The Advetures of Connie Von Rummel

(Part 4 from 4)

“Once we were thus positioned I was able to lick and lap Antoinette’s cunt and ass. Antoinette was able to lick Jennifer’s cunt. Jennifer in turn had the most mobility to my pudendum. The oral sex was enticing but of course what was erotic was our positioning. What was the turn on for me was my subconscious mind reminding me that I am giving comfort to the girl that was beaten whereas I am receiving pleasure from the girl that inflicted the punishment. I was licking Antoinette’s ass crack more than her cunt probably because I could thereby gaze on her abused ass cheeks. I don’t know why that was so alluring to me but just staring at Antoinette’s red ass was driving me over the edge. We soon all three were orgasaming. I can’t say for sure but I believe our minds had more to do with our orgasms then the physical feel of tongue on our nether regions.”

“Wow” interjected Brenda, “Sounds like that was some threeway.”

“Yes” answered Connie, “the sex was very exciting. Antoinette who now is with Jennifer at Bowling Green (Ohio) has said she intends to visit me this first term and perhaps we will have our own threeway.”

“Well count me in” replied Brenda, “This Antoinette sounds like a dream fuck”

Connie continued: “Anyway when we completed the triangular fuck Jennifer said she had to go since the neighbor girl was willing to baby-sit only for a temporary short time. Antoinette agreed to accompany Jennifer so I was left alone to ruminate the sexual encounters. After that night despite the apparent forgiveness by Jennifer, she nevertheless was still jealous and worried about Antoinette’s affections. Thus there was no more girl on girl sex for me that high school year. An alternative though appeared at our high school to prevent me from being blue for too long. A new boy arrived at our school as his parents had moved to Michigan from Alabama.”

“His name was Travis Williamson and he was a dream. He was all male stud. Any female seeing him would notice wetness accumulating on her panties. Yes a 6’2” stud. All muscular no fat a man’s man and a girl’s wet dream. He was naturally a football player but because he transferred to our school after Thanksgiving he could not be a member of our school’s team and hence knew nothing of my reputation as enunciated by the gang bang ten. It turned out that I was the first female student Travis came into contact when he arrived at our school. On his first day he naturally was in the school’s office for instructions and orientations. It happened that I had been scheduled for an appointment with the principal that day but I have since forgotten why obviously not that important. So here was Travis and I sitting together on a bench in the school’s office waiting for our respective appointments. We naturally fell into a quick and easy conversation and I discovered a lot about Travis’ background.”

“It turns out that Travis’s father was manager of a chain retail store in Alabama but had been promoted to regional manager for territories including Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. His office would be in metro Detroit and hence the move from Alabama to Michigan was necessary. For Travis the move was a bummer because it jeopardized his chances for an athletic scholarship to a major university as he had been the star quarterback on his high school football team. However on the bright side was the fact that he had made his reputation in Alabama so that he was a nation wide recruit possibility. It was happenstance that both Alabama & Auburn (the two schools he would naturally gravitate to) had established quarterbacks for the next two years so that prospects for a starting quarterback position was not too promising. However the move to Michigan meant that he might get a favorable scholarship offer from a Big 10 school sight unseen. So the move to Michigan was both a curse but a potential blessing.”

“Fascinated by his conversation I was still alert to notice that he was giving me a once over look and liking what he saw. I was sanguine enough to be aware that his attitude was unhindered by my now established reputation as the school whore. My main hope was to attract him to me sufficiently to ward off my negative image. With this in mind I gave off all kinds of signals to indicate that I was available and was pleased with his attentions. To that end he suggested we meet after school for refreshment at a nearby café and I would help him acclimatize better to his new school.”

“It was of course a most hoped for opening and I readily accepted. I felt full confidence that the subsequent school day for Travis would not uncover a more attractive female and thus he would have no reason to bow out this first tentative date. When we met again later that day I used up all my female tricks to fix Travis’s desire for me. He acknowledged that as he was new to the school and not to mention new to the whole state he was thus unaware of what was happening. I apprised him of a scheduled school dance this coming Saturday and no fool Travis took up the hint and secured a date with me for this event. Lest he entertained any doubt why I, an undeniable good looker, would be free for a date on such short notice, I gave out the impression that I had a tentative date that I was willing to overlook in favor of his companionship. So the portends were great for an enjoyable evening”

“That Saturday, Travis ever the perfect gentleman, came to my house to pick me up at the appropriate time. This gave me the chance to introduce him to my parents. This was a two edge sword for my interests. I knew my parents had to be impressed by Travis as he was a cut above the norm of teen age boys and certainly the best date I had up to that time introduced to them. Likewise I was proud of both my parents and I knew that Travis would have to be impressed on meeting them. This could only be a plus for me in my plans to attract him as a permanent boyfriend. All unfolded as I had hoped. The dance was perfect and I could sense that Travis was enchanted with me. I might add that Travis was a dream beau for my desires and the evening was as perfect as perfect could be.”

“After the dance Travis suggested we could go for a late night snack at an all night restaurant like Denny’s or a Ram’s Horn. Not wishing for the night to end the suggestion was absolutely agreeable to me. It turned out we went to a Ram’s Horn establishment that had virtually no customers. We had a great time and laughed a lot at the restaurant. When we departed and got back to Travis’s car we headed towards my home. When Travis turned into a street which would lead to my street he noticed the houses were all dark so he parked under a huge maple tree and by the darkness we seemed to be alone in the world. Immediately without any word between us we started one of the most passionate kisses I was ever a participant to.”

“Travis was a tremendous kisser. He held me just right; his tongue did all the right things. After just one minute my whole body felt like jelly having melted to his erotic kissing. He slowly started pawing on my breasts and of course I offered no resistance. I was now so far gone that he could do anything he wanted to and not only would I not mind but I would encourage it. Soon Travis had pushed the top sleeves of my dress and slip off my shoulders and he was cupping my boobs. As he was doing this and not breaking my kiss I reached behind me and unhooked my bra so Travis had absolute free hands to my tits. On feeling my unfettered boobs Travis soon broke off the kiss and enjoyed himself by suckling on my tits in turn. His lips on my nipples were just heavenly. My mind was so mesmerized into this sexual encounter that when I felt his warm breath and of course his mouth on my boobs I almost fainted in ecstasy. Involuntarily I released a passionate moan- I was truly into this.”

“It was natural for one of my hands to search for his cock as Travis continued his slurping of my tits. I was most pleasantly thrilled to ascertain that Travis had a magnificent prick. Quickly I had both of my hands tucking at his belt and pants to release his cock. Once that was accomplished I had to reluctantly stop Travis’s licking of my tits as it was imperative for me to swallow his cock. When that gorgeous cock was in my mouth I had achieved a new high. God his cock was tasty and was it ever so big! My thought was ‘can a girl ever achieve any greater happiness.’ As my mouth was administrating delicate attentions I could sense that Travis’s cock was simply throbbing. Travis was groaning out loud and gave me great pleasure to realize that he was enjoying my blow job immensely. Soon his hips were shaking and I could feel the blasts of his cum hitting the back of my throat. His sperm was outstanding; very salty and absolutely delicious. Although Travis was groaning very loudly as a result of his ejaculation I could not really hear him as I was overwhelmed by own passion and my subconscious mind was sending me signals to enjoy the taste of his sperm, the smell of his sperm and the feel of his shaking cock in my mouth. Again I was close to fainting under the spell of the eroticism of the moment.”

“Wow” interjected Brenda again, “seems like you had a blast there Connie.”

“Yes”, replied Connie, “I certainly enjoyed a most intense orgasm even though all I did was give a blow job. But of course the fact that it was to Travis made the event for me truly extraordinary. As we recovered Travis said: ‘Look why don’t we go to a motel I just can’t let this moment go to waste.’ As I was too passionately compromised I had no option but to acquiesce. To make sure that what was going to happen was indeed what was going to happen I assured Travis that he did not have to worry about my parents as they always trusted me on dates and would not be waiting up for me. In addition I advised that I had protection so that he did not have to worry about getting me pregnant. By such assurances Travis quickly gunned the motor and got us to the nearest motel pronto as I barely had enough time to cover my breasts again so I could walk from the car to the motel room.”

“Once inside there was no holding back and it was a wondrous fuck indeed. We kissed again and quickly shed our clothes. Travis certainly was all a girl could dream of and his cock was enormous. I was hot as soon as we got into the room and the temperature in my body rose sky high as soon as I saw his naked body. We quickly jumped into bed and he wasted no time in inserting his cock into my pussy. God when I could feel his cock inside me I almost went off the edge right away. Travis’s cock was huge and felt snug inside me. I immediately wrapped my legs around his ass to ensure he would not leave me. I started humping and each thrust in return by him was sheer delight. God his cock felt good it was heavenly. Soon I was screaming: ‘Oh God Travis you are good; God Travis you are big; I feel all of you; It feels so good; Fuck me Travis; Fuck me Travis; Don’t stop; fuck me good; God Travis I need your cock; oh God’ Needless to say I was soon over the edge and experiencing an excruciating orgasm. For satisfaction to my ego Travis was not silent either as he screamed something as well but I was too far gone to realize exactly what he was saying.”

Connie continued: “We collapsed in each other arms after that intense fucking. Later on after we recovered our senses we fucked again just to calm our nerves. This intercourse had not the same impact as our initial fuck but it was necessary to re-establish our sanity. When it was over it took super human effort to gather ourselves together to return to our respective homes so intense was our fucking”

“Wow” Brenda observed: “It looks like you struck gold in participating in the perfect fuck.”

“Yes”, replied Connie, “It certainly was a night to remember but unfortunately it was the only night. You see after Travis dropped me off at my house he might have been on too high on the sex I am afraid. He got himself into a car accident so severe that he died instantaneously upon collision a mere 15 minutes after leaving me. I was devastated. I was in mourning and I could not be comforted. The sex with Travis was so good that I could not bear harboring a sexual thought in the balance of my senior high school year.”

Connie concluded: “It was not until I came to the MSU campus and met you Brenda that I could start functioning again as a normal human being.

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Cathy looked at me with glazed eyes and said "can I look at it?" Now 3-ways were nothing new to us - as long as the third was a guy, and I loved to watch her pretty face as she sucked cock so I said "sure, but you know what will happen" to which she replied "I can't wait"...