The Adventures of Brenda Porter
Brenda smiled again: “Thanks Connie- I am sure yours isn’t too bad either” and Brenda’s self esteem soared to a new height.
“You will see for yourself soon enough” replied Connie as she then pulled Brenda’s jeans and panties completely off and along with her socks had Brenda completely nude. Then Connie stepped off the bed and quickly shed her remaining clothes. As she tossed her clothes away Connie parted her legs to give Brenda a good view of her cunt. Holding one hand up in the air and with the other hand pointing at her cunt Connie said: “Voila!”
Connie’s cunt was cleanly shaved and also a perfect camel toe like appearance with a delicious pink hue unhindered by pubic hair. Brenda could only reply: “Wow” and clapped her hands in mock applause. Connie bowed and then got back into bed.
Trusting in Brenda instinctively knowing what to do Connie maneuvered into the classic sixty-nine position on top of Brenda. She parted Brenda’s vagina lips and stuck out her tongue to the top most part of Brenda’s vagina Connie started a deliberate swirling of all of Brenda’s insides. Connie’s muff dive of Brenda’s cunt soon progressed to a routine of intense tonguing of Brenda’s clitoris and the slurping up Brenda’s female juices.
If she was initially unaware of what was expected of her, as soon as Connie’s tongue touched her snatch Brenda, if she had had any doubt, now definitely knew exactly as to what to do. First with both hands free of Connie’s legs Brenda parted Connie’s ass cheeks causing her rosebud opening to burst out and open. Licking Connie’s crack she soon was able to stick her tongue up Connie’s rectum to a remarkable distance. As her tongue was twirling in Connie’s ass hole Connie let out a very loud moan and intense groan in full appreciation of Brenda’s lovemaking.
After completely satisfying Connie’s ass, Brenda’s tongue attacked Connie’s perineum and this caused Connie to groan and moan some more. This area was especially sensitive to Connie so Brenda’s tongue was driving her wild. Connie knew she would not be holding out too much longer. Meanwhile Brenda’s senses were heightened to a higher level by Connie’s pudendum odor. Connie’s smell reminded Brenda of strong cheese and was simply erotic to her. Brenda realized that savoring a lover’s body odor is the ultimate in intimacy of intense sexual pleasure. Soon Brenda was tonguing Connie’s slit and causing yet another gasp of pleasure. To perfect the pleasure of the cunnilingus Brenda stuck two fingers into Connie’s sensitive rectum. This caused Connie to shriek “Ahhhhhh……..!” a loud sound affirming intense pleasure.
Now when Connie had gotten back to the bed she had also picked up Brenda’s dildo and had placed it in easy reach on the bed. So when she felt Brenda’s fingers in her ass she got a hold of the dildo and started manipulating it into Brenda’s cunt. Brenda started immediately breathing in loud bursts as well as grunting in pleasure. Brenda’s hips also automatically started humping to increase the pleasure of the friction with the dildo. Then after some intense stroking Connie removed the dildo and resumed heavy tonguing of Brenda’s cunt. This change in activity caused Brenda to whimper. However Connie had a different wicked idea with the dildo as Brenda was soon to discover. Connie with dildo in hand reached underneath and positioned the dildo to penetrate Brenda’s rectum. Connie then proceeded to slowly push the dildo further into Brenda’s ass.
Brenda immediately on sensing the movement of the dildo in her ass screamed: “Oh shit that hurts! Oh fuck is that good! Oh shit that hurts! Oh fuck is that good! Oh shit do I need it! Don’t stop! Yes shove it in me! fuck my ass! Aghhhh…..” Brenda was shaking violently and her hips were humping more vigorously. It was quite evident that Brenda was experiencing a fantastic orgasm.
However as Brenda was screaming out her orgasm she was obviously not tonguing Connie’s cunt and that poor girl was on the edge! So Connie started pleading: “Ugh Brenda I am close! You got to help me. Don’t stop. Help me cum- give me your tongue.” Brenda although still writhing from her orgasm was aware of her obligation to Connie and so she quickly resumed her lapping of Connie’s cunt. Ah the relief of Brenda’s tonguing was a blessing to Connie. Soon Connie had her own orgasm as she blurted: “That’s right! That’s good. Oh your tongue is so good! Oh fuck I am cuming I am cuming Ahhh….”
It sure was lucky for the girls that the dorm rooms were well insulated since their orgasms were very noisy but there was no knock on the door. As the girls calmed down from their lovemaking they started to cuddle and smoothly caressing each other. As they were in Brenda’s bed, Connie asked: “God that was so great. For a first timer you sure were good. Look I am too fatigued if you don’t mind I don’t feel like going to my bed- I don’t want to move.”
As Brenda hugged Connie she replied: “Sure no problem Connie. I must say you are right about girl on girl sex. It really is a good substitute for the real thing. But I feel now I am truly ready for the real thing. I can’t wait till its Saturday.” So sated with satisfactory sex the girls soon fell asleep in each other’s arms. When they woke up Brenda gave a kiss and said: “Thank you Connie for my first sexual experience it was wonderful. I might want a reprise soon but not right now or I will never get to class.”
Connie replied: “The pleasure was all mine and yes we will have to do it again sometime but certainly not now or I will miss all my classes today.” The girls then showered, got dressed, had breakfast and went to class. Both girls sensed that from this day forward they would probably become life long friends and as an added bonus to their friendship lesbian love would be always possible and available.
Soon the big day arrived and Brenda could not be more excited. She felt it in
her bones that this was to be her lucky day. She was finally at long last going
to be a woman in other words she was going to lose her virginity. One thing nice
for Brenda was that, since her hymen had been ruptured by her family doctor for
medical reasons when she was eleven years old, she could pretend she was not a
virgin. She was under the impression that many college guys panic if they knew
they were with a virgin and given her looks she did not want to jinx her
She dressed with care as she knew that as her hideous looks were a huge strike against her, she must not have any other excuse to deter a prospective male companion. So she opted for an all leather outfit. When she was ready Connie gave out a wolf whistle as she said: “Wow doesn’t someone look sexy. I am most envious of the guy that is going to have his way with you Brenda.”
Although these words were comforting to her, Brenda could not help but despair as she looked at Connie. Connie was simply yummy! Brenda thought that Connie would have all men drooling over her and she would be ignored. However Brenda’s spirits rose a bit as she considered if enough men gathered at their table they would realize that Connie would only pick one of them. Thus the less confident of them would then look at her as a consolation prize. Since Brenda was desperate to end her virginity status she was willing to accept any man even on humiliating terms.
So in good spirits and with high expectation of eventual great sex the girls left early to check out some tailgating action before the game. Connie’s exceptional beauty provoked instant acceptance from anyone she came into contact with. Thus she was always offered food and drink no matter where she went and as Brenda was tagging along with her she also got the benefit of the food and drinks. By the time the game started the girls were well fed and had a good buzz as a result of quite a few imbibed beers.
Connie’s parents were loyal Spartan fans as both of them had attended MSU. There was no question that Connie’s brother and she would attend any other school except MSU. As a student Connie’s father had acquired excellent seats and kept going to Spartan games all these years. However as the years went by Connie’s father lost interest in attending the unimportant games in MSU’s schedule and so he had given tickets to this game to Connie as soon as they had dropped her off at the dormitory.
The seats were as Connie had promised great. They were located right behind the Spartans bench so the girls had a good view of the players. The girls’ opinion was that without a doubt the two most handsome players were quarterback Harry Quinn and tight end Bruce Fielding. The game ended with the Spartans winning by more than three touchdowns and two of the touchdowns scored by MSU were passes by Harry to Bruce. When Bruce came off the field after scoring one of those touchdowns, he noticed Connie cheering enthusiastically and really noticed how gorgeous she was. Connie also made eye contact with him and as she smiled eagerly at him, mentally determined that she was going to meet him eventually somehow.
As the game ended the girls wended their way to Harrison’s Road House. This bar was in walking distance from the football stadium as well as from the girls’ dormitory. Given its locale the bar was very popular to MSU students and particularly after a football game on a Saturday afternoon the place was extremely crowded probably exceeding the fire marshal’s limit. Even though the girls arrived just ten minutes after the game the place was already jumping and they had a fifteen minute wait before they got to a table. No sooner had they sat down, two guys asked if they could sit with them since space was at a premium and of course the girls had no problem in graciously accepting their company. And before the server arrived to take the initial order two more guys asked to sit in and were readily accepted as well and thus their table was now full asit was impractical to admit any more.
The seating arrangement without seeming to have any deliberate planning intent, naturally evolved to having the girls separated by two men on either side. Soon first name introductions were made all around. To Brenda’s left was Tom and on her right was Howard. To Connie’s left was Edward and to her right was Spencer. One thing Brenda appreciated about being a girl is that this outing was going to be very inexpensive. The guys all were wishing to get into Connie’s pants and they realized that if they were to become successful it was incumbent on them to foot the bills. Thus there was a silent acknowledgement that the girls were not obligated in paying for any drink or food item consumed.
As food and drink was being consumed the party became lively. To keep costs down the boys ordered pitchers of beer. Although each girl came from well to do parents they were cognizant of low budgets of some college students and thus they were willing to accommodate and not insist on costly drinks. Besides Brenda was mindful of Connie’s advice not to get too drunk and miss out on the fun of the eventual sexual encounter. Thus a pitcher of beer was quite ideal as it turns out because no one pays attention to how often any one fills up. Thus the guys at the table were soon feeling no pain while the girls still had their wits about them.
It was obvious to everyone at the table that Connie was the desired prize to achieve and hence Brenda was initially almost completely ignored by the guys. However as time passed it was becoming evident that Spencer and Connie were getting on and that she favored him. Edward and Howard eventually became sullen as they realized they were not being favored by the beautiful Connie. Tom on the other hand also realizing he was not in the running to get into Connie’s pants decided to pay attention to Brenda. Tom’s thinking went along these lines: “yes by God she is truly ugly but what the hell a fuck is a fuck. Besides the bitch should be ever so grateful to have my cock and she better suck it.” It turns out that Tom was most interested in having his cock sucked but his boorish attitude turned off most females. Although willing to be fucked by him they were unwilling to give in to his desire for a blow job. Thus Tom had never up to this point had his cock serviced by a female mouth. Tom started conversing with Brenda in earnest and Brenda’s hideous countenance was a good sign that his wishes for a blow job would be fulfilled.
For Brenda the first part of the time at Harrison’s was very frustrating since none of the guys paid the slightest bit of attention to her. However since this was not unexpected, Brenda spent her time closely noticing how Connie was handling the situation. She was hoping to pick up some points on flirting to be used when the occasion should arise. Finally when Tom started to talk to Brenda it was a welcome end to the tedium. Brenda soon learned Tom’s last name was Branstetter and that he hailed from the adjacent suburb of Detroit to the suburb Brenda was from so that there were lots of things in common to discuss.
Tom was fairly good looking although slightly overweight. He had a fierce face sporting a sexy looking mustache. His hair was jet black giving him a dashing Latin or Italian air to him. His slight beer belly distorted an otherwise solid and pleasing torso. All in all although Tom was not as handsome as a typical good looking male movie star, he was certainly good looking enough to cause the female juices in Brenda to heat up. The anticipation of her imminent first sex with a man was making Brenda giddy in her horniness.
As the conversation was flowing, Brenda detected a couple of negative vibes. First of all Tom, as he was talking, avoided looking directly at Brenda as much as possible and there was never any eye contact between them. It was obvious to Brenda that Tom was repulsed by her face and could not bear looking at it. Since this reaction was all too familiar for Brenda, she was not unduly perturbed by Tom’s squeamishness. After all reasoned Brenda, in a darkened bedroom her ugly face should not be an issue or impediment to pleasurable sex. Her great boobs and ideal cunt should be much more important in this regard and Brenda had nothing to fear from that quarter. The real hurdle to the pleasurable sex was to get to the darkened bedroom and things were promising as Tom was continuing to be attentive to Brenda.
The second negative vibe though was much more disturbing. Tom had a very condescending tone and attitude in the way he spoke to Brenda. It was clear that the message he was conveying to her was that she should be grateful that he deigned to pay any attention to her. He also deliberately kept looking around the barroom blatantly surveying the females in the bar. Luckily for Brenda almost every woman had at least one male companion so that prospects for picking up a stray girl were not good. Thus Tom stayed put but he made it obvious to Brenda that she would not normally be his choice for female companionship. This did not auger well for Tom to be a good lover never mind a great lover. But Brenda kept repeating to herself “beggars can’t be choosers”. Maybe Tom would not be a good lover but at least he would be a lover.
The new slave Marcie awakes and meets her masters sister... They have lots of FUN! |
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