. They rarely made love, and when they did he usually stank of beer, and more often than not, he was the worse for wear when he came to bed. He was overweight, and making love with him was not an attractive prospect. Being some fifteen years younger than him, and just 28 years old she would have loved children, but so far it had not happened. She had met Mickey when he was a barman, and they were both employed in a dubious girly bar at a pub in the West End. Mickey had applied for the vacant tenancy at the Dog and Partridge, but the Brewery had stipulated quite firmly that they must have married managers, and so he put the proposition to Izzie, and they had a quick registry office wedding, and here they were now in a loveless marriage of convenience.
The Dog and Partridge was a good pub, which was in the main down to Izzie. Mickey was right, when he said she was always flirting with the customers, but she was also a good manager, and insisted on a high standard of cleanliness and customer satisfaction, and she was the real reason the pub was keeping its head above water, customers enjoyed her flirting and her company. The pub had a good potential for increased trade, but the brewery was not very forthcoming with funds to carry out the necessary expansion work. It had a number of spare rooms upstairs, which could have been turned into bedrooms, for letting to passing trade, and there was ample room to make a restaurant downstairs, with a small extension. Izzie had nagged Mickey to approach the brewery , but the brewery was reluctant to spend the money with a recession in the offing, and they were doubtful that the trade was there to make it pay.
The idea of having Tony in the next bedroom was an exciting prospect for her. When she had mentioned that he was a hunk to her husband, and she told him that she was surprised that he did not seem to mind leaving her alone with him. He had just laughed, and told her that rumour had told him that Tony was probably gay, as he was not married. But Izzie now knew better, she had seen and felt his hardness bulging in his pants when she had flirted with him, and she was willing to risk it and take the initiative. All that ten days she had slept or made love with Tony .
On his first day she had deliberately taken the opportunity when they were all alone to give him a little grope and a kiss - she knew then for sure by his reaction that Tony was very much all male, and he was very ready and willing to rock and roll whenever she wanted him.
The result had been more than satisfying, and as she lay in his arms that first night she knew that the next two weeks without her husband, Mickey was going to be great fun. She was not on the pill and the thought of getting pregnant with Tony, was definitely a very exciting prospect and seemed to be her only chance of having children.
Tony and Izzie worked well together, and they made every opportunity they could find to spend time together. It was Izzies most fertile period, and after just a few days she had the feeling, that it had not been wasted. She knew that when Mickey came home she was going to have to forget Tony as far as an open relationship went, and if she was pregnant then she guessed Mickey would not mind.
The time passed quickly and soon the last night together eventually arrived. Izzie lay in his arms after making love, she was almost crying as she knew there time together was probably coming to an end. For Tony he knew that this lady was very special, and despite all his affairs in the past and the couple of times he had almost been so near marriage, he knew Izzie was a very special lady, and if she had been single then he might have been tempted into marriage, even with Allison in the background. He wanted to spend more time with her if possible, and now a thought of how it might be achieved was running through his mind.
When Mickey returned from his conference as Tony and he were chatting, Tony brought up the possibility of expanding the premises. Mickey demurred at first and said I do not have the money to buy the place even if the brewery would sell.. The plans would also have to get local planning permission.”.
Tony could see the idea as a genuine good business deal, and he thought it would also give him more time with Izzie. As he said goodbye to Izzie and the bar staff on the final day, he slipped his mobile and home telephone numbers to Izzie so that they could stay in contact. During the following weeks they managed a few odd hours together at his house. Within a month, Izzie told him she thought she was pregnant, and he was the father. But he did not mind, and somehow he knew that Izzie would become in some way be part of his future.
The new housekeeper Freda had settled in to the housekeeping role at Tony’s home quite quickly. Tony allowed Freda to manage the house in her own way, and working her own times, she took over nearly everything in the house, and he only interfered, when there was something very specific, that he needed. Freda did the cooking and she quickly became more of a friend than an employee.
Tony missed Allison, somehow the house was empty without her. The house was finished and soon he was thinking of selling, but he had a growing sense of despondency where Allison was concerned. Now he was 100 per cent convinced that Allison had found someone else. But he still hoped, especially as she was quite insistent that he should go to Edinburgh for a few days.
If his future was to be with Allison then she should be part of the decision to sell. From the very beginning it had not been unusual for Freda’s young daughter Joan to call on him when she was bored, and help in the work with her mother, or help in the cleaning afterwards. Increasingly they would spend time together on the computer, or he would help her solve a problem with her school work. Gradually it had became a daily commitment for her to spend an hour or so after school as Tony gave her extra instruction with her schoolwork.
Joan was a vivacious 18 year old blonde with lovely natural blonde hair, cut in a page boy style. She was about 5’ft 6” tall slim, with lovely features and sparkling blue eyes. They took an instant liking to one another and from then on Tony really enjoyed helping Joan with her schoolwork..
Chapter 5 next
Chapter 5
At Izzie’s suggestion many of the local bored and over indulged housewives in the area, would get together a couple of time a week in the snug at the Dog and Partridge. One of the wives had originally suggested the idea to Izzie, and being a good business woman, she had made the snug available before the official opening time, on two mornings a week.
Izzie would sell coffee or other drinks as required with snacks, and quite quickly the group grew. They formed a committee, kept minutes and had a Treasurer with weekly contributions which helped them organise social events. Over time they organised shopping trips, and theatre trips to the West End and even a ladies Golf day. Soon they had to move into the lounge which was much bigger as the membership grew.
These weekly meetings also allowed local gossip to be exchanged, and for the ladies to moan about their husbands or partners. Several women in a small select group had mentioned in passing how helpful Tony had been in sorting out little problems for them, but they had decided not broadcast his skills too widely. One perpetual moan from the women was about their husbands long working hours, and the fact that they would frequently be away from home for long periods of time, leaving them all alone. Several of the wives suspected their husbands of having mistresses, or at least indulging in clandestine affairs behind their backs.
One day Gail Ford the glamorous brunette the thirty two year old wife of the local Conservative MP, complained about emergencies, that always seemed to occur when her husband was away. “I not only miss him for the usual reasons, not that is such a big loss, but I mainly miss the little jobs he does like changing bulbs and fuses and fixing a leaking tap which always seems to happen when he is away. At the minute my burglar alarm is kaput, and my old man is away in Brussels or somewhere, dipping his wick with his latest mistress I phoned him, and he said get the repair company in, I did, but they cannot come for about four days.” They were unusually bold words coming from the normally quiet and retiring Gail Ford, showing her frustration.
Her concerns were echoed by several of the other women, and Izzie overhearing the conversation as she was serving coffee, interrupted and said. “Well why don’t you call young Cock a Doodle Doo to come and have a look at it - he is pretty good with all these things, and he came in and helped me enormously while Mickey was away, and I was more than happy.”
Gail asked. “Who is Cock a Doodle Do?” Izzie replied with a giggle “can’t you
guess?” Its Tony Nash, he has helped a lot of the ladies out in a number of
ways, Gail blushed and said ‘Its my burglar Alarm that I am worried about. Have
you a telephone number?” and Izzie gave it from memory, she noted that several
other women were making a note of it as well. ”
“Well I notice that you know the number by heart ” one sourpuss said quietly,
causing a little giggle, and causing Izzie to respond.” Yes I do, I know he
helped me a lot“ as she patted the bulge in her tummy meaningfully. But by then
she knew that several women had received the message loud and clear.
As she was speaking Gail Ford was already speaking to Tony on her mobile phone,
and he promised to be with her in about an hour.
After the meeting Gail hurried home just as Tony arrived. She was quite intrigued by Izzie’s comments and wondered Whether she had the nerve to take advantage of him. Tony knew her by sight, having seen her photograph in the newspaper on occasions with her husband. He took a close look at the alarm system, and he said “I think I can have that running for you in about twenty minutes, but first I must check everything” Gail was now very excited. He was a nice looking man, and that was also what she badly needed at the minute.
Once Tony had checked the contacts and done the job, he tested the alarm, then he explained to Gail. “There is a trip lever just behind the box here, which sometimes flips out, if you have a power surge, or a power break, just reach up here and put your hand on this button, and you can feel it and just press it and the power will be restored to the system.” As he spoke Tony stood behind her, and took her hand, so that she could reach up, and as he guided her fingers to the trip lever, she deliberately overbalanced backwards into his arms, for a moment he held her close to his body in his arms. Gail was very quickly aware of his instant erection, as he stood behind her, and she suddenly twisted, and put her arms round his neck and started to kiss him.
No more need to be said, and they were soon in the bedroom both naked on the bed. Gail knew she was probably being very stupid. It was completely out of character for her to act so rashly, but she was in no doubt now she had proof of her husbands infidelities, when he was away from home, and her current almost unbearable state of sexual frustration needed attention.
Gail as a young girl had been brought up in a Catholic Boarding school, and she had been told by the nuns that the spot between her legs, was a gift from God. No one had told her what the purpose of the rapturous sensations she frequently experienced were, or what caused them, when she fondled and played with her pussy. She had decided that it was something to enjoy, though she wished she knew more about its nature. As a teenager she would often lie in bed and enjoy the warm moistness that came between her legs as she played with herself.
After school she had married quite quickly, her husband was an up and coming politician, and a beautiful young wife was an asset to his career. Gail had lovely jet black hair, cut to mid length with natural curls, a face and body totally unblemished, with lips that would grace any film star and a body shape that could easily have inspired sculptors to a new rendition of Venus. She knew that her body responded positively to the slightest touch, It was the spot between her legs that always ended her tactile explorations. Nothing matched the sensations she experienced there.
Marriage did not live up to her expectations. Perhaps she had thought they were both too young and inexperienced in the art of sex. Sex with her husband was a hurried ‘wham bam thank you ma’am experience’ that left her totally frustrated and dissatisfied. Rob her husband at the time had worked as a researcher for a Member of Parliament, and was happy to play around, and get more bedroom experience without his wife, but Gail never seemed to benefit from his acquired expertise. When he was home, he invariably found excuses not to have sex. Later he got elected to Parliament as one of its younger MP’s and soon got himself a Ministerial post in the defence department, which meant extensive travel both home and abroad.
Gail had damning proof that sent through the post by so called well-wishers with proof of his numerous affairs. One of his discarded mistresses had been bitter enough to put her feelings in writing, and post them to her, but Gail although unhappy at his treatment of her was in no financial position to seek a divorce. So she was quite happy for him to play away, having decided that if he could play away, then so could she, she had heard friends talking about their bedroom experiences, and soon gathered that there was a lot more to sex than she had ever herself experienced. Today she decided she would find out for herself.
It all seemed so sudden, the relief at having her burglar alarm working again, but the sudden experience of Tony’s masculine arms, embracing her, the smell of his expensive aftershave as he explained the intricacies of the burglar alarm system had sent her over the edge. She had made an instantaneous decision. She had never been unfaithful to her husband before, but now she had reached the time for action..
In the bedroom she fastened her eyes on Tony’s impressively sized cock, as she fondled it so lovingly in her soft hands, just enjoying the first feelings of success. Her heart was beating faster, and she had noted that Tony had not responded positively and returned the kiss when she had suddenly kissed him. They had not even spoken as she took his hand and led him hand in hand to the bedroom. She was fairly sure that she was going to have that male cock deep inside her hot wet pussy any minute now, soon he would be shooting his baby seed deep into her waiting womb. Impulsively, she leaned forward and planted a wet kiss just on the tip of his cock, and smiled happily to herself, as she saw it react to the feel of her hot warm wet lips, and then she saw the look of lust in his eyes, as he looked down at her, which was a just reward for the risk she was taking. It had been so easy to get him into her bed Gail could see that his cock had become so hard with his desire for her.
She had to play this carefully, no longer was she prepared to tolerate the fumblings of her inadequate husband, who just wanted to shoot his load into her, and then turn over and go to sleep leaving her totally frustrated. She had chosen her man on a crazy impetuous impulse and now she had to play this man like an angler plays a fish, she wanted to get him into her power, she knew that once she had let him fuck her a few times, she had a good chance of holding on to him, so that she always had a real lover to satisfy her every need and even give her the baby she so badly yearned for before it was too late.
When Izzie had mentioned Tony, Gail knew him well on sight, he was young, good looking and just the sort of man she had longed for in her nightly dreams. At 32 she knew she looked much younger and she was a natural brunette Her lovely jet black hair went well with her trim body, and all the hours she had spent working out, would be well worth it if she could keep this hunk on call.
She bent down and kissed him tenderly on the lips and took one of his hands to place on her breast, while she took his cock in her hands, and continued to gently massage it, and then lovingly fondle and gently massage his balls and hard cock. Then she bent down spearing her tongue out, as she licked the hot juice pre-cum which was just oozing from the slit of his hard cock. She licked at the large bulbous head rounded head with her tongue, moving slowly downward toward its base, and back again listening happily to the moans of delight coming from his lips
She happily licked his entire cock with her tongue, and then she sucked it using her lips to tease and excite him, until she knew that the time had come to take him inside her. When the entire length of his cock gleamed with her saliva, she took the head between her lips. She sucked his cock as tangible proof of her overwhelming desire for him. She felt his hands rest on her head, loving the feel of his fingers fondling her long black hair as she worked away steadily on his massive erection.
But enough was enough and so she lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide in open invitation, her knees bent, and her arms spread wide in an unspoken invitation. As Tony crawled between her slim legs she looked up at him her eyes now pleading for him to hurry up.
But Tony was enjoying his time with Gail and for a moment he let his eyes feast on her nude voluptuous beauty. Her undeniable beauty and her lovely body, she was a picture of wanton lust as she waited impatiently for him to take her. He was not disappointed, as he looked down at the graceful curves and hollows of this lovely young woman.
"God, Gail you are gorgeous," he whispered hungrily.
"Come, darling man“. She said softly, barely containing her impatience. She slid
one hand down her belly, combing her lacquered fingers into her dark pussy hair
parting her hair and letting him see the joy that was waiting for him. "Come now
darling man she ordered impatiently. Put it in me and make love to me properly."
He pressed his thumbs against the soft, yielding lips of the pearly bud of her
clitoris which lay waiting for him as, he tweaked the gleaming protrusion with
one thumb.
With his other he plumbed the opening of Gail’s vagina. Gail writhed ecstatically under Tony’s very intimate attention. Her body was on fire as he played with her waiting pussy.
His hard, hot body slid upward along hers. His elbows taking his weight, as he continued to play with her breasts and her hard nipples. Their mouths met in a long demanding, passionate hungry kiss. Their tongues dueled passionately as Gail entwined her legs with his as he lay between her waiting thighs.
She was going to wait no longer as she put her hand down, and took his long hard cock in her hand, letting it push against the lips of her waiting pussy, as she held her breath in anticipation. Then to her relief she felt her pussy lips part as his cock pushed into her gently making the first delicate penetration of her waiting pussy. Her clitoris was being crushed between their bodies, creating a sensation of sublime ecstasy that was completely new to her. It seemed at that moment that her body was on fire, as Tony started to move slowly and gently started pushing ever deeper as his cock sought her waiting womb. Her hips responded and her arms locked round his neck, her tongue forcing its way between his lips.
Tony moved slowly at first himself savoring all the sensations that her body was giving him, then he started to increase speed into Gail’s vibrating warm wet pussy, feeling her hot tissue embracing his cock, now forced wide open by the size of his larger than average cock. She locked her legs round his hips, as if to draw him in even deeper as she reveled in the sensation of his cock plumbing the depths of her pussy.
“Aaaawww," she growled. "You're so lovely and biiiggg my darling." As she realised that her husband was nothing compared to this hunk. She had been a virgin when she had married Frank her husband so she had nothing to compare him with until now.
Tony responded with a low moan as he felt his cock being embraced and massaged by Gail’s, vibrating body . With a final push he sank his cock to its full length as far as it would go and he held it there for a moment.
"Pooch, Tony," Gail sighed ecstatically. She was so happy and she felt so much tenderness and warmth for this man, as he made love to her in a way, that was completely new to her. But she knew, even in her limited experience that the best was yet to come. Tony started to move in a slow rotating movement enjoying the feel of her hot flesh as it massaged his cock sending such fantastic sensations spiraling through his body.
Tony was moving in a smooth movement born of experience, constantly drawing back then pushing his cock home in Gail’s eager pussy. He stroked his hard cock in the velvety sleeve of her vagina, feeling her warm wet flesh clinging to his, feeling her folds envelop his, as he began to revel in the wonderful sensations running through his body, and he knew that soon he would be shooting his seed into her waiting womb. He wanted to hold on for as long as possible, but Gail’s breathless whisper "I'm cumming," ‘I'm cumming, cumming, cumming, cummiiinnnggggg." Triggered his on response.
And Tony felt her body arch her arms almost strangling him, her hips forcing themselves up against him as she almost lifted the mass of her new lover clear of the bed. Her orgasms followed one after another, as they roared through her body as Tony pushed his cock deeper into her vibrating pussy.
Gail’s orgasms were enough to destroy Tony‘s self control and was the final stimulus for Tony’s lust. His body reacted explosively, convulsing and jerking as he poured his seed into her, spraying deep into Gail’s waiting womb. His body convulsed in passionate convulsions as he filled her with his seed.
Eventually Tony and the young Gail slowly slumped in exhaustion as their climaxes faded. Gail inhaled deeply, her body aching deliciously from the weight of Tony on her ribs. She hugged him against her, tangled his legs with hers, and clung to him as her orgasm slowly faded. She was exhausted and totally content at least for the moment.
"Wow!" Tony sighed as he recovered.
"Oh, Tony," Gail sighed ecstatically.
"Gail you're good," Tony muttered into her hair.
"Tony, I love you so much. I want more of you, much more Now you must stop with me tonight to make sure that alarm is working properly.
Next Chapter 6
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