The Delicious & Diabolical Shona Roberts!
Marty was in a state. Such a state that although I was topless he couldn’t muster the slightest interest in the renewed proximity of my tits. No hard-on for little Marty this time. He wasn’t even noticing my gorgeous globes.
One of us was sexually excited however. My panties were a mess.
I was so getting off on this, the enormous power I had and the delicious knowledge that I had it because I was a drop dead beautiful girl.
I was behaving like the meanest bitch on earth and because the boss was a sadistic bastard who was besotted with me I was getting away with it. I was even being praised and encouraged!
More than this, I was smugly aware that wealthy and powerful men like Jason Rose would keep finding themselves smitten by me, hence I would continue to be pampered and spoiled and indulged.
I would be given everything my little heart desired.
I was having the time of my life and I knew that things were only going to get better and better for me.
The unfairness appealed to me. Turned me on something rotten, in fact.
The wretched Marty here was utterly at my mercy and I wasn’t showing him any. And I was relishing every second of it!
I detected something else in his eyes. Hate.
He hated me. He knew I was loving doing this to him and he hated and despised me for it.
I wanted him to know I was loving it and I wanted him to hate me. That just made it all the more thrilling.
I gave him a slow sardonic wink and blew a pouty kiss.
“You poor poor creature,” I whispered.
“So what’s the plan, babe?” said Jase.
“Five minutes left,” he said.
“But I can go over schedule just a teeny bit if I need to, can’t I?”
“Course you can, sugar. If you need to.”
I shuffled down Marty a little, sitting on him at waist level, and I began slowly torturing him with my nails.
At first I just casually poked and pinched at his chest and stomach. Then I started digging in, dragging my long sharp fingernails across his flesh, making little red scratches all over his torso.
It looked nice when I’d finished. Went well with the various marks from the earlier abuse.
I heard a series of whipping noises coming from behind and twisted to see what the cause was.
It was Jase.
Not to be left out, he’d fixed himself up with a wet towel and was using it vigorously on Marty’s legs and feet, lashing away from top to bottom.
It was a funny sight. Jason looked rather like a boisterous schoolboy. Certainly he wasn’t looking like the CEO of a major corporation.
I giggled and turned back to my nail carvings.
I was enjoying myself immensely. So much so that I lost track of time and Jason had to tap my shoulder and inform me that it was way past seven o’clock. Nearer eight, in fact!
“He’s right, honey, it is,” said Janice, who was standing with Jason, the both of them looking intently down at Marty and me.
“Gotta wrap this up, Shona baby,” said Jason, pressing the point.
I put on my best and cutest baby doll voice.
“Two more minutes?”
“Ok,” Jason relented.
“Seeing as it’s you.”
“Thank you!” I said.
“There’s just this one more thing I wanna do.”
Which was to mess with Marty’s nipples.
I tortured them in turn, one and then the other, getting the nipple between the nail of my thumb and forefinger and then squeezing and squeezing until the tears came again.
Took a little longer than two minutes, actually, but Jase and Jan waited patiently until I was finished.
I climbed off my toy and stood to join Jase and Jan.
“That was a fabulous reward,” I announced.
“Glad you liked it, sweetie,” said Jason.
“You know what though, I think we ought to just confirm with Marty that he has had enough,” joked Janice.
“Because who knows, perhaps he’s a raving masochist. Perhaps he’s been getting off on all this and would appreciate a little more.”
I started giggling.
“Yes, men are peculiar creatures, aren’t they?”
“They sure can be,” said Jan, also giggling.
“There’s guys around would pay good money to be tortured by a hot young girl like you, honey.”
“Oh yes.”
“Let’s ask him then,” I said.
I gazed down at Marty.
“Ok. So I’ve finished tormenting you now unless you’d like me to carry on. If you would, I will. There’s still tons of stuff I could do. What do you say?”
Marty’s response was not one that could be misinterpreted.
“Nooooooo, please god Shona, noooooo!” he shrieked and his head jerked from side to side so violently it nearly fell off.
“Fine,” Jason laughed.
“That seems clear enough. Torture over. It’s Miss Roberts actually, not Shona, but I’m going to let you off.”
“Let’s give him a quick shower,” I suggested.
“He certainly needs one,” said Janice.
We manoeuvred him into the shower cubicle and made him squat on the floor.
“Jase, you don’t need a pee, do you?” I asked, nodding in the direction of Marty.
Jason got my drift.
“Do, actually,” he grinned and he stepped into the cubicle and stood over Marty, got his dick out and pissed all over him.
“Oh dear,” said Jan.
“Well you did say he needed a shower,” I giggled.
Jason finished up and exited the cubicle.
“Better hose him down, Shona.”
“Ok, could you pass me the nozzle.”
“Sure, babe.”
Jason reached up and detached it and passed it over to me.
I leaned into the cubicle, set the temperature control to minimum, and turned the shower on.
I tested the water on my wrist. Fucking freezing!
I moved outside, kept the nozzle carefully pointed down so that the water was missing Marty but only just. It was obvious to him how cold it was.
“Right here we go, nice hot shower for you!” I grinned, and proceeded to turn the jet right on him.
For the next couple of minutes Marty rolled and scrambled around on the cubicle floor screaming blue murder as I zapped him with the icy water.
It was cheating, trying to take evasive action, it was dead against the rules, but I decided not to make a big deal about it.
Two reasons really.
One, his attempts were futile, he couldn’t get out of the way.
Two, I was also cheating. The torture session was meant to be over. This was a kind of sneaky extension that I hadn’t even cleared with Jason. Thankfully, Jase didn’t seem to mind. Both he and Jan were enjoying the spectacle and egging me on.
I stopped when I noticed that poor Marty was starting to turn a little blue.
“Great timing babe,” Jase said, when I turned the water off.
Marty was huddled up in a corner of the cubicle.
The screaming had stopped but that gentle whimpering of his had made a reappearance.
“Right, that is definitely it,” announced Jason, his tone brooking no debate.
“Jan, can you go and bring his clothes in here please.”
Jan went and retrieved Marty’s clothes from her room and brought them to the bathroom.
“Marty, you’ve done brilliantly,” said Jason, all sweetness and light.
“Why don’t you take a minute, dry yourself off, get dressed. Come through when you’re ready. We’ll have a quick chat, then it’s home time.”
We left him to it and trooped through to the office, Jason closing the bathroom door because “poor guy needs some privacy” he said.
“Jan, you wanna get going now?”
“Sure, JR. That was fun. See you tomorrow”.
“See you, Shona,” she called, as she left the room.
“Sure,” I said.
It was well after eight o’clock. I was starving! Hate missing dinner but I guessed it couldn’t be helped.
Jason and I snuggled up on the couch to wait for Marty. We passed the time smooching and canoodling. I was still topless and Jase had a lovely time with my boobs.
We broke off when we noticed that a now fully clad Marty had emerged from the bathroom and was shuffling tentatively towards us.
“Sure, Marty, come on over,” said Jason, disentangling himself from me.
Marty completed the journey across to the couch area. He was moving a little gingerly, his face was unnaturally flushed, and he had this kinda wild look in his eye, but apart from that he looked completely normal.
You’d never guess what had just happened to him if you didn’t know.
Great. That was a key part of the plan.
“Can you fetch me my top?” I told him.
“It’s over there.”
Marty went and picked the top up from the floor and brought it over.
He hesitated, not knowing how close he ought to come to me. I told him to just throw it.
I caught it and put it back on, grinning insouciantly at him.
“Wave goodbye to my tits,” I giggled.
He did, would you believe.
“Ok, important last words,” said Jason.
“Yes sir,” Marty said, a little more himself now.
“The first thing is that you do not, repeat not, tell a single other person, either in this company or outside, anything of what’s happened here today. Not that anyone would believe you, of course, but in any case you don’t. If you do, and I find out that you have, then I fire you and you never work in this industry again. Ok?”
“Ok sir.”
“Second point, you did well with this, I was impressed, and so with the aforementioned caveat of it all being our little secret, you keep your job.”
“Thank you, JR. Thank you sir.”
Marty did actually look relieved and grateful.
What a fucking loser, I thought!
“Third and final point. You keep your job, the same job, but you’re on probation. Not official probation, HR involved bla bla, none of that shit, this is our secret again, just me and Shona and Janice will know about it, but nonetheless it’s real. You are on probation.”
“Probation,” nodded Marty.
“Ok sir. How long for?”
“For as long as Shona deems it necessary.”
“Shona, sir?”
“Yes. Or rather Miss Roberts to you. That’s one of the probation terms. Shona has decided she wants that to continue. She likes it. So from now on you must call her Miss Roberts. At all times. Is that clear?”
“Yes sir.”
“Don’t get me wrong, you are still her line manager, but we want to see respect from now on. So it’s ‘Miss Roberts’. It’s also no ogling unless you get permission first. Understand?”
“Not sure I do, sir.”
“Ok, it’s like this. If you’re sat there in the office and the presence of Miss Roberts is making you feel horny and excited, what you do is either fight the feeling and don’t look at her at all, or if you’re feeling brave you can approach her and tell her she’s looking hot and is it ok if you have a quick ogle. She will then either say, no, piss off, which let’s face it will be the default, or, and this will only be every now and again, she might feel like allowing you a peek, in which case she will tell you so and will inform you exactly how long you can look for, and at what part of her anatomy. So for example, after you’ve approached her and told her she’s looking gorgeous, she might say, ‘Ok Marty, you have five seconds staring at my thighs, then you can have ten seconds on my breasts,’ or she might present it as a choice, you can have five seconds lusting at her thighs OR ten seconds admiring her melons, leaving it to you which option to go for. Just whatever she feels like. It could be her ass. You might get thirty seconds staring at her ass. It could even be her feet. Miss Roberts might simply take her shoes off and permit you to crouch down and spend an hour and a half looking at her cute little tutsies. Whatever she wants. You see?”
“Think so, sir, yes.”
“Great. Oh and it’s not optional. If Shona, if Miss Roberts, instructs that you have x seconds gazing yearningly at her legs, and or y seconds drooling over her cleavage, or z hours staring like a real pervert at her feet, then that’s what you go ahead and do. Get it?”
“Yes sir.”
“Think it should work well, don’t you?”
“Yes sir.”
“He looks a little doubtful,” I put in.
“You think?”
“We ought to have a rehearsal.”
“Ok, sure. Marty, so we give this a whirl here and now, make sure you’ve got it. Let’s assume it’s one of those times where you are feeling brave, ok, so c’mon let’s see you go for it.”
“Now, sir?”
Marty gulped a couple of times and plunged in.
“Shona, I think you’re looking –“
“Miss Roberts,” I corrected, sharply.
“Indeed. Ok, Marty, go again,” said Jason.
“Miss Roberts, you are looking particularly ravishing today if I may say so.”
Marty getting rather creative there, which I approved of.
“Oh fuck off, you disgusting little man!” I snapped.
It was like Marty had been slapped by a wet fish.
I started giggling.
“Or if it’s your lucky day I’ll be more like this –“
And I exclaimed in delight.
“Why thank you, Marty! Much appreciated! I know I am, but I still like to hear it. You may have ten seconds looking at my thighs.”
“Thank you Miss Roberts!”
Marty turned back to Jason, beaming, thinking he’d passed the test.
Not quite, however.
“So what are you waiting for?” smiled Jason.
“Do it.”
“What, sir?”
“Ten seconds staring at Shona’s thighs. Look, she has them nicely displayed for you.”
Marty then raised an important point, keen to cover all the bases.
“Ok sir. But how will I know it’s ten seconds? I can’t look at my watch if I’m looking at her thighs.”
“Just count in your head,” deadpanned Jason.
“Doesn’t need to be spot on, just approx.”
Marty locked a beady gaze on the agreed target, did a mental count to ten, then looked away.
He’d got it down to a tee, even though it was his first time.
I threw a curveball, started scratching an imaginary itch high up under my skirt, thinking this might make him lose his count, but it didn’t.
“Well done Marty!” Jase and I chorused.
“Thanks,” said Marty, sheepish smile.
We were ready to wind this thing up. I was getting ever so slightly bored and Jase had to get home.
“Ok final final thing,” said Jason.
“Work duties. Your official job is the same, you’re the supervisor in Shona’s department. Remind me, how many employees are you in charge of? Apart from Shona, I mean.”
“There’s another three, sir.”
“Right. So as far as those three go, it’s no change. You’re the boss. With Shona however it’s going to be a little different. There’s the fact you’ll be calling her Miss Roberts for one thing. We’ve dealt with that already. There’s the process whereby you get to ogle her, or not as the case may be. We’ve done that too. And there’s also this last thing to understand. You are still officially Shona’s boss but in reality it’s going to be more the other way around. Shona will be calling the shots. So when it comes to her workload, for example, she will only do what she feels like doing, no more and no less. You have no authority under any circumstances to give her stuff that she doesn’t want to do, or to check up on her, correct her, hassle or harry her, none of that sort of normal supervisor crap, ok?”
“Ok sir.”
“And not just that. You will be at Shona’s beck and call around the office. Things such as getting her a coffee, a cold drink, going to the canteen if she fancies something from there, possibly on occasions feeding her at her desk if her hands are otherwise occupied, or she simply happens to be feeling a bit lazy. Etc etc. She might want you to sharpen her pencil. Pop to the stationery cupboard and bring her something she needs, a stapler perhaps, a pad of paper. There will probably be more personal type chores and errands too. Hang her coat up, run out to the shops and buy her a pair of tights, collect her dry-clean at lunchtime, other bits and pieces. Pretty much anything really. You get the idea, Marty, I’m sure.”
“Think so sir.”
“We’ll see how you go. Proof of the pudding and all that.”
“Now the others in your department might think it’s a little odd how Shona seems able to boss you about. They might find it amusing even. They might speculate. Fine. But to re-iterate our point number one, you do NOT disclose the reason why. Let them think what they want to think.”
“Right sir.”
“So that’s it. Probation starts first thing tomorrow. It lasts as long as Shona sees fit. You pass at the point where she says you have. You fail if at any time you don’t comply with all the terms. I’ll monitor your progress via Shona. She’ll be up here to see me on almost a daily basis, for reasons I think you know but will be keeping to yourself, and although you will be far from the main item on our agenda when she visits, nevertheless Shona will tell me if you’ve displeased her in any way and if that happens then, sorry to stress this once again, you will be out of this company and on the dole queue in the middle of the worst recession the country has seen in fifty years. Have you got it, Mr Malcolm Peabody?”
“Martin,” I sighed.
“Oh for fuck’s sake. Mr Martin Malcolm Marty Peabody. Have you got it?”
“I have sir.”
“Goodnight then.”
“Goodnight JR, sir.”
“See you tomorrow, Martin,” I grinned.
“Yes Miss Roberts.”
Off he went towards the door, trying not to run.
“Oh Martin,” I called, as he was nearly out the door.
“Yes Miss Roberts.”
“Tomorrow morning. Can you pick me up a bacon roll on your way in?”
“Of course Miss Roberts.”
“Loads of brown sauce, ok?”
Not sure he heard that last bit. The door had closed and he didn’t re-appear.
“Oh my god, I could turn the poor man into a total laughing stock down there now if I wanted, couldn’t I?” I giggled.
“You could, babe, yes,” chuckled Jason.
“If you wanted.”
“Guess we’ll see,” I said.
JR was in motion, rising from the couch.
“Mmm. But look babe, it’s almost nine o’clock, I really have to get going,” he said.
“Sure, honey.”
“Should I call you a cab? Company account obviously.”
“Ok done. C’mon then. Jeez, it’ll be after ten by the time I get home. I said I’d be early today too. Wife’s gonna fucking kill me!”
Jacks mother sucks all her sons friends and meets some of them later... |
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