The Advetures of Connie Von Rummel
“Soon our mouths opened and we were french kissing in earnest. Now I must say I had never been physically attracted to a female. Although the gang bang was a humiliating ordeal I nevertheless was captivated by the sex. I knew from that experience given the right man I could look forward to nirvana in sex. However as I continued kissing Antoinette I was starting to get aroused. I came to the conclusion that although sex with Antoinette was unlikely to be as satisfactory as a solid cock in my pussy but it had to be better than masturbation and it wasn’t like I hated masturbation. Besides given the awful week I had suffered at school it was so comforting to have a loving body to caress.”
“We were both dressed somewhat alike; blouse, bra, jeans, panties and socks. When we finally stopped our kiss more or less to catch our breath without any words between us we each unbuttoned our blouses and removed them. We then unhooked our bras so that we were both naked from waist up. I mentioned that Antoinette resembled the actress Mia Kirshner but unlike that actress Antoinette possessed tits that were larger in proportion to her body. Her boobs definitely are disproportionate to her otherwise slight body ruining perfect symmetry but since my own boobs are big I did appreciate Antoinette tits. Again without words we instinctively and naturally cupped our tits to direct a rubbing contact with each other. The inducement to do so I think was inspired by our unusual nipples. Antoinette had inverted nipples & thus instead of then sticking out as is the norm in most females her nipples are depressed in her areola. As you know and can see now my nipples are like a three tier effect. On my areola is a small hill and on top of this hill sits my nipples. So in rubbing our tits together I was trying to fit my nipples into her depression. The contact was simply electric and I started panting”
“Hmm” Brenda interrupted “this is something we did not do let me see” and Brenda cupping her tits lunged to make contact with Connie’s tits.
“Hold it girlfriend” replied Connie “we have plenty of time today to fool around, let me first finish my story.”
“All right” pouted Brenda “but your story is making me hot and bothered. Perhaps I will help myself to another cup of coffee and so please continue.”
And Connie continued: “We continued the breast rubbing for some time as our excitement grew intensely. Antoinette was first to break up the activity as she shrieked ‘I can’t stand it anymore’ and she immediately lowered her head to capture one of my nipples in her mouth. She commenced suckling the nipple with the most intense passion possible. I thought at the time it was good thing my breasts were not then lactic or Antoinette would have had quite a lot of my milk in a very short time. I was soon going crazy with pleasure and I collapsed on to my bed. Antoinette with my assistance pealed off my pants & panties. Antoinette quickly jumped off the bed to shed her clothes while I flat on my back on the bed got rid of my socks. Antoinette got back on the bed and started kissing me again.”
“This time there was no mistaking my increasing passion. I was getting completely hot just by the realization that I was naked and a girl also naked was on top of me kissing me earnestly and I was enjoying it. Soon Antoinette was kissing me elsewhere; first in my ears which proved to be so erotic such that my impression was that my brain was melting from Antoinette’s hot breathing kiss. She then sucked portions of my neck hard in three different places with the effect of leaving hickeys. Then Antoinette was back on my nipples and I no longer could keep quiet. I started moaning loudly as my lust was totally overpowering. Thank God my parents were away because I felt certain that my groans could be heard throughout our house. Antoinette then lifted each of my tits in turn and licked the underside, slurping up my sweat which had accumulated as a result of the activities and my thoughts. The sensation was absolutely exquisite and this by the way is how I got the idea to do the same to you”
“Yes” sighed Brenda, “I still shiver just recalling when you did that to my boobs.”
Connie continued: “It certainly was quite a turn on indeed and I started speaking out my ecstasy. I believe I said things like ‘Oh God Antoinette you are driving me crazy.’ And many exclamations of ‘Oh fuck’ and ‘Oh shit’ interspersed with ‘oh is this so good’
Brenda laughed: “I guess you were pretty far gone by this time.”
“Yes” replied Connie “I was on the absolute edge and knew nothing much more was needed. In fact as Antoinette went to my cunt and after just a few licks it was all over. I screamed out my orgasm no doubt taking Antoinette by surprise. I was shaking and kicking all over to release my pent up tension.”
“Wow” pouted Brenda, “that Antoinette seems to be some kind of lover”
“Hush dear Brenda” retorted Connie, “don’t be jealous. Don’t forget Antoinette was an experienced Lesbian whereas with you it was your first time and you did just fine. I cherish fondly our time.”
“Thanks” beamed Brenda, “I truly do have happy memories as well since you were my first lover.”
“After I calmed down” continued Connie, “Antoinette wordlessly moved up and
straddling me presented her cunt to my face. I instinctively knew what I was
supposed to do. As lesbian lovemaking was old hat for her I knew that to make
her come I had some work to do. Licking her cunt though was a very wondrous
undertaking enhanced exquisitely by her female smells. Actually my first licking
of another woman’s pubes was so exciting that I was getting afraid I would come
again before Antoinette. However soon Antoinette was starting to grunt
passionately and as I used my standby trick of inserting a couple of fingers in
her rectum she soon also screamed out her orgasm. Thank God she came just then
as I exploded into my second orgasm about one second after her. Our timing
turned out to be perfect since as soon as I calmed down again I heard my Dad
drive up our driveway and we quickly dressed to greet my parents.”
Connie continued: “The sex with Antoinette was a great truly welcome tonic against the daily abuse I endured at school. Unfortunately for me Antoinette was very much in love with Jennifer and thus she was not all that anxious to have more sex. I kept pestering Antoinette for sex but she kept putting me off. Antoinette told me that Jennifer was very jealous and she did not want to jeopardize her relationship. Besides she knew that I was really heterosexual and that there was no future for an intense relationship. Antoinette sensed that I would give her up in a heartbeat for an eligible guy and I guess she was right. After about a month of my continuous begging, Antoinette finally consented to having sex again. We set it up for a Saturday night when my parents were going out on a special affair where my father was being honored for some sort of work achievement. To make it perfect and possible, Jennifer had to baby-sit her younger kid brother as her parents were going to same affair as my parents.”
“For that day I prepared my self for an erotic evening. I painted my toenails an exotic purple. I took a long luxurious bubble bath and splattered myself with talc. I took particular care in shaving my arms and legs. I had undertaken my first bikini wax the day before so my vagina and my perineum had not even a hint of pubic hair or stubble. I also selected my sexiest lingerie as well as a cool pair of earrings. Finally I sprayed on a perfume that made me feel like the sexiest woman alive. I put on though a plain inconspicuous dress to dissuade any suspicion from my mother who was busy getting ready herself. Besides I knew I would not be wearing my dress for too long once Antoinette would arrive. When my parents left (they actually had to leave early so were gone by 7:00 PM) I finished my appearance with judicious application of make-up as well as sexy eye shadow and mascara. When I looked at myself in the mirror I was quite satisfied and felt I was totally beautiful.”
“Oh Connie,” Brenda interjected, “you are a truly gorgeous woman and you do not need any aid to enhance your natural beauty.”
“You are a dear for saying so” replied Connie, “I guess because I was so starved for sex, I wanted to simply please Antoinette. When Antoinette did arrive my jaws dropped on seeing her. She had a sexy dress on and obviously groomed herself carefully for me. She was simply yummy”
“If this Antoinette does resemble the actress Mia Kirshner, you certainly were fortunate to have such a beauty for girl on girl sex” observed Brenda.
Connie seeing what Brenda was implying thus replied: “Don’t sell yourself short Brenda. Yes you have a scarred face but anyone looking at you for any length of time can see that you are indeed beautiful and you truly have a terrific bod that most girls would kill for. Trust me having sex with you was every bit as enjoyable as with Antoinette.”
Brenda beamed at these words and cooed: “Thank you I know your lovemaking made me feel beautiful”
Connie continued: “As soon as Antoinette stepped in the house we started kissing as we could not keep our hands off each other. Our passionate kissing quickly weakened me as I felt my legs buckling from my arousal. So I broke off the kiss and indicated to Antoinette that we should quit fooling around and get to my bedroom immediately. As she agreed we quickly ran up to my room and peeled off our clothes. So much for my sexy lingerie but relief from my sexual tensions was the paramount consideration. We almost simultaneously got on my bed and resumed kissing. We were hugging each other as tightly as possible. The sensation of our tits pressing to each other was especially exciting given the contrast of our nipples. We were active in rolling on the bed so that during the non stop kissing we were at one time facing each other on our sides. Then I was flat on my back with Antoinette on top of me. Then Antoinette was on her back with me on top of her. Just the kissing alone was so delicious that I could not get enough of it.”
“When we finally stopped kissing we ended up on our backs next to each other. Automatically we each with the appropriate hand reached over to the other’s cunt. We then commenced a slow pleasant mutual masturbation of each other. Antoinette’s hand was very skilful and her fingers touched all the right spots. I was soon panting and actually drooling so gone was I. Antoinette seemed to know my cunt better than me as her fingers gave me pleasure no matter what she touched and sending shivers throughout my spine. Antoinette then became the aggressor. She turned to her side and started kissing my ears. This has to be one of my erogenous spots. Her tongue inside my ear simply gave me the impression that my brain was melting and I can not stand it more than one or two minutes before I would pass out. As a new innovation Antoinette kissed and licked my underarms. Wow was that a turn on! Soon she was on my nipples and earnestly suckling on them.”
“I started moaning and groaning. It is strange that my moans and groans would give the impression that I was in extreme pain and yet instead I was in the extreme high pleasure passion mode. Antoinette’s suckling of my breasts was so intense that I was in nirvana. Sensing my heightened passion Antoinette then lowered herself while I also moved forward so that Antoinette could start eating me out while she was comfortingly still on the bed. As soon as Antoinette’s tongue licked my vagina lips I screamed out ‘Oh God, yes Antoinette! Yes baby! Give me that delicious tongue. Suck my cunt.’ I put my hands down there and parted my cunt lips wide for easier access to Antoinette. Suddenly the door swung wide open and a furious Jennifer Gray entered. I discovered later that Jennifer had phoned Antoinette to invite her over to help in baby-sitting and some extra curricular activity once her kid brother would fall asleep. Antoinette’s mother innocently advised that she was with me. On hearing this Jennifer arranged with the next door teenage girl to take over in baby-sitting and she set out for my home. Obviously my cry of passion easily directed Jennifer to where Antoinette and I were located.”
“Jennifer upon seeing us in the compromising position screamed out ‘You fucking bitch! You two timing whore! Not satisfied with my love! I’ll teach you’ Jennifer spotted one of my hair brushes on the dresser and grabbed it. She then started spanking Antoinette on her ass and not too gently. Antoinette did not move at all or made any attempt to avoid the spanking. Instead she kept eating me out! Jennifer was fiercely wailing away without any let up. The only evidence that Antoinette gave of feeling pain was that some tears were forming in her eyes. The sight of seeing the hard and kinky spanking plus Antoinette’s cunnilingus on me drove me over the edge. I screamed out my orgasm as loudly as I was capable of- almost yelling: ‘Oh shit! Oh fuck! This is too much’ and I continued almost endlessly repeating those words as I could not come up with anything else to scream. The orgasm was of the utmost intensive kind. I was dimly aware that Antoinette was also climaxing. Jennifer stopped spanking Antoinette no doubt startled by the mutual orgasms we each demonstrated.”
“Jennifer let the brush drop and started sobbing and crying: ‘Oh God I am so sorry! I love you so much and I let my anger get the best of me.’ Antoinette got up and hugged Jennifer. As she stood up I saw her fiery red ass. Jennifer was truly vicious in her spanking as not only was Antoinette’s ass a deep red but there were also visible raised welts with some blood as well. The sight of Antoinette’s ass to me was both appalling as I realized how much the spanking must have hurt Antoinette. However it was also weirdly erotic to see her ass as I marveled at the pain Antoinette was willing to endure to pacify Jennifer. Antoinette started to calm and soothe Jennifer: ‘hush darling I do love you. Even though I was fucking Connie it does not mean I love you less. Jennifer you are my girl. Besides Connie will soon get a boyfriend and she will forget us. We always will have each other. In the meantime Connie is hot and we should both take the opportunity of sharing her.’”
“On hearing those words I was not sure I was so keen to have sex with Jennifer considering what a sadistic person she demonstrated to be. However as Antoinette clearly loved her I was willing to give her the benefit of doubt. Jennifer was sufficiently mollified and again apologized to Antoinette and also to me! Jennifer said to me: ‘I am truly sorry for interrupting but I was just jealous. You are so god damned beautiful that I was afraid of losing Antoinette. Let me make it up to you Connie. I can love on you as well as Antoinette.’ I smiled and got off the bed to give Jennifer a hug and a kiss. As our kiss intensified Antoinette started to remove Jennifer’s clothes and it was not too long before Jennifer was as naked as us. Soon there was nothing left to do but all of us getting to bed together.”
“Amazingly without any communication amongst us we automatically took our positions by intuition. Jennifer laid flat on her back and I on my knees straddled her face as I faced her legs. Jennifer had positioned her arms on the back of my legs so she could kiss and lick all parts of my pudendum and had free use of her hands. Antoinette being the lightest girl made it possible for us to complete in essence a right angled triangle. She first stood over Jennifer with her red ass facing me. She bent down and lifted her left leg and rested the leg on my left shoulder. As Jennifer was licking me I placed my hands on either side of Antoinette to steady her and thus she lifted her other leg on to my right shoulder. Antoinette also used her hands to steady herself and lighten her weight on me.”
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