The Delicious & Diabolical Shona Roberts!
Martin froze where he was, halfway to the door, and Jason got up, went to his desk and buzzed through.
“Janice, sweetheart, can you pop in please.”
Moments later Janice appeared in the doorway.
At least thirty years older than me, Janice must be, but I have to admit still attractive. A bit severe perhaps but definitely attractive.
Good figure, that’s for sure, especially her legs. She was dressed nicely too. Knee length pencil skirt, sheer tights and heels, a crisp white blouse opened to show just a hint of cleavage.
If I look like that when I’m her age I won’t be too unhappy about it.
Bet men still fancy her.
Bet Jason does a little bit, although he’s never said. If he hadn’t hit the jackpot with me, who knows, he’d maybe be nailing Janice. Probably he did years ago, when she was more fresh and fuckable.
“I need you to look after Marty here for a while. You’re not about to leave or anything, are you?”
“No, JR. I’ll be a while yet. Still got tons to do.”
“Good. So Marty’s going to sit quietly out there with you and he’s not going to be any trouble. Just ignore him, basically, until I buzz and say to send him back in, ok?”
“Sure thing.”
“Come along then, Marty,” said Janice.
She waggled her finger imperiously and Martin trotted obediently towards her.
OMG, did he have any self esteem left at all?
Looking at how crushed and broken he was, my little head was swirling with ideas for the sick and twisted things we could inflict on the poor bastard when we got him back in the room!
“Oh Jan,” Jason called, as they were disappearing from view.
“I said just ignore Marty, and please do if that’s what you’d prefer, but if there’s a way that he can make himself useful to you, then by all means use the opportunity, you know what I mean?”
Janice paused for thought then gave a sly smile.
“Um, ok. Well there is something that springs to mind. It’s not really a work thing though.”
“Doesn’t matter. Anything you want him to do, just tell him and he’ll do it.”
“Ok great. Because I was noticing, just before you called actually, that these shoes I’m wearing have got a little grubby today.”
“Surely not. That’s so unlike you.”
Janice laughed sheepishly.
“I know. Must have trodden in some crud when I went out at lunchtime and then not spotted it until just now. Unlike me, as you say. Anyway, what I’m thinking, it’d be a big help to me if Marty could see to them. I’ll slip them off and he can clean and shine them up with a damp cloth. What do you think?
“A damp cloth? You have a damp cloth out there?”
“Um, no actually. Damn, there goes that bright idea. Unless, well I guess he can use his tongue, JR, can’t he?”
“Swell suggestion! Hear that, Marty? Job for you there. Cleaning Janice’s shoes with your tongue. Licking all the crap off them first, then licking some more until they shine so good you can see your ugly mug in them. Aren’t you the lucky one. Why don’t you thank Janice for thinking of that.”
“Um, thank you, Janice,” Martin mumbled.
Christ could he get more pathetic.
Yes, was the answer. Three people were now tyrannizing poor helpless Martin and we were on a roll. We were having a fabulous time. Wasn’t totally sure how far we would push this, ultimately, but we were certainly planning to indulge ourselves.
Jason had ensured that the coast was clear. He had no appointments for the rest of the day and there were just the four of us, Martin and his three tormentors, on this floor. We could go to town!
“Hey, why bother taking them off?” said Jason.
“I’m sorry?”
“Your shoes. No need to trouble yourself. Marty can crawl under your desk while you’re working and clean them in situ.”
“Even better!” exclaimed Janice, delightedly.
“That should keep you nicely occupied, Marty, shouldn’t it?” Jason continued.
“Stop you speculating too much about what your punishment for sexually harassing Shona is going to be.”
“Reckon he’s still gonna be fretting about it,” I giggled.
“Sexually harassing poor little Shona!” exclaimed Janice, as if shocked and horrified.
“Is that what he’s been doing? Is that what this is about?”
“I’m afraid it is,” said Jason, sombrely.
Janice turned to Martin and slapped him across the face.
“Monster!” she said, her sharp voice like the crack of a whip.
“Easy, sweetheart,” said Jason.
“Ok, sorry. But sexual harassment, jeez I hate that. I’m not sure about him lurking under my desk and licking my shoes now. I don’t want him peering up my skirt. I mean, he’s a sexual pervert. Isn’t that what’s been concluded?”
Jason snorted with derision.
“But a pretty pathetic one. If I tell him that he shouldn’t be looking at anything but your shoes while he’s down there licking them then believe me he won’t. Will you, Marty?”
“No sir.”
Martin was sounding and looking truly excruciated.
“See. But ok maybe he should actually make the promise. Marty, c’mon Janice needs to hear it. Tell her here and now that even though you’re a disgusting little pervert you will not be peeking up her skirt while you’re under her desk licking her shoes. C’mon, those exact words if you please. And look at her while you’re saying it.”
Martin gulped a few tortured breaths then went for it. He looked at the mischievously smiling Janice and delivered his lines.
“Janice, even though I’m a disgusting little pervert I promise that I won’t peek up your skirt while I’m under your desk licking your shoes.”
“Perfect! You know what, I think I might be warming to you,” said Jason.
And OMG if Martin’s little face didn’t register a modicum of relief. The poor poor bastard.
The relief did not last long.
“Anything else out there needs cleaning, Jan?” wondered Jason.
“Shame to waste a willing tongue. Cleaners don’t come till after midnight as I recall.”
“There’s the men’s toilets, JR, I suppose. Those guys from Merricks we had in here for that two o’clock meeting, half a dozen of them went in there before they left.”
“Oh god, that bunch.”
“I know. Didn’t seem the careful types, did they? Both cubicles are bound to be in a state. Bet there’s stale pee all over the place. Probably a bit of the other too, wouldn’t surprise me.”
“There you go then.”
“What do you think, Shona honey?” said Janice to me.
“Should Marty lick the men’s toilet out?” she said.
I grinned at her.
“I think he should, yes. After he’s done your shoes, of course.”
“Of course.”
“Oh and Janice, maybe you’d better supervise him when it comes to the bogs,” said Jason.
“Don’t want him cheating and using something other than his tongue. You don’t mind, sweetheart, do you?”
“Be glad to,” said Janice.
“Ok, so see you guys later,” said Jason, fluttering his fingers.
“C’mon pervert, your chores await,” Janice trilled and she ushered him out the door.
Jason and I creased up the moment the door was closed. Neither of us could speak for a while.
“Oh my god, this is too much!” I cried, when I’d stopped corpsing.
“This is fucking hilarious.”
“Isn’t it.”
It had made the both of us horny as hell, so the first thing we did was have a quick hard fuck on the couch.
We wanted to make sure Marty had ample time to be licking ladies’ shoes and men’s toilets, whilst worrying his little head off about whether he was getting fired, so afterwards we took a long sexy shower together during which Jase got down and soaped my cunt and licked it out good.
“Bet what Marty’s tasting right now isn’t quite so yummy,” I giggled.
Jason grinned up at me.
‘Bitch!’ he said and he slapped my arse, which I loved.
We got dried and dressed and then we spent a while back on the sofa idly chatting about this and that, including the unspeakable stuff we were going to inflict on our victim when we had him back in our clutches.
Jason gurned at me and said that, knowing Janice as he did, the poor sod would have had a grim time already.
A few minutes before six o’clock, Jason went and perched on his desk and called though.
“Janice? Ok, all clear. Bring him in.”
The door opened moments later and Janice came into the room pulling Martin behind her by his tie.
Which is all he was wearing.
Poor man was totally on display.
Well, almost. He had his hands cupped over his genitals in an attempt to retain at least a shred of dignity, but all this actually did was make him look more risible.
I was laughing anyway, so was Jason.
“Oh my god, Jase, he’s fucking naked already!” I exclaimed, hand to mouth.
It was a genuine surprise. One of the first things I’d been intending to do was make Marty get undressed in front of us, however it appeared that Janice had got there first.
Not a problem. There was plenty else I was looking forward to doing to him!
Jason wasn’t fazed at all.
“Made him strip off to do his chores, Jan, did you?”
“Just trying to protect his clothes.”
“Just as well too. God, JR, those cubicles were a real mess.”
“I bet they were. Clean now though, sweetheart, right?”
“And your shoes?”
“So look, Janice, I’m about to pronounce on Marty’s punishment for being a sexual pervert and Shona’s reward for reporting it. Do you wanna stay for this or do you wanna scoot?”
“I’m interested, so I’ll stay.”
“Thought you would.”
“Ok, JR, so what’s the score?” Janice asked.
“What have you decided?”
Jason remained leaning against his desk as he outlined the decision. Janice stood just inside the room, holding the naked Martin by his tie, and I was reclining comfortably on the couch.
Martin was whimpering a little. Abject fear, unspeakable humiliation, a big dose of self disgust for allowing this to happen to him, guess those were the things the poor man was feeling.
That’s what I liked to think anyway, as I gazed avidly across. I’m sure I was right.
“Ok, well he probably won’t like it,” Jason began.
“Figured that,” gurned Janice.
“Indeed. But let me run through it. Marty, you listening over there?”
No reply. Just that rather pathetic sound he was making.
“Don’t worry, JR, he’s listening,” cackled Janice.
“He’s listening to every single word.”
She gave Martin’s neck a sharp yank with the tie to reinforce the message. He yelped and then resumed the whimpering.
“Aw the poor thing,” I giggled.
Jason chuckled and continued.
“Ok good. So here’s what’s going to happen.”
And he set out what he and I had discussed and agreed.
It was simple. Marty’s punishment and my reward were one and the same thing. The governing principle was fairness. Marty had done bad things to me, the furtive peeping down my top, the constant staring at my legs, just generally being a sad and irritating little pervert, and so now the right and proper thing was for this to be reversed. I would get the chance to do bad things to him.
I had free rein. Whatever I wanted to do to Marty, I could. No limits.
Retribution, basically, is what it amounted to and it was going to be suitably harsh for him and immensely enjoyable for me.
Hence for the next sixty minutes I was going to torment Marty in any way I wished.
Jason and Janice would help out as necessary, but it was down to me exactly how Marty was going to be abused.
I was to be tormentor-in-chief.
Jason took a pause, looked at me.
“Ok with this, Shona? An hour or so of torturing the fuck out of Marty?”
“Looking forward to it,” I assured him.
Jason announced that Marty’s employment situation would be clarified once I’d had my sixty minutes. Reason for the deferment being that it depended on his attitude to being tortured whether or not Marty kept his job.
If he buckled down, suffered whatever I chose to inflict upon him without being difficult, then fine, he had a future at the company.
Any deviation from that, any behaviour which made things even the least bit problematic for me while I tormented him, and that would be the end. Fired and a bad reference so the only job he’d be getting in the foreseeable future was flipping burgers.
“Ok, that’s it. You ready to get started, sweetie?”
“You have until seven o’clock. Feeling sadistic?”
I giggled.
“We’ll see, won’t we?”
“Jan, do you wanna take him over to Shona?”
“You bet,” Janice said, glint in her eye.
OMG, it was panning out so perfectly. This was gonna be fun!
Janice led Martin across the room to where I was sitting, parading and presenting him for my amusement.
“Marty, say hello again to Miss Roberts.”
“Hello Miss Roberts.”
He was stuttering, barely audible.
“Hi Marty!” I chortled.
“Gosh you look different. But you know what, I like it. It’s an improvement. Stop trying to cover yourself up, hands by your sides. That’s better. Wow that’s a small dick you’ve got there! Fucking pathetic that is, Marty. Bet it’d go a teeny bit bigger if I showed you my fabulous tits though, huh? Hey, maybe I’ll do that sometime if you ask me really really nicely! Or maybe I won’t. Ha ha ha. He’s been a good little boy for you, Janice, has he?”
“On the whole. He threw up halfway through toilet duties, but apart from that.”
“Threw up? Yuck! Hope you disciplined him.”
“Nice hard slap and a kick in the goolies.”
“Ouch!” I giggled.
“Yes he certainly felt it.”
I smiled nastily at Marty.
“Guess I’m looking forward to this a lot more than you are.”
The expression on his face told me how true that was. He looked utterly terrified.
With good reason too, because I got straight into things and for the next hour and more I transported him to hell. People couldn’t be more wrong if they think that extremely pretty girls can’t also be extremely cruel girls!
It was great, especially Marty’s forced compliance in his own torment. Regardless of what I did to him, he never tried to resist. He just suffered and suffered and suffered some more, and that is all he did.
The perfect torture toy.
Really did make the whole thing so much more enjoyable than if he’d been constantly fighting and attempting to defend himself and stuff.
Such a wonderful idea to exploit Marty’s terror of losing his job and put this condition in. Have to admit Jason was the one who came up with it.
At one point I forced Marty to slither to me on his belly and grovel at my bare feet.
I got him to adore and worship me, kiss my toes, tell me over and over how gorgeous and sexy I was, that I was perfection, a princess, that he was just a worm.
“You are, aren’t you,” I giggled.
I made the ‘worm’ beg and beg and beg not to be tormented anymore. Don’t worry it’s not against the rules, I told him. I wanted him to do it.
“Sorry,” I announced, after a torrent of abject pleading.
“I don’t want to stop. It’s too much fun. Plus it isn’t seven o’clock yet. Long time to go.”
I was having just the best time!
I giggled, looking at Marty’s condition.
Still laughing, I sat on his stomach, facing forward and straddling him. I told him to look closely, I was going to remove my top.
“Because we all know you wanna see my big tits, don’t we?”
I took the top off and started fondling my breasts, checking that he was staring.
He was.
I lent forward and pressed them to his face, let the hard nipples brush across the tip of his nose.
“Why don’t you suck them, Marty? Don’t you want to? You won’t get another chance, you know. Oh sorry, you can’t. Forbidden, isn’t it? Aw poor thing! Shouldn’t tease you like this, should I? It’s bad of me, I know.”
I asked Jan to report on what was happening between Marty’s legs. Yes, she chuckled, his little pecker had stirred and arisen.
I was really amused. He may have just suffered a prolonged and painful ordeal at my hands but still the tit tease I was inflicting was doing what it was meant to.
I jumped off him and took a look.
OMG so pathetic. Poor little bastard had indeed got himself a hard-on. About half the size of Jason’s, sure, but yes a nice little hard-on.
“Fucking pervert,” cackled Jase.
“He is that,” said Jan.
“Loves those juicy jugs of yours, babe, doesn’t he?” said Jase, leering.
“Seems so,” I said.
I was standing topless over Marty, smirking down at him.
“Can’t say I blame him,” said Jase, wolfish grin.
“Fuck you look good in just that little skirt, babe. Maybe you should stay like that.”
“You think?”
“I do.”
“Ok,” I giggled coquettishly.
“Seen enough of this now, Shona?” Jan asked.
She was pointing at Marty’s erection.
“Do believe I have,” I snickered.
“Want me to get rid of it?”
“Yes please.”
Jan gave an evil chuckle.
“My absolute pleasure.”
She placed a stiletto in Marty’s groin and extinguished his little hard-on.
“What next, honey?” she inquired.
“How do you wanna torment him next?”
I paused to think for a moment, then turned to Jase.
“We did say I could do anything I wanted, right?”
“Sure babe.”
“Ok, great,” I beamed.
“Let’s take him into the bathroom then.”
Jase said sure, grabbed the end of the tie which was still hanging around Marty’s neck and dragged him off on all fours to the bathroom.
Me and Jan followed, giggling like crazy together at the pitiful sight.
When we’d got Marty in there Jase asked me how I wanted him. I said flat on the floor on his back.
He bundled Marty down onto the hard bathroom tiles. His head gave a crack as it hit the floor, which made us laugh.
Jase arranged him as per my instructions, pulled his arms and legs out on either side so that Marty was spread-eagled out on the bathroom floor.
“That ok, sugar? That what you had in mind?”
“Perfect!” I grinned.
Jase sneered down at the torture toy.
“Ok listen up Marty. Miss Roberts loves the position you’re in. So whatever happens you don’t move a fucking muscle, ok? Got that you little cunt?”
Marty did what could have been a nod, hard to tell, and made some more of his trademark whimpering sounds.
“Guess that was him agreeing,” I gurned.
I sat on Marty’s chest and stared deeply into his eyes, savouring the fear and humiliation, the complete degradation of spirit, I saw reflected there.
And to know I was the cause of it all, this was just the horniest thing!
Story of how a woman finds out the enjoyment of masterbating... |
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