The Adventures of Brenda Porter
As the hours went by it was clear that Spencer and Connie were an item and Tom was monopolizing Brenda. And so around eight o’clock Edward and Howard gave up the ghost and departed from the table. As it became nine o’clock Brenda was becoming quite confident in expecting sex from Tom. He was still obnoxious but all indications in their conversation seemed to point to inevitable sex. At this time in conjunction with a pre-arranged signal, the girls left the table to retire to the ladies powder room.
Once in the restroom, Connie started: “Congratulations Brenda it looks like you nabbed a hunk and your cherry will surely be popped.”
“Yes I am pretty sure he is going to fuck me but I don’t think he likes me too well” replied Brenda.
“Oh well Brenda as Shakespeare would say ‘The sex is the thing’” Both girls laughed at Connie’s paraphrasing the immortal bard’s familiar quote ‘the play’s the thing’.
“Yes well no matter how obnoxious Tom will prove to be at least he will be my first honest to goodness real live cock” giggled Brenda.
“Well here’s the deal” said Connie, “Spencer and I have hit it off and we will hook up. He has a car and we are going to go to his place. So you can have our room to yourself to pleasure Tom. All I ask is that you get rid of him by eight o’clock tomorrow morning as I want to get back by then”
“That’s a plan” replied Brenda, and so the girls returned to the table.
About twenty minutes later, Spencer and Connie excused themselves, got up and left the table and the bar. Thus Tom and Brenda were left alone. Tom seemed to not take particular notice of the change in the situation and appeared to be content to continue drinking. By ten o’clock as the latest pitcher of beer was nearly empty and before a replacement could be ordered Brenda plucked up her courage and said: “Look I live in a dorm near here. Would you like to come up to my room? I can offer you some bourbon.”
“OK” replied Tom sounding as bored as he could possibly be. They left the bar heading towards Brenda and Connie’s room but Tom made no effort to take a hold of Brenda’s hand.
“Jeepers” thought Brenda, “he is acting like he is going to his funeral instead to taking part in a presumed desirable activity. He sure is trying his best to take away all joy out of my first fuck.” Now ostensibly the university dorms have rules against girls having male visitors (and vice versa for that matter) in the late hour but this rule is flagrantly ignored. Consequently Brenda had no fear that she would be prevented from getting Tom into her room. In fact she was hoping that some of the girls of the dorm would be around to witness that “ugly” Brenda was able to snag a decent looking man.
As soon as the door of Brenda’s room was closed between them Tom wasted no time in getting down to the business at hand. Tom immediately said: “All right shit face let’s not fuck around –On your knees cunt face and suck my cock”
Taken aback by this gross vulgarity Brenda exclaimed: “Goodness what a romantic”
“Shut up fuck face” retorted Tom; “Just get your lips on my cock pronto.”
Brenda grabbed a pillow from her bed to cushion her knees from the hardness of the tiled floor. “Do you want to see my tits?” asked Brenda.
“Quit stalling and start sucking my cock shit face” was the only reply.
“Well I guess he is not in love with me” ruminated Brenda to herself. Once on her knees she grabbed Tom’s available cock as he had already dropped his pants and shorts. Although Tom’s nasty behavior was off putting tending to dampen any joy, nevertheless Brenda sighed at her first touch of his cock. Say what you will of the deficiencies in Tom’s character, he certainly possessed a magnificent cock and Brenda sure appreciated it. By her previous viewing of pornography on the internet, Brenda was aware of variety in male appendages and Tom’s certainly ranked highly. But more importantly Tom’s cock was real in Brenda’s hand whereas the cocks in pornography were just pictures.
Brenda almost reverently touched and started gingerly stroking Tom’s manhood. Once Brenda had Tom’s foreskin pulled back she adoringly took Tom’s tip into her mouth. Then Brenda commenced a slow and tantalizing blow job. The way Brenda mouthed Tom’s cock it was like she was worshipping it. So good did Tom’s cock feel in her mouth that she was almost able to block out Tom’s vile rantings.
Aroused by Brenda’s sucking, Tom uttered the following: “Yah bitch suck it good.
Yes cunt face you like my cock don’t you? Suck my cock good fuck face…”and so on
with constant similar phrases.
“Whatever floats your boat” was Brenda’s re-action to hearing those foul words. Brenda was determined not to have the pleasure of having her first cock be spoiled by Tom’s crude words. So she concentrated fully on sucking Tom’s cock and enjoying its taste.
Soon though, Tom’s sperm exploded from his cock quickly filling up Brenda’s mouth. In so doing, Tom screamed out: “I’m cumin’ bitch! Swallow that cum shit face! Goble it all up cunt face! Don’t you dare spill a drop fuck face!” Tom needed not to have worried on the last point as Brenda having waited so long for her first sex was not about to waste any precious male bodily fluids. Brenda was dedicated to savor every aspect of her first sex (with a man) and that included enjoying all tastes and smells.
As Tom’s cock wilted and slid out of Brenda’s mouth, Tom pulled up his shorts and pants and said: “Thanks for the blow job shit face. I’m outta here.”
“Wait don’t you even want to fuck me” asked Brenda dumbfounded.
“Do you have any protection?” asked Tom.
“Ah…er…well no” sheepishly replied Brenda. Darn why did I not think of that flashed through Brenda’s mind.
“I suspected as much. Well I have no condoms on me” retorted Tom and went on to say: “I don’t want to take the chance of getting you pregnant and I sure as hell don’t want to be responsible of bringing in an ugly child to this world” So saying Tom unceremoniously exited the room.
“But” wailed Brenda, “my face is ugly because of an accident not because of heredity. I can produce beautiful children I know I can.” These weeping words were not heard by Tom as he had made a quick exit since a blow job was all that he was interested in. Brenda’s scarred face prevented him from harboring any true sexual desire for her.
Brenda started sobbing loudly in her frustration. She realized her first sexual encounter with a man was now already over and she had not removed even one item of clothing. Her magnificent boobs, her splendid cunt and her perfect ass were of no avail. “Gads” Brenda bitterly thought, “it’s not even midnight. Well at least I don’t have to worry about Connie’s deadline.”
When Connie arrived the next morning she was wearing a beaming smile and sporting a sunny disposition leaving no doubt that her evening was much more successful than Brenda’s. However as soon as she saw Brenda’s tearful ugly face her compassion kicked in, and she hugged Brenda and asked: “Oh my dear darling Brenda, what happened you look so sad?”
Brenda burst into a full crying jag and said: “Oh God Connie, I have had sex with a man but I am still a virgin” In between the sobs Brenda related all the gory details of her episode with Tom”
“Well” said Connie, “at least we can remedy something from last night’s disaster. On Monday I will take you to the University medical clinic and get you a prescription of birth control pills. Don’t fret about Tom there are other fish in the sea. We all learn from our mistakes. It does not pay to kow tow to a boor as you can not possibly get decent sex from such ilk.” Thus Connie’s words cheered up Brenda and by day’s end she was almost back to normal and more determined than ever to lose her virginity status soon.
The next day Monday Brenda with Connie’s help got her first prescription of birth control pills. This gave Brenda more self confidence. Previously she had just been desperate to having sex so that birth control was the farthest thing from her mind. It is axiomatic if you are not having sex then you are not going to become pregnant. Now that she had the pills though, a psychological hurdle had been crossed. The pills in essence legitimized an active sex life since the fear of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy was removed.
Brenda then started giving some new thought as to how to plan on a new sexual experience and finally get rid of her virginity officially. She decided she should give her original idea a try i.e. cultivate a sex starved nerd that could not afford to be offended by her ugly face like Tom was. It turned out that in her English class and in particular in her tutorial group examining English novels there was a nerd named (Richard) Dick Evans that seemed to be exhibiting interest in her.
If you close your eyes and think what a typical nerd looks like chances are that you would come up with someone like Dick Evans. He was short 5’6” and thus glaringly shorter than Brenda who was 5’10”. He had curly hair and an eager baby face but however did not wear glasses. He also had a high winy voice and one could only shutter at what his voice must have sounded like when he was younger before his voice changed. He was not feminine or girlish but then again he was not manly either. As a result he had no sexual appeal whatsoever and so no girl would speak to him unless absolutely forced to. Although having a high desire to participate in sex Dick’s lack of appeal to girls rendered him with low esteem, shy and having no clue on how to attract a girl.
Dick was not stupid though. He realized that if he was ever going to have sex it would have to be with an unattractive or unappealing girl. Thus when he first saw Brenda his hopes soared high. It was obvious that Brenda was unappealing because of her hideous face. Dick, though, unlike most males who took no further notice of her, did discern that Brenda had a killer bod with great boobs. In Dick’s experience most ugly girls had ugly bodies as well. So from Dick’s perspective Brenda was his dream girl and he started in his inimical ways to woo Brenda.
Dick’s bumbling attentions to Brenda were so inadequate that at first she was not even aware that he was trying to hit on her. However after the fiasco with Tom, she was ready to try the unappealing. So she started encouraging his advances. Soon they were having long conversations after class and sharing coffee and sandwich for lunch at a nearby diner. Then two weeks after that auspicious football game, the English class was sponsoring a film night at an appropriate campus auditorium featuring a movie adaptation of one of the novels the class was studying. This then was mutually agreed upon to be their first date and Brenda was determined to make the most of it. Now Brenda had no desire for Dick as he truly was dreadful company but a fuck is a fuck thought Brenda and besides beggars can’t be choosers. Brenda swore to herself once she has sex with Dick she will get rid of that last thought forever.
Taking best friend's girlfriend's virginity... |
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