The Armoury
“That is unfortunately correct. And you are not a ghost, nor are you
dreaming.” She spoke softly. “What was the last thing you remember?”
“The last thing I remember was choosing poorly and an evil voice inside my head
laughing at me.” Lady Gwen responded.
“You don’t have to worry about that evil voice anymore.” Her driver softly spoke
to Lady Gwen. “Ma’am has recently broken the curse.”
“With your help we can find our way from this chamber and continue to seek what
we came for.” She commanded softly.
“I will do my best, Ma’am.” Lady Gwen spoke confidently.
“Start with what you did before, and this time, choose more wisely than you did
before.” She commanded. Lady Gwen rose to her feet and crossed the chamber. Lady
Gwen Picked up her sword from the stone floor and placed it back into the
scabbard she wore.
“Alright, First I placed my shield down next to… Oh, it’s there already.” Lady
Gwen spoke. “Then I spoke an incantation from one of the books kept locked away
in the library.”
“Recite the incantation.” She commanded softly. Lady Gwen’s voice began filling
the chamber. The incantation was spoken in Latin.
“Think on what you can see. Find what is hidden where you ought to be.” The
chamber burst into radiant light except for a small patch of floor. Upon careful
examination, the area appeared to be a trap door. The light radiating around the
chamber quickly began to fade.
“What did you do next?” she commanded softly yet again.
“I opened the trap door and this evil voice filled my head.” Lady Gwen spoke.
“I think this time; you’ll not have to worry about that evil voice.” She spoke
softly. Lady Gwen quickly opened the trap door.
“Grab the torches and we’ll find out what awaits us below the floor.” Her driver
spoke. She turned to retrieve the torches and found them once again in her
hands. She handed one to each of the other two.
“H-H-How D-D-Did you D-D-Do T-T-That?” Lady Gwen stuttered.
“Don’t ask, I’ll explain later.” She spoke softly in response. Beneath the trap door was a short ladder. They followed each other and descended the ladder. They found themselves in a small room with one archway. Beyond the archway was a gently slopping tunnel. They followed the tunnel downward, with only the light of their torches showing them the way. They emerged into a large chamber with a low ceiling. The chamber was devoid of any furniture except that skeletons lined the richly carpeted floor every few meters. In life, the owner of each skeleton had been chained spread eagle. Some face up, some face down. There was no evidence of any clothing what so ever. Except for their chains, every skeleton appeared to have been nude. A strangely sensation over took her. She felt as though a cold blast of air covered her body completely.
“Our clothes and armour are gone!” Lady Gwen shrieked. Lady Gwen’s voice seemed to have awakened a presence in the room. Chains sprang up from the floor and Lady Gwen was almost instantly displayed as the other occupants in the chamber had been. Her form spread eagle. She motioned to her driver to remain silent. The two of them stepped closer to Lady Gwen to examine her bindings more closely. To their shock, Lady Gwen appeared to be being violated by an invisible assailant who was obviously very well endowed as Lady Gwen’s vulva opened wide. They noticed Lady Gwen’s body respond to the intruder inside her vagina.
“OH!” her driver silently exclaimed. Before she could help her driver fight
off the chains rising from the floor. Her driver was similarly chained as Lady
“If you hear me, only nod your head.” She spoke with only her mind. Her driver
responded affirmatively. Lady Gwen was lost to the passions building deep inside
of her. The invisible assailant continued to thrust. Her Driver did not appear
to have been violated yet. That meant that only one assailant was present.
“Lady Gwen,” she thought deeply. “I know you can hear me. Enjoy yourself
completely. Give yourself back to the intruder. Trust me. If you can do this
you, will be able to have your assailant climax before you reach your next
orgasm.” She continued to think of Lady Gwen. She began to feel the same
sensations within her own loins as though Lady Gwen and she were sharing the
same man. She felt a warm sensation fill her. She opened her eyes and noticed
Lady Gwen. Both of them appeared to have sperm flowing from between each of
their legs. The slick trail of sperm lowed down both her legs as sperm flowed
simultaneously from Lady Gwen’s pulsating vagina.
“OH, don’t stop! Keep fucking me! I love the way you make me feel!” Lady Gwen
shouted. Sperm continued to dribble from Lady Gwen’s swollen vulva. She noticed
her driver was starting to be violated in the same manner as Lady Gwen had been.
She noticed her driver had remembered her previous words and appeared to be
returning more than she was receiving. She blinked for a moment and saw sperm
erupting from mid air. She had often seen her old boyfriend’s try and delay
ejaculating by withdrawing, but clearly this invisible male could not hold back.
She saw streams of sperm shoot across her driver’s belly in long thick trails.
Several large trails landed squarely on her driver’s cleavage.
“Pout and look very disappointed.” She spoke with her mind. “Tell him to keep
fucking you. Talk really dirty to him.” Her driver immediately got the hint.
“You’re fucking pathetic!” her driver shouted. “You fuck like you’ve forgotten
how to make a girl cum. If I wasn’t chained to the floor, I could do it myself,
you fucking bastard! Now fuck my brains out this time and don’t stop!”
A key appeared and slowly unlocked the four locks binding her driver to the floor. Immediately, her driver seemed to have the invisible assailant thrusting back into her body. Her driver had wrapped her legs up and continued to thrust back.
“Fuck me! fuck me hard! Make me cum you bastard! Fill me with cum like every
man is supposed to do when he fucks!” she continued to watch her driver thrust
against the invisible lover. “Cum inside me this time you bastard. fuck my cunt
and make me cum! I want to feel you pump me full of cum!”
“Well done!” she thought to her driver. “I can feel what you’re feeling. I can
see why no woman can resist a man like that. When he’s spent, keep your legs
wrapped around him and keep him hard. I’ll take him on next. While he’s busy
with me start unlocking restraints with the key he dropped beside you.”
“Fuck me hard you bastard!” her driver shouted. I want to cum with you pumping
sperm inside of my cunt! Oh, yes, I’m going to cum! Cum with me and pump my cunt
full of your hot sperm you fucking bastard!” She felt a familiar warm feeling
run down her legs. She laid down on a bare piece of floor and held her vulva
open with her hands.
Sperm continued to dribble from inside of her body. She remembered how often she
had been on her back in the boys’ locker room and had them take her one after
another. She noticed her driver arch her back and her hips lift from the floor
as though still joined to a man with his erection still inside of her.
“Where do you think you’re going? You’ve got at least another good fuck left in
you.” Her driver spoke in an incredibly seductive tone. Briefly she could see
the outline of a powerfully build male nail her driver’s hips back into the
floors carpet.
He’d better have at least one good fuck left in him if he’s going to satisfy
my hungry little cunt!” she seductively whispered. “You’d better get that big
cock of yours inside me before I have to masturbate myself.” She noticed that no
chains bound her to the floor. She seductively wiggled her hips as she caressed
her breasts with both her hands. She felt warm hands part her thighs. The
feeling of a very large and fully erect penis began to slowly penetrate into
her. She felt the full weight of a very well built male rest upon her hips. She
continued to seductively sway her hips against the erection filling her
“I want to be on top so you can suck on my nipples while we fuck our brains
out.” She cooed sweetly. She found herself sitting upright with a male appendage
still deep within herself. She playfully ran her hands over invisible skin as
unseen hands fondled her breasts. A very warm and wet sensation touched each of
her nipples making them instantly erect.
“Yes, suck on them. Every woman should feed her man.” She seductively whispered.
She felt oddly aware of a sensation filling her breasts. She looked down at her
chest and noticed her breasts beginning to swell and become heavy. She noticed
her nipples begin to leak. The sensation felt wonderful to her. She continued to
gently thrust her hips against the incredibly large erection inside of her.
Invisible hands massaged her breasts as streams of milk seemed to be swallowed
by a sucking mouth.
“Yes darling, Drink my milk while we fuck. Do what every man should do.” She
whispered softly.
“You will beg me to keep you satisfied.” Boomed an evil voice in her head.
“You think you’re every woman’s dream? That’s rather arrogant. You fuck like
it’s your last meal.” She spat. With that, she contracted her vaginal muscles.
She heard the same evil voice groan. She knew her invisible lover was not going
to bring her to orgasm.
“If you can actually satisfy me, I’ll be surprised.” She seductively spoke.
“You’ll cum when I tell you to. Until then, shut up and service me, Slave!”
“I am not a slave to any woman!” Boomed the voice in her head.
“OH, shut up and fuck!” she spat. She contracted her vaginal muscles once again.
Each thrust she met from him completely, followed with contracting her vagina.
The evil voice groaned with pleasure. With every passing second, the invisible
form became clearer. She was timing her movements against his with precision.
“Cum now you bastard! Become my slave forever.” She yelled. She felt a
familiar warm sensation beginning to flood into her body. The male form beneath
her became fully visible to her.
“You body is now planted with my seed. You will do what ever I say with my sperm
fertilising you.” The evil voice boomed in her head. She felt his erection
pumping sperm deep into her body.
“Slave, you shall never again be able to imprison another female of my family.”
She whispered. “My husband’s seed has already done what you will never be able
to do again.” She held up her hand, holding her ring finger visible for the
naked form of the male to see, who’s cum began dripping from her body.
“I am the Grand Duchess. You’ll forever be my slave.” She whispered softly.
“Your task will be to watch over all of us, and listen for the voices of those
who would do any of us harm. I have spoken and it shall be done.” She felt a
blast of air against her skin as though something evil had left the chamber in
“Yes Ma’am. I shall never fail you in my task.” The voice spoke to her. The
evil edge that once marred the voice was gone. The once invisible assailant was
now fully visible. She admired his muscular body, yet remembered the man’s
presence was a clue to their quest. As she stood up, her garments returned to
her body. Around the entire room she noticed swirling mists beginning to take
form. One last final lock clicked open and she heard the clinking of chain links
“It is done.” Her driver spoke in her head.
“Come back to us, Sisters. Your curse is lifted from you.” She spoke loudly in a
commanding tone. From around the chamber, garments flew from out of nowhere
towards naked bodies. In an instant, there stood ten women in silent confusion.
“Robe yourselves with the colours of your station, and introduce yourselves
properly.” She commanded. A slight wave of her hand and a gilded chair appeared
behind her as she gently sat. She hid her discomfort well, as her body protested
to having any pressure against the inside of her thighs. Chains drew her new
male slave to her feet.
“Do you not know your order of station? My patience grows shorter.” She spoke
softly with a sternly commanding tone.
“Forgive me, Ma’am.” Spoke a voice from the rear of the chamber. A young woman
approached her wearing a garment similar to her own but was red where her’s was
white. The young woman curtseyed low before her.
“Rise and properly introduce yourself.” She spoke softly.
“I am a guardian of the family secrets, as my mother before me. I am Lady Deanna
and I am your servant, Ma’am.” The woman spoke.
“Do you recognise Lady Gwen?” she asked softly. Lady Gwen had taken up a
position equal to that of one of her cousins. Lady Deanna let out a slight gasp.
“It is not possible…” lady Jennifer began.
“Sisters,” she thought with hard concentration in order to reach them all.
“Fear not, you are not dreaming. Much time has passed since you entered into the
chamber where you now stand. The evil curse is broken and the time has come for
you to all rejoin us. The year you left us, has passed. It is now two thousand
and two.”
“Until we are reborn.” She heard back from them all. Her ring glowed slightly
brighter than before. The family crest engraved into her ring glowed brighter
than the remainder of the band.
“Your presence here has purpose. Remember your stations and we shall be able to
conclude the quest for what we seek together.” She calmly commanded. “Recant
your knowledge of how you came to be here.” The books containing the family
history shall record your experiences. In her mind, she thought of every word
the ten women recanted to her, as though writing the entries into a book
herself. A quill appeared before her and Lady’s Gwen’s journal sprang open to an
empty page. The quill wrote as each woman recanted the facts, as they knew them
to be. Finally the last woman, dressed in grey finished her tale. She thought of
every piece as though trying to find a remaining clue as to why their party was
now twelve. The lifetime of each woman seemed to cover patches of the last five
hundred years. She looked into the pages of the journal to find a common thread
between them. She found none.
“Quickly search the chamber. Report anything you find.” She commanded softly.
The Lady Gwen, Lady Deanna, and the others quickly set to their new task. She
noticed her new slave smiling menacingly. His erection returned back to full
length. Several of the women noticed this and began to giggle.
“I think your slave is horny again, Ma’am” her driver giggled.
“Does my slave want to tell me something?” she cooed to her slave, while gently
fondling her slave’s manhood.
“Your slave will give you a clue in exchange for freedom.” Her slave spoke.
“Ah, how about if my slave makes it a riddle. If I choose wisely and solve the
riddle, then you remain my slave. If I fail to choose wisely, you can chain us
all to the floor and satisfy us all again.” She whispered seductively.
“If you choose poorly, then I shall be set free?” her slave asked. She noticed
her slave’s erection appeared to be even larger and thicker than before.
“Agreed.” She responded.
“For every twelve a new year begins, with fire and wings you have to choose.”
Her slave spoke clearly. The chains binding him clanked to the floor, chains
rose from the floor and bound Lady Deanna nude and spread eagle to the floor.
“This is not part of the riddle. I have not chosen wisely, nor poorly.” She spat
at her slave who was once again invisible.
“But until you do choose I shall tease you all and leave you begging me to
satisfy you.” Her slave’s voice laughed. The other women all giggled, as Lady
Deanna appeared to be enjoying having the rough hands of a man caress her body.
She looked into Lady Gwen’s Journal and quickly began checking dates.
“The months of the year. We all were born in different months of the year.” She
spoke confidently.
“That may be, but it is not the answer for my riddle.” She heard her slave’s
voice reply. “But since you have not yet chosen wisely I shall have my way with
all of you.” Her slave’s engorged member was clearly violating Lady Deanna’s
body. She thought of her sisters in the room.
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