The Armoury
“Give me your counsel before we all end up chained to the floor.” She spoke
in her head to all the others. Her slave had obviously satisfied Lady Deanna,
who was lying quivering on the carpeted floor. Another of their number was now
chained nude and spread eagle in the same manner. Her invisible slave was
clearly penetrating the second of their party.
“Give back more pleasure than you receive. It may buy us some time.” She shouted
inside her head. Lady Deanna was clearly incoherent after being brought to
orgasm. The second of their party was evidently approaching her own climax. The
pattern began repeating itself as each of them began having her invisible slave
ravage their bodies.
“What can it possibly be?” she thought only to herself. She noticed her driver
try and unlock Lady Deanna’s bindings to find she was unable to without a key.
“Twelve of us, Twelve months… Wait, that’s not it…” she continued to ponder. She
suddenly found herself chained to the floor nude. While the other’s remaining
stood unable to stop her slave from thrusting into her.
“Will… my… slave… keep… going… until… he… is… free?” she panted between
thrusts against her hips.
“You will all join each other. Unless you set me free.” Spoke her invisible
slave into her ear. Her orgasm suddenly flooded through her loins.
“I… will… choose… wisely… before… I… would… have… you… set… free… “She panted
between breaths.
“I’ll be back again if you do not choose wisely.” Her slave spoke. She saw
another of their group chained to the floor. She lasted barely seconds before an
orgasm overtook her. Soon they were all bound to the floor. Each of their loins
were pulsating from her invisible slave’s engorged member being thrust between
their spread legs. None of the women was able to resist having such a large
erection thrust into them, nor restrain them selves from reaching orgasm. Her
own body climaxed several times before she began to notice a pattern begin. Her
slave was violating each of them in the same sequence. Once again her slave was
on top of her. She felt his full weight upon her hips. She began to smile
sweetly as she was sure her slave was watching her face while thrusting into her
“You have an answer?” her slave whispered in her ear.
“Unlock me, and you may hear the answer to your riddle, my slave.” She
seductively whispered back. An orgasm began to flood through her loins once
“What is the answer to my riddle?” her slave spoke as her slave continued
“You are getting better, slave. I guess practice makes perfect.” She cooed, as
her bindings fell from her wrists and ankles.
“Sisters! Our slave is trying to satisfy you all in the same order. State your
names starting with Deanna.” She commanded. Her vagina continued to pulsate
after her orgasm had subsided.
“Deanna.” Lady Deanna shouted.
“Robyn.” She heard next.
“Ashley.” Followed with a shout.
“Gwen.” Screamed.
“Ophelia.” Shouted loudly.
“Natalie.” She joined in her turn.
“Sonia.” Panted loudly, while her slave thrust against Sonia’s hips.
“Catherine.” Her driver shouted out.
“Anastasia.” Screamed next.
“Leanne.” Shouted in turn.
“Erin.” Shouted.
“Susan.” Shouted finally.
“You still have not solved my riddle.” Her slave spoke as Sonia’s climax
started. Her slave must have immediately begun violating her driver as she
noticed her driver’s hips began moving against her slave’s thrusts.
“What we seek within this labyrinth is dragon scales. The answer to your riddle
is that we were all born in the year of the dragon.” She stated clearly. Her
driver was clearly nearing orgasm.
“You may release your seed if she commands you, slave.” She cooed.
“Please, I beg you… command me to cum inside you.” Her slave panted.
“No fucking way, slave. fuck me harder and make me cum.” Her diver screamed as
her orgasm clearly began flooding through her body.
“Does anyone want our slave to stop?” she asked everyone.
“He’s not done yet.” She heard Anastasia coo. “Fuck me with that big cock of
yours, slave.”
“You can cum when you’ve given us all we want from you.” She heard Robyn
seductively giggle. They all laughed loudly as she heard all their restrains
being unlocked. As each of them continued to have their male slave fuck them,
his form slowly began returning to view with the climax of each of them. She
waited patiently for her slave to return to her again. She lay flat with her
legs spread wide while she waited to feel his erection fill her again. She
closed her eyes and listened to her slave beg each woman to allow him to release
his sperm.
“Fuck me and make me cum again, slave.” She heard Ophelia demand.
“Would anyone object if we watch our slave pump his sperm onto my breasts?” she
asked softly. Everyone agreed to watch.
“Finish fucking me, slave.” Ophelia demanded. She saw her slave straining to be
able to release.
“Fuck me after you make Ophelia cum, slave.” She cooed. “If I am pleased, I
might let you cum for me.” With a final thrust, Ophelia began her orgasm. Almost
instantly she felt her slave plunge his erection into her.
“I want to be on top while we fuck, slave. Lift my hips for me when you
thrust against me.” She whispered. Her slave complied. She found herself
upright. She felt her slave’s strong hands holding her buttocks as he continued
to thrust against her hips. She slowly began to lean backwards and rested her
hands above his knees.
Keep fucking me when I start to cum. You can release your sperm between my boobs
when I command you.” She panted. She felt how deeply her slave was penetrating
her womb. Her orgasm began to build within her loins.
“Keep fucking me, slave. I’m going to cum!” she shrieked. Her orgasm began.
Slowly at first then with a series of throbbing pulsations. The motion of his
thrusts continued as her breasts bounced heavily against her chest. Her hips
rose slightly and his erection slid from inside of her. His erection slapped
against her belly. His groans grew louder as she began stroking his erection.
“Will my slave ever ask to be freed again?” she cooed.
“Never! I am your slave.” Her slave shouted. She continued to stroke the full
erection lying against her abdomen.
“If I free my slave, will he remain a faithful and trustworthy servant?” she
spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear.
“I will never give you reason to doubt me.” Her slave groaned as she gently
squeezed the head of his penis.
“If you vow, with all of us witness, to remain loyal to the family, you may
release your seed.” She commanded.
“I… Swear… Ma’am!” he shouted. His erection began erupting sperm with such force
that the first few streams of semen shot straight between he breasts and landed
under her chin. Her new manservant and former slave, continued to pump large
streams of sperm, covering her skin from above her navel to her shoulders. Her
breasts were drenched in thick streams warm sperm.
“Come and have a taste, if you like.” She quietly commanded. “Lick his cum off
my body.” Everyone quickly jumped over to where she was. She felt warm tongues
licking his sperm from her breasts and belly. She felt herself shudder as she
moved against his slowly fading erection. She raised her hips slightly and
guided his member back inside herself.
“I set you free.” She whispered to him. She slowly rose from him. His erect
penis fell limp between his legs. She managed to stand straight up. Her loins
throbbed slightly from being serviced so thoroughly. Mist began to envelope his
body as another form rose from the mist.
“You are indeed wise, mistress.” The form spoke as it began to take shape. “I
shall always keep watch over the hall from those who would do harm to the
family.” Emerald green eyes glowed as a green dragon finally became solid. The
dragon’s curling tail brushed against the inside of her lower calves. A small
cut from a sharp scale drew blood from her skin.
“Now sealed in blood, I am yours to command.” The dragon spoke inside her head.
The voice was devoid of any evil or malice. A dragon as a family sentinel was
something she often heard from bedtime stories her great grandfather told her
when she was a little girl. She reached forward and wrapped her arms around the
dragon’s abdomen.
“You must have a name?” she asked. She felt completely safe under the dragon’s
“I was once called Ferrule.” The dragon spoke, slightly misting the chamber with
“Does this name please you?” she asked quietly. The other women all drew
themselves next to Ferule.
“Your great ancestor once asked me the same question.” Ferule snorted. “The name
does please me.”
“And so you shall be named.” She spoke softly.
“You not only resemble her, but you do her honour by being as wise as she.”
Ferule spoke with a quiet snort of smoke.
“You’ve waited a long time for someone to break the curse binding you here.” She
“A long time indeed.” Ferule snorted. “I hope I never have to repeat my torture.
Any man worthy of being a husband to any of you will surely die of bliss.”
“But how was it you came to be here?” she asked Ferule.
“The grand duchess was given me as a pet.” Ferule snorted smoke. “Later I became
her familiar and she became my only friend. Her husband was jealous of anyone
with whom she gave her love to. He was so jealous of even his own daughters that
he tried to keep them from her. I had the misfortune of becoming a target of his
jealousy for attempting to protect her from his wrath. His rage banished me
“So it was you who drew me here. I felt both love and anger from this place.”
She spoke softly.
“I drew all of you here.” Ferule snorted. “I had to. Except for you mistress,
the rest of you were soon to be foolish enough to marry one who hid his true
feelings. Those men hid their secret jealousy well. My anger gave enough
strength to summon you to me. My love for all of you was my reason to have kept
you here. Some of you much too long. I beg your for forgiveness.” A swirling
mist enveloped Ferule and he transfigured back to the form of a powerfully built
male. He knelt amongst the women.
“Rise Ferule. Lead us from here.” She spoke in a commanding tone. “But I think
we need to attire ourselves properly.” Clothes appeared from all directions. The
women quickly donned silky garments, which completely flattered their figures.
The same simple dress she wore earlier strained against her swollen bosom.
Ferule appeared dressed smartly as a personal butler. The other women all clad
themselves in similar garments to her own.
“Ferule, I have a slight problem.” She spoke softly while glancing down at
her swollen breasts.
“Alas, that was your doing, not mine.” Ferule snorted playfully. “But I will do
what I can to help.” The other women all giggled. Ferule stretched out his hands
and her breasts reduced their fullness slightly.
“It will have to do. At least they’re not leaking anymore.” She spoke softly.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t be thanking me, mistress.” Ferule chuckled. “Your husband will have his
hands upon them shortly and you’ll wish he’d learn to be more gentle.” Everyone
erupted with laughter. Ferule led the way from the chamber, back towards the
iron door.
“I have a task for you when we return to the hall.” She spoke in her head to
everyone. “Ferule must not know.”
“Agreed.” They all responded inside her mind.
Ferule stopped short of the iron door. Everyone assembled in the alcove and
waited. She stepped towards the door and placed her ear to it. She heard nothing
from beyond the door. She stepped back within an arm reach and ran her index
finger down the centre of the door. The clicking of the locks began and the door
swung open upon silent hinges. Her driver led the way down the corridor and up
one floor. They emerged into a reception hall off the atrium of the hotel.
“Wait here. I shall return shortly.” She spoke softly. Ferule shadowed her
“Ferule, I shall return shortly.” She snapped.
“My apologies, mistress.” Ferule responded. She turned on her heel and faced
“I have need for you to watch over everyone today except for myself and my
driver.” She commanded. “I will leave it in your hands to see that everyone
remains safe from prying eyes while we are away.”
“As you wish, Mistress.” Ferule replied. She entered the atrium and was
immediately recognised by the staff. The concierge snapped his fingers as she
approached the front desk.
“A pleasant surprise to have you with us, Duchess.” The concierge spoke.
“I have need of a set of suites for ten guests. My Butler Ferule is with them in
the reception hall. Please see to it immediately.” She commanded softly. “And
inform the hall to have four cars available for them.”
“P-Pardon me Duchess,” the concierge stuttered. “Did you say your butler’s
name was Ferule?”
“Yes, his name is Ferule.” She responded. “Well, what are you standing there
for? He’s waiting for you.” The Concierge disappeared as though she’d set fire
to his trousers. She heard a bustle of staff.
“I know you can hear me Ferule.” She spoke to him with her mind. “I love you.”
“I must learn how you do that.” Ferule’s voice replied back to her.
“I can only hope I earn your friendship as my ancestor did.” She whispered back
to him in the same manner as before.
“You already have. How I’ve longed to hear her sweet voice. You remind me of her
in ways you do not realise. You have her strength and her courage.” Ferule
replied in her mind.
“If you should ever want to see her, her portrait hangs in the banquet hall
under the head table.” She whispered in her mind once more.
“Thank you, Mistress.” She heard Ferule’s voice reply. A note of joy seemed to
resound within his reply to her.
“I trust the concierge will be no bother to you nor your charges this evening.”
She whispered back.
“Not at all. Here comes the silly git now looking like you’ve set his trousers
on fire.” Ferule laughed in her head.
“Ferule… Behave yourself.” She commanded with her mind.
“I will, but it will be amusing.” Ferule rebutted back to her. She signed the
register as the clerk finished the necessary paperwork for her guests to remain
at the hotel. She turned to cross the atrium as her newly engaged cousin entered
the atrium from outside. A very handsome man accompanied her cousin. Her driver
met them just inside the door.
“Good afternoon, cousin.” She greeted. “Please introduce me to the charming man
with you.”
“Ma’am, this is my Fiancé.” Her cousin spoke. She held her hand slightly forward
for him to take her hand. She noticed his hesitation.
“This is The Grand Duchess and head of the Family.” Her cousin continued. She
noticed her cousin nudge him in the ribs slightly. Her cousin’s fiancé bent
forward slightly and shook her hand gently. She sternly looked at him and caught
herself too late to catch the thought.
“What poor manners you have. My husband will have to train you properly how to
greet a lady.” Her mind spoke angrily. A look of complete shock overtook the
young man’s face as he tried to stare back at her.
“Walk with me cousin.” She commanded softly. She noticed her driver motion for
her cousin’s fiancé to follow them. He quickly followed behind them as they
walked towards the reception hall.
“I fear my guests may have displaced you from your reservation.” She spoke
softly. “Please have the concierge put the two of you in my sister’s suite.”
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