The Handyman
Tony was in bed reading when the door bell rang, he opened the door to find Lisa on his doorstep - she was just dressed in a raincoat and slippers .”Can I stay with you tonight Tony please.” He groaned to himself, his good resolution was gone with the wind, he just knew that he could not refuse her. He opened the door wider and took her in his arms.
It was the next morning when the Police appeared on his doorstep just after dawn. Lisa and Tony had spent a very active night,. and were still asleep. They told him that Allison’s father had laid a formal complaint of kidnapping against him. He had been apparently been very convincing, when he made his complaint, and when Tony said that she was alive and well they demanded proof. At first they seemed highly suspicious of all the ground on the premises that had recently been dug up, as Tony worked on extending the swimming pool. Tony eventually told them where she was, on the condition that they kept the matter confidential, and did not tell her parents. Pointing out that she was an adult by law, and she was entitled to privacy if she so wished. The police were eventually satisfied, when they were able to talk to Allison on the telephone and also talk to her Aunt.
Allison had taken a job as a Cashier in a local bank and although she still kept in contact with Tony regularly it was obvious that she was enjoying the freedom from her fathers home rule.
Next Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Tracy Demands
His new Housekeeper Freda was a complete asset. She settled in to the work and
took over all the housekeeping, and cooking leaving Tony to pursue the
renovation of his home. She did not seem to mind how many hours she put in, and
they soon reached a new agreement where she would take two of the spare bedrooms
for her and her daughter Joan and they would live in..
Her daughter Joan frequently came to help Tony with his work on the house, and soon they became firm friends. After a while Tony would stop work in the afternoon, and spend time helping Joan with her homework after school. Immediately her grades improved quite significantly.
Tony now officially unemployed and waiting for a tribunal hearing turned his hand to working on his new home. His relationship with Lisa came to an abrupt halt when she said “Goodbye”, and moved back with her parents pending her divorce.
Tony found that he had quite an ability to tackle most DIY tasks, and it seemed that Lisa had spread the word about his abilities, as increasingly neighbours began to call on him to help them in emergencies especially, where contractors were slow or claimed to be too busy to tackle small jobs.
As time went on the frequency of telephone calls from Allison decreased to about
twice a week. In her calls she mentioned that she had been going to places with
a man called Ralph. Tony reluctantly concluded that she had found someone else,
and was quietly trying to let him down lightly.
In this mood he started to date one or two local married ladies and had a couple
of one night stands
The house was soon nearing completion with the aid of small local contractors and some three weeks had passed when one day he got a telephone call asking him to visit a local pub, as the landlord had a proposition for him that may be of interest. It was about 8.00 pm, that evening, when Tony pulled into the parking area of the Dog and Partridge public house. He had difficulty finding a place to park his car, the pub was so busy. He had been asked specifically to call and see the landlord Mickey Cameron, although Tony used the pub very occasionally he did not know him that well. He had no idea what he wanted, but there was no harm in meeting him to find out.
Entering the public bar, Tony saw several familiar faces, and in particular
Paddy Mansell his best friend and ex work colleague from the bank at which he
had used to work, Paddy was leaning up against the bar.
“How are you doing Tony?.” Paddy asked.
“Not so bad Paddy are you going to buy the poor unemployed a drink then.”
“Who is that then?” Paddy asked pretending to look around.
Tony laughed, and gave him a playful punch in the stomach as Paddy ordered a
pint of bitter for his friend.
“Tracy has been asking about you a lot recently, and we miss you Tony its not
the same without you, and I am afraid that the recession is going to hit a few
more of us before its over. I’m thinking. I will be lucky if I don’t get the
push myself the way things are going.
Tony and Paddy had studied together at University, and eventually worked together for some years following their graduation, but now Tony having more than ample private financial means, was not worried as the recession bit deeper but was sorry for Paddy as he knew that Paddy’s wife Tracy would still be spending his money for him.
But now Tony after meeting Paddy again was also feeling terribly guilty because of his recent sexual frolics with Tracy Paddy’s wife. He had enjoyed the past few weeks of his free time, doing up his house. He loved being his own boss, and being able to spend his spare time improving his property, and also helping other people, and making new friends. But now he had done almost everything that needed doing, and once again he was in danger of becoming bored with life. He had added a large extension to the house, and had enlarged the swimming pool, and was now almost at a loose end.
Increasingly neighbours knowing his interests, had called on him to do little jobs round their homes, some of them called him especially when the husbands were away. Sometimes, he found that the jobs had been of a more intimate nature, sometimes they were just lonely, and just wanted someone to talk to. However, being a fit male adult in his mid twenties and increasingly convinced that he had lost Allison was more than happy to get involved in sexual liaisons when opportunity arose. He found that many of these bored housewives increasingly demanded more than the Central Heating to be serviced. In most cases he did his best to oblige, where he felt that the ladies concerned could be trusted, and he fancied them. For the work he did, he never charged for his time, and only asked for the cost of replacements or spares to be refunded.
He was missing Allison badly, although he was still in contact with her once or twice a week. He was now totally convinced that she had got another boyfriend, although Allison was continually inviting him to go to Edinburgh and meet her new family. Tony missed her, and was seriously thinking of going quite soon, but he always seemed to have jobs or commitments he had to do, or had promised to do. He was not sure how if he got to Edinburgh to meet Allison how he would handle the rejection.
Previously over the years, he had always seemed to have a number of girlfriends, and had twice had come close to getting married, one of them being Paddy’s wife Tracy, but he always had great reservations about giving up his freedom, and entering the bonds of matrimony. To be honest at the time he was a little relieved when she had left him for Paddy..
But now the situation had changed, and he felt guilty talking to Paddy, that evening in the pub, knowing full well that he was fucking Tracy his wife, not only that she was making noises about leaving Paddy for him. It seemed as though marriage to Paddy had not quelled Tracy’s passion for him, and even now she was hinting quite openly that he only had to say the word and she would leave Paddy to go and live with him.
Two weeks previously Tracy had rung him, with a complaint that her Central Heating was playing up, Tony knowing Tracy of old, was a little hesitant, as he knew what Tracy could be like if she was in the mood. Eventually more out of curiosity than anything else he had gone to see her. She had greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, and called him darling. But Tony did not initially engage in any small talk, but insisted he got to work straight away on the faulty boiler. Tony had got quite dirty cleaning the tubes of the Central Heating boiler out, but when he had finished, he was certainly very reluctant to leave the house looking like a chimney sweep. Tracy quite forcibly however, insisted that he take a shower. He was so dirty he could hardly refuse, and so reluctantly and quite warily he went for a shower. She gathered his clothes and put them in the washing machine.
He had just started his shower and started soaping himself when a naked Tracy had joined him in the shower. Before he knew what was happening, her arms were locked round his neck, as she had pulled him close to her body, her beautiful pouty sensuous lips had clamped fiercely on to his, as she smothered his wet face with long passionate kisses. After a few moments she pulled away, her arms still loosely locked round his neck, she smiled happily as she looked up at him.
“Tracy you are a married woman” Tony protested.
"Don't worry, about anything now darling, Paddy won’t be home for a long time.
We have the rest of the day to ourselves." With her very warm very female sexy
body locked against him, her pussy now rubbing against his now rampant cock Tony
lost the will to resist, as once again she lifted her beautiful young face to be
Tony needed no further encouragement as now he was utterly in her power, he took her in his arms. This time she disengaged her hands, and let them go down to fondle his then quite massive erection. Then Tracy grabbed the soap, and started to soap his wet body paying special loving attention to his cock and testicles. Tony pulled her wet body close against his. He could feel her breasts, with their lovely hard bullet like nipples pressed against his chest. Her hand reached down grabbing his very hard cock and slipped his cock between her legs, so that as her hips rotated slightly, he could feel it rubbing against her soft wet vagina hair.
"This is the nicest surprise darling. I thought I had lost you for ever.". She murmured, as Tony now taking the soap, began to soap her body slowly, and very carefully, paying special attention to her breasts, then her vagina. This was a little habit they had often enjoyed when engaged, and after making love when they were courting.
She was really enjoying his attentions, her moans were unrestrained; but they
both knew this could not last long. She knew that she could not take much more
of this erotic massage. She wanted his cock inside her so badly like the old
days. She pulled away; the water was running down her face, her long hair was
now dark with the shower water, but her eyes were full of wild unrestrained
"I can't take much more of this Tony dear. I want you fucking me and I want it
As she was speaking she had put her arms round his and catching hold of his hair
tightly in one hand, she pulled his head back. She kissed him hard, on the lips
and on his neck while her other hand was reaching down and guiding his cock
expertly into her hot wet pussy. Tony felt it slide gently, and smoothly deep
inside her, he instinctively knew how she liked to be fucked. Her hips pushed
hard against him, ensuring that she had him locked deep inside her very fertile
womb. She kissed him gently on the eyes, and nibbled his ears, as they moved
slowly together, the warm shower water pouring over their bodies as she clutched
his firm hard body to her.
“Welcome home darling.” She murmured.
“But this is not my home!” Tony said facetiously.
“It is, and this is where your cock belongs, inside me making babies.” Tracy
said firmly.
Tracy had thought about Tony for a long time, this morning after an argument
with Paddy over breakfast, once again about having children, she had decided
this morning that she wanted a baby, and she desperately needed Tony back in her
life again. She wanted Tony’s baby, and she would do almost anything to get him
Life with Paddy was not what she wanted or expected, he was a nice kind man , but she had decided, it lacked the passion and excitement she had experienced with Tony, something that she had missed badly from her sweetheart days with him. Since pondering on the decision to call him, he had been in her thoughts all day, and then she had plucked up the courage to call him. She had for a long time missed their extended sessions of passionate lovemaking when they had been engaged. In those days ,she would often seen see the sexual longing in his eyes every time he had looked at her, something that she never saw in Paddy. That look had always been with her, and had made such a big difference in her life, and in their love making. It was something she had missed badly since she had stupidly dropped him for Paddy.
For Tony however, Tracy was definitely part of his past. She was a good fuck, and he knew that he would have probably married her, if she had been a little more patient. But if this was what she wanted now, then for old times sake, he would always oblige this sexy lady. At least for the time being . Tracy was good in bed, and he guessed that for some reason her marriage to Paddy was not working out. Now he was getting, and she was demanding all the pent up passion that was obviously missing from her marriage.
His cock was soon encased in her warm wet vibrating cocoon, her hips moved slowly, with his in perfect harmony. They were working very much as a team, producing a range of erotic feelings, that were out of this world and which they had both previously enjoyed. The feel of her body snuggling in his arms was good and he had to admit it was something that he had missed.. The feel of the warm water pouring over them as they made love, acted as a lubricant as their bodies rubbed together.
To Tracy, she firmly believed that destiny had decided that they had been made for one another. No other man had come remotely near giving her the sexual or emotional satisfaction that Tony had always done. Their passion was intense, yet it could not be hurried, both of them were determined to exploit their desire for each other in their love making. At first they moved slowly, as the pace increased, so did their enjoyment. They were moaning almost in unison, their lips locked together, their love making gradually building to a crescendo.
She was the first to start with several small orgasms. Tony wanted to make it
last as long as he could, and he had deliberately and desperately tried to hold
back, but, it was no good Tracy was an expert, she would not let him delay, and
anyway he could not delay, his need was so great as he thrust hard into her,
holding her tight he started coming in long pumping yet almost imperceptible
strokes. He came in a long drawn out session, better than anything that he had
experienced for years, as he shot his seed into her Almost too late, and just as
he was beginning to slow down, she joined him in a long drawn out massive
climax. Her arms locked round him, almost crushing him in their intensity
pulling him close into her, holding him so tight against her vibrating body.
"That's never happened to me before. That is the first time since we parted,
that I have had a proper climax . She whispered."
They stood locked together for a long time, arms round each other before Tracy
led him back to the bedroom by the hand. Taking a towel she started to dry him
refusing to let him help, then sitting him on the edge of the bed, she dried his
hair. Tony locked his arms round her waist, gently kissing her fondling her
naked breasts while she worked on his hair. He started sucking her hard
"What am I going to do about you Tony." She said eventually. I want you back in
my life I should never have let you go. I love you.”
"It’s too late now you are married to Paddy.." Tony replied.
Turning round she kissed him on the lips. "It’s never too late ?" She said. "But
marriage to you is out - Paddy is my best friend." He replied.
"Do you think you could cope for the time being with just being my lover ?"
Tracy asked. For the minute prepared to accept second best.
"We are so good together and we both know that we were meant to be together. I
will pack a case and leave Paddy today, if you say the word darling.“"
"Oh no." Tony whispered as her lips again closed on his. "That‘s not on, but if you insist, perhaps we can get together from time to time? “He murmured a few minutes later as thoughts to escape from her house filled his mind. Tony was utterly confused, he had to leave anyway, as Joan his housekeepers daughter was coming to see him for her after school math’s lesson .
Before she opened the front door Tracy took Tony into a long passionate kiss .
Damn you Tony Nash - you're back in my life, and this time you are staying, you
belong to me, and don't you ever forget it. You put that cock in anyone else's
pussy, and leave me frustrated you will regret it - I promise”
Since that episode, he had been tempted and he had been drawn back time and time again and spent three more afternoons with Tracy, and she had started forcing the issue by wanting to visit him at home, which Tony found a little embarrassing with Freda and Joan in residence. But on the last occasion, she had borrowed a room in a friends house where they could spend time together. Then she had suggested booking a motel. Tony was now at the point where enough was enough, and he was wondering how he was going to rid himself of the cloying but very lovely Tracy.
Chapter 4 next
Chapter 4
That night while talking to Paddy in the pub, the picture of Tracy in his arms being fucked by him kept intruding, and making him feel very guilty. While talking to Paddy Tony remembered clearly his last passionate session with Tracy just the day before, when once again they had spent most of the afternoon together. He was feeling terribly guilty because Paddy was his best mate. But just then to his relief, the landlord came out of the private area, and recognizing Tony and Paddy, came over to talk to them, eventually leading Tony back into his private quarters at the back of the bar, he told him “I have a bit of problem Mr. Nash, and I am hoping that you can help me out. Your mate Paddy says you are a handy sort of chap to have around, and you are not working at present Its like this, the brewery want me to go on a ten day Management course in the Midlands, and I need someone who can help out here while I am away. The missus knows the business inside out, but she needs a man around, to help out in case we have any problems with rowdy drinkers, and to help with cleaning the pipes, and other cellar work etc. I will pay you well for your time.”
Tony laughed I am not worried about money Mickey, I will gladly help you, it
will be good fun, just treat me to a pint occasionally, tell me when you want me
to start. I will probably enjoy myself. I did bar work at University in the
students union, so I am not a total greenhorn.”
“How about you come in and spend a couple of days with me tomorrow and Thursday,
so that I can show you around, I leave on Friday, for eleven days, and I will
definitely pay you, as the Brewery allows me the money out of the casual wages
account. You might as well have the money. “ Paddy insisted.
Just then the door opened and his wife Izzie walked in, Tony had never seen Mickey’s wife before, but now he vaguely remembered hearing people talk about her. He thought that Izzie was probably the most beautiful woman that he had seen for a long time. She was in her early thirties he thought, and she was a petite sexy looking blonde with long waist length hair. She had lovely expressive blue eyes, and a warm welcoming smile. As Mickey introduced him she turned to Mickey and said.
“You mean that you are going to go away and leave me all alone at the mercy of this sexy looking young hunk for nearly two weeks.” Mickey laughed, and Tony felt himself blushing profusely. He was not sure what he had expected Mickey’s wife to look like, but it certainly was not as lovely and as young looking as Izzie. She looked so much younger than her husband. “Don’t take any notice Tony - she always flirts with young men, that’s why we have such a good business here“
Over the next couple of days Mickey went over the jobs he wanted him to cover, and Tony also spent quite a bit of time in the bar with Izzie. He got on with her quite well, and he found that she was easy to work with
She was very professional and she was popular with the customers. The very first night he helped out and the bar was empty after closing time , and her husband Mickey was in the cellar changing barrels when Izzie got him in a quiet corner behind the bar, and she stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
”We will be alright you and me together honey”, she whispered. “I know all about you and what you get up to with some of the ladies.“ Leaving Tony a very bewildered, and not unhappy young man. He also got to know the part time bar staff that came in daily, either for the lunch time trade, or the evening trade or sometimes both.
Tony was by now convinced that he had lost Allison, and although his relationship with Allison was to a large extent unfinished business he was more than happy to please lonely housewives, when the opportunity arose.
Mickey wanted him to stay overnight on the premises for securities sake while he was away, as he felt that there should always be a man on the premises, and so that same morning Izzie showed him his room which was right next to hers and Mickey’s, and she whispered playfully “If you get lonely just tap on the wall and I will come running.”
Izzie and Tony saw Mickey off to his conference on Friday morning, as he turned the corner out of sight Izzie possessively tucked her arms in his and said “I was not kidding about the danger of being left alone with you Tony dear, and I promise you won’t have to knock on the wall at all.”
She was right, as that night just after Tony had retired, Izzie wasted no time as she entered the bedroom ,and quickly disposed of her nightdress. “I hate sleeping on my own.” She said to Tony, as if that was some excuse for invading his bedroom. Tony did not respond, but he felt that Izzie would be a hard girl to refuse if he was daft enough to want to object to her overtures. Tony had never been averse to a variety of female company which he currently enjoyed, except while Allison was living with him.
Izzie wasted no time as she pulled his T shirt off, throwing it in a heap on the bedroom floor, She reached forward and pulled his boxer shorts down, stopping briefly to examine his cock as she did so. With a lovely smile of anticipation she joined him in the bed as Tony took her in his arms, and they kissed passionately without speaking. She sat up and pushed Tony back on the bed.
Me and a stranger in a hotel... |
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