Sweet Catherine 2
With her tits then bare, she arched back into the couch and started teasing the edge of her panties. She allowed her legs to open further and the four men snapped shots of her while she ground her hips and moaned. Her panties were stuck to her pussy. They were obviously damp, and the soft white cotton was glued to her. She pealed them down until her little thatch of hair appeared above them but she only teased the men at that, and she smiled and smoothed them back up again.
Roger took charge from that point. He had her get up onto her hands and knees and with the other three men cheering he got behind her and started grinding himself against her butt. Catherine played along, wriggling back against him and letting him hold her hips and thrust. Roger’s hands moved back though and he’d gathered the edge of her panties. Catherine looked back at him. She appeared hesitant, but she allowed him to pull them down and work them from her legs.
Roger’s hand then closed over the back of her neck and her eyes closed as he fumbled with his belt. He ripped it open and tore at the front of his trousers while Catherine ground her hips and moaned into a cushion. He got his cock in hand. It was short and thick and fully erect. He forced it into her and started humping her while the other three men took photos.
Karl was firming again himself as he watched. He noticed Gunter had left his camera though and he watched him search for something behind the bar. He emerged after a few minutes with his Viagra. He popped one and offered them to Alfred and Herbert. Herbert took one but Alfred was already erect.
Catherine seemed to be in orgasm when Roger came in her. She was writhing back against him and her tits were shuddering as her body convulsed. Roger rode her through that and when she laid back down he withdrew and offered his place to Alfred. “Take some photos for me?” Alfred asked of Roger and he got in behind Catherine while working his trousers down his thighs.
Karl held Catherine’s gaze as Alfred fucked her. He approached and knelt down to smooth her hair from her forehead. “Is this ok?”
“I don’t mind…” Catherine uttered, but her eyes closed again as Alfred surged forward and unloaded inside of her.
Alfred asked for his camera and he leant back and snapped a few shots with his chocolate colored cock still in her cunt. They had her lay back down after Alfred had finished. She had submitted completely and they opened her legs and photographed her dripping little slit.
It turned out that Roger had taken his Viagra before Catherine arrived, so he was next to manage an erection. He laid down on top of her and fucked her missionary and when he’d finished he sat back and they all crowded in to get some shots of his cum seeping out of her.
“That’s fucking amazing,” Herbert gasped. He was masturbating furiously, trying to get his cock up, but it was obviously not responding and he seemed to be about to ejaculate.
“Do you want me to suck you?” Catherine asked. She was propped on her elbows with her legs still spread wide. Herbert staggered close and she opened her mouth over the head of his cock. He bucked immediately, and he held her head and thrust two or three times and his old body shuddered as he shot his load.
Catherine moaned over the old mans cock. His balls were still clenched and with his cock having firmed it continued to throb. There was semen leaking from the corner of Catherine’s mouth. She had swallowed once but her eyes were wide and it was obvious that the old guy was still pumping sperm into her mouth. He released her head and he supported himself against the backrest of the couch while she lifted to him and sucked him from beneath. His big old balls had finally softened and they were gently caressing her chin as she worked his spent dick with her lips and tongue. She allowed his cock to slip from her mouth and softly sucked on his balls. “Did you like that…” she said to him. “Did you like me sucking you off…”
The others had stood watching, stunned, but they suddenly came to life and started snapping more photos. Catherine smiled for them. She then took Herbert’s cock back into her mouth and sucked him slowly for their cameras.
Karl brought her another wine after that. She’d pulled her blouse on and with the camera’s exhausted the four photographers settled with beers. “And I thought you were going to be nice older gentlemen…” Catherine teased, and they chatted and laughed for an hour before Karl signaled it was time to leave.
“Wait,” Gunter complained. “I’m ready now.”
Gunter had been a little quiet and he’d been constantly checking his crotch. It seemed to have taken a while but he had an erection and he had it out through his trousers displaying it to Catherine.
“Come on old friend – I think the moment may have passed.” Karl laughed as he gave old Gunter an affectionate slap on the back.
Gunter was looking at Catherine. She was still sitting in just her blouse. She was blushing and trying to avoid staring at the quite angry looking cock that was levering at her shoulder. It was impressive in both length and girth and it was roped in thick veins that almost seemed to be pulsing. “Can I fuck you?” he asked simply and Catherine turned a deeper shade of red.
She sat up and faced him.
“You could just suck him off,” Karl suggested.
“I’d rather fuck her,” Gunter argued, although he was actually imploring her with the desperation in his voice.
Catherine smiled shyly. She had turned away but she looked up at the old German again. “Ok, but you have to be gentle at first…”
“I will… I might need a pill these days but I know what to do with it once it’s up.” He was grinning broadly and massaging himself proudly.
Catherine almost giggled, out of nervousness, Karl thought. She then laid back on the couch and Gunter opened her legs and knelt between them. He sucked his fingers into his mouth and rubbed them into her pussy, opening her and causing her to arch her hips and present herself to him. Her eyes had closed but they opened again and she peered around at the other men watching. Gunter had his fingers inside of her and he soon had her moist and ready for penetration. He lowered himself and worked the head of his cock in. He then started thrusting slowly and steadily until he was completely inside of her.
Catherine moaned softly as he rolled his hips and lifted her. She then clung to the arm of the couch while he slowly fucked her through to orgasm. He was supporting himself above her and her body was taut and quivering, and the old German started fucking her for his own pleasure. He used his hips to thrust and he speared her through a second orgasm before he let out a strangled cry and pumped his cum into her.
Thursday morning Catherine lay staring at the ceiling with her husband still asleep beside her. She had confessed every detail of what had happened with the men from the photography club. And after her confession her husband had held her down and fucked her himself.
She lay staring at the ceiling for an hour, wondering what she had been thinking to allow those old men to have sex with her, to photograph her like that. She got up and showered then prepared her husband’s breakfast. But even as she chastised herself she found herself watching out the kitchen window for the neighbor, Dave. She saw him in his back yard and then she heard his truck start up. It wasn’t the car in his garage but it was still quite loud, and she drifted into a daydream about being held by him, about him taking her and forcing her. She thought of what she should wear for when he came over that night and she decided on a little white halter neck top that would hug her breasts and a denim skirt that she could trim an inch off, and she thought of the red transparent panties out of the box she had hidden in her wardrobe.
Len came down showered and dressed for work, and in a hurry. She saw him off and decided to soak in a bath for an hour before the postman was due to arrive. She emerged from the bath totally relaxed and freshly shaved. She slipped on her satin robe, remaining completely bare beneath, and she enjoyed her breakfast and a cup of tea.
The knock at the door was precisely on time.
“Morning ma’am…”
“It’s Catherine… not ma’am… would you like to come in while I sign that?”
“Err… ok…”
Catherine took his clipboard and stepped to her little table. She looked back at the postman, meeting his eyes only fleetingly as they lifted from her legs. She then held her breath and bent to sign her name.
“Fuck me!” the man groaned and Catherine bit down on her smile.
“Is this what you wanted?” she asked softly.
He had stepped closer. “Fuck yes!” he gasped and he rubbed at the bulge in his trousers.
Catherine bent down and laid her head on her arms. She closed her eyes and waited for him.
She felt him lightly touch her, gathering her robe and moving it up her back a little. She arched her hips, offering herself. “You can fuck if you want… You don’t have to say anything – you can just do it to me…”
“Oh God… Oh fuck…” the man groaned, and Catherine lay for a moment waiting when suddenly she felt his cum slurp in heavy ropes all over her bottom.
She turned to look at him. He was staring at her bottom and he touched her. He touched her bottom with his fingers, smoothing his cum, and she laid her head back down as she felt his fingers mash into her pussy. She braced against them and he smoothed his hand over her bottom again and rubbed some more of his warm fluid into her. “That feels nice,” she said softly and he slid a finger into her and felt around inside. He then withdrew his finger and cleaned more of his cum from her bottom and rubbed it into her pussy. He rubbed against her clit and then sunk a finger in again and Catherine ground herself back against the palm of his hand. He started pumping her. He kept his finger inside of her and pumped her with his arm. His hand was vibrating against her and she could feel finger spearing into her juices. She bit down on her arm as her orgasm pulsed through her body.
He gently withdrew his finger and wiped the last of his cum from her bottom. He softly felt into her again, cleaning his fingers in the folds of her pussy. He then collected his clipboard and left.
Catherine lifted herself from the table. She watched from behind her door until the postman had moved on to the next house. She felt her pussy. It was gooey with his semen and she touched her fingers to her lips and tasted it.
He’d left her parcel on the floor and she took it into the kitchen and carefully unwrapped the paper. Inside the box was a foot long dildo. For those hard to reach places.
Catherine spent the day unpacking more of the storage boxes in the garage. They had been in the house only a few weeks and there was still so much to sort through. She spent all morning and most of the afternoon before drawing another bath and getting ready for her visitors.
“You look good,” Len offered, cuddling up behind her while she was doing the dishes.
“Not too slutty?” Catherine asked. The top she had on was virtually see-through. It was white and the fabric was thin and sheer. Her boobs moved freely and her nipples were clearly visible. She certainly felt slutty.
“It’s perfect. Especially your panties – are they new?”
“Yes. I’ve got them in a few different colors. I like the red tonight.”
Len returned to the table to finish his coffee. He watched his wife organize some nuts and chips to go with the beer. She didn’t need to bend very far to flash her panties and there was no way she could sit down without displaying them. And he watched her tits sway and wobble about. Her nipples were constantly firm too and he was anxiously awaiting the guys so he could watch them look her over.
“So, what am I supposed to do all night while you men are playing cards?” Catherine asked. She had finished setting up and she had slipped onto Len’s lap.
“Well cards are not the point. We’ll mostly be chatting and that – why not stay and join in… You know, maybe you could serve the guys their beers and let them enjoy looking at you.”
“Just looking at me? But what if they try to touch – what should I do?”
“I don’t know yet… I’m not sure how I’ll feel about watching them touch you. I’ll stop things if they get out of hand though. You just do whatever you feel comfortable with and I’ll deal with it if it’s more than I want to see.”
Karl and Dave arrived with beer under their arms and a deck of cards. Len took the beer and went to stack it in the fridge while they each gave his wife a hug. Karl went first. He gave her a nice, neighborly squeeze but Len noticed him kiss her lips rather than her cheek. He then stepped back and Dave put his big arms around her and his hand wrapped right around and pressed into the side of her breast. And as he released her he caught her off guard and kissed her lips as well. He kissed her hard and left her red faced and gasping for a breath.
They followed her into the dining room and sat down. Karl had claimed her hand and he held it while chatting with her about a new development planned for the local shopping mall. Dave sat quietly looking at her tits. Her nipples were firm and dark enough to be visible through her top, and with her little top hugging her like it was painted on, the subtle movements of her body were causing her tits to sway and jiggle about.
She broke away from Karl and returned with a bowl of chips, and reaching across the table to place it down gave the two men their first opportunity to have a look at her panties. Both Karl and Dave leant back in their seats and had a look and Catherine had noticed and she remained there for a moment straightening some flowers she had in a vase. “They’re still going well,” Karl suggested. They were flowers from his garden.
“Yes I have them over by the window in the sun during the day…” Catherine enthused, and while she and Karl settled into conversation about flowers and gardens Dave strolled over to where Len was standing in the kitchen doorway.
“Thanks man,” he said, accepting one of the beers Len was holding. He then stood quietly watching Catherine again. She was still leaning over the table and the crotch of her little red panties was visible beneath the hem of her skirt. “That’s fuckin nice,” he said after a few minutes. “You don’t mind us looking then?”
“No harm in looking,” Len replied and Catherine glanced back at him in mid sentence and smoothed her hand over her bottom. She was blushing a little but she didn’t stand up right away so Dave tilted his head quite deliberately to have a better look.
“She looked good in the pics too but there’s nothing like the real thing.”
Karl glanced over. “Wait till we get hold of the ones from yesterday. Some of those will be even better.”
“They were fucking her in those ones weren’t they?” Dave asked, but he obviously knew and was only trying to get Catherine to blush a little brighter.
“This sounds like boy talk, so I should go and leave you with it I guess,” she said, feigning disinterest.
“No, we’re just teasing love.” Karl had claimed her hand again.
“Well if you’re going to talk about me as if I’m not here…”
“What, don’t you like men enjoying your sexy little body? Up and down the street there’d be men pawing over you pictures and thinking about what they’d like to be doing with you right now.”
“At least half a dozen that I know of,” Dave added with a grin.
“You like us looking at you don’t you love?” Karl went on mildly. “You’re looking very sexy tonight…”
Len was erect. He hadn’t expected them to be so forward. Karl had turned her around and he was holding her arms out and looking at her breasts and her legs. He released her hands and gathered the hem of her skirt and lifted it up. “The red ones huh…” He smiled up at her and she shook her head, biting down on her smile. He then felt her pussy. He simply groped his hand in between her legs and she giggled and twisted away from him.
“God, at least you could wait until later,” she scolded, but she was looking at Dave and all Len heard was yes, but not until later.
“So are we going to play some poker?” Karl asked. He had the deck in his hand and he started shuffling.
Catherine squeezed between her husband and Dave and went into the kitchen. Dave took his seat again and Len sat down opposite. They sorted their cash and the game kicked off and went along as something to do while chatting.
Catherine set up with a magazine at the breakfast bar but she stayed in the conversation and as she was sitting on a stool there was a fine view of the transparent little red triangle between her legs. She had her legs crossed for a while but as she giggled and chatted, and began to relax, she uncrossed her legs and seemed to forget that she was displaying herself. There was then a fine view of the thin strip of mesh covering her and as her knees occasionally strayed there was a very nice view of her slit.
The beers were empty and she brought over the next round. She placed one before Karl and Dave, and handed one across to Len. Dave grinned and had a quick little pinch of her bum. She twisted away from him, blushing, and Karl did the same thing.
“Hey you guys… none of that unless you’re going to tip!” she giggled, and she brushed away from old Karl as he tried it again.
Len shifted in his seat to make room for his persisting erection. He wanted one of them to get hold of his wife. He didn’t know what he wanted them to do but he knew he wanted to see one of them touch her.
The game slanted one way and then another, and the conversation drifted from sports to cars and then on to politics and the like. The beers had dried up again and Catherine finished her second glass of wine and brought more. She stayed at the table that time and rested against Karl’s shoulder watching him play. His arm kind of absently slipped around her and he was gently stroking her hip for a while.
Len tried to keep an eye on what he was doing but he didn’t want to be seen to be staring. He just kept playing and chatting and after a while he noticed Karl’s hand had lowered to her thigh and he was just rubbing slowly up and down. Then the deal came around to Karl and he had to stop. After he’d dealt though his arm went back around her, and that time Len noticed that his hand didn’t reappear at all.
Len glanced at Catherine’s face. She was staring at the table and sort of nibbling her wine glass. Her eyes closed and then slowly opened again. Len noticed Dave was watching Karl as well. He was grinning and leaning back a bit to see what the old guy was doing.
Len tried to concentrate on the game. He dealt the next hand and played it through and when Karl’s hand reappeared to deal the next, Len noticed that the tips of his fingers were wet, and when he picked up his cards he felt a slippery mark on the back of one of them.
The drinks needed replenishing and Catherine left and returned with another round. She again served Karl and Dave and handed Len his beer across the table, and that time when Dave’s hand went up her skirt she only touched his arm and didn’t try to push away from him. Instead she allowed him to pull her close and she remained there leaning against his shoulder.
Karl dealt another hand and Len took his cards and tried not to look up. The opening round of bets were made and the discards were thrown in. The next round of bets were laid and Len glanced up to see that Dave had his hand between his wife’s thighs. He was rubbing gently, just caressing the inner of her left thigh, and as Len watched, Dave slipped his hand up higher and felt her pussy.
Catherine’s fingers dug into his shoulder and Len glanced up and met her eyes. Her lips were parted and she gathered a breath, and Len looked back down as Dave’s hand twisted and then moved upward again. “She’s fuckin wet man,” he said evenly and Catherine blushed.
“She’s tight too, isn’t she?” Karl grinned. “Here… do you want me to deal again?”
Karl dealt a new hand and Len held Dave’s gaze for a moment. He then sorted his cards and played through that hand watching Dave quite obviously fingering his wife.
The air had become too thick for conversation. Len and Karl alternated with the deal and Catherine rested there against Dave’s shoulder, occasionally sipping her wine and with her hand having moved to Dave’s collar to softly stroke his neck.
Another hand finished and as Len shuffled the cards Dave reached for Catherine and drew her down, meeting her lips and kissing her, and as she moaned into his mouth he felt her tit, massaging it firmly. Her hand closed over his but she didn’t try to pull it away, and his other hand slipped up the front of her skirt that time with his fingers sliding down the front of her panties.
Len could clearly see his middle finger being inserted into her pussy. He pushed it all the way up her and rubbed her with the palm of his hand. She broke away from his kiss and held to his shoulders for a moment. Len met her eyes again and she smiled lightly through her blush. She then twisted away from Dave and pushed at his hands. “Wait – I have to get some more beers now,” she said sweetly.
She came back that time with a bag of chips and when she was leaning over the table to top up the bowl Dave felt up under her skirt again, and Karl also leant around and had a look. The two men then smiled to each other and Karl reached in behind her legs as well.
Catherine remained bent over the table while the two men enjoyed her. Len stood and walked around to see what they were doing. Dave was holding her panties aside and he had her cunt pealed open, while Karl was working his finger in and out and rubbing over her clit. Then while Karl was still rubbing her clit Dave inserted his finger and felt around inside of her. “She is fucking tight isn’t she…” Dave said, and Karl nodded. “And she’s so fucking wet… look at her. Look at that juicy little pussy.”
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