Sweet Catherine 2
She gathered herself, fixing her hair and straightening her dress and panties, then she went down to find her husband and murder him. She was half way down the stairs when she saw Karl’s knees again. “Hello. How are you?” he greeted her cheerily. It was too late to turn and run.
“Hi. I’m fine,” Catherine answered, and she accepted the flowers as he stood and presented them to her.
“Len got a call from work. He said he’d be a few hours and that I should wait for you. Hope you don’t mind…”
“No. That’s fine. I was just sleeping.”
He had stepped close and offered a neighborly kiss. His big cheek was whiskery and his cologne was thick. Catherine’s nipples had responded to that, and the weight of his hand upon her hip sent a shiver down her spine that seemed to soak into the crotch of her panties.
“I also brought over a disc with your photos but your husband took it with him. He said something about doing up an email for some of his buddies.”
“He had better not,” Catherine giggled, biting down on her lip as the older man looked her up and down slowly. “So you haven’t shown them to anyone?”
“No, not yet… only Dave and my good friend Stuart. Dave made a few discs for me. I’m not up on all this new technology. And Stuart called in just now. He’s been watching for you each morning since you moved in and he asked about you so I showed him.”
“Who is Stuart… and Dave – is he that guy over the back with the car?”
“Yes love. Dave’s the big guy you can hear revving his car every afternoon. It’s a Cobra. He says he wants you to go over and have a look… And Stuart – well you’ll see him pass by every morning on a little red motorbike delivering the mail. He’s been hoping for some registered post so he can come to your door.”
“And they’ve both seen the pictures of me…” Catherine was speaking to herself, acknowledging the fact aloud. Karl had stepped around behind her and the heat from his body was searing right through her dress.
His big hands closed over her bare shoulders and her legs weakened as he bent to brush her neck with the mellow warmth of his voice. “Thank you for last night…”
She melted back against him. His mouth opened over her neck and his tongue against her skin sent another wave of tingles that crawled all over her body. “You can have me again,” she uttered softly.
He moved her body forward and she knelt on the couch and held to the backrest. She still had the flowers in her hand and she laid her head down upon her arms and watched him tare at his shorts. He freed his cock. It levered upward, firming and expanding before her eyes. He bunched her dress over her back and pealed her panties down, lifting them from beneath her knees as he spread them a little. She closed her eyes as she felt his fingers, but he only probed and mashed her juices for a few seconds and then she felt the head of his cock, and suddenly he speared the full length of it into her body.
Catherine bit into her arm as the power of his thrusts intensified. That deep ache had expanded and warmed, and when she felt him ejaculate it contracted and ripped through her body.
He had collapsed over her back and she lifted as his hands closed over her breasts. His massive shaft was still softly throbbing inside of her and she wriggled back against it, mashing her gaping pussy over the base of it.
“I’m going away for a few days. I’ll be back on Wednesday,” he breathed into her neck. “I want you to do something for me when I get back…”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to pose for some of my friends… We’ve got a photography club and they’re always going on about having a girl pose for them. Not nude – just in something sexy like this little dress you’ve got here…”
“Ok… but you won’t show them those other pictures will you?”
“No, I won’t show those guys. I’m going to get Dave to help me email them to a few of the other men in the street this afternoon but not to those guys – they can wait.”
Catherine had arched her back and presented herself for the older man to enjoy. He was still semi-firm, firm enough to penetrate her, and he was slowly slipping his cock in and out. He was groping her breasts and he nuzzled into her neck again. “God you feel good…”
“Do you like me like this?” Catherine uttered, bracing as he thrust into her hard. “Mmm you’re so big… sooo deep inside of me…”
“Do you like it deep love? Do you want to sit on my lap like you did last night?”
“Ah ha…” Catherine moaned as the older man thrust hard again, and she ground herself back against him. “But I want you to cum on my face again ok…”
It was dinner time when Len finally arrived home. He found his wife bathed and wrapped in her bath robe in front of the tv. She served his dinner and hovered around him as he ate. She then cuddled up next to him and her soft kisses trailed down his chest until her warm mouth closed over his cock. After he’d unloaded he asked her what had happened with Karl, and after his shower he took her to bed and fucked her hard.
Sunday was hot and Catherine wore another of her light summer dresses for a shopping trip to the market across town. Len teased and played with her all day. She allowed him to show her off as he pleased and he managed to get her to flash her panties for quite a few men. He had her stand against a rail with the breeze lifting her dress while below there were a line up of men at an outdoor bar. Another time he dragged her onto a trampoline while a group of young guys watched on, and he abandoned her when a few of them decided they wanted a turn with her. He stood back and watched three of them each have a turn holding her hands and seeing how far they could get her dress to rise.
That night Len strolled down the back to have a chat with the big guy, Dave. There were gates in the back fences and he was invited through to have a look at the Cobra. He stayed for a beer but didn’t broach the subject of the pictures of Catherine. Dave suggested a card night after Karl got home and Len agreed to Thursday. “We should have it at your place though,” Dave added thoughtfully. “It’d be nice to meet your wife too… welcome her to the neighborhood and such.”
Catherine was waiting when Len got home. “So, where have you been?”
“Chatting with one of our neighbors. The big guy over the back – Dave.”
“Oh… chatting about what?”
“This and that. That’s some car he’s got.”
“His car! What about my photos. He’s seen them you know.”
“Yeah I know. Karl told me. But I didn’t let on that I knew. He wants to meet you though. He and Karl play cards on Thursday nights and this week they’re going to be coming over here… Maybe you could wear something sexy?”
“Maybe,” Catherine smiled. “Oh that reminds me – Karl wants me to pose for his photo club on Wednesday. He said it’s just some old guys and I wouldn’t have to take my clothes off or anything.”
“Sounds like fun. Can I come?”
“No! It’s in the afternoon, so you’ll be at work.”
Catherine suddenly felt alone and vulnerable when she saw her husband off to work the next morning. She drew the curtains and peered out at men passing, wondering if they had seen the pictures of her naked. About mid-morning there was a knock at the door and she peeped out to see it was only the postman.
“Morning ma’am – registered post – just be needing a signature.”
Catherine accepted a small parcel and leant across the man to sign his clipboard. She felt his eyes. She felt his hand brush her hip but she told herself she had only imagined it. She thanked him and closed the door.
She tore open the parcel to find a box filled with transparent panties of all different colors. The note in the bottom read: Had to give Stuart an excuse to come to your door and I thought you might like these. Love Karl
“Oh my God – the postman!” Catherine suddenly remembered Karl talking about his friend on the little red motorbike. She peered through her curtains to see him still looking back at her door. He waved and she blushed and quickly hid. The robe she was wearing was bulky and covered her well but she clutched it tight anyway.
Catherine spent the day indoors but she needed milk and had to go and get some. The gas station was the closest shop. There was only one male customer and a boy serving. Neither of them seemed to look twice so she felt confident they weren’t friends of Karl. She was standing at the counter waiting for change when the door opened and in walked Dave. My God did he follow me, she thought to herself. She had on a sweat shirt but folded her arms anyway, and her track pants were not the least bit sexy but she was pleased about that right then. She felt his eyes as she hurried past him. It was rude not to acknowledge him but her legs were weakening and she needed to be at home. She ran inside and peered back through her curtain to see if he’d followed. She ended up sitting on the floor laughing at herself, and as the adrenalin cooled in her veins it was replaced by a warm rush that forced her hand down her panties again.
On Tuesday Catherine watched for the postman. She had rushed Len off to work and chosen a simple house dress. It was to her knees and buttoned up to deny even a hint of cleavage but beneath it she had only a pair of the transparent panties Karl had sent her. She watched the postman make his way slowly up the street. He would have been mid-forties she thought. He was tall and kind of thin, with short brown hair turning gray. He stopped at her letter box and sorted through his mail bag. He slipped a letter into her mail box and her heart fluttered as he then opened one of the bags on the side of his motorbike. He pulled out a package, just like the one he’d brought the day before, and he strode into her yard grinning.
Catherine rushed to the mirror in the foyer. She smoothed her hair and fiddled with her dress. She undid one button then did it back up again. The knock on the door sent a wave of red tingles to her face and it firmed her nipples instantly. She could feel the weight of the light fabric against them as she walked to the door and she could feel the movement of her breasts beneath her dress.
“Morning ma’am - registered post...”
Catherine smiled. She couldn’t speak. She accepted the parcel and leant close to sign her name. She felt the heat from his chest against her shoulder and his breath in her hair seemed to glide over her skin. This man has seen me naked and with my legs open, was the thought flashing through her mind as she stepped back to close the door, and the last glimpse she had of him was of the obvious bulge in the front of his blue trousers.
She smiled to herself. She flopped back against the door giggling inwardly. She lifted the front of her dress and felt her pussy through the little panties Karl had sent. She giggled at how wet she was, again!
Suddenly remembering the parcel she tore at the wrapping and found a box with three tiny negligees, one pink, one black and the other white. Something to wear with those little panties, the note read. She held the black one up to the mirror. It was completely transparent and ended at her waist with a simple ribbon tie in front.
Catherine spent the day inside again but she waited until Dave was working in his garage before taking the washing out. She still had on her big frumpy house dress but she’d removed her panties and when she heard the roar of that engine she thought she felt a trickle of fluid run down her leg.
The engine had stopped and she could hear him shuffling around. She then heard the door of his garage open and her heart thumped. “Hi there… Catherine isn’t it?” His voice was deep and had a confident ease that settled her.
“Yes. And you’re Dave?”
“David. Nice to meet you, finally. I’ve seen you around…”
Catherine suddenly felt silly for not saying hello at the gas station. “My husband says you’re coming over later in the week.”
“Looking forward to it… We’ll play some cards, have a few laughs… you’re going to be home, right?”
“Yes, I’ll be home. I don’t play cards though, so I’ll try not to disturb you men.”
“Disturb us! Can’t imagine that…”
“Oh I can be annoying – you’re not going to be smoking any cigars are you?”
“Cigars? No. Old Karl doesn’t mind the occasional smoke though… You know – the funny stuff. How would that be?”
“Oh I’ll definitely be annoying if you make me smoke any of that. It makes me giggle and be silly.”
“David!” A woman’s voice rang out from the kitchen window of Dave’s house.
“Is that your wife?” Catherine asked.
“Yeah… In trouble again...” He was chuckling and Catherine stood plucking at her dress while he looked her over. “I’d better go… Thursday night ok.”
That night Catherine wore the white negligee and matching white panties. After fending Len off and sending him to work the next morning she wrapped a short satin robe around herself and waited for the postman. He arrived at exactly the same time as the day before and when he opened the bag on the side of his motorbike she hurried to the mirror.
Her robe covered her panties but only by an inch or so. She turned and bent forward a little, and saw that it revealed them quite easily. Her heart was fluttering wildly as she opened the door.
“Morning ma’am… err… registered umm… you need to sign again.”
Catherine was blushing. She glanced at his face but quickly averted her gaze. “I have a letter… could you take it for me?” she asked sweetly, and she went back to the small table by the mirror. She had an envelope there and a bill that needed posting. “Can I borrow your pen?”
“Certainly ma’am.” The postman stepped inside and approached, offering his pen. Catherine tried to breathe but she couldn’t. She could feel his eyes and she bent down to write on the envelope. She could see him in the mirror. He stepped back and his head tilted to the side. She couldn’t remember the address. It was there in the book and she fumbled through the pages to find it. She saw that he was feeling himself. He had his clipboard covering his crotch but he had his hand behind it and his arm was moving. She scribbled the address down and handed him the envelope. She met his eyes and they lowered to her chest and then lifted again. Her blush deepened. “You’re looking very pretty today,” he said and Catherine wanted to run.
“I have something boiling,” she said, urging him towards the door.
“You need to sign ma’am…”
Catherine scribbled her name and pushed the postman out the door. She ended up slumped there again and she looked down at herself. Her robe was ruffled and open enough to show her breasts. She didn’t know how much he had seen when she was bent over but her panties were a single layer of thin nylon. She felt them and they were damp.
She tore at her parcel. Inside the box was a yellow pleated skirt and a white blouse, along with a pair of plain white cotton panties and a simple lace bra. I’ll pick you up at 2pm.
Catherine took the box upstairs and peered out to see the postman making his way along the street. She slumped on the bed and raked her inner thighs, clamped her legs closed, and rolled onto her side with her fingers pressing the little nylon panties into her dripping wet pussy.
Karl Logan tossed his overnight bag into the laundry and checked the time. It was after one and he had to make a few calls, shower and shave, and be ready by two. He dispensed with the calls first, confirming the sale of some shares with his broker, booking a venue for the gardening society’s annual summer function, and arranging the next gift to be delivered to the sweet young wife next door. He had his friend, Stuart, on call to pick it up, write out a card and wrap it for delivery.
At two he knocked on Catherine’s front door and was greeted by her pretty smile and delightful little blush. She was dressed as he had requested, although he noticed she had on a different bra. He was looking at her breasts when she spoke. “The one you picked out was the wrong size – is this one ok?”
“It’s actually a better choice love. Sort of a soft yellow is it… it’s lovely.”
“Would you like to come in? There’s some beer if you’d like.”
Karl followed into the kitchen. There wasn’t really time but he wanted to take a few minutes alone with her. He’d been thinking about her for days and the way she looked in the little pleated skirt had him firming. He moved in behind her when she opened the fridge. He gathered the scent of her perfume from her shoulder. She responded by rocking back and tilting her head. He kissed her neck, tasting her sweet milky skin and drawing more of the soft aroma of her perfume. She moaned and he reached up and cupped her tits. “I might need to fuck you before we go… You’re so fucking gorgeous, I might need another go at that sweet little cunt before I can take you anywhere…”
“Ah ha…” she moaned softly, grinding herself against his cock. “Do you want me right here?”
He took her hand and led her to the dining table. He turned her around and bent her over it. He lifted her skirt over her back and pulled her panties down. He felt her cunt. “God that’s so fucking wet,” he groaned, and he freed his cock and slipped it in, then he fucked her hard and pumped a load of cum into her.
“Sorry love I just really needed that.”
Catherine stood and fixed her panties back into place. She was still blushing a little and sort of smiling to herself. “I like it when a man uses me like that,” she said sweetly. “I wish my husband would do it sometimes.”
“God love, if he knew you liked it he’d probably do it all the time.”
“No, not all the time – I wouldn’t want that. But sometimes…”
“Hmm… how about that beer. I might take it with…”
Nicely relaxed, Karl led his neighbor’s wife to his car and drove her across town to where his photography club friends had a small clubhouse nestled in an allotment on the edge of the forest. It was more than a cabin, being carpeted and air-conditioned, and it was decorated with leather couches which had been rearranged out of the way, leaving one for the photo shoot. They had set up lighting and had also placed a bar stool ready for some shots they obviously had in mind.
Catherine was trembling as Karl led her into the centre of the room. The four men crowded around grinning and offering their hands. Alfred was sixty three. He was a tall black man, balding rapidly, with a firm body hardened by forty years laying bricks. Roger was sixty seven. He was a broad, hairy shouldered Englishman. Herbert was fifty nine. He was a short, round bodied accountant with a grin that split his face. And Gunter was a sixty two year old German, formerly a farmer and lately a long haul truck driver.
They had Catherine pose on the stool first. Alfred gave her a bunch of roses to hold and asked her to look out the window and imagine she had lost her true love. She giggled but soon settled and put on quite a good performance, Karl thought.
Her four photographers clicked away, crawling all around her and snapping shots from every conceivable angle. They had her cross and uncross her legs, and turn a little one way or the other. They lifted her chin or smoothed her hair behind an ear and the like. She was laughing along with their jokes and doing her best to give them the emotion they were asking for in her poses.
Karl met her eyes at the first sign of nervousness. It was when Gunter wanted to adjust her blouse. His thick fingers were fumbling with the top button and Karl held her gaze steadily while he did it. He opened her neckline and ruffled her blouse a little and Karl saw his old hands graze the sides of her breasts.
They went back to snapping away with their cameras and Karl poured Catherine a glass of wine, which they used as a prop for more shots. She was onto her second glass when they took the stool away and had her sit on the couch.
Each of the men had a turn at repositioning her between shots. As she relaxed they began pawing her legs, shifting them back or forward as she sat with them tucked to the side. They adjusted her skirt a few times and the first glimpses of white between her thighs were available. Then Alfred had her sit up and hug her knees and the four of them had turns getting down low and snapping shots of her legs.
Karl had poured her forth glass of wine and she was smiling and beginning to tease them. She was pouting and raking her fingers through her hair. She slapped Gunter’s hand when he tried for another button on her blouse but while she was giggling over the back of the couch at Roger he tried again and that time he managed to get her blouse open enough that they could see her bra.
The four of them went at her again. They had her skirt hiked up and her little cotton panties on display, and they got her to undo the rest of her buttons so they could photograph her in her bra. She was kneeling and waiting for Roger to reposition the cushions when Herbert gathered her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders. She blushed a little but laid down as they’d requested and lifted her arms above her head. She was then photographed with her legs in various positions. She allowed them to pull her skirt right up and move her legs as they wished, but she managed to keep her legs together.
“What about your skirt sweetie – can we take it off?” It was Gunter again. He was already searching for the clasp and zipper and Catherine lifted to allow him access to get at it. Karl saw the complete submission in her eyes at that point and he knew they would get whatever they wanted.
It was mostly Gunter and Roger who organized her poses after that. They had her tossing her hair and arching her back. They’d managed to get her to part her legs for some of the shots and more than once Karl noticed Roger groping her pussy. It was all playfully done though, and Catherine was responding with laughter and by pushing their hands away at times. They had her sitting with her back arched and with her bottom on the edge of the couch and her legs slightly open. They were taking shots of her like that when Gunter reached over from behind the couch and lifted her bra over her tits. She smiled back at him and he reached beneath her back and snapped the clasp. “That’s better,” he grinned and Catherine allowed him to remove it completely.
Magda schemes to add her Mom, step-dad, and Bjorg to the relationship... |
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